Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 34 Catching Up With Pride

'So, the damn bastard is truly level 1000 huh?'

He was level 1000 in the game too, but that was a thousand years ago, there's no way he hasn't gotten higher than that.'

[The goddess 'Artemisia' agrees with you]

'So what level is he now?'

[The goddess 'Artemisia' says she does not know as the god in charge of his world is blocking her from peering into it]

Evan clicked his tongue in annoyance after seeing that reply, not knowing the demon king's current level really annoyed him, and Artemisia said that the existence realm above transcendence was classified information.

[The goddess 'Artemisia' says that it shall be revealed when you have sufficient strength. She also reminds you not to forget your aim for coming here.]

"Ah, that's right! Pride, form a contract with me, I'd help you regain your power and beat the demon king, in return you'd help me...kill the demon king."

"Why should I enter a contract with you?"

"Why should you not? We have a lot in common, we both aren't human, we both aren't from this world, and we both hate the demon king."

"You don't really hate the demon king now do you?"contemporary romance

Pride looked at him with eyes filled with doubt, Evan on the other hand, just shrugged his shoulders and said,

"Well, you're right, but he's the reason I'm going through all this stress of trying to recruit you so I might have started to develop a little bit of hatred towards him."

​ "Ha! Even if you do hate the demon king, you're still a human hero, why should I join hands with you?"

"Huh? Didn't I just say I'm not human?"

"Yes, but you are a hero of the humans are you not?"

At that point, Evan remembered the bullshit setting from the game that prevented him from gaining the seven deadly sins.

'To think the real thing has that silly mentality too.'

"Well, I'm not a being from this world, I was just called here, and given the task of defeating the demon king, I could not really care less of this world's mankind.

I'd just simply return to mine when I'm done with the job after all."

"Called here? By who?"

"Take a guess? Who has the power to do that?"

Pride thought about it for about a minute and replied with a questioning tone.

"The dragon lord?"

"Huh? Could Altrishia do that?"

"Who's Altrishia?"

Evan and Pride stared at each other for a while, and they both realized they were not on the same page. Finally, Evan realized why after a few moments.

"Are you talking about the previous dragon lord from a thousand years ago? Gorm?"

"Previous? Gorm's dead??!"

Pride was completely shocked, she remembered the power of the previous dragon lord and the number of people she knew of who could kill him could be counted on one hand.

"Yeah, McEnda killed him."

"Greater General McEnda?! That guy is the demon king's, right-hand man! That bastard was here?!"

"Tone it down a bit, yeah he was here, Gorm killed him too."

"He's dead too?! And Gorm killed him? How?!"

"Double suicide."

Evan took a moment to remember the scene from the game that showed the fight between the two when he was on a quest to retrieve Gorm's legacy.

"That was one of the best Cut Scenes."

[The goddess 'Artemisia' implores you to be serious with the matter at hand.]

"Oh, yeah... McEnda killed him and he killed McEnda."

They were both high-ranking members of their respective races. One was the lord of the most powerful race in Aidos, the Dragons.

The other was the second in command of the demon army.

They were both existences over Level 900; both also did not want the other killing off members of their race.

Half of the Dark Continent was destroyed in the course of their battle that lasted 3 days, in the end, they both ended up killing each other.

"Simple, Right?"

"I don't see how that is simple."

Pride retorted with an exasperated sigh before asking.

"How strong is the current dragon lord compared to Gorm?"

"It's been nearly a thousand years since she took the position so she's probably way higher than your level before you got sealed that is, isn't that right Artemisia?"

[The goddess 'Artemisia' says you are correct.]

Hearing his words, Pride was shocked.

She knew the name 'Artemisia', the priests that usually healed the injured human soldiers during the war usually worshipped her.

Among the gods worshipped by the denizens of Aidos, Artemisia had the highest denomination. This was only natural as she was the one in charge of it, the other gods worshipped were also her subordinates, but the beings of Aidos didn't need to know that.

"Are you speaking to the goddess? Is that even possible in a dungeon like this?"

"Hm, yeah, she's the one who called me here, didn't I say that?"

"No, you did not. You most definitely did not."

Pride replied in annoyance while Evan just laughed, however, that laugh was cut short the moment he heard pride's next words.

"Never expected you to be a puppet of the gods."

The moment those words left her mouth, the atmosphere changed.

Pride reflexively attempted to activate her unique skill, this was a danger response ingrained in her body.

She felt fear, an indescribable fear.


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