Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 37




I grab my heat gun and throw it on my back.

“Richelle. I really wish you’d go to the shelters. You’re queen now. You need protection.” Zander stands behind me as I prepare for war.

I turn to Zander. “Who’s going to protect you? Me, that’s who.”

The clouds roll in and thunder could be heard rolling across the desert.

I look up. “Great. About to be annihilated and today’s the day the weather man got it wrong.”

“Please, Ricky…” Zander walks behind me.

I continue down the sidewalk. “Zander, I’m fighting. There nothing you can say that will change my mind.”

A large cracking boom of thunder cracked, making me and several others flinch.

I point to the sky. “They won’t change my mind either.”

I pull out my handgun and check the clip.

“Just please, stay where I can see you.” He begs. He cups my cheeks with his hands as I put on my wolf pack.

I nod. “You stay where I can see you.” I thump a finger in his chest.

He smiles. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” He leans down and kisses me.

Another loud crack of thunder and the clouds open up over us.

We break apart. “What’s a war without a little rain.” I smirk and backhand his chest.

He laughs. “Come on. Let’s get to the dome.”

We jog through the city streets and the they part to the wide open space of the dome.

There’s already hundreds of soldiers all around it. Ready to die to protect it.

The pool in enemy hands is a dangerous thing. With it, they can bring back anyone they want. This is a very bad thing since we put some massive baddies in the ground.

All my Alphas are on the field.

I walk up to the blonde Alpha filing her nails. “Trinity? I thought you’d be in the bunkers?”

She scoffs. “Just because I’d rather wear Prada than army boots, doesn’t mean I can’t fight, Ricky.”

“Ok. No offense. Just be careful. You won’t be able to fix any broken nails out there.” I fold my arms.

She looks at me wide eyed. “Ugh. I hope not. My mani pedi isn’t until next week.”

I shake my head. “Just stay back near the dome Ok?”

“Sure!” She chirps and runs off.

I’m joined by Zander, Graham, Grey and Lucius.

Graham steps forward. “They’re outside the mountain range. They should be coming up on the border security any minute.”

I blow out a breath. “This is it. If it’s not ice wolves, they’ll be able to fight through our border protection.”

Just as I say that, the massive heat guns and electric net guns attached in the mountains roar to life and start firing all around us.

I look at Zander. “There must be ice wolves in there or the guns wouldn’t be going off.”

Zander looks up. “EVERYONE GET READY! THE ICE WOLVES ARE COMING!” He yells through the link.

The sound of guns charging up and cocking roll across the valley floor. Waving up into the now quiet city.

We lay in wait as our border guns fire over and over.

I spin watching the tops of the mountain.

Their weapons fire came before their sight.

Grenades roll over the city. Explosion on the ground have men and women flying through the air.

Ice busters fire. Their bullets hit the ground and fighters freeze in mid run.

“TAKE OUT THOSE GUNNERS!” I link as I draw out my gun and start firing.

Luke and his gunners step beside me as we all fire on the wolves descending into the city.

I shoot one and he falls down the mountain.

Luke grins. “Nice shot.”

I smile back. “Thanks!”

We all advance forward as the wolves pour over the range.

Our 300 gunner unit was doing a good job, but it wasn’t good enough.


I lower my gun as I watch the ridges turn black with humanoid wolves.


I grab another handgun from my wolf pack that’s black. This has iron bullets.

Luke links. “Bella…you said daddy’s friends were dead!!”

“These aren’t New York Lycans. They’re bigger!” She looks back.

“Victor.” Zander jumps in.

“European Lycans? You’ve got to be kidding me? How many?” I link him.

“Oh. About 500.” He looks at me.

The Lycans make massive jumps into the city. They surround us all around the dome as the mountain around us turns black with snarling bodies.

Our fighters shift and fight them as they hit the ground.

We shift and run into the fight. I’m tearing limbs and chunks of flesh. Zander hasn’t shifted yet, but he’s picking Lycans up and snapping them in half.

I bump into William and Eve. “Ricky" He point to the crest.

I look where he’s pointing and fifteen extremely large silver wolves crest the top.

“Fucking super wolves!!” Luke yells.

I look to William. “Get the team.”

He nods. Him and Eve shift and run to get our team of super wolves.

Nala changes to her silver back gorilla and clashes with the super wolves. Strangling them and crushing them into the ground.

Our super wolves enter the opening and shove everyone out of the way.

They rip, tear and shred at the super wolves who seem to be way more jacked than even William.

The fight was already a bloody mess. I run to the east side of the dome where fighters are being downed by the Lycans

“WE NEED MORE SUPPORT ON THE EAST SIDE!” I order. I shift and pull out my iron gun and start firing at the Lycans.

More fighters from the city pour into the open space.

“THE REDS!” Someone yells.

“What the fuck?” I look at the range and it fills with the red wolves that escaped capture along with an army of rogues.

“GODDAMMIT!” Grey links.

The reds and rogues pour into the fight.

“Who the fuck is running this circus?!” River yells.

Bastian joins me in firing on Lycans. “We're losing fighters fast, Ricky.”

“I know. Keep firing. WE NEED MORE GUNNERS!” I link.

Luke stops and looks at me. “On it!” he runs back into the main street where our base is.

Lucius' wolf is tearing out throats and throwing the others to Wren who finishes them off.

Sarah, Mia and Hartlyn take the flyer teams up the mountain range they fly across the rocks at light, lightning speed.

Jayson links. “What do you see, baby?”

“Jay. You’re not going to believe this….” She says as the flyers come in for a landing.

The white wolves come like a crashing tidal wave.


“GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!!” River yells. “Anna, where are you?”

“I’m here.” She says. His black wolf looks at her black and nods.

“Lets spill some dragon blood, baby girl.” The two run into the fight to clash with the Dragons entering the valley.

I shift and join Zander. “We need more help.” I pant.


The gorilla nods and turns into an eagle. She screeches across the sky and flies away into the desert to see how far the Falcon Ridge Unit is and how long we have to survive before back up arrives.

I rip the throat of a red wolves.

A rogue grabs my shoulder and tears it. My wolf screams.

Zander, who still hasn’t shifted, grabs the wolf and snaps his neck.

He stops. He looks at the range.

I shift and hold my shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

“Somethings coming.” He says low.

We watch as vampires leap over the edges through the rock.

I whine. “Oh come on. Really?”

“The survivors of our attacks. There shouldn’t be many.” Zander says. He pulls me and looks at my shoulder. “Go see Mia. I got this.” He kisses my lips and runs toward the twenty vamps that are now on the valley floor.

I run back through the city to the medic tents. “Quick. Patch me up. I need to get back there.” I say to Mia as I get to her.

She rubs her hands together and they glow with red and blue light. I feel my skin knit together as she moves her hands around.

“Good as new.” She smiles. “Don’t get hurt again!” She scowls.

“I’ll try not to.” I tap her arm and run back to the fight.

“Where are my archers!!!” I link as I run back.

“WE GOT THIS!” Mica and Hartlyn say at the same time.

They enter the area with fifty crossbow fighters. Wren and Lucius join them with compound bows.

“WHERE’S THE GUNNERS?” I link as I get back to the dome.

“HERE!” Luke yells as him, River, Bastian, Grey and Wes join me. They have another hundred behind them all with high powered weapons. He smirks. “I had to up the game.” He slaps an automatic rifle in his hand.

“Ok. I need you guys to split and spread around this dome.

“Got it.” The Alphas split the group and get to position.

I shift again and run back into the fight.

I run to where I left Zander. I don’t see him.

The enemy wolves are relentless. I don’t know how many I’ve killed.

I grab a wolf off River and Anna helps me destroy him.

My wolf stands and Gideon is losing to a dragon. I run and help him. I throw the wolf off and the two of us stare him down as he gets to his feet.

He snarls and drools as his growls become more intense. We both jump him and tear him to pieces.

I look around again and Grey is on the ground. He’s struggling as a red wolf has his gun in its mouth.

“Grey!” I run right into the wolf. I tear his throat as Grey gets to his feet.

“Thanks!” He runs off shooting at more targets.

Where’s Zander? I look around wildly. I don’t see him.

I run and jump over fights. I get jumped by a super wolf who was set to kill. He was about to rip my skull off, but Eve bulldoze him. The two rolled off in a heavyweight battle.

William is tackling another super wolf to the ground.

Bella is ripping the head off another Lycan and throwing others away.

Bastian, River and Anna are using all their strength to beat back the Dragons around them.

Luke ran out of ammo and shifted. Him and Alexi are fighting relentlessly to destroy the Dragons.

Jayson and Sarah are tearing rogues apart like it was Christmas. Paybacks a bitch.

Hart and Mica shoot arrow after arrow at the super wolves, hoping to slow them down.

Gideon is tirelessly helping Bella fight the Lycans.

Grey and Wes are fighting the reds. They’re covered on blood. I can’t tell if the blood is theirs.

Where’s Zander?

I run around the dome. I grab an ice wolf by the back leg and snap it off. He screams in pain as I snap his neck.

My wolf looks on the ground at the growing pile of frozen body pieces.

I run further and Zander is throwing wolves like toys. They’re coming at him relentlessly.

I jump on backs to get to him. He’s shifted now and extremely angry.

He’s crushing skulls like nuts and tearing heads off vampires.

A vamp was about to jump on his back, but I got to him first. I land with the vamp under my paws. With a growl I tear his head off.

“Zander! It’s too thick here. We need to move!” I yell to him.

“Agreed!” His wolf turns to run with me, but a grenade exploded between us and I went flying. I skidded across the pavement.

I’m covered in cuts and I’m sure I have a broken rib.

I look and the place I once stood was now riddled with bodies. Some injured, some dead on both sides.

The rain soaks me through as I try to get to my feet.

My head spins around. My friends are fighting tireless battles.

A loud thunder crack booms across the sky.

The clouds get darker. The rain falls harder. I try desperately to keep the water out of my eyes.

“ZANDER!!” I yell. I can’t link because my ears and head are throbbing from the explosion.

I get to my feet. I walk holding my ribs. “ZANDER!!” I look around wildly.

Lightning cracks over head making me duck. The gust pick up as the clouds roll in faster.

I watch as my friends fight.

We’re broken, beaten and bloody.

My Alphas are losing strength fast.

We're losing.

My face is pained, my body hurts and my eyes well.

I walk to the spot where I last saw him.

I suck in a breath. “ZANDER!!”

I lift my shaky hand to shield my face from the wind.

My breath hitches. “ZANDER WHERE ARE YOU?!”

“I’m here.” He spins me around.

“God, I was so scared.” I press my face to his chest. “What’s happening?!” I yell to him.

He looks at me. “I don’t know.”

Tears stream down my cheeks as a massive lightning bolt hits the middle of the dome. It explodes out.

“GET DOWN!” Zander grabs me and we crash to the pavement.

Everyone dives for cover as the gigantic dome shatters like it was hit with a missile. The shockwave steamrolls across the city.

I slowly raise my head and the domes gone. The pool destroyed. “Oh no!”

Zander helps me to my feet. The rain stabbing us like knives.

Everyone else gets to their feet.

Gideon runs over to me and taps my shoulder. “Look.”

I look and a shiver ran down my spine.

“YOU…WILL…BOW!!” The voice cut through the rain like parting a sea.

My eyes meet a figure who’s wearing a light grey cloak with hood. Hid face is sitting in darkness.

He’s standing on an outcrop of the mountain wall.

The battle stops dead as we stare at the figure.

The enemy army immediately falls to their knees in a show of submission. Like kneeling to their King.

My Alphas and their Lunas all join me and Zander. They’re wounded and tired.


The figure turns his head to Zander.

“I….” The figure hisses. “…Am the Shaman.” His voice is dark and deep. It’s enough evil to send shivers down your spine.

In a second, he throws something and hits Zanders chest. The vial explodes and Zander is thrown back.

He lands just in front of me.

“ZANDER!!” I run to him. He’s passed out. “Zander? Zander, wake up! Please!” I’m shaking him, but he’s not waking.

What came next, no one ever expected.

Nor would they believe if we haven’t seen it with our own eyes.

I stood up and the Alphas joined my back. Tears fall. “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?” I point to Zander on the ground.

“I am your new King.” He lifts his hood. “Phoenix will submit to me.”

My eyes go wide. I grab on to Gideon.

Grey grabs Wes. “What the hell?” They say the same time.

Jayson stands with Sarah. “Jayson?”

“You have got to be shitting me?!” He yells.

“No…its impossible.” Bastian tries to steady himself on Mica.

Mica looks to Hartlyn. “What the fuck?”

William looks at Eve. “Who's that?”

A tear falls from Eves eye. “The harbinger of death.” She chokes as she hugs him.

“No!....NOOOOOO! YOU MOTHER FUCKER!” Wren screams and cries as Lucius growls. His eyes shooting flames. He’s struggling to hold Wren back.

Gideon’s eyes go wide. “We are so screwed!” He looks at me.

Anna’s face twists into anger as she cries. She tries to run at the shaman, but River holds her back. “ANNA!!” He yells.

“NOOOO!....YOU CAN’T FUCKING BE HERE!” She cries as she fights River.

I bend down crying. “Zander! Wake up! PLEASE!!” I shake him hard.

Luke and Alexi push through and try to help.

Alexi grabs Luke’s arm and stands.

Her eyes widen and a tear falls.


The man with silver, shoulder length hair laughs maniacally. His laugh echo across the valley. His eyes glow red and an evil grin spreads across his face.

Alexi hitches a breath. “Father.” She whispers as she looks into the face that’s been dead for nine years.

Draco Torrent.

We all stand in pain and anguish. Dread fills the air. The battlefield is quiet. Our fighters all in shock while Draco’s army sit on their knees.

The wind blows as Torrent laughs even harder.

Luke’s face turns to a whine and he throws a finger at Torrent.



Thank you for a great run of the Falcon Ridge Series. I owe you all my greatest of appreciation for reading the series. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Falcon Ridge ends here, but the story line continues with The Phoenix Mountain Series Book 1 The City Of Dreams

Follow me on Instagram @mmctier1 for updates on future series

The future of Falcon Ridge and Phoenix hangs in the balance.

Whatever you do….don’t lose hope..

M. McTier

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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