Reign Of The King The Falcon Ridge Series Book 10

Chapter 1


“Gorgeous day for a flight!” I shout into the mic of my headset.

I look over at Declan who has a concerned look on his face. “Yeah. Ok.” He’s gripping the hoop hanging from the roof of the helicopter looking like he’s crapping his pants.

I giggle. “Declan, relax. You’re perfectly safe.”

“Do you know the stats on the number of helicopter crashes each year because I do!” He glares at me.

Declan Churchill. My best friend. I don’t know why he’s my friend. Honestly the guy would chain himself to his desk for fear of hurting himself. Smart guy, a little nerdy, but his black hair, brown eyes and tanned skin give him this cute, innocent boy look.

Me on the other hand, if it won’t kill me, it’s not exciting enough. I’m a hard-core adrenaline junkie. The more riskier the better.

I was once like Declan. Afraid of basically everything. Wouldn’t do anything out of the ordinary. Refused to try anything new. Even relationships. Just sit at my computer, coding and hacking. “Scared little mouse.” My brother would tease. Then the pack wars started. My brother was a soldier at Falcon Ridge. He was killed in combat.

Since then, I’ve lived life to the extreme. No more scared little mouse. I don’t know if I’m trying to get myself killed or trying to run from feeling vulnerable. Either way, any chance to stare death in the face and challenge him, I take it.

I tuck my long, light brown ponytail through the hole of my helmet and buckle the suit I’m wearing up to make it secure.

I look out the window of the helicopter door.

Smiling, I preen over the towering skyscrapers, the busy roads and snow capped mountain peaks. My eyes sparkle as the Dome over the Lazarus pool shines in the sunlight.

Phoenix city. Surrounded by Phoenix Mountain. Home to 20,000 humans and wolves. We’ve really brought this place up since we took it over two years ago. It helps that we have the best techs and developers the wolf world could ever have. All thanks to Falcon Ridge.

As I look out, I turn to the pilot. “Go higher!”

“Don’t you think we’re high enough?” Declan shouts back.

“The Flyer C19 personal flight suit is the most advanced flight suit on the planet. If this test works, our flyers will be able to drop into the middle of cities undetected for more stealthy surveillance. It’s time for wolves to take to the air.” I grin, clinching up my last buckles.

“That’s great and everything, but why you? Someone else can test it.” Declan says. His face is turning green as the pilot increases his altitude.

“Why not me?” I ask.

“You’re Head Alpha!” He yells.

“And I’m the best one to take the C19 out for it’s first flight!” I grin and stick my ear buds in queuing up ‘Song 2’ by Blur.

“You’re insane!” He yells as I open the helicopter door.

I turn with my back to open air. “Come on, Declan. Live a little.” I wave, press play on the computer screen on the arm of the flight suit and jump out of the helicopter.


I fall fast at 5000 feet above the mountain range and city below.

I straighten out. Pulling my arms and legs in. The wind is rushing by head and my heart's about to explode. The smile on my face is as big as the dome I’m falling over.

‘Deploy wings now.' The AI voice tells me.

“Ok, baby. Show mama what you can do.” I push a button on my arm and nothing happens.

I push it again and still nothing. “This is a problem.” I mumble as the ground gets closer. I pull the console screen off the suit and it falls, hanging by wires

I flip over so the screen isn’t ripped off by the rushing wind. I look and a wire came loose. “Oh, you bad boy.” I scowl behind my goggles. I hooked it back up and wings shot out my sides. The wings caught the wind and whipped me around.

“YEAH!! WOOOHOOOO!” I scream as the flight suit raises into the air then starts its designated flight path.

‘4000 feet.’

The buildings towers come closer and I aim my suit for one of the largest buildings in the place. The Phoenix Mountain Security Building.

I push the console screen back on. “Time to stop the falling.” I push a button on the screen and another set of wings pop open.

‘Now switching to pilot controls.'

“Thanks!” I shout.

The suit jolts a bit as I now have full flight control. If I lean up, I go up. If I dive down, I go down. Turn left or right, I control it all. I’m freaking flying!

‘Wind currents are stable.’ The computer informs.

‘Turn west to landing target.’

I’m shooting through the air like a rocket. The air propulsion on the sides of the suit push me forward. The tail between my calves help with direction and stabilization.

Circling the city, I press another button. It scans the heat signatures of everyone I fly over. “That works.” I pick a dot on my screen and it brings up the photo and personnel file of that person. “Awesome, facial recognition.”

I clear the screen and focus on the next stage. Landing my ass on solid ground.

I’m doing somersaults as I fly. This is the best rush ever!

‘Landing target approaching at 500 feet…400 feet…300 feet…Deploy parachute now.’

I twist and turn through the air. “Alright time slow this down.” I push another button and a parachute flies out the pack on my back.

The suit automatically shuts down and I use the handles of the chute to guide myself in for a landing.

I’m coming in and I realize I undershot.

My eyes widen as the side of the Phoenix Mountain building comes into my flight path.

“OH SHIT!” I yell as I slam into the side of the roof.

I hit the building with a hard thud. My body bounces and my one arm is thrown off the ledge.

“Ow.” I grumble as I hang off the ledge from one hand. The wind is blowing my parachute all over, pulling me with it. I pull the console on my hanging arm up to my nose and hit a button. The parachute gets sucked back into the pack on my back by the auto pack feature.

I look down past my dangling feet to thirty floors below. “Um…This is a problem.”

I bring my arm up and push another screen. The emergency screen comes up.

I tick my head. “Here goes nothing.”

I lift myself a bit with my arm and with a little bounce, I let go, hitting my emergency chute button as fast as possible as I fall. Base jumping off the building.

The chute opens and I glide the 300 feet to the street below.

I hit the pavement hard and roll.

When I come to a stop, I roll onto my stomach. “Ugh. That could’ve gone better. Might need airbags.” I groan as I stand up and brush myself off.

I look and people have stopped dead on the sidewalk. They’re staring at me with shocked expressions.

I have a pained smile on my face. “Hey. It’s a great day for falling. You…uh…you guys should try it.” I chuckle with a hand on my hip. I give little waves. They shake their heads and continue on their ways.

Untangling myself from the chute, I take off the suit and ball it up. I’m in a sport bra and shorts as I walk into my building.

“Alpha Killian. Um…Weren’t you in your office?” A soldier named Eric comes running.

“I was, but decided to take a dive.” I smile.

“Uh…oh. Well, there’s a bunch of reports on your desk that need signing.” He says.

“Sure. I’ll do that and you…” I stuff the flight suit in his hands. “Take care of this.” I strut away from him.

“What am I supposed to do with this?!” He calls.

“Take it for drinks…Where do you think a flight suit goes?” I fold my arms and shake my head at him as I turn around to face him on the elevator.

He blinks at me as the doors close.

Getting off on the 30th floor, I’m bombarded by people wanting stuff from me.

“Alpha, how did it go.” One of the scientists from our Comms unit meets up with me.

“Well, Hugh…” I say as I sign the forms shoved in my hands. I hand them back. “The wiring on the console is crap, the flight controls are shaky and the damn computer is 30 feet off.” I scowl.

“Really? Thought we got that fixed." He says biting his lip and scratching his head.

“Well, ya didn’t. I almost became permanently part of the building. Get it fixed.” I smirk.

“Will do.” He nods and runs off.

“Alpha!” I turn. My assistant joins me in the hall.

“Jocelyn, what ya got?” I smile.

“The latest mission reports are on your desk. You need to sign the latest recruit rankings and I’m reminding you for the forth time today that your trip to Falcon Ridge is now 20 minutes late.” She says looking at her watch.

“Sorry, Joce, but when I have an opportunity to almost break my neck, you know I can’t turn that down.” I smile as I walk into my office. “I’ll be out in five.” I yell as I shut the door to get ready to see my boys at the Falcon Ridge Security Unit.

After putting on a tshirt, black jeans and my knee high boots, I open the door to my office and Declan is there with his hand up.

“Oh thank God, you’re alive.” He breathes and throws his arms around me.

“Of course, I’m alive. Declan, I swear, you’re going to give yourself an ulcer if you don’t stop worrying. I had it handled.” I push off him and back hand his chest.

“Are you ready?” He asks.

I grab my backpack and put it on. “Yep. I can’t wait. It’s been two years since I’ve seen anyone at the unit. Plus, all the wicked stuff to do there. It’ll be a great vacation.” I smile.

“You mean a great time to land in traction.” He glances at me as we enter the elevator.

“Declan, if I gave a second thought to the risks I take, I’d end up like you. Boring and alone.” I chuckle.

“Hey, boring is good. Boring means breathing.” He crosses his arms.

“Is it? Is it really?” I squint at him with a smirk.

He puts his chin up. The doors to the elevator open and we walk to the parking garage. “Yes. It is good. Honestly, you act like you have a death wish. Is it ever going to be enough?”

“Declan, there is no challenge on this planet that I won’t take on.” I slap his chest again. “Let’s go. Beat ya there.”

I straddle my Harley Davidson Sportster. Throwing on my helmet, Declan looks to me over his BMW. “It’s a two day ride. We aren’t doing it in one shot.”

“Why not?” I ask.

“Ugh. I need my beauty sleep, Okay?” He scowls.

I chuckle. “You need a hell of a lot more than beauty sleep.” I smile from behind my helmet.

“Hey. I’m not afraid to fight you.” He points at me.

“Love ya too, De.” I slam my visor down and rev my engine.

I smoke my back tire and peel out of the parking garage.

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