Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 27


“Ok. Keep that water filtered. We’re going to need to keep topping this pool up.” I say to my lab assistants as I rush around the room and leave lab 6 and the temporary Lazarus pool.

“Ricky!” I turn in the hallway and Zander is running toward me.

He catches up. “Got a minute? We need to talk.”

“Oh, Sweetie. I’d love to, but I’m up to neck here.” I say as I walk toward the war room.

“What’s going on?” He asks, watching the people run through the halls.

“You don’t know?” I stop and turn to him.

“No. I don’t." He folds his arms.

“Zander. The vamps attack Black Lake.” I look into his eyes.

“Jayson.” His brow goes up. His face full of worry.

I raise my hand and calm him. “Jayson, Sarah and the kids are fine.” I start. “But several others were killed. I have incoming so I can revive them. One of them was Sarah’s twin brother, Shane.”

“Shit.” He says as he rubs neck.

“Ricky!” We turn and Declan is running up.

“Declan?” I look at his panicked face.

He stops and looks at both of us. “The vamps just attacked Black Rock.”

I look at Zander. “Bastian.”

We turn and run to the war room. Screaming came be heard from down the hall.

We walk in.

River, Lucius and William all have Bastian in a hold and his face is solid red.

“What happened?” I ask concerned.

Grey and Jayson ran to us. “Sammy’s hurt. She’s being sent here. It’s not good, Ricky.”

I pushed past them and ran to Bastian.

“NO! LET ME GO!! SAMMY!!!” Bastian cries.

“Bastian!....Bastian!...” I yell as I grab his face. “I can save her.” I stare into his extremely hurt and angry eyes. “I’ll save her.” I whisper as he starts fighting.

“Please save her.” He hitches.

I grab his head and pull it to my shoulder

I look to River. “When Sammy gets here, send her to the lab right away.”

River nods. “As soon as she pulls in.”

“What the fuck are you doing about this, huh?” Luke growls as he rushes Zander.

“I suggest you stand down.” Zander growls back.

“No! We wouldn’t be fucking dying if you just stayed where you fucking were! All of this…Sammy, Shane….All of it. IS YOU’RE FUCKING FAULT!” Luke pushes on Zander with fierce anger.

Zanders eyes glow solid white. “Don’t dare challenge me, wolf.”

I jump between them. “Luke this doesn’t solve anything!”

Luke eyes Zander over my shoulder. “Some fucking king you turned out to be. More like the bringer of death.” He snarls and turns away into the room.

I turn to Zander. “He’s just upset. He didn’t mean it.” I study his face.

“No. It’s fine. He may be right.” Zander says as he lowers his head.

“Look, let’s go calm down. I can spare a few minutes. You wanted to talk?” I ask.

He gives a small smile and kisses my forehead. “No. It’s…um…it’s not important. I need to find out where the next attack might come from.”

“OK. Sammy should be here soon. I need to prepare.”

“Ok. I’ll see you later.” He says.

“Later.” I smile and leave the war room.

I run out of the room and Sammy is on a gurney being wheeled up the hall.

I stop and a lump forms in my throat. There’s so much blood.

I collect myself and run to the medics. I feel for a pulse.

I swallow. “How long as she been dead?”

“Fifteen minutes.” One medic supplies.

“Okay. Get Bastian.” I say to the other medic.

We wheel her into the lab. Mia’s crying as she sees her best friend.

I go to her. “Mia. You can save her remember?”

She sucks a breath. “Yes.” She nods.

“Ok. Let’s do this.” I nod back.

The medics lower Sammy into the temporary pool and Mia places her hands over it.

“Sammy!” Bastian hits the door frame.

“Bastian.” I put my finger to my lips.

The water bubbles and glows gold.

It calms down we wait.

Bubbles come from the bottom and Sammy breaches the surface gasping for air. “BASTIAN!” She screams.

“SAMMY!” Bastian runs to her. He grabs her head and kisses her as she cries.

“I was so scared. I called you.” She sobbed.

“Baby girl. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He cried as he held her.

“What happened?” She cried harder.

Bastian smiled. “I’ll tell you later, Okay. Fuck, I love you so much.”

I’m sitting in a chair with tears down my cheeks. Mia’s hugging Sammy too. My assistants get towels.

Bastian wipes her face. “Baby girl, your eyes. They’re glowing.”

She looks at Bastian and her voice is growling. “Let us out Bastian. Let us kill the ones who hurt us.”

He tilts his head. “Baby? What do you mean us?”

“Us. Me and our pup.” Sammy’s wolf looks serious. “Let us out! Our power can fight them!”

I throw a hand to my mouth in shock and happiness.

“Pup? Did you say pup?” Bastian leans in.

The pink glowing light in Sammy’s eyes faded. “Bastian?” She looked confused. My guess is the pool confused control for a minute and her wolf took over.

“A pup?” Bastian whispers.

“Darn it. She told you. I wanted to tell you this morning.”

He straightedge up. “Get…get my Luna out of this water now!” He demands.

The medics check Sammy over and lift her out of the tub.

He hugs her once she’s wrapped up tight in towels and blankets.

“A pup! My God, Sammy. I love you so much!” Bastian laughs in between kisses.

“You’re happy?” She squeaks.

“Are you kidding? I’m ecstatic! My little prince will have the best, perfect life ever!” He laughs loud.

“Or princess.” Sammy tilts her head.

“The most perfect. Most beautiful princess on the planet.” He preens as they walk out of the lab.

I shake my head as Bastian is the same old Bastian just with a little more now. It’s nice to see.

As much I would love to feel happy, we have more dead arriving.

“How are you, Mia.” I ask as I clean up the blood on the floor.

“Oh. I’m OK. Tired but OK.” She says as she helps clean the room.

“If it gets too much, let me know. I’ll call Grey.” I nod to her.

“How are you?” She asks.

I stand and rub my forehead with the back of my hand. “I’m…uh…I’m OK. I mean it’s crazy right now. I’ve seen Zander for all of five minutes and it was to save him from killing Luke, but hopefully, this will all end soon.”


By the end of the day, Red Rock, Caledon and a few other alliance packs were attacked. Hundreds of fighters and citizens died.

The Vampires are all over us and we have no way of knowing where they will strike next.

After trying to revive as many as I could, the pool and Mia were exhausted. I informed Phoenix of more incoming.

I haven’t slept in two days. I walk down the halls wiping blood off my hands. I head to the war room.

Gideon has a coffee. I plant my but on the table beside him and take it.

“Hey!” He growls.

I hold a finger up as I down the cup. I hand the cup back. “Thanks.” I say catching my breath.

“Don’t mention it.” He scowls. “You ok? You look like crap.”

“I’m fine. I’ve been up for 48 hours straight, but hey. Saving lives is sleepless work.” I grin.

“How’s it goin’?” He asks folding his arms.

I scratch my head. “Um…it’s going. I mean. Sammy’s OK. Shane’s still in a coma in Phoenix. He should recover. The others are coming alive in the pool. It’s just keeping up. We need to end this.”

Declan ran into the room. “Ricky. It’s Mica.”

“Got to go.” I tap Gideon’s shoulder.

I run out of the room and I already hear the screaming.

I run down the hall and Mica is screaming and growling. Thrashing around on a gurney. The medics are trying to hold him back.

“LET ME GO! I HAVE TO GO BACK!! SHE NEEDS ME! LET ME FUCKING GO!” Mica screams. Hartlyns running behind him.

“Hart, what happened?” I say running up to her.

She catches her breath. “Vamps attacked Morgan. Mica was caught in that lust lock thing. I had to shoot him six times with silver tipped bolts to get him to stop fighting.” She places her hands on her knees. She looked at me. “They fed off him. He’s lost a lot of blood. He’s starting to heal, but he’s still crazed. He wants to go back to them.”

She stands. “I promised myself I would never shoot him again, but I had too.” Her face was pained.

“It’s OK. You did it out of love.” I smiled at her. Wrapping my arm around her.

We look at Mica still screaming and begging to go back. The medics fight to strap him down.

“What’s going to happen to him?” Hart chokes.

“The good thing is it wears off. The bad news is, we need to lock him up. It’s going to be a rough week for him.” I say.

“But he’ll be ok?” Hart says.

“I can pretty much guarantee, he’ll be riddled with guilt when he snaps out of it, but he’ll be fine. Make sure he buys you the largest bouquet of flowers he can find.” I smirk at her.

I walk into the lab and come out with a needle.

As I prepare it, Micas yelling and screaming.

I stick the needle in his neck. “This should keep you quiet for a while.”

I watch as Mica passes out.

“Put him with the others.” I order.

I blow out a breath as I walk back into the lab.

Hearing a commotion in the hall again, I walk to the door.

Up the hall, coming toward me is two rows of big guys in gold robes and belts with swords in them. They clink like armor as they march heavy through the hall. People stick to the walls as they pass by.

I lean on the door frame and cross my arms and legs.

“Oh, goodie. The cavalry’s here.” I smirk as I watch Zanders guards thump through the halls.

I follow the last pair and they’ve stopped outside the war room.

I stop too. I turn and Zander is coming up behind me. “Hey.” I smile.

“Hi.” He grumbles.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“We have an attack location. I’m going there now.” He says.

“Good. I’ll get my stuff.” I say as I go to walk back to the lab.

He stops me. “No. You’re needed here.” He talks in his old, deep angry voice.

I cinch my brows. “Are you ok?”

He puts his chin up. “I’m fine. I just need this war to end.”

I scoff. “Don’t we all.”

“I have to go.” He storms off. His royal robes billowing behind him as he enters the war room.

“Bye.” I look at him weird and turn back to my lab.

I sit down at my desk making notes. Documenting the latest injuries.

I pick up a file and there’s an envelope with a royal seal on it.

I slowly pick it up and turn it up. “Richelle" written on the front.

I open a drawer and pull out a letter opener and open the envelope.

I pull out a piece of paper folded in threes.

I open it and start to read.

As my eyes float left to right, they start to sting.

I swallow the lump in my throat.

I lean my elbows on my desk. One hand holding the letter. One hand holding my chin.

I don’t even blink as I read.

A tear falls out my eye.

Declan comes into the lab. “Hey. I have the results you were….” He sees me. “Rick? You ok?”

I shove myself off the chair and run out of the lab.

I run down the hallway to the war room and everyone’s gone.

I run back and turn toward the deployment area.

My face is heated. Tears fall.

I bust through the double doors to the large open garage area.

I run to the middle of it as the last truck drives out.

The letter falls to ground as I stare at the empty garage.

I swallow as another tear falls.

Declan runs up behind me. “Ricky.” He looks and sees the letter on the ground. He picks it up and reads it.

He looks up at me with concern and compassion on his face . “Aw, Rick…”

I shake my head. My chin quivers. “No…” I hitch as I turn and run back into the building leaving him there.

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