Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 160 A Very Thin Fourth Wall

Mansion of the Damned, 3rd Basement Floor

City State of Magic, Kasteblum

December 21st

Year 1051

"After Nine chapters, the story finally goes back to me, huh?"

"You just go ahead and say something incomprehensible right after you wake up..."


That's why we have to finish this Arc quickly and get to Greed's Arc already."

​ "What...?"


Such was the strange conversation between Evan and Eliza right after the former just regained consciousness.

This was about half an hour after the trio had to fight the trio of blade wraiths in the monster room of the Mansion of the Damned's 3rd basement floor.

The young hero was lying on the floor and staring at a pair of sapphire eyes with his gray eyes as he casually ignored the fact that he just spoilt the next Arc.

Kneeling beside him was Eliza who had just used her 'Breath of Life' skill on him to heal the injuries he had sustained in the earlier battle.

'She's not kneeling beside me but under...?'

It was then that Evan finally realized that his head was not laying on the cold hard ground, but on Eliza's...laps?

"The legendary lap pillow...!"

"This guy!"

Hearing Evan's words, Eliza's brow twitched in annoyance as she grabbed the Radiant Codex that was floating beside her and nearly bashed Evan's face in.

Seeing the incoming attack, Evan reflexively tried to get up, only for a bolt of pain to shoot from his stomach straight to his brain.

The shock he received in that short instant was enough shock to render his body immobile.

"Hold your horses kid, I only healed your wounds with my skill. I didn't do anything about the blood loss and I don't have enough magic power to heal you to the point of not feeling the pain."

Evan, who currently felt like his stomach was on fire, forced a smile as he looked at Eliza and replied.

"Sweetheart, the fact that you already healed the wound in the first place is a blessing in itself."

"W-who are you calling s-sweetheart?!"

While Eliza was barely holding herself back from grabbing the Radiant Codex and slamming it on Evan's face to cover up her embarrassment, the third member of the group who had been silent all this while, walked up to them as she asked.

"What I want to know is how that blade managed to avoid every single one of your vital organs and only cut through flesh.

With the amount of blood that spilled, I wouldn't have been surprised if you lost an intestine or two."

Evan burst into laughter upon hearing Pride's question before giving a reply that the demon would have never expected.

"It's called plot armour; every protagonist has one."


"Ah! I'm not supposed to know that. Forget what I just said."

The young hero shamelessly ignored the narrator's glare as he changed abruptly changed the topic.

"How long have I been out? My watch is broken so I can't tell the time anymore."

Pride gazed at Evan with narrowed eyes for a moment before replying to him.

"Close to half an hour."

"Shorter than I had expected."

Eliza who had finally recovered from her embarrassment, interjected as she beat her chest with a proud expression on her face.

"Of course, I am the one who healed you, after all."

Evan's face turned a slight shade of crimson as his eyes followed two things that moved up and down when Eliza hit her chest, averting his gaze in the next moment as he coughed awkwardly before asking another question.

"...have you guys been able to contact with the spirits yet?"


Pride was the one who replied this time, her tone carrying a hint of displeasure as she went on to explain how the door to the monster room had not opened since Evan killed Elecrus.

"The condensed magic power in the altar over there has been exhausted already, so no more monsters have spawned.

However, the door has refused to budge either. Is this normal?"

"Not in the slightest."contemporary romance

Evan frowned as he heard Pride's words.

Upon defeating all the monsters in the monster room, the door was supposed to open up immediately.

'That fact that it hasn't means there are either more enemies, or that guy is still trying to mess with us...'

"Before we think about that, let me heal you completely. Since you're awake, can you pass me a magic potion?

I recall we bought enough to last two months even if each of us drank 2 a day."

Eliza's voice snapped Evan out of his thoughts as he activated his inventory skill, causing a small 50 cm black hole to appear beside his hand.

Dipping his hand into it and pulling out a potion, he tossed it to Eliza who opened it and quickly downed its contents.

Evan also took out a health potion from his stock and popped the bottle, drinking all of its contents before turning to Pride and asking a question.

"...what are you doing?"

The high demon had sat down on the ground in a lotus position with multiple energies swirling around her body.

Magic power, aura and demonic energy.

Despite his question, the demon remained silent for a few more minutes before the energies were sucked back into her body.

Seeing the two kids staring at her, she titled her head in confusion before asking.


"What were you just doing?"

"Oh, that? Stabilizing my energies and sealing off one of my titles again."

"Sealing off a title?"

"Mmh. Don't bother about that, it's not important."

Eliza nodded upon hearing Pride's words and went back to treating Evan, activating her breath of life while the young hero began to ponder on her words.

'Sealing off a title? How is that possible?'

He appraised the demon silently and saw that the title she possessed were the same as in the game, no changes to them.

'Is it a hidden title? Or that one that has the garbled text?'

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