Refusing my Alpha mate

Chapter 6


I spent the day with that little redhead in my head, but I used all my free time to exercise and train, it helped me focus, but it didn't help much. During the night I had the dream again, but at the same point I woke up, the exact same dream, I woke up frustrated again.

Could it be, that even in my dreams I wouldn’t have her completely?

I had another terrible night's sleep, and to make everything worse, today was the second day of the games, and I needed to be in Clair's presence, after having dreamed of her in my arms, if that wouldn't drive me crazy, nothing else would.

My father got ready, but he was even more tired than in the first games. He walked slowly with me to the car.

"Dad, are you sure you're okay to go? Today is Capture the flag, it could be tiring." I said with a low tone of voice, trying to make him understand that maybe it wasn't a good idea.

"Yes, Arthur, I already said that as long as I'm still the Alpha here, I'll continue with my commitments, it's not this damn disease that will stop me." My father, stubborn as always, told me as he got into the passenger seat.

I got on the driver's side and we went out to the Troffendoll's Pack, we arrived and went straight to the forest region where the games would take place. Almost all the Alphas had already arrived, and my eyes desperately searched for Clair within that group, as if my life depended on it.

It was as if my heart was frozen and could only start beating again when I saw her, and when my eyes found her small body, I sighed in relief, she was wearing her guard uniform, and this time her red hair was braided, making her look like a true warrior. Clair saw us and approached, I got out of the car and went around, but I had to help my father get out, he was weak, but how was I going to stop him from participating in the competition, which is one of his favorites?

I noticed Clair waiting for me to help him out of the car to greet us.

"Augustus." She said smiling as she greeted my father. "Arthur." She said looking at me, and when our eyes met, in addition to the shiver that ran through my body, she certainly saw my concern for my father, I looked at him and swallowed hard, before positioning myself next to him. to help him not fall.

And as if she read my mind, Clair said. "You know Augustus, I was waiting for you to arrive, I don't have a referee this year, and as you're one of the most experienced Alphas in this game, I thought you could stay at the finish line to confirm the winner." Her words were like a balm of relief from my worries, I felt my shoulders loosen and I sighed so loudly I'm sure she heard it.

"Of course Clair, it would be a pleasure." My father responded smiling, and I'm sure he felt relieved too, having this alternative. When Clair's eyes returned to mine, I gestured the word thank you with my lips, and she nodded and smiled, and that smile made my whole body shiver again.

We headed to the games area, and soon after Tommy arrived too, he patted me on the back twice.

"So Archie, are you going to get the second medal today?" My friend made me turn around to hug him.

"I hope so." I responded laughing, just to the point of hearing Clair's voice in the background.

"I declare the second day of the games started. As you know, today is Capture the Flag day, I will be the captain of one of the teams, and our dear Augustus Hausen, has agreed to be our referee. And for the captain of the other team, I choose our already winner of the first medal, Arthur Hausen." Clair said throwing me a smug smile on her lips. I just returned the smile and gave a curt nod. "And since I chose you as captain, you can start choosing teams." She completed and my gaze went directly to Tommy, she imagined that I would choose him, but then I created a plan in my head and a mischievous smile appeared on my lips.

"Ethan" I said, and not just Clair who let her jaw drop, but everyone there was surprised, she opened her lips to say something but gave up and closed it again, her father would be on my team.

"I want Vincenzo," Clair said then, Vicenzo was the son of the Alpha of the South, he should take over in a few years, he was a young and very strong boy, I understood her choice, but I would opt for Tommy's agility.

"Tommy." I finally chose my friend, who was already stamping his feet in agony in anxiety when I called him.

Clair chose three more Alphas, one of them was Tommy's father, Edvald, and I stayed with Clark and two other boys who must have just turned 18, Gael and Ronnan, but my team would serve.

She then came towards me with a map in her hands.

"Here we have the map of our forest, use it wisely, because I grew up here, good luck, Arthur," Clair said tilting her head to the side.

"Good luck, Clair," I said as I walked away to meet going with my team, which had Ethan clearly uncomfortable being on the opposite team from his daughter.

My team gathered around a barrel, with the map in the center, except Ethan who was standing far away with his arms crossed, I needed to win him over, I needed to convince him that I knew what they were doing.

"I chose you for three reasons, Ethan, because you know the forest even better than Clair, secondly, it would be a surprising factor when choosing and I'm sure she already had some role for you in her strategy, you were the only one irreplaceable, and third, I will use it to destabilize her emotions in my strategy," I said and Ethan tilted his head, the same way Clair did.

"Intelligent dear Arthur, but why do you think I would destabilize my daughter?" He asked, scratching his chin and uncrossing his arms.

"Because you're the only person here she wants to impress," I said firmly and clearly, as I knew it was true. "But come and see my idea," I said swiping the map and making Ethan join us. "Clair should go in the middle, as it's the fastest and cleanest way, she's smaller and faster than all of us so she should take the flag first, and we'll let that happen." Now my entire team was looking at me with furrowed eyebrows, this went against any strategy. "We're going to let her take the flag, and Gael and Ronnan will follow to pretend that we're interested in taking the flag at first, but you let her take it and continue to the finish line, I'll follow the mountain, I'll take the northern trail, it's longer, but the end of it goes straight to the finish line. Ethan goes through the center in a zigzag, to distract Clair, and Tommy comes from the right along the river, he should arrive just after me at the finish line, if I don't intercept, you take it and we win.”

Part one of this game, tomorrow we have the second of it.

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