Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 301 Moving Onwards

"Bultom Dungeon City?"

"Yeah. That was our original destination, however, we ended up digressing when we saw the situation here with our own eyes."

"Oh, I see.

Things would have been a lot worse if we were taken by surprise, however, the Duke had already informed us beforehand so we were more prepared to deal with the sudden influx of undead.

It is a pity that I could not stretch my forces too thin and risk having higher populated areas with less protection against these 'life-seeking' creatures.

That was why I had issued the quest through the guild to get adventurers to help smaller towns evacuate, especially after hearing that more than a few had fallen to the undead attacks."

The Count spoke as he signed off on some papers the official brought for him, before turning to Evan and continuing.

"Bultom is currently under a lot of high scrutinies right now, with many Lords pushing the blame of the sudden rise in undead numbers towards them."

"I guess that was unavoidable, seeing as they have three undead dungeons. But the ones blaming them should actually stop to think about it and realize that it can't possibly be Bultom's fault.contemporary romance

If this many undead were able to escape Bultom city and attack other towns, then the undead should have at least destroyed Bultom city first."

Evan spoke with a sigh, shaking his head while tossing his insignia and guild card into his inventory.

"Oh well. The truth of the matter would eventually be revealed, but that's a matter for later.

Right now, I have to focus on getting there first and meeting the Duke.

I'm more than just a few days late but given I was busy escorting citizens of his Duchy to safety; he'd cut me some slack."

The Count's eyes slightly widened in surprise for a moment, before he nodded to himself as if having realized something.

"Worry not, Lord Eris. I'd do well to spread the word of your good deeds."

This time, it was Evan's turn to stare at the Count in surprise, chuckling the moment after as he held out a hand to shake the Count and spoke.

"I really like smart people like you, Count.

They do what they need to do without having to be explicitly told to do it."

The Count gave Evan a knowing smile in response to his words as he shook the boy's hand.

"Here, a little token of my appreciation."

Evan pulled out a robe from his inventory and tossed it over to the Knight captain who was standing beside the Count, intending for the man to check it over before handing it to his lord.

"It's a defensive artifact. Quite useful against B-rank monsters."

The boy then turned to his companions and informed them of their imminent departure, throwing a strange glance at Greed who was holding a bag of shiny magic tools in his hands.

"Do well to keep your word, Count."

After leaving that statement, Evan waved at the guild master who was supervising a few things at the gates, before jumping off the walls and dashing towards his party's carriage.

◇ ◇ ◇

Watching the retreating backs of Evan's party members, the Knight captain standing beside the Count, spoke up while holding the robe Evan had tossed to him.

"It's clear, my lord."

The Count nodded and the knight captain passed the robe over to a lower-levelled knight, instructing him to take it to the Count's residence.

"He probably got the other Lords whose territories he helped evacuations in to spread the word of his actions.

That's probably why news of his actions spread as fast as they did, even reaching the parts of the Duchy that are unaffected by the undead situation."

The Count spoke out loud as he watched Evan's carriage fade into the distance, with the Knight captain nodding in agreement with his words.

"The kid's a lot stronger than I thought he'd be, though. He's even stronger than his father, the renowned 'Blood Duke'."


"No doubt.

The level of power I felt from him Is higher than what I felt when I saw the Prime minister at the founding ball."

The knight captain replied to the Count's question, with his lord only raising an eyebrow slightly before turning his gaze back to the happenings at the gate.

"If I was to gauge the kid's level, it's probably at least 230, and there's no way someone like him wouldn't have a few trump cards that would allow him to face higher levelled opponents on even footing.

So, his real strength should be around ten levels higher."

The vice-captain who led the knights that escorted the evacuating civilians along with Evan joined in the conversation, unknowingly calling out a number that was five levels higher than Evan's actual level.

"The confidence that he moves with makes me think that he may even be able to match things fifteen levels higher than he is.

Besides, the kid is one thing, but his companions are no pushovers either.

Leaving out the mage girl who didn't seem weak in close quarters, those two black-haired siblings really give me dangerous vibes.

Especially the woman. She is probably just as strong as the kid, if not higher.

And I almost forgot about that cat too."

"The black cat?"

"Yeah. No way in hell that thing ain't a spirit of some kind."

Surprised expressions coloured the faces of the Count and the Knight Captain when they heard that Evan might be a spirit contractor.

The Count just shook his head and sighed, before turning around and stating his intentions to return to his office.

"You're doing what he said?"


Even if it was a quest, one I posted to the adventurers' guild, it doesn't change the fact that he and his companions still greatly contributed to protecting more than five thousand citizens of my County and helping them evacuate to safety.

The least I could do is spread a few rumours for him using my information network."

The Count yawned lightly as he spoke, instructing the knights to supervise the situation as he moved down the stairs and entered his carriage back to his office.

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