Refusing my Alpha mate

Chapter 24


I didn't know what hurt more, if it was the first time she rejected me, or if it was now.

How did I manage to go from paradise to hell in so few minutes?

I tried to understand, but with every thought close to her, what was my feeling and thought mixed with hers. And it got harder and harder.

I opened the door to the Pack's house and faced the darkness of the night, there were few guards there, most were taking care of the seizures, and I started to think about how I was going to get back home. And only then did I remember that I came with my father, but I looked around and my car wasn't there.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to." The voice was David's, and for the first time, it didn't irritate me so much.

He came after me.

"I can't stay here," I replied, like a confession.

"Tommy drove your car and took your father back home, and as soon as we found you I sent a guard to tell your parents and Monica that you were okay." He told me, standing next to me, and looking straight ahead. And I felt an absurd relief hearing that, so much so that I sighed, probably loud enough for him to hear.

"Thank you for that."

"I'll ask a guard to take you, I just won't go in person, because I have a very problematic meeting ahead of me," David told me, placing his hand on my shoulder and turning on his heel to leave.

In a few minutes, a black SUV from the Troffendoll guard stopped in front of me, I opened the back door, sat down, and let my head fall on the backrest, with every meter that the car moved I felt our thoughts letting go, one from the other, to the At the same time that the emptiness in my chest hurt, it was physical pain, it was suffering, more pure and genuine suffering of being away from her after mating, and I swear that if I had known I would feel that way, I wouldn't have done it. I believe I dozed off a couple of times before I got home, and I watched the car drive away as I walked in the front door, careful not to wake anyone, but instead of going to my room, I went to my parents' room. I opened the door carefully and peeked through the opening at the two of them sleeping, my father slept with an elevation in the bed so as not to have reflux at night, due to the various medications, but even so, the two insisted on sleeping together, she was lying there next to him, and even though with the elevation she needed to stretch her arm a little more, they still slept hand in hand, and I watched them in silence, and thinking that I would never have that, I was fated to sleep with one side of the bed always empty.

My father coughed, and my mother woke up quickly, she reached for a tissue, wiped his lips, and he went back to sleep. Only then did she notice me at the door, open a smile, and gesture with her free hand for me to come closer, the other always holding my father's.

"I just wanted to say that I've arrived," I said in a whisper, softly, so she could hear, but not to wake him up.

"But are you okay? Is Clair okay?" She asked, whispering too and widening her eyes.

"Yes, Mom, we're fine. She just has a lot of work ahead of her, and a lot of captured people to interrogate. I'm just thankful that wasn't in our territory." I said sighing, but part of me wished it had been, just to…. I didn't even know anymore, I needed to get away from her, I needed to be there for them, my father was dying, and I needed to take over, and soon. "I don't want to disturb your sleep," I said kissing her hand. "Good night, Mom."

I went to my room and tried to sleep, I tried to digest it, but it was in vain, too much had happened, I took a shower, I needed to get her smell off me, I needed to wash her, I wanted to get rid of her smell that was stuck to my body, I could get rid of the smell that was in my head, but unfortunately it wasn't like that.

The next day, I took back the reins of the Pack that still belonged to my father, I spent the whole day familiarizing myself with documents, and putting things in order, our legal sector was in shambles, and I would be the Alpha there, I couldn't be too the lawyer, I sent a letter to a friend from college to help me. I started to organize everything, but I made sure that Mr. Augustus Hausen was there with me, by my side, sitting on the sofa in his living room, helping me align documents, because I knew that this way he would feel useful. My mother brought us tea mid-afternoon and sat with us.

"Son, how is your matter with the Troffendoll girl?" My father asked taking a sip of tea.

"Complicated, Dad, but she still wants my rejection," I said, pouring myself some tea, and it hurt, it really hurt to even talk about it.

"In a relationship, everything is complicated, my son, things are only complicated in different areas." My mother told me, without pressuring me to speak, just commenting, wise as always.

She made me think that in the physical department, we had no complications, it was easy, and natural, as if we were made for this. But in the sentimental and rational part, and It was a confusing, meaningless soup. I shook my head to get her out of my thoughts.

Over the next two days, my routine was like this, I was gradually taking on more and more functions, putting more and more papers and documents in order, and my father was able to rest, more and more, I have to say that getting stuck into work was the best thing I did to get Clair out of my head for a bit. Monica told me that David was swamped with work interrogating all those arrested and that there were members of the Council involved, that the bomb would be much bigger than we imagined, but I didn't dare ask, I even thought about offering help, but it hurt too much to be at the same room as her, I gave up.

I was finishing signing the entry documents for my possession when I heard three knocks on the door.

"Alpha Arthur."

Her voice.

I closed my eyes and sighed, Clair didn't call me Alpha, it must have been a hallucination. I wasn't going to respond, but Clair opened the door without waiting for a response and walked into what was now my office, and I just stared at her in disbelief. She wore a flowery dress that was fitted at her waist, but flowed loosely down her body, leaving all the work for my memory to remember her curves, she wore her hair loose, and her waves cascaded down her shoulders and back. , and on her face, her expression was one of distrust, with a shy smile.

"Alpha Clair," I replied, and then swallowed hard, being in her presence was always a challenge for me, and when I tried to look into her blue eyes, my wolf came, and hers too, I lost control for a few seconds, and just When I came back I blinked hard and looked away.

"Sit down, what brings you here?" I asked trying to bring reason to that.

Clair approached but didn't sit on the sofa, she just stood in front of my desk, with both hands attached to her body. And damn, I wanted to jump on her, right there.

"I came for two reasons, the first is that…" She stopped, took a deep breath, and faced me to continue. "Many of the members of the attack were also from the Council, they were against me taking over alone and…" She stopped again as if it were difficult to speak. "And the triad organized a meeting with all the Alphas, for the day after tomorrow, at the Council. Your statement should arrive today, but as you were on time, and basically, you led the negotiation." Now she shrugged and looked like a girl explaining herself. "They asked you to come tomorrow, so we can give statements."

She finished speaking and took another step forward, lowering her gaze, as if she was looking for words for what to say next.

"And since it's a long trip, they suggested we sleep there. I thought I'd tell you to have your apartment prepared at the Council." It was as if she was fighting with herself with every word that came out.

I leaned against the back of the chair, hooked one of my ankles over my knee, crossed my leg, and analyzed every inch of her.

"Thank you, I will send a statement to them today," I responded and stopped analyzing her. "And the other thing?" I asked bringing my hand up to my chin.

"The second thing I needed you as a physical therapist…" She said shyly, but her sentence was enough to make me almost jump out of my chair.

"Why, did something happen?" I asked worriedly.

"No, it's just…" She started to speak and swallowed hard before continuing. "I've already been to Dr. Keller twice today, I can't train properly, something in my groin, I think it was from the bite and…" She began to explain herself, shrugging her shoulders.

I sighed, I knew what it was.

"It's on the inner thigh, isn't it?" I asked and she just nodded yes. "This happens because of our healing capacity, muscles heal before nerves, and they end up getting tangled in the process, come here let me take a look."

I said and she started to walk around my table, and with every step she took, I regretted saying that, being so close, was much more difficult.

She was right in front of me, I wanted to lift her dress, but I would completely lose control, with all the care in the world I touched her over her clothes, my fingers went around her crotch, where I knew it would be the point of pain, and her moan escaped, louder than I imagined. But the chills I felt when I touched her came so strong that I had to take a deep breath to avoid doing something stupid.

"I'm sorry, but it's here, isn't it?" I asked and she just nodded and bit her lower lip.

Damn, Clair.

I took a deep breath and tried to remain as professional as possible there. But my blood was already almost all in my dick.

"I'm going to need to release the nerve, it might hurt a little." I started to say, but the smell of her arousal hit me, a growl came from the back of my throat, that I knew was my wolf.

I stopped and sighed.

"Clair, don't do that," I said, it hurt me, but I needed to stay away from her, I couldn't hurt myself for her all the time.

"I'm sorry, I… I can't help it." Her voice was broken, choked, I don't know if it was from desire, crying, or both.

I knew it was both.

I went as fast as I could when I put her nerve back in place.

"Done," I said and let go of her as if my hands were burning, but in truth, I didn't know if I could trust in myself if I kept touching her any longer.

Clair turned quickly, and I saw her wipe her face with the back of her hands.

"In principle, this shouldn't bother you anymore, if you need to, just talk to me, and I'll try to put it back together," I said trying to bring reason back.

"Uhm." She said with her back still turned. "Thank you, see you tomorrow." She looked at me quickly, her red eyes gnawed at me inside, I wanted to take her in my arms and never let go again.

"Clair," I said standing up and holding her wrist in the same movement and she turned around.

Her eyes met mine, we were just a few centimeters apart, very few, my eyes went from one to the other, without stopping, as if in the blue immensity I found something to say.

I knew what I wanted to say, I wanted to kiss her, fuck her on my desk, take her for myself, take over the fucking Pack with her, have a life with her. But I couldn't.

So I just said.

"Avoid training legs today, so as not to force yourself." The disappointment on her face was palpable, and I saw the tears form once again as she nodded and let go of my arm to leave.

I punched the wall and screamed as if it would make what just happened better.

I have to ask, whose side are you on? Arthur or Clair?

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