Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 276 Discussing With Laurene (And The Bigwigs) III

"If they are weaker, isn't that a good thing?"

However, Evan's answer was not the kind they had expected.


It's bad.

Very bad.

You know why?

It's because to circumvent that weakness, he'd be appearing in person.]


[Who else? The Eighth Finger of the Demonic hand himself.

The Necromancer of Disaster responsible for the incident in Graugro that left twelve cities desecrated, twenty-five years ago.

Unfortunately, being powerful doesn't guarantee that you would have a Unique Series Skill, so even though he was killed by the Beast King, it wasn't permanent.

Now, he's back, and his contracted Demon has made him even more troublesome to deal with.]

Evan pulled out a chair from his inventory and sat down before continuing.

[Judging from the way things are now, by the time I get to Bultom, the undead would have already begun attacking in waves.

In fact, right now, as we are speaking, I think the undead should have already started moving. We might be able to cull most of their numbers if multiple expeditions to all of Bultom city's undead dungeons are carried out simultaneously.

I did give Duke Cheverton a vague idea of things when I spoke to him at the last founding ball, but I doubt he's been able to get the full picture so I want you to explain things to him so he can start taking action while I make my way over there.

Thankfully, I had Joanna registered on my guild card so I can directly contact her and tell her to update Gavin. It all depends on how lazy she is at the time though.

I hope she answers, so I can get her to update both Gavin and Bishop Amelie too.

There's also the part where I have to get the Church of Artemisia to send forces too but I've got that covered.]

The boy sunk into his thoughts once more while Duke Cheverton temporarily left the projection to give out some orders concerning Bultom city's dungeons.

[If the Eighth finger makes an appearance in person, then the battle power we're going to need would be on a totally different level than originally planned.

We're going to need more foot soldiers and knights to take out the lower-level undead, with the high-ranked knights dealing with the undead of similar level.

Also, when I told you to ask your dad and the Duke to deploy the 'Second' and 'Fourth' swords, I was just planning for the worst-case scenario before, but now that we know that said worst-case scenario is the one that's gonna happen, then their existences are needed.

It may sound like a lot, having to call three of our Empire's strongest combatants against this one guy but you're gonna have to realize that the Eighth Finger has multiple grandmaster-level undead servants.

The Grandmaster level Knights under Duke Cheverton wouldn't be enough.]

Placing his hands on his chin, Evan started muttering to himself.

[Ralphie should be close to level 400 now, I think? I'm not sure since he wasn't in the Dullahan attack.

I'm sure that Duke Cheverton is level 426 now though.]

Despite muttering to himself, his voice was still captured by the microphone and transmitted all the way to Laurene, meaning the people with her could also hear him.

The result of that was a very surprised Duke Cheverton who came back to the magic projection, only to hear Evan muttering his level.

'How does he know my exact level?'

Unaware of the Duke's inner thoughts, Laurene asked Evan for more about the 'Dullahan Attack'.

[It's the Second on the list of disasters I showed you at that time.

Oh, I forgot to say, but the restrictions on me were lessened recently.]

contemporary romance

Hearing his words, all the talk about the Dullahans flew out of Laurene's head as she almost moved to grab Evan's hologram appearance to ask him how he had achieved that.

[Let's just call it an extra perk I get from being the Leader of the Seven heroes. Explaining it is complicated and you're probably not gonna believe me.

Or maybe you might? but now's not the time.

More importantly, since my restrictions are lessened, I can tell you the number of Disasters that the Demonic Hand has planned without issue,

There'd be eight in total.

The attack of Dullahans led by the Eight Finger is the second on that list of disasters I showed you last year.]

Laurene remembered the piece of paper that Evan had held up for her while asking if she could see the contents on the day he had 'disappeared'.

Just before she could reply, she heard Evan mutter something about experimenting before looking directly at her and speaking.

[The one after the Dullahan Attack is going to be the L1(&^%$wcDj!

Well, it's obvious I still can't say that.]

[The goddess 'Artemisia' expresses her desire to slap the face of a certain hero.]

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While the others in the room were quietly discussing the weird static noise they just heard from Evan, Laurene was looking at the two notifications that popped up in front of her eyes with mild surprise.

'Does Evan talk to the goddess regularly like this?'

Evan, oblivious to the fact that Artemisia let the fact she was watching them currently be known to Laurene, continued talking about some of his plans.

[It'd be nice if Ralphie can get to Level 400 before the main attack happens though, because the reason why I told you I'd need Ralphie and the Second Sword, is because of the Eighth Finger's supposed trump card.

It's not the kind of undead anything below level 400 can fight.

Hopefully, things go well and Duke Cheverton kills the Dullahan King Vazgan before it can wreak as much havoc as it was originally supposed to.

But that's gonna cause the Eighth finger to show up earlier than he's probably planning to and that's where shit gets real.

The man has a skill that lets him deploy a domain over a certain area, making it so that any living being that dies within it, returns right after as an undead servant of his.

Very simple and very deadly, it affects Grandmaster level Existences too.

And although Duke Cheverton is strong, he can't face off the Eighth Finger's trump card all alone. He'd die and if he returns as an undead, we're all fucked in more ways than one.

Hence why I need the Second and Fourth swords too.]

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