Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 40 Meanwhile, On Evan’s Side Of The Story... [REWRITTEN]

"Martial Art: Fatal Edge."

"Demonic Arts: Final Flame."

Yetu swung down with his sword coated in brownish light while Seith thrust his sword covered in black flames forward to meet his blade.


There was an explosion of greater intensity than ever, releasing shockwaves that shook the entire dungeon and the city above it.

A giant mushroom cloud could be seen in the boss room as the entire room was covered in dust, smoke…and blood.


A burst of energy released by Seith revealed the result of their final clash as Yetu looked down at the hole in the middle of his torso that had a sword through it.

His gaze turned to his sword that had divided the earth where it landed, but sadly missed its target as he heaved one last sigh.


Seith pulled out his sword from Yetu's torso as the troll Emperor dropped to his knees, enlightenment flashing through his eyes as he took one last deep breath.

Seeing the troll Emperor that died while on its knees with its eyes open caused Seith to sigh while sheathing his sword before raising his hand to close the troll Emperor's eyes.

He walked past the corpse and moved towards the double doors that were originally hidden by the now-destroyed troll Emperor's throne.


He pulled out a silver medallion from his pocket and rose it towards the doors.


With a loud humming sound, the giant set of double doors creaked open, revealing the room behind it.

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Eris Main Residence, Gerfast

Great Western Empire

April 12th

Year 1051

The young master of the Eris household collapsing caused a stir among the servants as they did not understand why he suddenly collapsed.

He seemed fine when he just returned and was chatting with the royal family alongside the ducal couple.

Suddenly, there was a scream from the lounge that alerted the knights standing guard in the corridor.

When they barged into the room with weapons drawn, they were met with the image of the Duchess in tears and the young Duke on the floor.

The Duke was about to summon multiple physicians to examine him, however, the Princess strangely insisted on summoning none, claiming it was not necessary.

She even went as far as to use her authority as a member of the imperial family to order the Duke.

This shocked the servants that witnessed it, causing them to have mixed feelings about the Princess. After all, if a person suddenly collapsed, the normal thing to do was to call a doctor.

The Princess insisting on not calling one, even going to great lengths to prevent a doctor from being summoned made it seem like she did not mean well to Evan.

Much to their surprise, the Emperor followed through with his daughter's words despite the Duchess' pleas.

'There has to be a reason why she doesn't want him being examined.'

There was indeed a reason why she didn't want that, and that was because even if they examined Evan, they would not find a thing!

The reason Evan collapsed was something that only the Seven Heroes were privy to.

To sum it up nicely, Evan's actions, were pretty much him breaking a restriction that was placed on the seven heroes.

Or to be exact; whoever possessed a Mystic Eye Series Skill.

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How they were restricted from taking certain actions and the reason why dated back to more than a thousand years ago when the previous Seven Heroes reincarnated.

Their reincarnation magic was flawed and it messed with the law of reincarnation. As such, in order to reduce the probability of others messing with the law like how they did, restrictions were placed on them.

All these were done by a 'certain son of a bitch law' that existed to place restrictions on and punish those who broke other laws.

The restrictions were placed on the important things that pertained to their reincarnation.

Concerning the restrictions on the knowledge of the 'Mystic Eye Series Skills', these skills were the main conduit for selecting the bodies they were to reincarnate into.

The bodies they had set to reincarnate into, were the bodies of whichever children possessed their Mystic eye skills exactly a thousand years from then.

As such, the current Seven Heroes could not 'spread information about' the 'conduit' for the reincarnation magic that deified the law of reincarnation, which were the 'Mystic Eye Series Skills'.

Concerning the restrictions on information pertaining to the incoming demon invasion and details of the invasion from a thousand years ago, these were the 'reasons' or the 'justifications' that the heroes had for reincarnating.

As such, the current Seven Heroes could not 'spread information about' the 'reason' why the reincarnation magic that defied the law of reincarnation was cast, which was the incoming demon invasion.

Of course, said restrictions only applied to whoever had the 'Mystic Eye Series Skills' so other people were allowed to talk about this.

The problem was that for the Seven Heroes to speak about this themselves, the ones they were speaking to had to have prior knowledge of what they were speaking about or they would suffer repercussions depending on how much information they tried to 'spread'.

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Eventually, Evan was moved to his room and all the servants were sent out. It was then that Laurene finally said that the young hero would wake up in a few minutes.

The Duke was surprised, wondering why Laurene knew this. Thinking further, he realized she also seemed to know the reason for him falling unconscious in the first place.

The weather also changed rapidly as if in response to the gloomy mood in the ducal mansion.

In Evan's room, Laurene was currently throwing a fit for the first time since she had awakened her mystic eye skill and gained the memories of the previous 'Fourth'.

The one her anger was directed to, was none other than the Duchess.

"He said he couldn't tell you about it, so why didn't you leave it at that?! Why did you have to ask him again?!"

"Calm down Laurene."

The Emperor tried to calm Laurene but it was futile.

Laurene, after being influenced slightly by the memories she possessed, had a personality change.

She had begun acting more mature for her age, a result of the influx of memories of a being who was decades older than everyone in the room combined.

But when it came to issues regarding the seven heroes, she lost her cool, just like the previous fourth.

The current seven heroes were not allowed to speak of their mystic eye series skills due to the actions of the previous heroes.

There would be repercussions if they did not meet the conditions to speak of the skill.contemporary romance

Their unique skills were not ordinary unique skills, to say the least. If unique skills had grades, then theirs would be the rarest of the rare.

They were 'Series Skills', after all.

Thus, the previous heroes' actions incurred greater restrictions on the knowledge of them. This was also due to the things that could be gained when one gathered multiple series skills but Evan and Laurene didn't know this.

If the party being told did not have the basic knowledge of the existence of the skills, then the one telling would suffer a repercussion.

They were also not allowed to speak of another hero's skill without the permission of the hero in question.

The repercussion they received differed depending on the situation.

"Luckily it's just a level decrease, not much difference in his stats too, no lost skills or titles either."

Laurene heaved a sigh of relief as she appraised Evan and discovered the repercussion that he received was one where he lost a single level.

It was not much in her eyes. As for him falling unconscious, that was simply because his body was regressing to a state where he was one level lower.

It was a single level so it would not take long, that was why she was sure he would wake up soon.

As for the others, they were shocked for obvious reasons.

Especially the Duchess, she shed tears when she realized that she might have weakened her son or caused him to be deprived of his skills.

'What sort of dangerous skill is that?

To think his level would decrease just by speaking of it, there were no records of such skills in the royal library skill archive, as far as I had checked.'

Most of the known skills were recorded in the royal library's skill archive, along with their effects and side effects. The Emperor usually read through them in his spare time so he had a lot of knowledge about skills.

The Empress then broke the silence, asking the question that had been on her mind for a while.

"Still, why did he not just keep quiet about I- Oh!"

She wanted to ask why Evan did not keep his silence but then she remembered the skill possessed by the Duchess. It was one that could be considered slightly dangerous.

Laurene who sensed something wrong with her reaction, appraised the Duchess and saw the skill that the Empress just thought of.

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