Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 141 Round Two!

"That son of a bitch! He picked these three on purpose!"

Evan instantly figured out the reason for the Blade wraith's skills and attributes being so similar to theirs, gritting his teeth in anger as he fished out three bottles of magic potions from his inventory and tossed two to Pride and Eliza.

After downing his, he glared at the monsters and spoke up.

"The three of them are named monsters, Level 121 Elecrus; the lightning one, Level 119 Leviron; the dark one and Level 123 Glavore; the flame one.

They all possess high-level swordsmanship skills and one more skill each.

Leviron has a Haze Sword skill, the reason why he has that ominous haze around his sword. Glavore has a firebolt skill that's quite self-explanatory while Elecrus has a skill called electro charge, which he uses for his crossbow bolts."

Pride's eyes widened as she heard Evan's words, a small smile creeping up to her face as she spoke.

"I see what they are doing. Attacking the person whom they have the most resistance towards, huh?

How cheeky of them..."

Her blood-red pupils glowed with an eerie light as a wave of demonic energy spread out from her body.

"Contempt of the Many."

She called out softly, taking a stance with her right leg pulled backward and her left leg stretched forward.

She gripped her blade with both hands and pulled it backward. An aura of sinister black flames surrounded her sword as she locked gazes with the Flame Sword Master, Glavore.

Simultaneously, Evan assumed a stance that was designed specifically for the purpose of thrusting, and he pulled his sword arm backward while a golden aura began to swirl around the tip of his sword.

Lightning crackled his entire arm, going on to mix with his aura as he took a deep breath and activated his mystic eyes of mimicry before speaking to Eliza.

"Leviron, the one with the hazy sword is the weakest among the three, and it is not at full power so, Eliza, you should take him."

Eliza, on the other hand, gave a little nod in response to the words that Evan had spoken. She then pulled out the radiant codex and let it to float alongside her. Finally, she aimed her staff in front of her as she condensed green-coloured magic power at the tip.

She was holding the other end of the staff with her left hand as she clenched her right palm around the midsection of the staff.

The radiant codex released a low humming sound, with two rings of green light appearing around each of her wrists and ankles respectively.

The three of them stared at their opponents who had taken up stances that were identical to their own, which gave them the ability to either attack first or counterattack with relative ease.

Silence pervaded the entire area as both teams stared at each other motionlessly.

In the next moment...contemporary romance


Evan materialized out of nowhere, right behind Elecrus, and immediately unleashed the most powerful skill he possessed without showing any hesitation.

The roaring spiral-shaped mass of lightning-infused aura forcefully slammed into the blade wraith's torso, a blade coming through the centre of the aura storm and piercing through its armour before going on to stab through its flesh like butter.

Simultaneously, Pride dashed towards her opponent with barely perceptible speed, swinging her sword upwards as she called out.

"Aura of Pride: Flames of Hubris."

Unlike Evan, Pride didn't have any spatial skills, so Glavore was just barely able to see her coming and instinctively rose its flaming sword to block her attack.

A small explosion rang out, releasing omnidirectional shockwaves as the two blades clashed with each other.

To Glavore's surprise, it found that it was unable to push Pride back as it had before. In fact, it was incapable of withstanding the force that was driving her attack, and it had no other option than to retreat a few feet.

Nevertheless, Pride's attack wasn't done as the black flames on her sword went on to devour its own flames, corrupt them and turn them against him.

The black flames melted a section of its armour and scorch its skin, forcing the blade wraith to cry out in pain.

On Eliza's side, she was aware that she was weaker than the blade wraith, and that even if she was to buff herself to the max, it was still impossible for her to singlehandedly take the monster out.

This was natural, it was more than thirty levels higher than she was and most importantly, she was more of a support mage than she was a fighter.

Even if her class was called battle priestess, the 'battle' there was only because she was capable of holding her own in combat against enemies either on her level or a few levels higher while most support classes on her level were unable to do so.

However, asking her to do the same to a named monster that was 33 levels higher than her, was simply asking her to die.

Even if it was weakened, it was still impossible for her to kill it on her own, provided she did not use her unique skill, that is. But the drawback for using the skill was something she didn't really want to incur right now as she was still in the monster room.

So, she decided to hold off Leviron for as long as she could, and then borrow help from either Evan or Pride to take out the monster when they were done with their own opponents.

The plan was to make use of her barrier skill to block most of the monster's attacks while throwing in some of her own occasionally and buffing Evan and Pride using the Radiant codex when necessary.

'I would really love to use my unique skill but I'm not too sure about the energy consumption. I don't know what else is in this monster room and I can't afford to leave myself without magic power for long.'

Those were the thoughts that ran through her mind as she charged towards Leviron.

The blade wraith kicked off the ground and dashed towards her in response, closing the distance almost immediately and slashing horizontally with its blade coated in a black aura.

As soon as Eliza saw that she was within the monster's striking range, she instantly ducked, knowing fully well that an attack was bound to come in within seconds.

Her decision was proven to be right as the blade wraith's slash cut the empty air where her upper body was, a few seconds ago.

Without stopping for even a moment, Eliza twisted her body and spun round, layering her arms with all the strength buffs she could cast as she swung her staff in a wide arc.


The magic-infused weapon slammed into the torso of the blade wraith, knocking it back a bit as all the magic in the weapon was forcefully injected into the monster's body.


Eliza's lips curled up into a small grin as she heard Leviron's small grunt of pain.

'As I thought, my magic is quite effective if I forcefully inject it into its body!'

What Eliza had just done, was something that only she could do best because she was a support magician.

Whenever she healed people, she did so by injecting her life-attributed magic power into their bodies and accelerating their natural healing abilities and regenerative processes at the cost of her magic power.

This caused her targets no harm for two reasons.

One was that she was injecting life-attributed magic power into their bodies and the second was that she was doing so with the intention to heal them, with her 'Healing' skill being activated most of the time as she took care to prevent her magic from going haywire in her target's bodies and messing up their energy flow.

However, what would happen if she were to take pure unattributed magic power and forcefully inject it into the body of her target?

What if she did so without taking care not to interfere with her target's energy flow?

The Blade wraith that was staring at her with widened eyes just found out the answer.

Leviron instantly realised what Eliza had done and made the decision to not let her get in range as it jumped backward and waved its free arm in the air.

Dozens of black two-ringed magic circles manifested mid-air, with dark energy spheres being conjured in front of each one of them.

Directing its hand forward, all the energy spheres were launched towards the battle priestess, shooting through the air faster than she could outrun them.


She cried out as she activated her barrier skill, conjuring multiple translucent walls of pure magic power that blocked a few of the dark energy spheres.


Although it was only simple dark magic, the level disparity between them made the common dark spheres seem like tactical level spells to Eliza.

Eliza rolled out of the way to dodge some of the attacks, however, she was unable to avoid some and had to rely on her barrier to save herself.

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