Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 25


While the clean up of the Nordic pack attack, continues, I’ve been trying to save as many as I could.

All told, 20 fighters died. Mia's strength is limited. It seems the time to be frozen is a day at most then this temp pool can’t bring them back. Those that were unable to be brought back are being transported to Phoenix to see if the main pool can revive them. The 20 that died, smashed to pieces during the battle.

We took time to gather the pieces of the fallen soldiers and held vigils for them.

Zander made a bit of speech about strength, honor and bravery of a fighter and it was beautiful, but did little to settle the hearts of the Alphas or myself.

They were senseless deaths. We only have the shaman and the Vampires to blame.

Christian has been beside himself for the last few days. Unable to rejoin his pack, he’s feeling lost. With the death of his friend and the betrayal of Gabriel. He now walks with a heavy heart. I do too. As much as I never trusted him he stood against his people for us. I never expected him to do that.

Zander also seems to be changed. He’s a little less loud. A tiny bit nicer in his wants.

I think seeing the Alphas in action and the brotherhood they have, showed him just what it means to be a Falcon Ridge Alpha. That we aren’t just peasants he can rule. The Alphas protected him not as a king, but as a friend. I believe he felt it.

As much as we wish we could just take a few more moments for ourselves, both me and Zander still have work to do.

Gabriel is still out there. I can expect another attack on Phoenix soon.

The Vampires are also out there. Which is the focus now.

I sit in the council room as we discuss what’s next.

Gideon leans on the table and puts his phone out for all to hear. “OK, Trish. Go ahead.”

‘With the parameters and given locations of attacks, the most likely locations for the vampire creatures to hide are here…Linking to council room monitors now.’

We all turn to the monitors on the wall. Trish brings up a map of an area outside of Red Rock with an 86.59% probability rate.

‘These locations all contain the survival needs of the Homo Nosferatu Vampiris. Your success rate of capture 56.62%. Success rate of death 93.99%.’

“Thanks, Trish.” Gideon slams his finger on the phone and shoves it in his pocket. “Sorry. It’s a new part of de program I’m testing. Obviously it’s buggy.” He scowls.

“I hope so. I hate those odds.” Luke scowls.

William looks at Luke. “Hey. There’s still 4% we won’t die, so that’s good.” He grins.

Grey looks at him and scoffs. “Ok Mr. Silver lining.”

William leans on the table. “Nothing wrong with a positive outlook, Grey.”

“OK.” Grey smirks. “Let me know how positive you feel when a vamp is ripping your throat out.”

Bastian holds his hands up. “Ok. We will send out flyers out and scope the locations. Look for signs of activity. Mica do we have permission to scope out Silver Hill?”

Mica nods. “Of course. I’ll help. I don’t like vamps in my backyard.”

“Neither do I.” Luke fumes.

River folds his arms. “Once we find them, what do we do?”

Zander clears his throat. “We go into the nest during the day. They can’t fight the daylight when they’re tired and hungry.

River nods. “We have the iron laced collars and wrist guards. But again, they will break off if you shift. Then you’re on your own.”

Zander eyes the table. “They’re sneaky creatures. Ambush predators. Keep your eyes and ears open. They have no heart beats, but they’re movements can be tracked. Smells will be useless. Vampires can throw their scents to different locations. These places will be covered on all kinds of scents so wolf vision is must. The other thing is the calling. Mate bond or not, the hormones released from male or female will be impossible to fight. Once a vampire has you in its lust lock, it’s game over. Do not use your nose. If we have guards we should use them.” He turns to River.

“I’m sure we do. I’ll include them in our wolf packs.” He agrees.

“Ok.” Zander leans back. “Now. Stakes. Wood ash or Cyprus. Must be driven into the heart as deep as possible. If the vamp can pull it out, he can heal. He’s also not dead. You must remove his head completely. This won’t be an easy fight. These vampires are strong, extremely fast and cunning. These are Damon’s first turns. They’ve been around almost as long as he has. Prepare yourselves.” Zander nods.

The Alphas look at each other.

Luke shrugs. “Sounds like a piece of cake.”

“It would to you.” Jayson shakes his head.

“Yeah. I’m siked to kill some bloodsuckers.” He grins.

Zander scowls. “We don’t use that term, Luke. It’s rude. I will not allow it to be uttered in my presence.”

“Sorry.” Luke mutters.

Bastian stands straight. “Ok. You have your orders. We will head out when the flyers get back.”


We didn’t get any information until the next morning.

I stayed in Zanders suite again last night, of course. This morning I was having a Jacuzzi bubble bath because, although Zander tires me out, I’m still not sleeping well with the Nordics out there.

I was soaking in the bubbles, almost passing out when Zander knocked. “Hey.”

“Hi.” I chirp.

“Having fun?” He sits on the edge of the tub.

I sink a little more. “It’s nice yes.” I smile. “It’d be nicer if you climbed in here with me.”

He smiled and grabbed some bubbles and smashed my face. “No. We have work to do.” He chuckles as I sit up and wipe them off.

“That wasn’t nice.” I say clearing my eyes out.

He grabs a towel, still laughing. “Here.” He wipes my face off.

I lean on the edge. “What do you got?”

He opens his phone “A location. They’ve detected signs of movement here.”

He shows me his phone. “That’s outside of Red Rock. Has Luke been notified?”

“Yes. Everyone is packing up and heading there now. Better hurry up.” He kisses the top of my head and walks out.

I pull the plug and hop out. “Damn right. I’m so there.”


We’re all grouped together in the woods outside of Red Rock. Heading toward an abandoned mine shaft buried in the trees and ground.

Zander adjusts his pack of stakes on his back and I walk beside him with climbing gear or anything we all may need down there.

I spin around and look at the Alphas.

“You guys ready?” I ask.

Luke hits his fist on his hand. “Let’s rock.” He growls.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” Jayson says adjusting he pack.

River and Bastian both nod. Grey and Wes fist bump each other. “Ready.” They say in unison.

Mica looks at Lucius. “Ready big guy?”

Lucius grunts and nods.

“I feel sick.” Gideon says, looking sacred as hell.

William wraps an arm around shoulder. “Don’t worry, Gid. Stick with me you’ll be alright."

Zander looks behind him. “Eleven of us and four of them. I think we have a shot.”

“You think?” Gideon says.

William laughs. “Relax.”

We get to the entrance and a wind blows strong as we approach it.

It’s old, broken frame leaning as the earth pushes on the rotting, moss and mold covered, rectangular wood doorway. Inside is darker than night and the old tracks still sit waiting to be used. The old beams over head split the sunlight on the dirt floor. Webs and other signs of abandonment show around the area with the exception of footprints in the dirt coming in and out.

The wind swirls leaves and makes a hollow sound as it hits the entrance. My guess is there’s a vent shaft in there because wind is also bellowing from inside the shaft at random intervals. It’s also making a ghostly sound.

As we get closer, we’re hit with one of these blasts of air.

Everyone groans in disgust, except Zander.

“Ugh…What’s that smell?” I groan covering my nose with my hand.

Zander enters the mineshaft. “That, my little devil, is the smell of centuries old, walking death.”

“Fucking disgusting.” Luke growls covering his nose with his leather jacket.

“Gross. Do they always smell like that?” I ask as I turn green.

Zander shrugs. “After puking few times, it’s not so bad.”

“Uh….nope still gross.” We turn and Gideon is leaning his hands on his knees and William is shaking his head.

Zander stands. “Come on. Breathe through your mouths. If you have the nose guards, use them.”

I put my nose guard on and look at Zander. “Don’t you need one?”

He laughs at my nasally sound. “No. I’ve spent years training against it. It doesn’t effect me. These are lower vamps. They don’t have the power over me.”

We walk into the dark. It takes a minute for my wolf night vision to kick in. I reach to my bag and pull out my phone. I turn on the flashlight. Zander covers it.

“No lights. We don’t need to announce ourselves more than what we’re doing. We need to be as quiet as possible...” Zander speaks softly, but as soon as he does a loud crash of equipment happens behind us.

We turn and Luke tripped, ass over tea kettle, spilling his pack and stakes across the tracks.

“Ugh…sorry.” He grinds as he gets up.

“Mind your footing!” Zander grits under his breath.

“I said sorry.” Luke growls as he packs his stuff back up.

The Alphas help get him back to his feet as we go deeper.

We get to a point where the track has broken over a cavern. The cavern is even more dark, if that’s even possible.

The distance is about twenty feet to the other side.

“Ok.” I breathe. “Across or down.”

Zander looks at the options. “Down.”

“I was afraid you were going to say that.” Gideon says.

“Come on, Gid. Think of it like exploring.” William says.

Gideon looks at him. “Were yuh dropped on your head as a kid.”

William gets a confused look on his face and looks down like he’s thinking. He looks to Gideon. “Huh. I don’t remember.”

Gideon groans and walks on ahead. Leaving William there to continue thinking.

He turns. “Bill, come on.”


I pull out the rope anchors. Zander takes them from me. “Let me. Don’t need these coming loose.”

“It was once!” I say with my hands on my hips.

He tilts his head to me.

“Ok, more than once. Just…do your King thing.” I wave him off.

Zander calls his wolf strength and drives the anchors into the rock floor.

We tie up four ropes. “Ok guys. Take it slow. Repelling can be easy if you don’t panic and if you fear heights, do not look down.” I say as I hook the Alphas up with their harnesses. “Keep your ears open. Once one set is down, the next set can go.”

I clip myself to the rope and look to Zander. “Ready, ya big lug?”

He smiles. “Ready, little devil.”

We fist bump and push off the edge.

I see the Alphas lean over and Grey shakes his head. “They’re both insane.”

Lucius and Mica grab the other two ropes. They push off and slide down.

Micas smiling. “I could get into this.”

Lucius looks over. “It’s alright. I prefer going up.” He grumbles.

Zander and I get to the bottom. “Ok. Guys. Next two.”

Grey and Wes get on their ropes. “Beat ya to the bottom.”

Wes groans. “It’s not a competition! How many times do I have to tell you?”

Grey grins. “Everything’s a competition, Wesley.”

“I told you. Only Mia’s allowed to call me that.” He growls.

“Come on, guys.” I call up.

They both repel down.

“Gideon. William. Luke. Your next.” Zander calls.

“Nice and slow.” William advises.

“Sure.” Gideon says. Completely freaked out.

“Don’t look down.” Luke says to himself.

They climb over the edge.

“That’s it. Almost there.” I encourage.

I watch as the three men make the last legs.

Me and Zander help them off. “That wasn’t so bad, was it.” I smile at Gideon.

“I’m still not doing your crazy stuff.” He points at me.

I grin. “That’s what he’s for.” I thumb over my shoulder to Zander. “Come on.” I back hand his chest.

We regroup and pack our harnesses away.

I cover my nose again. “It’s stronger.”

Zander nods. “We’re close. Look.”

We look where he’s pointing and carcasses of deer, wolves and other smaller animals are scattered across the floor and piled against the walls.

“Keep your eyes on everything.” Zander says as he slips a stake out and twirls it in his palm. “Watch the fangs.” He stops it so its ready to strike.

The rest of us do the same.

We step lightly. The cavern bottom opens up to a big cave. Stalagmites and stalactites decorate the floor and ceilings.

William stands and looks around. “I don’t think anyone’s here.

I turn to him as a dark figure crawls down the wall behind him.

“WILLIAM LOOK OUT!” I yell. He turns and jumps back as the vampire raises his head, flashing his fangs and hissing.

“Hey, Zan. I thought you said there was only four.” Grey says looking up.

“I did.”

Grey points to the ceiling.

The ceiling has come alive with bodies that now started jumping down and landing on their feet.

We start to back up as they all eye us with green eyes and hungry fangs.

“The King….” Some hiss.

At quick count there’s at least thirty vampires in this one area.

“Come on. Come get some!” Luke yells. Pushing his way through and thumping his chest.

“Uh, no!” Zander grabs him by the back of his neck and pushes him back the way we came.

“Run! I yell.

We all turn and run fast to the ropes and the vamps are hot on our tail.

Zander and I usher the Alphas onto the ropes. “Zander!” I point behind him.

He pulls out two stakes and throws them. Two vamps take them in the hearts.

I get grabbed. I take a stake and drive it into the vamps chest.

“Get up the rope.” Zander yells.

“I’m leaving you!” I yell back as I drive another stake into a heart and kick another away.

“GO! I’m right behind you.” He throws two more.

He drives one into a chest and kicks in further.

I see a vamp fall and look up as the Alphas are surrounded on the walls


Zander drives another stake in. He turns to me. “Ricky, go!”

I press my lips together with worry and grab the rope.

I climb right into the face of a vamp. It screeches and hisses.

“FUCK YOU!” I yell and kick it in the head.

I hear gunfire as Luke starts shooting the vamps as the crest the edge.

“HURRY THE FUCK UP!” Luke yells.


I punch a vamp in the face and kick his head. He falls and the sea of vamps parts as he hits the cavern floor.

“ZANDER!” I scream.

Vamps started climbing the ropes.

I look up. “CUT THE ROPES!”

Lucius pulls out his hunting knife and cuts the ropes.

I’m hanging on and don’t even notice the vamp behind me.

Luke fires his gun and shoots the vamp behind me. “Ricky, get your ass up here.”

Just as I crest the edge, one climbs my rope behind me. Luke shoots. He misses and the bullet cuts the rope and vamp falls to the floor.

“NOOO!” I reach for it but it’s too late. “Zander!”

The cave echoes with snarls growls and hisses. The sound almost hurts our ears

I hang over the edge. “I can’t see Zander. ZANDER!!” My eyes well as I search the waves of vamps.

I’m bouncing on my hands at the edge. “Come on.” I grit as a tear falls.

Then the vamps explode with a huge Alpha growl. Zander lands on the wall his eyes glowing white. His wolf claws dug into the side of the wall.

He pulls up and drives his claws into the rock.

“Oh….oh God….Zander…” I crawl to where he is.

“Zander climb faster!!” Luke yells as he fires the last of his clip. He changes it out and fires some more. “Get your Royal ass moving!!”

The rest of the Alphas are at the edge encouraging Zander to climb.

Grey looks at me. “Is there anymore rope?”

“No. It’s all down there.” I say.

“Fuck.” He grits.

“Zander. Come on!” I lay down and reach for his hand.

He clenches his jaw and digs his claws into new spots on the rocks.

“Come on. Little more.” I beg as I reach. “Grab my hand. Please.”

He growls and pulls his weight up.

Luke fires bullet after bullet, but a vamp grabs Zanders foot and starts to pull.

“NOO!’ I scream as Zander digs his claws in. He slides down the wall.

Rock pieces tumble down.

Zander screams as the vamp sinks its teeth into his calf.

“Zan, don’t move!” Luke aims and fires shooting the vamp between the eyes.

Zanders whining and gritting as he begins to climb again.

I reach my outstretched fingers waving to him. More tears fall.

He’s covered in blood and sweat. His breath coming out in whines as his arms shake, pulling his weight up the wall.

He reaches his fingers out to me. They’re inches from mine, but he has to pull back to hang on. He’s so tired.

“Just a little more, Zan. Don’t you dare give up.” I whisper as tears fall. I look into his pain filled eyes. “Please. Just grab my hand…Please.”

His shoulders heave as he shakes his head. “I…cant….” He chokes.

I reach out. My face pleading. “Zan…Don’t.” I press my lips together. “Don’t leave me.” I choke.

He looks at me and looks down. He growls and calls what little energy he had left. His hand grasps mine. I slam my other hand on his as I laugh through my tears. “Yes! Come on, ya big lug. You aren’t done yet!” I cry as I pull him up.

I help him over the edge. He’s hurt and exhausted. I look into his eyes and grab his cheeks. I put my lips on his and kiss him softly.

The vamps and everything went away. It was just us in this moment.

Luke leans over. “Hate to break this up, but they’re coming.” He nods.

I look at Zander. “Can you run?”

He nods.

We get up and I wrap Zanders arm around me and we run back toward the entrance.

The vamps sound like a roaring freight train coming up the shaft.

“Jayson. Take Zan.” I say. Jayson takes him.

“What are you doing?” Zander asks

“A field test.” I throw my experiment into the shaft. “COVER YOUR EYES!”

The shaft explodes in blinding light and fire.

The forest fills with screams and sounds of pure suffering.

The light dies down. “What was that?”

I stand. “A solar bomb.” I grin.

Zander laughs.

More growls came from the shaft. “Yeah. It’s not that powerful.”

We all turn tail and run back out of the forest to Red Rock.

The vamps will be held back for a few more hours. We’ll have to get that shaft covered before they can escape.

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