Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 145 Evan Vs Elecrus II

Evan mimicked the effect of the flame grenade spell with lightning magic as he tossed balls of lightning that exploded upon contact in the direction of the two.contemporary romance

To end it, he then stretched out his hand and activated a basic shadow magic spell.


He then turned around to Pride with a smile on his face and asked.

"What were you saying again?"

The demon stared at the young hero in silence before sighing as she asked.

"How do you have that much magic power already? The potion hasn't taken full effect yet."

"130% stat effectiveness and 20% boost.

That also applies to my energy reserves and energy regeneration, I think?"

He replied as he pulled up his system benefits tab while wondering how the stat boost and effectiveness worked together when they did almost the same thing.

|System Benefits

Extra 200% Leveling Efficiency.

Boosted Life Force.

20% Stat Boost

130% Stat Effectiveness. |

Before he could even think about whether his stats were boosted first before the 'effectiveness' applied or if it was the other way around, he heard a series of explosions right before Pride's loud voice resounded beside his ear.



Immediately after, he looked up to see Eliza dodging an onslaught of dark energy spheres. He frowned unconsciously as he infused his body with lightning magic and kicked off the ground the same moment that the demonic energy-enhanced Pride did.

He stretched his right hand and activated his weapon control, causing the unforged to fly into his hands as both he and Pride passed right beside Eliza and sliced up the dark spheres that Leviron fired at her.

His mystic eyes flashed as he copied the spell Leviron had used, recreating the magic circle immediately after.

A dark energy sphere was conjured in front of it and he stretched his left hand up in the air, grabbing the energy sphere and slamming it into the ground after infusing it with lightning and fire magic.

Meanwhile, Pride showcased her prowess in wind magic, focusing the might of the formless wind around her blade.

She manipulated the whirlwind and generated enough suction force to pull Leviron towards her.

The eyes of the blade wraith glowed as it allowed itself to be pulled towards her. At the same time, it raised its sword over its head and coated it in an ominous black haze.

It had every intention of slashing down on her the minute she brought it into range; however, to its astonishment, Pride didn't let him get that near.

Instead, she threw her sword arm forward with a quick shout and released a small storm that propelled its body into the air.

The strength of the wind caused the baton that was hanging around its waist to be blown off to an unknown part of the room.

At this precise instant, Evan smashed the energy sphere he was holding in his hands into the earth, which resulted in a wave of explosions that propagated throughout the ground.

After being propelled through the air by Pride, the corpse of Leviron eventually came crashing down to the ground and was struck by the wave of explosives that Evan detonated.

As for Eliza, she didn't just stand there and watch as Evan and Pride took down her opponent; instead, she put her best foot forward in her duty as a supporter by seizing the radiant codex and using its power to aid Evan and Pride do more Elemental damage.

There was a sudden appearance of two rings of light, one yellow and one dark red, around each of Evan and Pride's wrists.

Immediately after that, she unleashed her flower cannon skill, which resulted in the ground splitting up and a massive shoot emerging from within it.

The flower bud on the stalk opened up, and from within one of the openings in the petals, a strong beam of focused magical power was sent in the direction of the unlucky Leviron.



An explosion occurred as a result of Leviron's inability to take any defensive steps against the beam of magical power. As a result, the beam was able to smash into its body and fracture its armour, which led to the explosion.

Evan, on the other hand, threw a bottle that appeared to be familiar to Eliza while at the same time yelling something that only she understood.

"Use your Anti Regen!"

As soon as he finished saying this, he spun around and raised his sword to parry the overhead slash that Elecrus was about to deliver.

Evan was not given the opportunity to stand his ground by the blade wraith, which summoned multiple spears of lightning and directed them at the young hero's blind spot.

However, Eliza interfered and created a barrier that held off the spears for a sufficient amount of time for Evan to teleport away from the danger.

"How has this bastard already recovered?!"

Evan was sure that even with the vitality of a master-level existence, it should still take Elecrus sometime before it charged at him again, especially as its armour was now..broken...brok..en?

"It's not broken?!"

It came as a complete surprise to our young hero when he discovered that, by some miracle of nature, Elecrus' armour had been restored to its original condition, as if he had not broken it in their earlier battle.

He had little time to process this information, however, as the blade wraith swung its sword at him up to three times from different angles while imbued with a lightning aura.

Evan swiftly retaliated, his mystic eyes glowing as he swung his sword to meet the blade wraith's weapon.

For every time Elecrus thrust its blade forward, Evan twisted his body to dodge before retaliating with a thrust of his own, sometimes causing the tips of their weapons to clash mid-air.

When Elecrus sliced upward, Evan would bend backwards to dodge the blow, then counter with an upward slash of his own.

When Elecrus attempted a downward slash, Evan would parry its blade to the side, causing the blade wraith's weapon to become lodged in the ground more than just a few times.

Whenever the blade wraith performed multiple sword swings of varying angles, imbuing its blade with lightning and either thrusting forward or performing a jumping slash, Evan either blocked its attacks with his sword or defended with his aura before performing the exact same actions the blade wraith did.

When an intelligent creature like Elecrus saw that Evan was imitating it, the result was predictable: rage.

It tossed out multiple attacks, utilizing its master-level prowess in the blade but Evan only blocked his attacks before using the same movements to retaliate.

Enraged, it released a burst of aura to knock Evan backwards before taking distance and charging itself up with lightning.

Golden tendrils snaked down its blade as it dashed forward while releasing a circular slash using the full might of its 'C+' agility stat.

Evan naturally realized what the blade wraith was about to do and judged that it was impossible for him to dodge it as he simply wasn't as fast as the blade wraith was.

What's more, this was just like some of the attacks that the blade wraith occasionally threw out, something that Evan was not confident in getting out with minimal injuries from.

'So, all I have to do is not be within range in the first place!'

With that thought, Evan blinked away, summoning his inventory and downing another magic potion the moment he reached his destination.

Surprisingly, the blade wraith's attack still reached him as it had coated its sword in lightning and shaped the lightning into a longer blade to extend its reach to almost ten metres!

Evan who had not expected it to have that much reach, naturally didn't move very far, after all, blink consumed a lot of magic power.

Thus, he was still within range and had no choice but to activate his paladin skill and fortify himself with aura, however, it was still unable to block the blade wraith's full-powered attack.

He wasn't even fast enough to reposition his sword and use it to block!


The elongated lightning blade shattered Evan's aura coat before going on to render his paladin skill's defences useless.

Although the attack lost some of its ferocity, it still had more than enough to give Evan a run for his money, slicing through his clothes and the leather armour underneath with relative ease.


Evan let out a short scream as his body was sent flying in the air, spraying blood everywhere before crashing down on the ground unceremoniously a few seconds later.

Since his paladin skill had been forcefully cancelled, its limited healing could not help him deal with the injury that Elecrus just inflicted.

A metallic taste filled his mouth as Evan struggled to get back to his feet, but the injury on his body decided it would be better to leak forth more blood as if to mock his attempts.

It was only natural that Evan would be unable to grit his teeth and tolerate the anguish associated with such an injury.

'Healing potion...!'

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