Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 133 Mansion Of The Damned, Day Three II


The blade wraith's slash landed on the ground, creating a small crater where it landed and releasing a unidirectional slash of energy.contemporary romance

Evan noticed this and dropped to one knee before turning his blade around and stabbing it into the ground, going on to infuse it with magic power and brace for impact.

The energy in the slash and the magic power infused into the unforged canceled each other out and Evan released his hold on the sword, kicking off the ground and dashing forward immediately after.

Sparks danced around his arms as he summoned his gauntlets from his inventory and encased them with lightning.

Eliza timely assisted him by buffing his speed, with two rings of green light appearing around his ankles as he dashed forward faster than the blade wraith could recollect itself after launching such a powerful attack.

Instantly arriving in front of the monster, Evan grabbed its blade with his left hand and punched forward with his right hand.


Kayla who was seated on Evan's shoulder all this while, calmly called out as a small rose of flames bloomed in front of Evan's fist one second before it landed on the Blade wraith's face.


The combination of fire and lighting overloaded the blade wraith's head with a small explosion, ending its life immediately.

However, in the next moment, the second blade wraith's sword came slashing through the cloud of smoke, intending to lopping Evan's head off.

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While Evan was dealing with his own share of the blade wraiths, Eliza was testing out her staff skills with another set.

Although her agility wasn't exactly the best, it was still higher than the average D rank adventurer and even some lower levelled C rank adventurers.


She performed five consecutive staff strikes without hesitation, twirling the staff in her hand around with fluid movements as the blade wraith she was facing didn't even have a chance to attack.

Nevertheless, her attack power was definitely lower than average and the monster was higher levelled than she was.

Finishing it off with just five strikes was simply impossible.

'In that case...'

Her eyes flashed with a green light as rings of light appeared around her wrists and ankles, boosting her strength and speed respectively.

With her right-hand palm facing up and left-hand palm facing down, she planted the butt of her staff on the ground and ran forward a bit before jumping up into the air.

The blade wraith that was just about to slash at her could only stare at her with confusion on its face as with all its intelligence, it could not understand why the opponent in front of it had used her weapon as a boost to jump into the air.

Eliza's next actions only served to make the monster more surprised as she flipped in mid-air while maintaining her tight grip on the staff.

Naturally, she ended up pulling the staff into the air with her as she infused it with magic power.

By the time the staff was over her head while she was still in the air, the second blade wraith she was facing finally realized she was the target of whatever she planned to do and rose its sword to defend.

In the next moment, Eliza slammed her energy-infused staff downwards, targeting the second blade wraith who rose its gripped its sword with both hands and rose it to block her attack.


Despite looking like a random wooden staff, Eliza's staff was able to stand its ground against the monster's blade, even making the monster's arms tremble from the force behind the attack.

By this time, gravity had done its job of returning Eliza back to the ground and she did not hesitate to apply more buff on herself as the rings of light on her right leg multiplied by three.

She then unleashed a kick to the defenceless torso of the monster, sending it flying to the side as it slammed into the dungeon wall.

In the corner of her eyes, she inadvertently glanced at Evan who was dashing towards his opponent with lighting crackling down his arms as she sent a simple speed buff to him before ducking to avoid the diagonal slash of the other blade wraith that cut off a few strands of her blonde hair.

The monster instantly redirected its blade and tried to get a hit in but it was stopped by a translucent wall of magic power that appeared right before Eliza at the last moment.

The battle priestess let go of her staff and coated her arm in magic power as she sent a punch toward the monster's torso.

Although it did little damage, the knockback the blade wraith received was great, giving her space to recollect herself and pick her staff back up in preparation for her next attack.

She took a deep breath and lunged forward after increasing the number of buffs on herself to the maximum she could maintain at once.

Her staff slammed into the torso of the blade wraith, breaking through its body's defences and piercing a hole in its stomach.

Using all her strength, Eliza slammed the monster into the wall behind it, pushing her staff further into its body until it burst out from its back, splattering blood on the wall.

To finish the job, she created a small barrier around her fist and punched the monster's head with it multiple times, only stopping when she heard the sound of bones cracking.

She then pulled out her staff and twirled it around her fingers before turning around to face to other blade wraith that was charging toward her with a glowing blade.

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While Eliza was performing her wonderful pole vault that left two blade wraiths too stunned to act, Pride was experimenting to see how well she could coordinate her attacks with the fire spirit Amy.

The moment vanitas clashed with the blade wraith's sword, it was engulfed in bright red flames that surprisingly did not give off any heat.

Taking advantage of the monster's instinctive reaction to back away from the sudden flames, Pride pressed forward and forced the monster to pull back its weapon to recollect itself.

At that moment, the second blade wraith charged toward Pride from her left side after observing that she was holding her sword on her right.

However, the ancient high demon only infused her blade with demonic energy, activating one of its effects as she made a circular slash while moving forward a little bit at the same time.

The blade wraith had no choice but to stop its charge and swing its blade to its right side in an attempt to block Pride's incoming slash.


The moment it did, three spears of flames materialized behind it and shot towards its feet, slamming into them and making it lose its footing.

Pride did not hesitate to take advantage of this as she lunged forward, ignoring the other blade wraith that sent out a slash of pure magic power in her direction.

She poured more demonic energy into her blade and released three rapid sword strikes, aiming at the blade wraith's arms and feet respectively.

Right after this, she kept pressing the monster, not giving it a chance to rest as she kicked off the ground and dashed forward once more, swinging her sword at as fast as she could, her target being the neck of the unfortunate blade wraith.

Mid-swing, her blade was engulfed in flames as the corners of her lips curled up a bit.

The sword infused with demonic energy and engulfed in flames was enough to sever the unfortunate monster's head and sent it flying into the air.

She then turned around and saw the other blade wraith lying on the floor, its whole body charred black from being continuously bombarded with flames.

The fire spirit on her shoulder then poked her to attract her attention before gesturing to the monster.

Pride chuckled lightly as she went forward and severed the head of the blade wraith, putting an end to its misery.

The flame spirit then floated in front of her and asked.

[Did I do good?]

Her voice sounded like that of a young girl between eight to ten years old. Pride's eyes widened upon hearing this as she never expected the spirit to sound so young but she quickly recollected herself and replied.

"So-so, you have to make yourself more useful."

Hearing her reply, Amy nodded to herself before resuming her previous position on Pride's shoulder.

On the other hand, Pride was looking at Evan and Eliza who were making short work of their opponents.

Eliza had overpowered the blade wraith and had bashed its head in with her staff while Evan had taken inspiration from Amy and torched his opponent with flame magic.

"Let's move on, shall we? I have more skills to test."

Evan spoke up as he moved down the dungeon hall, stretching his hand into the air as he gave a mental command.

The unforged that was stabbed into the ground a few meters away from him suddenly vibrated before uprooting itself from the ground and flying into his open palm.

"That looks cool, how'd you do it?"

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