Red Nova

Chapter Epilogue

Forever and Ever

A few days had passed since Vreffith launched his dreadful attack on Earth, when Nesha and her companions saved the planet and humanity. Thousands of people from all four races gathered together in Marrakech’s largest riad garden, which was a part of the president’s estate. They were cheering at their saviors: Nesha, Keith, Teri, Zar’kara, and McKenzie who had robotic leg implants, covered by his military armor suit.

Walking up the central aisle with a cast on his left arm, Keith grumbled and said, “Man, even when I’m injured I still have to report for duty.”

“Just be grateful you’re alive,” said Zar’kara.

“No one cares about me,” said McKenzie, playfully moping.

Teri giggled and said, “Sure we do, Mr. Shiva!”

“Funny,” said McKenzie. “Very funny.”

Nesha laughed, holding Keith’s hand. The quintet went up the stairs to where President Weldner waited. He shook their hands and then approached the podium while the crowd quieted down.

“Today, on this beautiful summer day, we are gathered together to commemorate the extraordinarily brave work of some very special people,” said President Weldner. “Though I was too blind to recognize Vreffith Larser’s corruption and connection to the Black Moon syndicate, a brave and diligent soldier embarked on a perilous mission to take down Vreffith for our safety: Admiral Niralus Bisel. With the aid of these courageous soldiers, including his own daughter, they were able to put an end to Vreffith’s twisted scheme.”

The crowd clapped and cheered while Nesha and her friends bowed at the audience who congratulated them.

“Praetor Zar’kara, please step forward,” said the president. Zar’kara walked over to the podium. Weldner shook his claw-like hand and went on, “Praetor, because of your skills as the finest warrior, you have proven to us all that together we are impenetrable. When your empire joined us, I never felt more proud. Thanks to you, the vel’pheasians traveled here to help us in our greatest time of need.”

The crowd clapped while Zar’kara bared his fangs, smiling. Then Zar’kara looked at the audience and replied, “My ancestors once had an ancient legend: the Ahgraka, a treacherous foe, would rise against us. And only the Shal’a-ka, a female born to be a true warrior, shall fight by our side to defeat him. It was an honor to fight by Nesha Bisel’s side. She is the true Shal’a-ka.” The vel’pheasians hissed, roared, and snorted as they pounded their chests in glory. Zar’kara stepped back, but not before shouting, “For the Yak-Shur!”

“Sergeant Keith Wernn, please step forward,” said the president. Keith came over to the podium, shaking his hand. “You have one heck of a reputation. And I think if anyone knew that better than me, it was Niralus Bisel. After all, he’s the one who selected you to be his own guard out of the entire fleet. Not only have you survived the horrors of Vindor, but you’ve also helped defend the UEC and IGF. What was it that made you want to become a soldier?”

Keith responded, “First, I want to say thank you, Mr. President. I heard about your plan to send Detective Renfred to Sepas IX. If those creatures were experimented on and are linked to the same ones from Vindor, it’ll be a breakthrough. We shouldn’t have to worry about another colony being used by such a horrible form of experiments.”

“Indeed, what happened on Vindor was a horrible tragedy,” said Weldner.

“Well,” continued Keith, “I became a UEC soldier for one simple reason: credits. There was a time when money and UEC benefits were all I cared about. When I became a victim on Vindor, however, I realized how important it was to be a soldier. I realized how important it was to help people who suffer. It hardened me, but it made me soft at the same time. My experience as a soldier prepared me for the worst, especially Admiral Bisel’s mission. Thanks for allowing me to be a sergeant, a soldier who’s always ready to do his job.”

The crowd praised him while President Weldner said, “I don’t know why you’ve been a sergeant for so long, but you’ll always be known as our greatest soldier. Most of all, it is my own decision to announce that you’re now officially a general.”

“Way to go daddy-o!” shouted Teri.

The audience cheered again while Keith shook Weldner’s hand. “Thank you,” he said. “That’s quite the promotion. I’m grateful and will always stand up for the UEC.” He stepped back and rejoined the others.

“Private Bryan McKenzie, please step forward,” said the president. McKenzie walked over to Weldner and shook his hand. “Private, you’re a recent graduate of the academy and joined the UEC military just two months ago. And from what I can tell, you’re the only soldier who has ever been promoted as quick as Niralus Bisel because you’re now Colonel McKenzie, under General Wernn’s command.”

The crowd clapped at McKenzie as he waved back with excitement and replied, “Thank you very much, Mr. President.”

“Tell us, how in the world did you become such an amazing soldier?” he asked.

“To be honest, I was frightened,” said McKenzie. “This was my first mission out of the academy, and I didn’t have real combat experience. When we were first attacked by the Black Moon syndicate, forcing us to abandon ship and regroup on Aydis, it shook me up. I’ll never forget it. But it made me stronger. I followed Shiva and Commander Mar’kett. They’ll always be in my heart. This mission has truly prepared me for anything. Now that I’m back, I know that no matter what happens in life, I can face it.”

McKenzie stepped back while the crowd praised him. Then the president looked at Teri with a warm smile and gestured her to come forward. Teri tugged Zar’kara who put her on his shoulder, kneeling by the podium so she could speak.

“Professor Teri Breuget, I think we can all say that we love your inventions,” said the president. “Thanks to you, we have rifting. It’s become more than a sport. You have created something that speaks to all our souls through traveling. You’re also a genius, coming up with incredible technology, such as your UHAT, which has always been perfect for infiltrating. Lo and behold, you used one for Zoris Kong’s and Vreffith’s ships. I think it’s safe to say that we should start mass-producing those in Ubieria, right?”

“That would be totally awesome!” said Teri.

“It’s the least we can do for someone who has helped us so much,” said Weldner. “But lastly, I think the UEC owes you this, if you want it of course.” He handed Shiva’s old UND to her. “This has the files to restore your aging process.”

Teri’s eyes widened as she held the UND. “Thank you, Mr. President,” she said, hugging the UND and sniffing, trying to hold back her tears. “I didn’t realize that Shiva had found a way to reverse what Gillian did to me. I’ve gotten so used to living this way that I’d almost given up. I don’t know what else to say. Thank you!”

“You’re most welcome, Teri,” said Weldner as the crowd clapped. “Nesha Bisel, please step forward.” When she approached him, they shook hands. “Not only are you this year’s rifting champion, but you’ve also saved our lives from Vreffith’s insanity. So, on behalf of the UEC, I award you the galactic medal of honor and congratulate you on your graduation and acceptance into Higher Education, funded entirely by the UEC.”

“Way to go!” said Keith, clapping with the crowd.

“Thank you so much, Mr. President,” said Nesha emotionally. Weldner nodded and then stepped aside, allowing her to speak. “I never asked for much in life other than falling in love and being successful with my career. For a long time I wasn’t sure if I’d have either, especially when Vreffith’s men tried to kill me.” She glanced at Keith for a moment and looked back at the audience. “But now I found the love of my life, Vreffith and his syndicate have been stopped, and I have the greatest friends I could ask for. Most of all, I know that from this day forth my career will always be about ensuring the well-being of everyone on this beautiful planet, and, if it’s possible, on every planet.”

She rejoined the others while the audience praised her.

“That was great, babe,” said Keith.

“Nicely put,” said the president, clapping. “There is one final tribute.” The crowd quieted down, listening to him. “It has always been against the law for an AI to be free without a modus operandi. Admiral Bisel, however, proved that we can trust AIs such as Shiva. And so, with great pleasure, I present this.”

Two guards pulled down a brown sheet behind Nesha and her friends. When the cover was removed, everybody saw a statue of Niralus Bisel shaking hands with Shiva who’d been sculptured with her Ubierian guise. The statue was taller than the walls surrounding President Weldner’s outdoor riad. Countless people in the garden clapped.

“Oh my gosh,” said Nesha. “Shiva looks amazing.”

Keith smiled and responded, “I showed them her mask.”

“And you didn’t tell me about this?” said Nesha. “You’re a naughty boy.” She kissed him and looked at the monument, particularly her father. Nesha thought, I hope you’re proud of me, dad.

“Let’s give our saviors one final applaud,” said Weldner, clapping with the crowd.

Nesha and her friends waved at everyone. Then, as the commemoration came to an end, they made their way out together.

“I’m going to miss being around you guys,” said Nesha, walking past the masses.

“Do you think we’ll see each other again?” asked McKenzie.

“Of course we will, silly willy,” replied Teri. “We all need to keep in contact so that every year we can party harty together.”

Keith laughed and said, “Definitely.”

“You party and I’ll eat,” said Zar’kara.

Nesha and the others laughed, hugging one another while the crowd cheered at them. It was one of the greatest days of their lives.

Niralus Bisel, Nesha Bisel, Keith Wernn, Jolus Bako, Bryan McKenzie, Rena Mar’kett, Teri Breuget, Praetor Zar’kara, Tathagata, and Shiva were the saviors of the twenty-seventh century. All four races celebrated their amazing victory and from this day forward it was never forgotten. The Tenth Fleet’s adventure was soon written in every single UEC and IGF history book.

Teri eventually returned to Ubieria. She decided to continue watching over her brother’s decedents while tinkering in quadrant X. As President Weldner promised, he asked Teri to mass-produce her UHATs. Little Mama’s Shop became known as the best mechanical and engineering shop in the galaxy. Teri never had to worry about business, not that it ever mattered to her. Tinkering remained her passion. And though she could now live a normal life, she decided to keep Shiva’s UND in a safe spot in her studio. Now that she had the option to reverse the effects of her aging process, she felt better about looking like a child.

Zar’kara returned to Yak-Shur as praetor. Most of the vel’pheasians praised him. Some of them still had a lingering hate for his actions toward Meftha, but whenever they’d meet in secret to plan a revolt against Zar’kara, the will of Yak-Shur would create a brutal quake, swallowing their temples. If that was caused by Tathagata or something else, no one knew. In due time, the vel’pheasian renegades bowed to Yak-Shur and accepted the fate of Meftha, exalting Zar’kara as a true Paragon of Yak-Shur. He became a supreme ruler and always remained praetor.

Even though Teri and Zar’kara had gone their separate ways, they always found time to meet and go on brand-new adventures on the Malvakarian. The two of them were partners in crime for life.

McKenzie worked hard under Keith’s command in the UEC. Over time, he was promoted and made leader of an elite group of secret soldiers who served under Renfred to make sure no more atrocities occurred, such as the incident on Vindor. If there was ever anything suspicious in the galaxy, McKenzie and his elite group of soldiers were ready to investigate with Renfred.

One year later, on a bright morning in Al-Safi Park, a group of families came together. They were dressed elegantly and stood under a gazebo by the Sufi-Buddha statue, Mustafa Ali Boussadin. Among those people were President Weldner, Detective Renfred, Driss Grober, McKenzie, Teri, Zar’kara, Rrahza, and Master Bhadrapala who was waiting by the statue. Serene music began to play. Then, over on the left side of the trees appeared Keith dressed in a black Kāṣāya. Shortly after, Nesha emerged from the right side dressed in a white Kāṣāya. When the guests saw Keith and Nesha, they started to sing Jayamangala Gatha.

Nesha and Keith walked to the middle of the gazebo and held each other’s hands while they walked up the aisle where Master Bhadrapala stood. He gave them both a lotus, which they accepted with a bow, and gave it back to him. Then he took it and placed it on the statue’s hand. That instant, Jalamelda of the fe’lorian council came out from behind the statue of Mustafa Ali Boussadin, also presenting Nesha and Keith with lotus flowers. But unlike Master Bhadrapala, she placed the lotuses underneath them. She smiled, bowed, and then quietly joined the guests there.

“Today,” began Master Bhadrapala, “we are gathered together in mindfulness to witness this beautiful and sacred union between Nesha and Keith. Through love and compassion, they have found happiness by embracing each other with equanimity. This joy shall now be shared with all of us today.” Master Bhadrapala stepped back and sang Jayamangala Gatha with the guests, at which point Keith took out a ring and placed it on Nesha’s finger.

“Nesha,” said Keith, “I once felt lost in life. I never knew that I’d discover what love is, especially after my experience on Vindor. There was a deep loneliness within me during that time, and for a while I thought it’d only go away by escaping in lust and anger. But ever since you came into my life you showed me through your courage that I can face my fears. I don’t have to escape anymore because you are now by my side. Nesha, you gave me the courage to be a real soldier and awakened a love within me that I never thought was possible. Most of all, I became a man because of you. You are my goddess, the woman of my dreams. And I will always cherish you.”

Nesha, teary eyed, took out a wedding band and placed it on Keith’s finger. “I can barely talk,” she said, blushing. The guests smiled at her as she tried to compose herself. “Keith, I have been hurt many times. I almost lost my faith that a man could understand and appreciate loyalty. Tali, my wild but very beloved friend—may her soul rest in peace—once told me that I should be like her: to date around and, as she put it, play the field. But I still had faith in men. I believed with all my heart that there must be at least one man who would never hurt me: one man to love me forever, as I would love him forever. You’re that man, Keith Wernn. I love you so much. You’re my habibi.”

The guests kept singing, many of them clapping.

“Nesha and Keith,” continued Master Bhadrapala, “from this moment on, do you both pledge to love, understand, and comfort each other every day, even if sadness may arise?”

“We do,” said Nesha and Keith in chorus.

Master Bhadrapala continued, “Do you pledge to—”

“Give each other wedgies every day?” shouted Teri as loud as she could.

“Goodness gracious,” said Master Bhadrapala. Nesha and Keith rolled their eyes while many of the guests, including Teri, laughed. “Do you pledge to help each other and radiate your love in such a way that it blooms around us, so that it doesn’t become self-absorbed, but rather, an example for all living beings?”

“We do,” said Keith and Nesha.

Master Bhadrapala responded, “Then, by the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife.” He placed a colorful katag over them. “What are you two waiting for?”

Nesha blushed as Keith kissed her. The guests cheered while they kissed. Teri had tears in her eyes. McKenzie whistled. The newlyweds then waved at their guests and walked down the aisle. When they exited, McKenzie, Teri, Zar’kara, and Rrahza joined them.

“So, what now?” asked McKenzie.

“Reception time!” said Teri excitedly. “Why don’t we go there in style?”

“Of course,” said Nesha. “How about it, hubby?”

“Sure,” said Keith. “As long as you’re not racing me.”

They laughed and ported out their sportswear and rift boards. Together they rifted over the sunny park. Out in the far distance, everyone waved at them. Out in the far distance, all the stars shined. Out in the far distance, they rifted together. They were best friends forever.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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