Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 29


After the debrief on the battle and spending all of the next three days between home and the lab, I barely had two seconds to even process what happened.

I haven’t even had a glimpse of Zander since he left for the vampire battle.

I don’t know if it’s him avoiding me or me avoiding him, but I figured if he really wanted to talk to me, he would have banged down my door by now.

Nope, I just chalk it up to a nice summer fling and now it’s time to move on. The Himalayas sound nice.

I walk into Bastian’s office. “Hey. How’s the little woman?” I smile.

“She’s good. Great actually. The baby’s fine considering Sammy died, but what can I say, he has strong parents.” He chuckles.

I chuckle too. “I…um…have something.” I hand him an envelope.

“What’s this?” He asks.

I scratch my head. “Vacation. I’m just…I need to get out of here for about a month or so. Declan’s as good as me. He can hold the fort while I’m gone. Everyone’s been trained on the pool and they have their instructions.” I stand and press my lips.

“You sure? We’re kind of at a crucial point right now.” He eyes me.

“Yeah. I need to stretch my legs for a bit, ya know. Release some tension before I do something really crazy.” I laugh.

“I can understand that. Ok. I’ll inform the Alphas. I’m sure Phoenix knows.” He states.

I nod. “Yep. All my ducks are in a row, B.”

“Good. Have fun. I think Zanders in his office if you want to inform him.” Bastian offers.

I wave him off. “No. It’s fine. I’m sure he has a million things to worry about. He doesn’t need my stuff piled on. The big lug doesn’t deal with stress well, if you haven’t noticed.” I smirk.

“Yeah, I have.” He smiles.

I shove my hands in my back pockets. “Ok. See ya.”

“Bye, Ricky.” He says as I leave his office.

My smile fades as I enter the hallway. I get on the elevator and lean on the back wall. I look up to blink out the sting.

I walk off the elevator and all the Alphas minus Luke and Mica are walking toward me. “Look! It’s a Hot Alpha parade and I forgot my wine.” I smile as they stop.

They all chuckle.

“I heard the vamp battle was epic.” I look around them.

“I’d say it was.” Grey thumped Lucius chest who grunted.

William bumped Gideon. “Even Gid got into it."

“Wow, G. Is the lover turning into a fighter?” I smirk.

“I don’t plan on making a habit of it, but yeah.” He rubs his neck.

“Missed you at the council meeting.” Jayson tapped my arm.

“Oh, I had some things to clear up before I vamoosed.” I shrug.

“You’re leaving?” River arches a brow.

I nod. “Yeah. There’s a mountain calling my name so I figured why not now.”

“But things are just getting good.” Grey says.

“Grey.” Wes bumps his arm.

“What? I like fighting.” He bumps his brother back.

“Awe, its cute you guys want me around. But I’m sure you’re big boys and don’t need me hanging around anymore. I’ve got a mountain of paperwork in Phoenix. I’ll certainly miss you guys.” I say

I wrap my arms around River and Jaysons necks.

Next is the twins. “You sound like we’ll never see you again.” Wes says.

I pull back. “How can I stay away from these sexy faces huh?” I tap their cheeks. “I’ll check in a few months. Just need to get some things straight.”

I turn to William. “Come here, tiny.” William bends down and hugs me. “We’re going to miss having you around.” He smiles.

“Oh please. You all can’t wait to get rid of me. Don’t lie to me, Bill.”

“I would never!” He says as his brows go up and I laugh.

Gideon’s last. “Goodbye, stud. It was nice working with you again.”

“Bye, Rick.” He says on my shoulder.

I pull back. “Now. Behave. Treat your ladies like queens. And don’t make me have to come back and kick all you’re asses.” I wag my finger as they laugh and wave bye.

I spin around and head to front door. I almost half expected to be stopped or see Zander run up from the parking lot. Wishful thinking I guess. He has a freaking angel from the literal sky. I can’t compete with that. Time to accept reality. Zander Maximus is out of my league. Honestly, I can’t even believe I got the shot I did. It’s best if I bug out now while I still can.

I drive to my hotel room to start packing. I’ve been fighting breakdowns since I got Zanders letter. I knew this would come at some point. He’s the freaking King of Wolves. The fact he gave someone like me the time of day, will be one for my autobiography if I ever write one.

Zander needs someone who’s not me. This Hope of the World is a damn lucky entity. I hope she knows that. What am I thinking, she’s a celestial being. Of course she does.

I throw some clothes and my passport in a bag and grab more stuff.

I stop and have to suck in a breath. I look at the door to my room for what feels like an eternity.

The soft knock comes. I smelled him before he even knocked.

I compose myself and plaster on some big ole fake feelings and open the door.

“Hey.” I smile as my heart shatters.

His Adonis face looks like it’s full of pity for me. I wish he wouldn’t. The last thing I want is water works.

I wave him in. “I…uh…I got your note.” I breathe as I continue packing.

“I figured you would have.” He walks in and looks around with his hands in his pockets.

“I heard the battle was successful.” I grab some files and stuff them in a bag.

He sits in the edge of my bed and leans on his knees. His movements are slow and cautious. I can tell he’s tiptoeing on my emotional eggshells.

“Yeah. We lost a lot of good men, but we knocked their numbers down.” He nods.

I smile as I put clothes in another bag. “Good. That’s great.” I turn and blow out a breath. This is harder than I thought.

I turn back and fold some clothes. He twist to me and props his leg up on the bed.

“Ricky…” He starts.

I shake my head. “Zan…It’s fine. Really. It was fun, right? Just messing around? You got a freaking heavenly being. I’m happy for you.” I turn and swallow how much that hurt.

“You don’t need to fake how you feel, Ricky. You’re upset. I get it. I want to know if you’re going to be ok.” He says.

I look up and press my lips together. I turn with a smile. I wave him off. “I’m fine. You’re not the first hot king that’s dumped me. Happens all the time. It’s cool. You just better treat that supernatural chick good.” I wag my finger at him.

He lowers his head and looks at his fingers. “I will.”

I grab some stuff from my end tables and put them in my bags. He watches me. I swear I can feel his eyes burn holes into my clothes. I want him to go, but I don’t at the same time. Even though we aren’t doing whatever it was we were doing, I just want a few more minutes in the same room.

“You going somewhere?” He eyes my bags.

I nod as I pack. “Yeah. Home….to Phoenix.” I avoid his eyes to hide how I really feel.

He looks at me. “But what about the tub? The systems? The battles?” He says.

“Declan and you big, sexy Alphas have it all covered. You don’t need me anymore. I’ve raised you now it’s time I leave the nest.” I chuckle.

“But we need you, Ricky.” He says.

I laugh. “See. This is why I hate when they get attached. Trust me, I know I’m irresistible, but I’m sure you’ll all survive without me.”

He smiles that freaking gorgeous smile that melts me every time. “Yeah, ok.”

He stands. “Hey…um…if you…need anything. Anything at all. Please…call me.” He looks into my eyes.

“Sure. Why not?” I grin.

“Ok. I guess. Have a good trip.” He says.

“Thanks.” I walk him to the door and open it.

He stops and side eyes me. “Richelle. I’m sorry.” He whispers low and his face looked pained. He saw right through me.

“It’s fine.” I say as a tear falls down my cheek. I look to the floor.

“Bye.” He says as he walks out.

I shut the door and lean my back on it. My hands cover my mouth and nose as I begin to cry and slide down to the floor.

I bring my knees up and bury my head in my arms as I sob hard.


I throw my bags into my trunk and get into my car.

“Well, Falcon Ridge. We had a great party.” I sniff as I start my car and drive away from my hotel. Zanders hotel in my rear view mirror has my heart feeling like it’s in a vice. The faster I get away from this place the better I’ll be.

I’m turning on the highway and lost in thought when my mouth goes small and I turn my head to the passenger seat.

“Hello, Ricky.” The red headed woman gives a small wave.

“What…the…fuck?” My eyes widen. “Who the fuck are you? How the fuck did you get in my car?! What the fuck is happening?” My mouth is running a mile a minute as I stare at the woman who wasn’t there a second ago.

“Ricky! Watch the road!” She points out the window.

I look and I’m in oncoming traffic.

I scream as horns honk and I correct my self.

“WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!” I yell as my heart feels like it’s about to explode.

“Relax. My name is fate.” She says.

“Fate? What were your parents hippies or something?” I glance at her.

She scoffs “This coming from the woman named Ricky.”

“Hey. My names cool. I got into a lot of bars just on how cool my name is.” I point to her. “So you’re like the fate?”

“Yes.” She nods.

I look at her. “What do you want?”

“How are you?” She sits tall and proper.

“How am...did you pop in my car to give me a therapy session?” I scowl at her.

“Not exactly. I came to tell you not to give up. There’s someone out there for you Ricky.” She glances at me.

“Well, no shit Sherlock. Geez, they make anyone celestial beings these days.” I shake my head.

“You’re angry.” She says.

“Of course I’m angry. I just went through the motherlode of fucking break ups and now all I want to do is climb a mountain and die on it. Yeah I’m pretty fucking pissed.” My face coated in anger.

She tilts her head to me. “Ricky, you can’t lose faith. The path is made. Stay on it. Don’t give up.”

“I accept the fact that Zander is the party king of you guys, ok. Don’t worry about me. Plenty of other hotties in the hot tub.” I watch the traffic.

“You hide your true feelings well, Ricky. I wonder if things might have been different is you showed them instead.” She gives a small smile.

“Well, it’s a little late for that.” I say.

“Yes, but don’t lose hope.” She says.

“Zander got all the hope. Not me.” I smirk and turn to her but the seat was empty.

“I don’t need hope. I need a bloody miracle.” I breathe.

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