Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 8


I bite my cheek as I sit on my cot. It’s been two days since Zander tossed me in prison.

Seriously, can he be anymore of a big baby. It’s not like I meant to climb in front of his window. I had no idea where his office was. Now, that I know, I’ll have to pay him a visit or two with a bungee cord.

I have my feet up and I’m resting my back on the wall with my arms on my knees. I’m playing with my fingers. This time out is grating on me. My insides are begging for release. For someone like myself, being put under lock down is pure torture.

I huff a breath and bounce my head off the wall.


I roll my head to the glass. Declan stands in front of the glass with a panicked look on his face.

I smile and wave. “Hey, De.”

“What did you do? I’ve been looking for you for two days! I only heard you were here from some prison guards in the dining hall.” He flops his arms to the side.

I pressed my lips together. “Sky walked in front of the wrong window apparently.” I grin nervously.

He shook his head and put a hand on his hip. He lowered his head and put his fingers to the bridge of his nose. “You didn’t.”

“I didn’t know it was his window. He’s just throwing a tantrum.” I look forward.

“Throwing a tan….Ricky! You’re in flipping prison!” He flops his hands to his sides again and yells.

“It’s only temporary. He says I’m here for a hundred years, but when he realizes how much he wants me, he’ll let me out.” I roll my head to Declan and smirk.

“You are unbelievable! This is serious, Rick! What if he means it?” Declan yells. He’s panicking.

I get up walk to the glass and chuckle. I fold my arms and kick out a foot. “He doesn’t. He’s just upset I turn him on so much.” I lean on the glass and cross my feet. “He can stomp and rage all he wants. Sooner or later his tight, amazing ass is going to crack. He won’t be able to help himself.”

Declan points to me. “You’re certifiably insane. He hates you. You don’t throw someone you’re attracted to in PRISON!”

I eye him with a mischievous face. “You do when you’re doing everything you can to avoid your feelings.” I lean back. “I’m in his face and he doesn’t like it. This is just him trying to make his problem go away.”

“Yeah, well, he’s the flipping King of Wolves. I think he can really make you go away, Ricky.” Declan eyes me.

“I’m not his problem. He can’t make himself dissappear. You watch. Any moment, he’ll be down here to either see me or let me out. Either way, I know he won’t be able to stay away from me for long.” I stand with a cocky, smug expression and bouncing my knee.


After a little more talk, Declan says he’s going to the Head Alpha. I told him there’s no use, but he’s trying anyway.

I waited patiently for anything to happen for another two days.

Sitting on my cot, I’m really starting to get bored. This room is way too quiet. I guess the market on loud dangerous criminals is a little low. If I don’t get stimulation soon, I’m really going to lose it.

I hit the bed and stand. I pace the cell back and forth. He’s got to show up sometime. Right? He can’t just leave me here. There’s got to be some rule or something.


I turn and Bastian is standing at the glass.

I run to the glass. “Finally some authority. Ok, big man. Spring the door.” I smile and throw up hands with a little hop. I stare at him as he doesn’t move. “Come sesame.” My smile fades a little. “You can do it. Just grab the handle and….”

Bastian lowers his head.

“B? You gotta open the door, come on.” I put my hands on the glass in front of him.

He raises his head. “I tried Ricky. Zanders not hearing it. He says you’re too dangerous.”

“And you bought that? B, you know me.” I look into his eyes.

He nods. “I know. Zander really doesn’t like you."

I spin around and plant my back on the glass. Crossing my arms and feet. “No. He hates that he can’t control me.”

“Well, can’t you just try to not…be you?” Bastian says to my back.

I spin back around. “No. I’m not letting his royal jerk face change me. If anyone’s changing here, it’s him.”

He flops his hands to the side. “Then I’m out of options. The High King supersedes me. I can’t get you out.”

“Thanks for trying.” I mumble leaning my arm on the glass.


Bastian turns and I try to see where he’s looking.

Zander enters with his robes on and his hood up.

“Well, if it isn’t the Royal crybaby.” I scowl.

Bastian shoots me a scowl and I nod with my chin out.

“Have you learnt nothing?!” Zander scowls.

“No. I learned how much of a whiney brat you can be.” I look him deep in the eye. There’s something different in there. I see it. I think he’s starting to break.

He looks at Bastian as he presses his lips together. “I said leave us, Head Alpha.” He demands.

Bastian nods. “Yes. Ricky. Good luck.”

Bastian leaves up the hallway and I’m left staring at the annoyed face I’ve been accustom to seeing.

He takes his hood off and holds his nose high. “I will let you out on one condition.”

“And what’s that?” I ask. I look him over and arch a brow.

“You control yourself and stay away from me. I do not want to see your face for the rest of my stay. If you do not comply, I will guarantee, they’re will be no escape.” He tilts his head to me.

I know that’s not happening, but I want out of here. So I can tell him what he wants to hear.

I shake my head. “Sure. Whatever you want, King. I’ll stay away.”

He looks down on me. “I’m trusting you.” He warns.

“I’m totally trustworthy, Beefcake. Open the door.” I smile.

He looks down the hall. “GUARD! OPEN THIS DOOR!”

I bounce at the door as the guard hits the auto locks and the door opens. Zander holds the door open.

I saunter out. “Thanks!”

“Far away!” He growls.

“Yep. Don’t worry, you’ll never see me.” I give him a double gun salute, turn and run down the hallway.

I jump a bit and make a Yes fist pulling it into me. I run down the halls to the main Falcon Ridge building. It’s been four days and I need a shower.

I turn a corner and run smack into something hard. It knocks me on my ass. “Ow! Jerk! Watch where you’re...” My eyes hit black dress shoes, black dress pants and a black dress shirt.

My eyes continue to a sexy jawline, kissable lips, amazing blue eyes and gorgeous blonde hair. All of that wrapped up in an extremely angry, red hot face.

My face turns to shock. I look at him and look behind me. I point to him and point behind me. “How?” I point again “What?” I’m so confused.

He leans forward. “Who the fuck let you let you out!!” He growls loud.

My eyes go wide. “You did!”

I hear foot falls coming up the hall behind me. I turn around and Zander is walking up in his robe with his hands behind his back and his head tilted forward. His stone like eyes are locked on the other Zander.

My jaw drops and my head flicks between the two irritated men.

“What…the…fuck?” I say. I would pass out from shock if this wasn’t so fucking cool. My heart is racing as my brain tries to process what I’m seeing.

“What did you do?” The Zander in front of me growls.

“Righting a wrong. You cannot imprison this female due to your feelings.” Hot Zander number two says.

“You dare defy me?” Hot Zander number one snarls.

“Only when your impulsive decisions effect the lives of others, Zander. You need to deal with this, not just hide it away.” Zander two tilts his head, eyeing the first.

“Ok. My brain is about explode. Can someone explain please.” I hold my throbbing forehead.

Zander one glares at me. “You. Shut your mouth!” He raises his head to himself. “You. Shift!” He yells.

I watch Zander number two shift to a gorgeous woman. The robes are now way over sized.

“Ok. Now, that’s just too much.”

My vision blurs and everything goes black.


My head is throbbing and my chest is vibrating. No. Scratch that. Something on my chest is vibrating.

I crack a lid and adjust to the light in the room. I cautiously look around. I’m in an office. Apparently on a couch. I look down. “Why is there a cat on my chest?” I cautiously point to it.

The cat, who was curled up on me, stretches out and looks at me.

“Nala down.” A deep voice says.

With a meow, the cat jumps down and sits on the floor facing me.

I look to the voice and Zander is leaning on his desk with his arms folded.

I sit up slowly and side eye the cat. “Where am I?” I say curiously.

“My office.” Zander says bluntly as he pushes off his desk and walks around to sit. “I apologize if Nala gave you a fright.” He grumbles as he pulls in his chair.

“I wasn’t scared…just confused.” I plant my feet on the floor and side eye him. I look to the cat. “Nala.” Confirming it is her.

The cat bows it’s head. She raises it and meows.

“She can’t understand you, Nala.” I whip my head to Zander who’s head is buried in paperwork.

I turn my head back and have to raise it higher as a woman now stands where the cat was.

“I apologize for making you lose consciousness.” She says as she grabs a robe.

I lean back on the couch and throw an arm across the back. I wave her off. “It’s fine. I needed the nap.” I chuckle. “Hey. That was a neat trick. Can you do anyone?”

She nods. “I can, but I don’t. The human form is unbecoming to me.”

“Oh.” I cross my leg. “I don’t think it’s that bad." I smirk as I side eye Zander. His eyes quickly meet mine, then he goes back to his work.

“Don’t get comfortable. You’re leaving.” Zander grumbles.

“Zander.” Nala eyes him.

“I really don’t want to hear from you, Nala.” He growls.

She takes off her robe again. “Fine.”

My eyes go wide. I avert my eyes from the naked woman and stand. “Ok. Well, King. Thanks for picking my ass up off the floor.”

He grunts, but doesn’t look at me.

Nala shifts to her tiger. It gently growls.

My brows shoot up. “Cool!”

The tiger purrs and chuffs.

“No, Nala. She cannot….hang out.” Zander eyes us, barely lifting his head.

I can’t help, but giggle.

“What’s so funny?” He drops his pen.

“Nothing. Just you talking to a tiger. You really have the famous princess image down pat.” I laugh.

The tiger even sounded like it was chuckling a bit.

He stands, slamming his hands on the desk. His face twists and he throws his finger to the door. “Get out!” He yells.

I throw up my hands. “Ok. I’m gone. Catch ya later, Zander.” I smile

“I doubt it, Ricky.” He growls, leaning his hands on the desk.

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