
Chapter Lets go to bed


“Let’s go to bed.”

Fuck me, those words on his lips had so much promise my thighs instantly clenched. Why the fuck was I always such a horny bitch around him?

Sadly though on this occasion, with his daughter sleeping in the next room I think he just meant to sleep.

I lay starfishing in his huge bed. I could hear him pottering around in the bathroom, showering, brushing his teeth, humming a tune to himself.

Eventually he appeared in front of me, wearing only his boxer shorts which he dropped to the floor before climbing into bed.

“Night Red.”


He flipped off the side lamp and shuffled lower. A whirling pit of self-destruction squeezed it’s way into my mind. The nightmares had already started but I wasn’t even asleep yet. Inside, I felt terrified so I shuffled closer to Ace and clung to his bare back.

“You okay?” He asked with concern. I wanted to answer. I tried to answer but my throat choked up.

I would’ve only replied ‘I’m fine’ anyway which would have been a lie. He rolled over to face me and I looked into his eyes, anchored by his safety.

“Hey, you’re okay. You’re safe.” His velvety voice spoke. His nose brushed up against mine and I leaned in, kissing him sweetly on his lips.

He reciprocated the kiss instantly, rolling on top of me but keeping all of his weight off me by using his hands.

The kiss was so tender, it made me want to melt beneath him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him down onto my body. He groaned into my mouth as I sprawled my hands out onto his bareback, loving how his muscles flexed beneath my fingers whenever he moved.

I had an Ace kink, everything about him turned me on unlike anyone else ever has before. Even innocent things like the way his lips formed words or just his hands in general - how big, strong and manly they were.

The guy slaughtered my family, yet I was still drawn to him like this deep magnet pull. It was more than lust, more than just attraction. There’s a connection, there always has been a connection.

Which is why he saved me when I was six and he was eight. It’s why I recognised him in the park, although I’d never seen him maskless. It was the reason he could give me orgasms so easily.

And it’s why I struggled to kill him.

I gasped at the feel of his boner pressing against my panties, the heat coming from that particular part of his body, the way it made mine pulsate in need.

His lips nipped my neck gently and I squirmed beneath him. “You’re so wet for me baby, I can feel it coming through your panties.” He whispered just below my ear and pushed his hard on against me further, I moaned.

He tugged his T-shirt off me and tossed it aside then skimmed his hands up my sides to rest on my breasts. Peppering kisses from my neck down to my nipples, he gently tugged them between his teeth. I whimpered, shivering as desire shocked through me.

His hands didn’t stop there, they trailed down my thigh and he started moving his fingers against the most sensitive area of my body, right where I needed them to be.

I grabbed him, filling my whole hand with his thickness and longness, he swore softly in response and kissed me with a heightened sense of urgency and hunger.

Everything felt so good, I couldn’t concentrate. So many feelings at once, both physically and emotionally. His hands were drumming up so much pleasure within me, his eyes were gazing deeply and I was completely consumed in this feeling of him.

It was passionate, intimate and seductive. He was sensual, loving and caring. It was too much, but at the same time not enough. I was trembling in his hands like a damn gelatine tower, feeling too many emotions. Too many feelings. Ones I was forbidden from feeling.

“You’re so fucking perfect, everything about you turns me on.” He grit out, his voice gruff from the torment my hand was performing on his dick. He sucked my neck and I moved against his hand.

His fingers were agile, moving with the rhythm of his voice. They were covered in my wetness, slipping and sliding up and down me with ease. His fingers dipped in and out of me, teasing everything down yonder. I arched my back, crying out as an orgasm ensured.

“Holy shit!” I gasped.

He flipped us so I was on top of him and he lifted me, taking my hand away from his dick, hovering me over his face.

I jolted as his tongue licked up my slit, gripping onto the headboard to steady myself. He twisted it and turned it inside me, lapping up my wetness. I couldn’t fight the urge to rock backwards and forwards on his face. Fucking his tongue until another orgasm crashed through me - two back to back.

I climbed off him and he smirked at me before wiping away the gleam from his lips with the back of his hand. His hair looked messily sexy and his blue eyes twinkled at me. “I love feeling you cum on me, on my fingers, on my tongue, on my dick. It’s fucking mind-blowing.” His voice was husky and I loved that.

I took hold of his dick again, he groaned as I jerked it backwards and forwards in my hand, sinking his teeth into his lower lip in a sexual way. I straddled him and he swallowed thickly.

“I have no condom.” He said disappointedly.

“I’m on birth control.” A fleeting look of uncertainty flashed before his eyes but he didn’t dwell on it before he used two fingers to gently tease apart my

lower lips so I could ease myself down on his length.

“Fuck” his voice sounded strained and his jaw clenched, fighting all of his urges to cum right there and then. “I could cum just from being inside of you.”

Gently he brushed my hair over my shoulder and caressed down my arm before resting his hands on my hips and watching me intensely bounce up and down on him.

It felt different without the condom, closer.

More personal.

I looked down at him, his eyes were so different in moments like these. They held a connection that drew me in deeper. As cheesy as it maybe it felt like our two souls were colliding through deep understanding, intimacy and something else.

“Fuck, I love you.”

I stopped.

He stopped.

“This. I love this.” He corrected nervously. “I meant, I love fucking you - I don’t love you.” I started moving again, swallowing down the epic fear he just stirred up inside of me.

His hands clutched my back, everything felt so fucking good it was easy to forget his momentary relapse of words.

“Cum with me baby.” He demanded.

Grabbing hold of my hips to slow my movements down. The strokes got deeper but slower, lingering out our orgasm.

“Fuck, fuck me, fuck!” I moaned, tilting my head back, feeling every inch of him tighten and move in and out of me like an expert. He grunted and then yanked my head down to kiss him, aggressively and assertively as I came undone around his dick.

“Shit Red.” He whispered into my ear, making me shiver as he kissed me on the neck. “I just came inside of you.” I smiled, kissing him on the lips and tugging them between my teeth.

“I know, it was fucking amazing.”

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