Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 230 Small Talk And Reply

"Hey, just what is it about me that you like?"

"What about you that I like? Almost everything."

Eliza rose her eyebrows in surprise, chuckling a bit as she asked.

"Isn't this the part where you're supposed to say 'everything', not 'almost everything'."

"I'm not gonna lie to you and say I like everything about you.

After all, there are some things about you that occasionally get on my nerves.

Your domestic violence tendencies for example."

Evan replied to Eliza's question as he poured a bit more wine into his and her glasses, before picking his up and taking a small sip.

"Makes sense It's the same for me, after all.

I don't like your habit of blatantly ignoring your body's well-being and using self-damaging skills and abilities.

Do you have any idea how worried I get whenever you take such actions?"

Eliza spoke with a frown right before there was a knock on the door of the room. Evan gave permission and the waiter entered with a tray carrying their dessert, placing them on the table with some drinks before bowing lightly and leaving the room.

Despite the fact that their desserts were placed in front of them, the two teenagers didn't even spare them a glance, keeping their gazes locked on each other as they remained in silence for close to a minute.

Eventually, Eliza broke the eye contact, turning her gaze to the desserts placed in front of her as she spoke.

"On the topic of things about you that I don't like. There are your slight sociopathic tendencies, and your attitude of you dealing with serious things like it's a joke."

"Huh? Me? Sociopathic? how?

Besides, if we're talking about things we don't like about each other, then there's the part where you..."

The two began bantering with each other, however, unlike a normal couple that would talk about what they liked about the other, these two spent the rest of their time at the restaurant tabulating their dislikes for each other.

◇ ◇ ◇

After finishing their food and drinks, the two decided to call it a day and return to the inn. As they sat in the carriage that moved down the illuminated streets of Kasteblum, Eliza posed a question to Evan.

"Evan, do you really think a relationship between us can work out?"

The young hero, tilted his head to the side while lost in his thoughts for a few moments before speaking out again.

"I honestly feel that whether It can work out or not depends on us alone and not any external factors."

"Sure about that?

Don't forget that you are the son of a high noble. There's a possibility that your family would interfere.

Last time I checked, the heir to the Eris Dukedom was still you, and that increases the probability of them butting in."

Hearing Eliza's words, Evan shook his head and took a sip of the strawberry juice in his hands before replying.

"That won't be much of a problem.

The only reason I was named as an heir in the first place was that I had the paladin skill while Arnold did not. Besides that, he is more suitable to be the head of the family rather than me, for more reasons than one."

'He is the actual son of the Eris family after all."

"I happen to have a simple plan to for-, I mean, convince the vassals and family elders to change that stupid rule preventing Arnold from becoming the heir."

"You were about to say, you were gonna force them just now, weren't you?"

The young hero coughed awkwardly as he avoided Eliza's narrowed gaze, silently sipping his drink before staring out the window and whistling.

"This guy..."

Eliza heaved an exasperated sigh before muttering something about him treating a serious issue like it was nothing and this being one of the things she didn't like.

"To be honest, I only asked that question to confirm something for myself.

I feel the same way about you as you do about me so I'm not exactly against being in a relationship with you.

I just don't want it to be something fragile that could end easily."

Evan just stared at the slightly blushing teenager in silence for a few moments before asking.

"Can I take that as a 'yes'?"

"Nahh. It's more of a 'maybe'."

"Are you for real, right now?"

In response to Evan's question, Eliza nodded in affirmation, before bursting into laughter upon seeing Evan's expression.

The young hero only heaved a sigh of exhaustion before shrugging his shoulders and turning his gaze back out the window.

'Oh well, that's okay. I never expected to get a 'yes' today in the first place.'

Those were the thought that went through Evan's head as silence enveloped the carriage that quickly made its way back tot heir inn.

◇ ◇ ◇

The two arrived a few minutes past ten and after giving the carriage driver a small tip, Evan and Eliz went up to their rooms.

As they got closer to the door of Eliza's room, the blonde teenager slowly entwined her fingers with Evan's as she began speaking

"You know, I actually had a lot of fun today.

So, um...if possible...can we...

We can..."

Seeing her beginning to stutter, Evan burst into a fit of giggles, much to Eliza's dissatisfaction.

"You were able to calmly admit your feelings for me earlier but somehow you have a hard time with this?"

"Just what did you expect from me? It's not like I've ever tried a-asking someone out before!"

"Yeah, yeah. I know you haven't."

Evan kept on laughing as he replied, causing Eliza's lips to twist into a dissatisfied pout. However, before she could even voice out her next words, Evan pulled her hand up towards his lips and placed a light kiss on the back of her hand while locking his eyes with hers.

"Don't worry too much, we'd go on many more dates besides this one."

He then chuckled lightly before leaning forward, causing Eliza's eyes to widen in surprise.contemporary romance

'Is he...?'

Contrary to her thoughts, Evan shifted his head at the last moment and planted a kiss on her cheek before circling her lips with his thumb and saying.

"I'm saving this one for when I get a 'yes' and not a 'maybe'."

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