Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 32


I’ve weighed this on my mind for countless days now. I have to do this or the cosmos will find out about us and Hope will be placed in prison.

Pacing around my office, I rub the back of my neck.

Damon is out there. Planning a war that I may not be able to win.

I feel in my core that something big is coming. I need to be ready for it.

To be one with Hope was my biggest wish and now to protect my people has also become part of that.

I can’t deny it any longer.

I stand with my hands on my hips. “Hope.” I whisper.

“Hello, Zander.”

I look up and my angel smiles that glowing smile.

“Hi.” I breathe.

She comes close and kisses me. I pull back. “I’m ready.”

“You want the blood now.” She places a hand on my cheek.

I nod. “Yes.” I kiss her again.

She steps back. “Ok. This shouldn’t be too uncomfortable.”

She holds out her hand and a thin, gold blade appears in her hand.

She holds the forefinger of her other hand out and the blade in her fist pointed down. She puts the point to the pad of her finger and presses. Blood pools around the tip.

She looks at me and smiles. “Hold out your tongue.” She whispers.

She waves the blade away out of existence and holds her finger above my tongue. She squeezes and I watch a single drop form and fall. I feel it hit my tongue and I take it in.

Hope clears her finger and watches.

I grab her arm and grit my teeth. I start to double over as I growl. Hope holds onto both my arms.

My head is lowered. My eyes glow angelic white.

“Argghhh…” I grind as the power builds in my chest. My grip on Hope tightens.

“Hold on, Zander. Just hold on.” She says as I fall to my knees.

The pain of the power is like a vicious lightening storm inside my chest.

It feels like a supernova that wants out.

Every muscle in my body clenches.

“It hurts!.....” My head sweats and shakes. I grasp at hope to hold on. My skin begins to glow a red gold color.

“Zander! Stay calm. It’s almost over.”

“Hope….” I whine as I double over more.

I growl harder as I arch back and the power resonates through me right to my wolf whose howling in my head. I hold my head and scream loud.

The power glows even brighter and burst out shaking the room.

I fall forward. My head on the floor with my arms around my head.

My breathes whine out as the power and pain die down.

I breathe heavy as I get to my feet. I hang onto Hope to steady myself. “That…wasn’t…so bad.” I smile.

Then I feel a small shake. My brow comes together as my eyes meet Hopes.

The shaking grows. Books fall off my shelves. Pictures fall off my walls.

We look around my office as the shaking gets even more intense.

My couches and desk dance across the floor. Glass breaks. My windows shatter. I glare at Hope as we struggle to stay upright.

As if dealing a final blow, my office begins to shake violently.

“What’s happening?!” I yell as I realize it’s not just us. Everything outside is shaking violently. We fall to the floor as pieces of my ceiling falls. I cover Hope to protect her. Light standards hang from the ceiling. Vent pipes come loose and hang down.

I look outside. The wind is also gusting hard. It blows in my face as I continue to cover Hope.

Black clouds in the sky gather and bellow out of the white clouds. The once sunny day is now almost dark.

I raise my hand in front of my eyes as lightning strikes hit the earth over and over. It’s like a forest of electric fire. They’re blinding as they strike in multiple locations across Falcon Ridge.

The shaking increases.

“Hope! What’s going on?!” I bend down to her.

“I don’t know! I’ll see if I can find out!” She blinks out of existence as I try and get to my feet.

I hang onto furniture and fight the wind to my window. My hand raised to the light as the rainless storm marches on.

I lower my hand as a feeling of dread washes over me.

I stare out into the storm. The room is still shaking.

Hope blinks in beside me. “Zander. It’s your father.”

My eyes widen and a sickening shiver runs through me.

I watch as a sudden blast of light hits the earth.

“Oh no.” I whisper as the shockwave hits the Unit building and I’m thrown back into my office and hit the back wall. I crash to the floor.

I crawl to my desk and slam my arm on it pulling myself to my feet. Hope helps me up.

“Zander.” She breathes.

Sound of emergency vehicles and various alarms ring out all over the city.

Buildings and houses are either half or fully collapsed.

“Hope. What?” I look out my broken glass windows with confusion.

“I don’t know, Zander, but somehow your father gained enough power to escape his prison.” She turned to the outside. “Now he’s loose.”

I look at her. “Where’d he get the power from?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know.”

I grab her shoulders. “Can you find him?”

“I’ll try.” She closes her eyes and concentrates.

She opens her eyes. “There’s a blast site outside of Kansas. I can’t see him or where he went. He’s shielding himself from me. I’m not strong enough for him.”

The door to my office burst open. “Zander?”

I turn my head and the Alphas are all at my door. I still have Hopes shoulders.

River furrows his brow. “What are you doing?” He folds his arms. All the others all have curious looks.

“They can’t see me, Zander.” Hope looks to my hands.

My mouth goes small and I lower my hands. “Nothing. I’m doing nothing.” I clear my throat.

“Ok. You’re OK?” River asks as they come in.

“Yes. I’m fine, but we have a problem.” I say.

“Yeah. A fucking huge earthquake.” Luke scowls.

I cross my arms. “That released a dangerous creature.”

“You have got to be kidding me!” Luke growls and throws his hands in the air. “Why can’t we have a normal earthquake like everybody else!” He scowls and shakes his head.

“What creature, Zander?” Jayson asks.

I look into my friends wyes. “My father.”

Mica pushes through. “Your father did this?”

I nod. “He escaped his celestial prison. Eternity is the creator of the planets and time itself. He’s powerful and vengeful. If he’s landed here, it will take a miracle to put him back."

“Wait…” Luke pushes forward. “Back…it…up. You’re a God?” He face full of shock.

“No. I’m the son of a cosmic being. Not a God. God’s are a completely different creature.” I supply.

“Ok, but you’re God like?” He asks.

“Yes.” I stare at them.

“So what? Dad’s got a beef?” River asks.

I shake my head. “Not with us. With the cosmos. If anything, he’ll want me to join him. His problem is, he has no issues with abusing his power.”

“Great.” Jayson says. “So what do we do?”

I scrub my head. “Right now, he’s gone into hiding. Fate will be hunting him down so he’ll lay low for a while. All we can do is wait until he surfaces.”

“Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry. Nice biceps….”

The Alphas turn as Declan pushes his way through.

“Declan?” I arch a brow.

“Hey. You ok?” He asks as he pants.

“I’m fine.” I state.

“Good because Phoenix isn’t.” He looks around.

“Why? What happened in Phoenix?” concern floods my body.

“Three days ago, they were attacked by Nordics. Ricky was supposed to call me back, but she didn’t. We sent out a team and their Comms have been down. Even our teams couldn’t get word out. We finally got them back online and….” He stopped looked pained.

“And what?” I ask.

“Ricky’s gone. Gabriel took her. Zander they got Ricky.” His face was full of anguish and fear.

I grabbed his collar. “Why didn’t you tell me?!”

He looks at me wide eyed. “Phoenix is a mess. We didn’t find out until a few hours ago and then the earthquake happened.”

The Alphas growl and fume at the news.

My mouth went small. My face twisted into anger. “The mountains.” I growls as my body heats.

My gut is twisted. My anger rising. My heart is pounding in my chest. My mind is whirling. My mouth waters for blood.

“Go to her, Zander. You need to hurry.” Hope lays a hand on my arm.

Her eyes are telling me something, but I just don’t know what.

I look to my Alphas. My lips curl into a snarl “Let’s get her back.”

Growling yeahs come from the Alphas as I push through them and maneuver through the damaged room and halls.

I’m hunting Gabriel down. I’ll tear him apart for even laying one finger on Ricky.

My wolf is going insane. His anger floods me. I want to crush that mountain to the ground.

How dare they touch what’s mine! My mind growls as I move through the halls filled with debris. My fists ball and my nostrils flare. I’m on complete autopilot.

I grab Rivers arm as we walk fast. “We need Christian. He’ll know his way through those peaks.”

“Ok. He should be with the evacuation team.” River runs ahead down the stairwell. The rest of us follow. The unit is a shambles from my father’s escape.

Ricky is my top priority right now. My father will be a fight for another day.

If Ricky is hurt in any way, the devil himself will be an angel compare to what I will unleash on them.


Christian and I grabbed our packs and were loaded into the Phoenix helicopter. It’s the quickest way to the mountains. About a four hour flight. The rest of the Alphas and their Lunas were on their way in trucks in case the Nordics decided to descend the mountain. Everyone is fighting for Ricky. I’m damn proud of all of them.

Christian leans over to me. “We land there.” He points to an area that’s open about a two hour run by four paws from the foothills of the mountain.

I look as the dark Grey and white peaks grow in front of me. This range is massive. It’s peaks are rough and rigid. The storms almost growl louder then the blades of the helicopter as we approach the landing site.

“Hold on its gonna get bumpy.” The pilot says as he fights the wind currents coming from the peaks.

The helicopter bumps and shakes as it makes its descent.

“I can’t get closer. You guys gotta jump.” The pilots say.

Christian opens the side door and looks down. He looks to me. “About twenty feet!”

“We shift in midair, we should make it!” I yell back.

He nods. He looks at me and jumps. He explodes out of his clothing and his wolf lands on his paws on the ground.

“Good luck!” the pilot yells.

I nod to him and suck in a breath. I jump and shift. My massive wolf twist and turns. His paws landing and skidding to a stop.

I look at Christians light grey wolf and we look the helicopter as it leaves.

I look back at Christian. “Lets go.” I link.

He slightly leads the ways as we run for the base and start our journey to get to Ricky.

“Please be okay.” I beg the stars as we run.

At the base, I already feel the penetrating cold. I look to the sky and it’s dark clouds swirl and twist as it pounds out another blizzard.

“How far?” I ask Christian.

“If the pass is clear, a day in and a day out.” He informs

I look closer and I think I see the moon, but it doesn’t look normal. Through the dark, thick clouds I blue.

I turn to Christian. “Is the moon soon?”

Christian nods. “Tomorrow night.”

“Lets go.” I growl. We shake our packs to adjust them and start our journey through the Brynja mountains.

Two days and the blue moon will be out while we go. I usually hide from it, but not this year. Moon or not, I’m getting Richelle back even if it kills me.

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