Refusing my Alpha mate

Chapter 36


Just as abruptly as Ethan entered, he left, running and completely upset. My gaze went to Clair who opened her lips in astonishment and we didn't need to say anything else, she quickly ripped the IV off her arm.

"Clair, you need to finish the treatment." Dr Keller said trying to stop her.

"I'll finish later." She said over her shoulder and followed me out of the room.

We needed to go after Ethan, he was a rock, cold, a warrior, a machine. He didn't show emotions, but there he was a bomb about to explode, and I didn't blame him, I don't know what I would be capable of doing if I were in his place.

We saw Ethan's figure outside the hospital, just about to see his wolf come, he transformed and ran towards the center of the Pack. I ran to my car and Clair came after me.

I started the car and drove as fast as I could, I followed Ethan's wolf despite knowing exactly where he was going.

To the guard headquarters.

Clair's Pack was large, especially in size, but we were in the center, the guard headquarters wasn't very far away, and as soon as we arrived, I crossed the car at the entrance while I saw Ethan's wolf rush into the place.

No one would dare stop the former Alpha from entering there, even in wolf form. I opened the car door, but I waited for Clair to get out and we hurried in too. We passed the guards and I saw them salute her, but at that moment we simply didn't have time for that. Ethan's wolf went directly to the back of the headquarters, and we could see David leaving a room just to see his former Alpha's wolf in front of him. Ethan transformed and walked steadily into the room as he screamed.

"Is the bastard in there?" He asked shouting and David just opened his eyes wider.

David's gaze went to us running after Ethan, and finally, we all rushed into the room, to the point of seeing Jackson handcuffed to a wooden chair, and Ethan entering, holding him by the neck and pressing him against the wall, in one movement so strong and abrupt that it broke the chair, causing the fragments to hit the walls and floor.

I expected Ethan to yell at him, question him, or Jackson to try to defend himself, but for a few seconds they just stared at each other, Jackson choked on Ethan's hand, but even though he was breathing hard he didn't say a word.

"Why?" Ethan asked, simply, directly, and coldly.

Jackson tried to suck in the air and take a deep breath.

"To take over in your place," Jackson said simply as if it were obvious.

"Why not just challenge me?" Ethan asked now with resentment and pain, it was almost palpable.

"Because I would lose." Jackson only responded as necessary, and stared back at Ethan, as if he didn't imagine that his former Alpha would simply kill him, or as if he didn't care. But then he took another breath and continued. "In the beginning, Veronica gave tiny doses of silver in Ivy's tea, it was to make her sick and weak so that maybe we would have a better chance of beating you in a challenge, but then she soon became pregnant, and there is the Council law that prohibits the challenge when Luna is pregnant. The idea was to kill Clair while still in her womb and make her sick, but Ivy was stronger than we anticipated, Clair simply didn't die, and neither did Ivy. When she finally died in childbirth, Anyway, we believed that we would have everything in our hands, but Clair survived…” Jackson said, pointing his head at Clair, who was next to me, she squeezed my arm, and I hugged her back. I felt deep in her soul that she herself wanted to end Jackson, I also had that desire, but I would never take that away from Ethan.

"You still could have been a man and challenged me," Ethan shouted back, but his voice was choked, as if in addition to all the anger he was feeling, crying had also taken over.

"She would always exist, Clair would always be the future of the Pack... I tried to boycott all your attempts to change the law in her favor, but it was all in vain, at least I met allies in this process." Jackson smirked, and I swear I don't know how Ethan didn't strangle him at that moment. "So when she was close to coming out I tried to poison her too, but guess what? The little bitch wouldn't die..." Jackson said and I couldn't help myself, I felt all the blood in my body boil, so I let go of Clair and took a step forward, if Ethan wasn't going to kill him now, I would.

But she caught me then, she pulled me in place, and she took a step forward.

"You didn't count that the doses of silver you gave my mother made me immune." She said it without shouting, she just said it firmly in his direction, and not even Ethan expected this reaction that even he turned his neck to look at her.

"But then I discovered that even without killing you, the silver would make you my puppet. And I could have all the power in my hands, without even needing to kill you. I even convinced you to be alone..." Jackson said back and I felt her boil too. At that moment she felt anger, guilt, pain, and resentment, and I don't know what feeling motivated her to take the next step, but she did, she moved even closer, standing inches from Jackson's face.

"You weren't counting on Arthur in all this, were you?" She asked him smiling, as if she was calm, even though I knew it was all she didn't have at the moment.

And hearing my name in her mouth, understanding what she meant by all that, just made me love her even more.

"I wanted to feel sorry for you, but I can't even feel that," Clair said, turning her heels and taking two steps towards me, which was enough for Ethan to transform again, and at that moment I just opened my arms for her to enter, while I saw over her head Ethan's wolf literally tearing away Jackson's head from his body, with all the satisfaction he could be feeling, blood gushed down the walls, and the head rolled onto the floor after being thrown to the side, Jackson's already lifeless look gave me chills as I heard the sound of his body falling to the ground.

But it's over.

Finally, it's over.

We went to David's office, and after a few minutes, Ethan came in wearing a guard uniform open to the waist, and using a towel to clean himself.

"And about her?" Clair's question was incisive and direct.

"I think life in prison is enough," Ethan replied.

"Refer everyone to the Council, it's their investigation too," Clair said directly to David.

After that, with all our spirits high, we still chose to attend my father's wake the next day. Clair was organizing the rest of the things, Dr Keller went to her office to carry out the rest of the treatment and I went back to my Pack to finish organizing the ceremonies.

I stayed late to finalize the last details, my mother was very ready to help me, and we were getting ready to go up and go to bed, I let her go ahead while I kept the last documents and separated the ceremony items, I left everything in the office and went to the kitchen to get a cup of tea to go upstairs, when the outer door opened, and it was one of my guards opening the door for Clair to enter.

He promptly left, leaving us alone and she had a small bag in her hands. Without saying a single word, Clair came towards me and kissed me, so intensely that I simply wasn't used to it, I didn't hesitate to pull her body against mine, her hands went to my neck and if we didn't stop there I don't know when we would stop. And I remembered the water I left heating, and I reached out to turn it off, still hugging her with my other hand.

"I didn't expect to see you today yet," I said still against her lips.

"I don't accept spending another night away from you." She told me smiling, still with her hands on my neck. "I left my father in charge tonight since I no longer have a Beta." She said with a shrug, trying not to show that she was still obviously shaken by it all. "But we're going to need to talk about all of this."

The talk.

"I don't know if this is a good time to talk about a complicated subject like this," I said, pushing her away slightly, just to look into her blue eyes better.

"I think it's simple." She replied back.


"We will join the Packs and take over together, two Alphas." She said winking and making me smile seeing the scene.

"Doesn't it bother you anymore to take charge with me?" I asked, tucking a strand of her red hair behind her ear.

"Bother isn't the right word. If I was always afraid of coming out to my mate and losing the position of Alpha? And wasting everything I've worked for my entire life? Of becoming just a Luna? Yes, I've always had that fear..." Clair started to speak looking down, but then her eyes lifted and she looked at me, her gaze dancing between each of my eyes. "But with you, I know that I don't need to be afraid of anything, including and much less this. I know that I can be Alpha too..." She said now tilting her face to the side and smiling.

"I will never let anyone forget this. That you are Alpha, my Alpha." I responded by holding her face with both hands and looking deep into her eyes.

"What about our Betas? We need to think of someone." She asked now and I had someone in mind, I always had.

"Actually, I think of a possibility…" I said, turning her around and taking Clair by the waist to sit her on the counter.

"Who?" She asked seriously, and I was even surprised that she hadn't guessed yet.

"Monica and David, she trained her whole life to be a Beta. And well, he seems trustworthy." I said now with her in the same line of my gaze and I was able to analyze every inch of her face opening into a smile.

"It would be perfect, wouldn't it?" She said, smiling the most wonderful smile I could see and I couldn't stop myself from kissing her there.

And until then I hadn't kissed Clair without reservations, with Clair before I always did everything walking on eggs, always suspicious, always fearing that she would transform again in her confusion and run away, and since we discovered everything, we just didn't have time for the two of us.

But there, there she was entirely with me and for me, there she was mine and I was hers, entirely. I invaded her mouth with my tongue, and Clair followed my movements as if we had been rehearsing them our whole lives, Clair pulled me to bring our bodies together and her legs crossed behind my hips, keeping me trapped in her. And I didn't hesitate to pull her by the waist and lift her off the counter in two movements.

"Arthur." She said holding onto my neck and tightening her legs around me even more. And I just looked at her and gave a sideways smile, she sighed before kissing me again as I walked with her up the stairs to my room.

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