Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 51 Partying Up

Outskirts of Luka Town

Great Western Empire

May 6th

Year 1051

The next morning, Evan groggily got up from the bed in the inn he stayed at and made his way to the public bathhouse to take a bath before beginning the day's activities.

He had no thoughts about showing his actual face so he did not attempt to disguise himself or anything.

This was because the majority of the people around were all commoners, there was a low chance of them recognizing a high noble like him just from his face.

Entering into the adventurer's guild building and greeting the receptionist John along with a few other adventurers he became familiar with over time, he walked up to the quest board to see what quests were available for the day.

It was a simple large board that was in adventurer's guild branch, where the available commissions the guild had were pinned to it so the adventurers could pick them up and complete them.

He saw no reasonable quest that an E rank like him could do, and all of the good D rank quests had already been picked by other adventurers.

Heaving a sigh, he thought about just going into the E Ranked dungeons that were in Luka when he heard a group shouting that they were looking for a companion to join them on a quest.

He walked up to them and decided to join them.contemporary romance

"Yo! You're looking for a companion, I'm up for it if you want."

They were nine in total, he noticed that most of them had white or dark skin, and had blonde, red, or brown hair.

'What a multi-coloured combination.'

As he thought that one of them approached him, it was a man was wearing a small shield on his arm and had a short sword attached to it.

With a sigh, he reached his hand out to Evan and shooed him away.

"Hey kid, you better go play somewhere else okay, we're going on a real quest here."

As he said that, the other adventurers in the guild building suddenly quieted down, some of then shook their heads in sadness while some sent sympathetic gazes to the man and his party.

Evan looked at the man that spoke to him and appraised him. Upon seeing his level, he couldn't help but reply out loud.

"Well, this 'kid' has a higher level than you though?"

"Hold on, what bullshit are you spouting?"

Another voice spoke up and Evan turned his gaze in the speaker's direction.

It was a girl whose height was not much different from his, one he believed was most likely not form Luka.

Besides this small girl, three other members, a woman carrying a rapier, a long-eared beauty with a quiver on her back, and a weak framed girl barely holding onto her wooden shield.

The three of them seemed to know each other and were quite close too.

The girlwho spoke up was a blonde, twin-tailed beauty, whose hair shone like gold and whose wooden staff matched well. However, the way she talked wasn't cute in the slightest.

"Did you walk into the wrong place? This is the adventurer's guild you know, where people who fight monsters that can kill you with a slap are meant to be."

Let's say you are actually an adventurer, I bet you probably just registered.

What's with your clothes too? You don't even have a weapon, totally unprepared, you'd just be dead weight if we took you."

Evan casually ignored her rant and spoke to the man who seemed to be the leader of the party.

"Are you letting me in or not, I can prove my level you know? The adventurer's guild has a level measuring artifact."

He turned towards the counter and continued.



John who was at the counter replied and pulled out the magic artifact from under the table.

It was then the party leader noticed the fact that the guild was strangely quiet and everyone was staring at them.

When he looked back at Evan, the latter had already gone over to the counter and placed his hand on the level measuring artifact.

The artifact was a simple cuboid like device that had a separate stone slate which the one wishing to measure their level placed their hand on.

This slate was connected to the cuboid like part that Evan termed the 'CPU' and it scanned the magic power in the body of the one placing their hand on it to determine their level.

As for the number that was displayed, it was far higher than the party members had expected.

"F-fourty seveen?!"

"Oh! he's gotten two more levels this week."

"He really is a fast leveller."

[Fast Fast!]

[shut up you fat spirit!]

The adventurers and spirits voices rang out as his level was displayed. From the reactions of the adventurers, it seemed to be an expected result.

The party leader was shocked once again and could not comprehend how a kid that looked no less than ten had a higher level than him, despite the fact that he had been entering dungeons for months.

Evan had nearly stabbed the snot nosed receptionist who was working a different shift from John when he first came over to register himself.

She had arbitrarily concluded that he was too weak to be an adventurer and sent him away. Sadly, for her, he was very pissed from his three weeks of switching carriages and camping in the forest so he took his anger out on her.

Evan did not hesitate to pull out his main weapon, the sword of Pride that he had gotten used to during his travels and forced her to conduct the registration process while the sword remained on her neck.

As for the other adventurers who were present then, they all watched the show while making bets on how long it would take the guild master to come down.

They had also gotten fed up with the attitude of the receptionist and saw the situation as her reckoning.

Even so, this event caused the adventurers of Luka to have mixed feelings towards Evan.

Some weaker ones feared him slightly, some were scared of his weapon, the ominous looking Sword of Pride, and not him

To others, it was as if he was just a slightly hot-blooded kid who happened to be in a bad mood.

They even came up to him and offered to take him on some quests as his strength was far higher than the rank of quests he could go for.

This was part of the reason he met the quota to increase his rank within a mere three weeks.

After looking at his displayed level, Evan turned to the dumbfounded group leader and asked again.

"You up for it?"


"Good. Then let's go."

He then looked at the John at the counter and asked in a quiet voice.

"Can you help me with a few more quests from tomorrow's batch?"

"You know the drill, I get part of the commission."

John answered as he pulled out two sheets of paper and slipped them into Evan's hands.

"Those are ten-man quests, the nine of them should make up the number requirement. Get back before the guild master comes back."

Evan nodded and fist-bumped with John before walking up to the dumbfounded party leader and informing him about the two other quests he took.

"H-hey! We can't do three quests."

"I'd do them myself, just stay for the head count. Its not like its the first-time I'd kill that many orcs alone."

Evan replied the group leader and walked to the door before turning around and saying,

"Are you not coming?"

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