Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 6


I swear if I don’t kill someone soon, I’m going to rip this place apart. Ricky is driving me insane. I haven’t spoken to her in a few days since our last encounter, but she’s fucking everywhere. Even in other people at this point. My mind is infected. Snapping every bone in her body is all I can think about. She’s enemy number one.

As I fume over the annoying brunette, I hope a council meeting with the Highs will distract my mind enough.

I walk down the halls, with Nala’s tiger at my side, just behind me. I’m in a black collar less shirt and my high council robes. I walk slowly down the halls, eyeing the soldiers from under my hood as I pass.

I see the fear in their faces. I see the awe in some others. The shock and worry. The looks that hope to not step out of line. My influence over this place is starting to show.

I am their King and they know it.

Nala’s tiger quietly growls and licks her lips. Soldiers stick to the walls on both sides.

My heavy footfalls command respect as the crowds part for me and lower their heads. This is the way it should be. With everyone cowering at my feet.

I walk to the end of the hall and open the double doors in one swift motion.

I walk in and stop. I look around the conference room we were given to hold council. It’s not ideal, but it will do for now. I may have the wolves build me a high council chamber if I decide to stay in this place.

From under my hood, I look at the council members. “Where’s Redrick?” I growl.

“He got called back. The Asia Minor wolves are….having a crisis.” Andrew Striker answers. Our youngest member. At 25, he represents the entire human race on the high council.

I lift and lower my hood. “The Emperor again?”

Victor nods. “That man just can’t keep his mouth shut.”

Hmm…sounds like someone else I know.

I look to Nala. “Go lay down.”

The tiger lets out a little trill growl and walks off.

I walk to the table and sit where my throne would be. It feels different, but it’s not like I’m home so I can adjust for a time.

“Now, I’ve called this council to discuss the current situation and what we are planning on doing about it.” I look at the men in the room.

Damon is leaned back. His head resting in his finger tips. He looks to be in his mid twenties, but I think he’s pushing 500, if memory serves. Our oldest council member and Emperor of the Vampires. I didn’t want him here, but the council insisted he come. Having a vamp in virgin territory, is much like introducing an invasive species. Vampires are native to the Scandinavian countries. Much to popular belief, they don’t come from Transylvania.

The council decided, centuries ago, that they would remain there to control their food sources. Any vampire besides council members, outside the designated areas will see themselves without a head and stake to the heart.

He sighs.

I arch a brow. “Damon?”

“Just kill them already. You know you want to.” He sounds bored.

“No, Damon. I’m not going to wipe out a whole country, when I can rule them instead.” I mirror his posture.

“We must do something. They stole my daughter!” Victor growls.

I flop my arm down. “Victor. You know that’s not true. You challenged a mother’s love and lost. Accept it and move on.”

He smacked the table. “I will not. These Alliance wolves must pay for their corruption. Have you seen them?”

I close my eyes and nod. “I have.”

“And you have no problem with this at all.” Victor folds his fingers on the table.

I shake my head slowly. “I’ve never said that. I have, however, made certain changes and set actions into place that will allow me to rule these subjects as I do my own wolves in Europe.”

Striker arches a brow. “You think they’ll just follow you? I don’t think you understand this country, Your highness.”

I turn my head to him. “They will bow or they will pay with their lives, Andrew.” I nod deep.

He leans on the table. “Many years ago, this country fought for its independence, Zander. There’s no reason they won’t do it again. The humans of this country have already shown their lack of patience.”

“Yes. The humans. This Hood as they say. What are you doing to solve this issue?” I stare at him.

He taps his fingertips together. “Miranda has been difficult to say the least. She’s a hunter first, human second. Her attempt on this council has proven the depths to which she’d go. I think she’s knows more about us than she lets on. Her secrets run deep.”

“Silence her and do it quick.” I growl.

Andrew nods.

Victor thumped his finger on the table. “These wolves have broken the code and corrupted a Queen of the High Council. I demand blood!”

“YOU WILL DEMAND NOTHING, VICTOR!” I boom. I stare him in the eye as his Lycan red eyes tell me his wolf is present.

I tilt my head. My angry eyes boring into his. “I feel for your plight. Your family matter is troublesome. But I refuse to let you use this council to enact your revenge! Do you understand?!”

He leans more forward in his seat. “You cannot stop me from declaring war, Zander.”

“I can try.” I arch a brow.

“Well, put it to a vote then.” Victor said smugly.

I leaned back and folded my hands up in front of my chest. “No. I will not vote tonight.”

“Why not?” He growls.

“Without, Redrick, you know it would be a tie, Victor. I will not give you the default.”

He slaps his hands on the table and shoots from his chair. “YOU MUST!”

I don’t flinch. Nala on the other hand. Laying behind me, her tiger shoots up and let’s out a mighty roar, lunging at Victor’s chair. Her saucer sized paws with razor sharp claws, swipe at Victor’s legs.

Again, I don’t move a muscle. I firmly look at him. My face stone.

Nala growls deep, ears back. She roars again.

Victor eyes her knowing full well what she’s capable of.

Her tiger stares him down, daring him to make a move.

I casually raise two fingers in the air. She chuffs a growl and takes a few steps back, licking her lips. “We wait.” I say with a calm, deep, dark voice.

“Fine. But if I don’t get my war, there will be hell to pay, Your Majesty.” He growls.

Nala stops licking her paws and growls back quietly with warning.

“Nala.” I eye her. My eyes flick to Victor. “You’ll get your vote. This does not mean you get your war.”

He looks at me and turns away.

“Now. The shaman. There’s been lots of talk about him. Mostly involving weapons against us. Do we know who’s side he’s on?” I ask the table.

Andrew nods. “From what I can tell, he’s loyal to the council.”

“Is he loyal to us or loyal to those who can pay?” Damon arches a brow.

“That I can’t be certain of.” Andrew leans back to him.

I uncross my leg and adjust myself in the chair. “If we can’t trust him to stay loyal to our side then maybe he should be put under investigation. Supplying global enemies with weapons is a high crime against this council.”

Andrew Striker looks around the table. “If we do, he could retaliate. He’s powerful. We don’t fully know the extent of his knowledge.”

I nod.

“We still need him, Zander. Angering him now will not bode well for us.” Damon warns.

I look to Victor. “Enemy supplier or not, he has his uses. He’s proved that much.”

“I say we keep the investigation to a minimum. If he supplies our enemies in the same fight, only then do we turn. If he supplies the enemies of others, it’s not the business of this council to be involved in every war.” Damon says.

“True.” I say as Nala walks up beside my chair and sits. Her large tiger tail flicking on the floor. Without looking at her, my hand instinctively moves to her head to scratch it. The tiger purrs.

“We will keep the Shaman on watch.” I nod. “Communicate to London and get the others on board. The rest of you can return. As for me, Nala and I will remain here. There is much to be done to get these wolves under control and the humans under thumb. I will be working with main office. You can contact me here.”

I look to Victor. “When Redrick returns, I will return to London for the vote.”

Victor nods.

He gets up. “Will you be skipping the moon again this year?”

“I wasn’t, but something here has left a bad taste in my mouth. I’ll be spending the time cleaning this mess up and finding Antonio.” I say as I stand too.

“Hopefully, you find him. He has a lot to answer for." Victor tilts his head to me.

“That he does.” I turn. “Come, Nala.” I raise my hood and throw open the doors. Walking back out into the halls.

The moon is the last thing I want to think about right now. I know I told the wolves I’d make a speech at their little ball, but honestly, Ricky has angered me to my core and I will just lock myself in my office. My wolf will settle over the following days and I won’t even have to think about it for another year. There are more important things to worry about anyway.

As we walk back, again the halls clear. Nala growls.

I hold my chin out. “No. I’m not going to the ball.”

She lets out a chuff with a purr.

“I don’t need fun, Nala. I need peace.” I clasp my hands behind my back.

She growls low.

“A woman of your standing should not use such language and no, I’m not being stubborn.” I glance at her.

She lets out an even louder growl.

“Attitude! I’m not going and that’s final!” I glare at her.

Her tiger eyes find mine and she chuffs.

I push my chin out and squint my eyes. “Don’t ever call me a baby again. I’ll make a rug out of you.” I growl.

The elevator opens and the people on it yelp and jump out of the as we get on.

We turn around to face the door.

Nala sits and chuffs again.

I turn to her and flop my arms out. “What did I just tell you!”

She looks at me and shakes her tiger head as the doors close.

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