Red Nova

Chapter Chapter Seventeen

Glory to Shal’a-ka

Nesha awoke inside of a glowing chrysalis deep within the pit of Yak-Shur, which was a nestling cavern of slime and fungi. Since the symbiotic link ended, without even trying to free herself, the cocoon decayed and burst open. Nesha gasped, almost falling, and quickly held on to the vines around her in the abyss. She wondered why this had happened and then noticed Shiva adjacent to her, encased inside a chrysalis.

“I was hoping you’d wake up one day and help me out of this cocoon,” said Shiva in a tone of relief.

“How long has it been?” asked Nesha.

Shiva began, “Approximately two weeks, five days, nineteen hours, and—”

“Okay,” interjected Nesha. “I get the point. My gosh, that’s a long time.”

“I’m still waiting,” said Shiva.

“Oh, sorry!” Nesha climbed the vine and attempted to get a decent grip on the slimy wall, yet each time she tried holding on to it she’d slip. “Hold on, I have an idea.” She was still logged on to Shiva’s GT, so she clicked her UND and ported out a new R91 and FG-500. Boarding the R91, she aimed her weapon at Shiva’s entangled hands. “Okay, are you ready?”

“I’ve been ready for two weeks, five…never mind,” she said. “I’m ready.”

Nesha fired the fusion beam, outlining Shiva’s body until the layers of fungi imprisoning her were cut off. She then reached out for Shiva’s hand, at which point she jerked down due to the weight. They both fell into the abyss while screaming.

“I forgot that you’re an AI!” yelled out Nesha.

“Thank you,” replied Shiva, falling. “It is a most considerate compliment.”

They dropped into an underground creek, finding themselves inside a cavern similar to Zar’kara’s dream within the Merge. The duo swam fast together, emerging out of the murky water.

“Mr. Wernn’s idea for me to use an armor suit was truly brilliant,” said Shiva. “If I didn’t have it, this water might have seeped into my wiring.”

“All my ideas are brilliant,” said Keith, giving Nesha a helping hand.

“Keith!” said Nesha happily. She noticed the others next to him. “Oh my gosh, you’re all here. How did you guys get here?”

“Same as you,” said McKenzie.

“Just not as classy,” said Keith, laughing softly.

Zar’kara snorted and activated his PT-80’s infrared scope while his eyes turned black. In the meantime, the others activated their spaulders’ flashlights and started scouting the dark cave, cautiously walking forward.

“My sensors are picking up an energy signature of natural light coming from a tunnel near us,” said Shiva, pointing west. “It may lead us to an exit.”

“Good,” said Zar’kara. “We have let Meftha breathe too long. It’s time we leave this wretched place and kill him.”

Moments later, a syvinthasaurus flew over them from high above. Not noticing it, they walked ahead and entered the tunnel Shiva had found, which eventually led them outside to a valley and vista of mountains that glimmered with crystal shards embedded in the rocks. Upon getting out, Zar’kara hissed, spotting several holes within each mountain.

“What’s wrong, Zar?” asked Nesha.

“Get back,” said Zar’kara. “Get back into the—”

They suddenly heard a snuffle behind them. That moment, a syvinthasaurus flew down from another entrance above. As it came down, a dozen more stepped out of their mountainous nests, staring directly at Nesha and her companions.

“Spread out,” said Keith.

The quintet spread out, slowly backing away from the syvinthasaurus that stood behind them. But the syvinthasaurus didn’t seem to care. Instead it remained still, gazing into Nesha’s eyes.

“Um, guys,” she said, “I think this is the same one from the Merge.”

McKenzie gulped.

“Our luck keeps getting better,” said Keith.

“No magic either,” said Nesha nervously.

The gargantuan syvinthasaurus roared, lifting itself up while blowing fire into the sky. McKenzie fell flat on his buttocks as it spewed flame. Then all of the other beasts returned to their nests in the mountains, at which point the syvinthasaurus next to Nesha stomped its way toward her. She was far too frightened to move, and her companions had no idea what to do. Keith subtly aimed his FG-500 at the beast, making sure his one chance to attack would at least be precise.

“That’s right,” he murmured, “come a little closer.”

The four-limbed syvinthasaurus lifted its tattered wings, covering the entrance of the cave. It then slumped to the ground, bowing. Nesha approached the gargantuan beast, gently petting its scaly snout.

“Uh, what’s going on?” said McKenzie.

“It was the Merge,” replied Zar’kara. “By the Yak-Shur! Nesha, you frightened the beast with your magic. It remembers the glorious battle and honors you.”

“You’re telling me that I’ve tamed it?”

Zar’kara thumped over to her, placing his claws on her shoulders. “You’ve done more than tame it, Nesha,” he said, astonished. “You have proven to everyone this day that you are truly the Shal’a-ka.”

“Great,” said Nesha. “What’s that mean?”

“The greatest warrior,” grumbled Zar’kara.

“Really? Aw, thanks Zar,” said Nesha, hugging him. She couldn’t help but smile, looking at the syvinthasaurus. “Now, about saving someone who’s precious to us…”

In the meantime, Galvorden hovered over a temple in a jungle surrounded by waterfalls. Two vel’pheasians were patrolling on the roof of the ship while it slowly drifted away from the temple.

“Sa’ka mesh-vedi,” said one of the vel’pheasians. “Meftha, sar’ma tenak hek-lep. Jah hala gel’zhep.”

“Guava’ka?” asked the other vel’pheasian. “Fe’lesh mek zonzsk—” He suddenly noticed an enormous shadow cast over the mothership, which was as large as a cloud. The vel’pheasian looked up and shouted, “Fedi al’cou Yak-Shur!”

Nesha came down riding the syvinthasaurus that blew flame over the roof, disintegrating the vel’pheasian guards.

“That was great, Driss!” said Nesha, cheering her pet on.

The syvinthasaurus sunk its colossal talons into the organic layers of the mothership and clawed pieces of it apart while also ravaging the deck with its flame. Moments later, a horn blew. Several vel’pheasian guards came to the roof of their ship, carrying PT-80s. Shiva jumped off the beast, unsheathing her khlium-fused sword. The guards gawked at Shiva and cackled, launching multiple plasma torpedoes at her.

Shiva swiped her sword in several maneuvers, deflecting the projectiles so fast it looked as if she duplicated herself a dozen times. The plasma torpedoes went back to the vel’pheasians, blowing them up into pieces. There were still five guards left, standing on the roof with baffled expressions. Shiva zoomed forward with her incredible speed and cut three of them in half with her blade. Afterwards, she veered to the left and decapitated another. She was about to gut the last guard when Zar’kara pounced down and tossed the guard off the roof. Shiva still struck her blade at the bawling vel’pheasian who flew overboard, amputating both his legs.

“Nice weapon,” said Zar’kara.

“Thank you,” said Shiva, bowing. “I’m practicing so I can impress Liagon the next time we meet.”

“It seems you have mastered it quite efficiently,” said Zar’kara. “Just make sure you save some of the killing for me.” He raised his claws to the sky, signaling Nesha to fly over on her syvinthasaurus. However, only McKenzie jumped down onto the ship. “What about the others?” he asked.

“They’re going to start attacking the temple below,” said McKenzie. “Let’s take control of this ship before rejoining them.”

“Hijacking is always a good plan,” said Zar’kara.

He led Shiva and McKenzie to a funnel of fungi, which sucked the three of them into the starship. They were in one of the many corridors leading to the ship’s piloting chamber. A pack of vel’pheasians charged through the hall, opening fire. McKenzie swerved aside and took cover by a corner wall while Shiva deflected the plasma beams with her sword. The vel’pheasians also took cover since their firepower rebounded. Zar’kara smelled their fear, galloping and pouncing toward them.

“Jeh’li mo-nik, Zar’kara!” shouted one of the vel’pheasians.

Zar’kara approached the group of vel’pheasians while he roared, “Eshnu tah’nal-zev!” He swooped down, ripping one of their torsos open with his claws. Zar’kara dodged their claws and struck back numerous times in a frenzy. “For the glory of Shal’a-ka!” Purple blood splurged over the walls. All but one of them lay dead. He grabbed the last guard’s claws, snapping them. Then he kicked her back with his left foot while swiftly jamming his claws into her face, tearing off her snout. “Mah’sa fa’da mek-neh-si!”

McKenzie shrugged at Shiva and followed Zar’kara. They eventually reached the pilot room and noticed a few more vel’pheasian guards. McKenzie immediately opened fire at them. In the meantime, Shiva and Zar’kara stood side by side, slicing their way forward. Zar’kara used his razor-sharp claws while Shiva used her sword. Within seconds, the guards were killed.

“For the Yak-Shur!” yelled out Zar’kara.

He tossed the dead pilots out of their chairs and sat down, taking control of the ship. Shiva sat next to him while McKenzie observed the room of slime in disgust.

During that time, Nesha was attempting to raid the temple on her syvinthasaurus. Several vel’pheasians exited the temple, trying to shoot the syvinthasaurus. Nesha, however, maneuvered the beast quick enough to dodge the plasma torpedoes. She then quickly brought it down while tugging its mane, signaling the beast to roar and spew flame out. Every vel’pheasian standing on the temple’s steps was burned to ashes. Shortly after, Keith leapt down with his MP-98 rifle and fired at two vel’pheasians emerging from the temple.

“You guys want some of this?” said Keith. He launched a thermal charge at the guard on the left and gunned down the other on the right with incendiary bullets. Upon killing them, Keith opened his vidlink. “The entrance is clear, babe.”

“Great, I’m landing now,” she said, descending and dismounting her syvinthasaurus. It stood calm as she petted it. “I won’t be long, okay?” The beast snorted and bowed. “Be careful while I’m gone.”

As soon as Nesha joined Keith, they ran up the smoke-filled steps and entered the slimy temple. The duo used MP-98 rifles, shooting and taking cover between columns in the narrow corridor that had vel’pheasian hieroglyphics. Keith dashed ahead and launched a thermal charge, causing one of the columns to crumble apart. He then charged through the narrow corridor and shot down three vel’pheasians while Nesha shot another who appeared from Keith’s flank.

“Keith, watch your back!”

“I’d much rather watch yours,” he said, winking.

Nesha rolled her eyes. “I’m serious!” She glimpsed at her UND’s radar and added, “Get ready, more are coming from the other side.”

Five vel’pheasians came out from the right corner with PT-80s. Nesha took cover again, switching to her FG-500. Keith tried to show off and flank them; however, when he stepped out to fire, another four vel’pheasians emerged from the left, firing at him.

“Keith!” she cried out.

Several plasma torpedoes were about to blow Keith into pieces but somehow changed directions in midair. They were strangely absorbed into the gunk and puss-like temple. Nesha blasted the vel’pheasian guards on the left while Keith took out the ones on the right.

“How did that happen?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” she said, stunned. “But, do you think—”

“Margaret?” he said.

“It has to be!”

“Then she’s really watching over us,” he said, relieved. “I just hope she’s able to keep controlling the will of Yak-Shur. Come on, let’s hurry and open the talon bay for Zar before more vels come.”

The duo noticed a couple of funnels curved like ramps in the central chamber. Together they went through the middle passage, which led them up to the temple’s balcony. Keith scouted the area, seeing the talon bay on the apex. Nesha activated her vidlink beside a spherical console and contacted Shiva.

“Okay,” said Nesha. “We’re here.”

“Nice work,” replied Shiva. “Noble Zar, they have successfully raided the temple and reached the talon bay. What is it they need to find there?”

Zar’kara answered, “Tell them to move all four claws along the panel in the following order: the two central claws are to be pushed back first, then the far right and far left should be pushed forward.”

Shiva turned her attention back to Nesha and began, “All right, you’ll have to—”

“Already on it,” she interjected, pushing the claw-shaped levers.

That instant, the temple’s force field vanished. When the talon bay opened, Zar’kara landed Galvorden onto the apex’s talon. McKenzie came out shortly after the vessel docked and gunned down a vel’pheasian attempting to flee the area. He then gave Nesha and Keith a thumbs up.

“You’re getting sharper, McKenzie,” said Keith.

“Thanks!” he said. “Guess what we found?”

Keith and Nesha shrugged. Not a second later, Zar’kara came out of the mothership using his UHAT.

“Now we’ve got Xelvakron on our side,” added McKenzie. “Shiva’s going to stay aboard the mothership and wait for us to cause a little ruckus. Then, when they least expect it, Shiva will fly over the praetor’s temple with the ship and try to disable the temple’s plasma shields so we can go in and save Teri.”

“Sounds good,” said Keith.

“When do we leave?” asked Nesha.

“I’m ready when you are,” said McKenzie.

“All right, let’s get to it,” said Keith.

McKenzie signaled Zar’kara who changed the UHAT’s humanoid form to rift mode. As soon as Xelvakron’s arms turned into laser turrets, Keith and Nesha boarded them. McKenzie joined Zar’kara in the upper compartment, where all the triggers and buttons for heavy artillery were located.

“Are you good with those missiles?” asked Zar’kara.

“You bet,” replied McKenzie. “Teri let me have a little fun with them when we boarded Heidegger.”

Zar’kara grunted while maneuvering the UHAT out of the talon bay. Xelvakron zoomed out in a smooth descent, gliding through the thick wilderness as Keith and Nesha sporadically zapped down a few trees in the way.

“Hey, Zar,” called out Keith, “any idea how far we are from Meftha’s temple?”

Zar’kara answered, “Not too far, but—”

“Get ready,” interrupted McKenzie. “Two vel ships are coming our way.”

Nesha had already spotted one of the vessels and started blasting it with her laser turret. Keith turned his turret around to assist her while the second ship flew toward the front, blocking Zar’kara. McKenzie locked on to the starship in front of Xelvakron and released three missiles, causing it to blow up. The other ship was still flying alongside Xelvakron, avoiding Nesha’s and Keith’s lasers. Though it returned fire with plasma beams, Zar’kara avoided them. At that precise moment, Nesha destroyed the ship.

“Yes!” she said cheerfully. “That’s for taking Teri!”

Keith gave Nesha a high five and kept scoping the region as Zar’kara continued to drive through the jungle. There were countless parasitical tongues arising from the moist soil of Yak-Shur, coiling around several vessels that attempted to fly up after seeing the UHAT. Keith could hardly believe what he saw. He wasn’t sure if it was the will of Yak-Shur or something else, such as Tathagata. Zar’kara eventually rifted out of the jungle and hovered above a massive chasm of waterfalls. They could see a rainbow in the midst of the gorge while a syvinthasaurus flew over it, roaring loudly.

“Good thing you won their attention,” said McKenzie.

“Yeah,” said Nesha. “Though, I feel a little bad for leaving Driss behind.”

Keith laughed. “You named it?”

Yes,” replied Nesha. “Even animals need some love. And besides, I was thinking of a friend back in school. Hopefully he’s doing okay.”

“Uh-huh,” uttered Keith. “So, Driss is a guy from school, eh?”

“Oh, don’t be silly,” she said. “It’s nothing like that. Besides, I think he had a thing for Tali.”

Keith laughed again. “I was just kidding,” he said. “It’s not like I’m a jealous prick. Or am I a jealous pri—”

“We’ve got company,” said McKenzie.

Another vessel approached them from the side. This time Nesha ported a rift board from Shiva’s GT and rifted skyward, blasting it with her PT-80 while Keith continued using his laser turret.

“I’ve been waiting for you ugly fuckers!” said Keith. “No offense, Zar.”

“None taken,” said Zar’kara. “I got used to thinking that way myself after seeing your face every day.”

Keith wore a grin on his face, attempting to blast the vel’pheasian ship. Although the vessel kept maneuvering and switching sides, Keith and Nesha continued to shoot it and eventually weakened its shield. Moments later, McKenzie launched missiles at the starship, blowing it up.

“And another one bites the dust!” he said.

“Nice,” said Keith.

When they safely reached the other side of Yak-Shur’s wilderness, Nesha decided to return to the UHAT.

“I saw Meftha’s temple,” said Nesha. “It’s just ahead.

Keith nodded and opened his vidlink. “All right, Shiva,” he said. “I think we’ve caught their attention down here. Time for you to greet them.”

“Thank you, Mr. Wernn,” replied Shiva. “It will be my pleasure.” Not wasting any time, she disengaged from the anchored talon and flew Galvorden toward Meftha’s temple. “I should be there shortly.”

Within seconds, Shiva passed them.

“Yeah,” said Keith, laughing. “I already noticed. See you there soon.”

In the meantime, Meftha walked through one of his temple corridors. When he reached a hatchery door, he shoved one of his claws into a slimy hole until it slithered open. Meftha pulled out his claw and entered the chamber. Upon entering, he noticed Teri working as hard as ever on a new hybrid starship identical to the Malvakarian.

“I don’t know how, but my brother has managed to free himself from the eternal grip of Yak-Shur,” said Meftha.

“Really?” said Teri with a hopeful expression.

“He’s even using one of those machines you built,” added Meftha.

“Good, cuz I can’t wait for Zarry ta kick yer ass,” said Teri.

Meftha’s face was so contorted by her response that it looked as though he were about to rip her body apart. He then heard the sound of a vessel hovering over his temple.

“You’re lucky that you know how to make such a powerful vessel or else you’d be dead already,” said Meftha. “If Zar’kara won’t accept his fate in the Merge of Yak-Shur, then I shall kill him myself. He’s no match for me.” The temple suddenly trembled due to plasma torpedoes. “By the Yak-Shur, what was that?”

“Oh, is that supposed to be your mothership?” said Teri, smirking. She moved her hands around her eyes and pretended to sob. “Boo-hoo-woo, poor Meftha’s gonna get an ass whoopin’ any moment!”

He roared viciously and grabbed Teri, dragging her with him. “You’ll serve me better as a hostage,” he said, scowling.

“Let go of me!” yelled Teri.

During that time, Nesha was rifting in the sky again, blasting a nearby spacecraft with her PT-80. Keith used his LP-14 turret while McKenzie launched more missiles at the ship when its shield failed. When the coast was clear, Zar’kara drove his UHAT to the threshold of Meftha’s temple. Shiva had already disabled the temple’s force field, hovering high above. She then fired at other starships. Countless vel’pheasians were coming out of the massive temple, but they were getting vaporized by Keith’s LP-14 turret.

“No one’s getting past me,” he said.

Zar’kara glanced at McKenzie and said, “Take over while I infiltrate the temple.”

“You don’t need any back up?” he asked. Zar’kara glared at McKenzie menacingly, at which point he laughed. “I was just kidding. Hit them hard!”

“You as well,” said Zar’kara.

He ported out a double-bladed staff while he jumped out of the UHAT’s cockpit, slicing apart numerous vel’pheasians. A legion emerged from the temple. Even though Zar’kara’s companions were trying to help, he was still outnumbered. He continued to swipe his bladed staff forward, killing every vel’pheasian in his sight. Some of them defended themselves with their own double-bladed staves, but they could barely fight back against the fury and lunacy of Zar’kara who roared vehemently. He maneuvered his staff in an interweaving motion while occasionally parrying and riposting.

Whether he was killing humans, calisians, fe’lorians, or his own kind, it didn’t matter to him. He simply loved the art of killing. However, he became more passionate than usual today because somewhere inside the temple resided his brother. Though killing Meftha was his end goal, he wanted to savor the journey. He slowly made his way up the stairs while swirling his blade around, killing anyone who approached him. Zar’kara breathed heavily and hissed as he thought of Teri. Yes, he conceded, I am her partner in crime. Nobody separates us. Nobody. Although surrounded, he refused to give up, even if it meant his death.

Just then, three plasma torpedoes launched out of a PT-80 from high above, blasting the temple’s entrance. The ceiling collapsed upon the remaining vel’pheasians. Zar’kara turned to see who had helped him and spotted Rrahza and his clan rifting beside Nesha who gave him a thumbs up. Rrahza eventually descended on his rift board and approached his father.

“Rrahza?” said Zar’kara, gazing at his son in disbelief. “Shouldn’t you be hiding inside the temple with Meftha, preparing for your death?”

“You were right, father,” said Rrahza. “Hezekoth was truly the last of our kind. I already know that we no longer fight with honor. Only a lustful thirst for battle remains, which has no meaning. Teri told me of the Ahgraka, a true enemy that can challenge us. I want to battle this Liagon who may threaten our world.”

“Then you shall,” said Zar’kara, patting Rrahza. “But Meftha dies first.”

“Must you kill him, father?” he asked.

Zar’kara replied, “It’s something I learned from the humans. Kill your own kind when they dare to get in your way.” He stormed into the temple while yelling, “Meftha! It is time for you to meet our ancestors! It is time for you to taste the swift justice of my claws!”

Rrahza entered the temple and joined his father in the atrium. They galloped over to the central corridor and made their way to the end of the hall. Zar’kara stood up and dug his claws into the fungi-like wall. He then ripped it open and stepped into an ancient shrine, where the sarcophagus of Hezekoth and other crystallized sarcophagi of ancestral praetors rested. No one seemed to be in the chamber when Zar’kara and his son arrived.

“Come out, you coward!” shouted Zar’kara.

Suddenly, a brigade of vel’pheasian guards rose from the second floor’s balcony. They aimed at the duo below and fired plasma torpedoes via their PT-80s. Yet every sphere that fired at Zar’kara and his son curved directly into the walls as if telepathically controlled. The guards, surprised, backed away while Zar’kara stepped forward.

“Yak-Shur has spoken to me!” bellowed Zar’kara. “And the will of Yak-Shur has told me that your time as praetor is at an end!”

“Mah-fa’del, tsk-vsk!” said Meftha. “I think not!” He came out from a corner, holding Teri hostage. One of his claws covered her lips as she kept trying to kick and bite her way out of his grasp. “Kela mesk suridi!”

“I will never surrender to the likes of you!” exclaimed Zar’kara. “You’re a disgrace to Hezekoth and all our forefathers!”

“Hezekoth lost to a fe’lorian,” said Meftha. “He deserved death. But I am the one who redeemed our glory. I am the one who sent that pathetic fe’lorian into the Merge of Yak-Shur. I deserve to be praetor!”

“I’m the one who captured her, infidel!” barked Zar’kara. “You violated the pact and sent her into the Merge despite my final decision. It wasn’t the will of Yak-Shur. Unlike Gahza, all you’ve ever done is act out of cowardice. You were never praetor nor were you ever a warrior, and you’ll never be one.”

Meftha roared so loudly that it was almost deafening. Teri took advantage of his mindless rage, biting his scaly finger. Then she kicked him and ran over to Zar’kara.

“Zarry!” she cried out.

“Goodbye, brother!” said Zar’kara, ignoring Teri in his rage.

Zar’kara snapped his double-bladed staff in two and hurled both pieces at Meftha while pouncing toward him. Meftha winced and attempted to deflect the hurling blades, but one jabbed into his chest. He staggered as Zar’kara landed before him. Without hesitation, Zar’kara swiped his claw through Meftha’s neck, decapitating him. Upon his death, silence fell. The other guards lowered their weapons and bowed at Zar’kara.

“Zarry!” said Teri, hugging his thigh. “I thought I’d never see you again.”

“There ain’t nothin’ keeping us apart,” said Zar’kara. “The will of Yak-Shur has deemed it so.”

He lifted Teri onto his shoulder, grabbed Meftha’s head, and made his way back to the temple’s battered entrance. Rrahza and the other guards followed him outside.

“Whoa,” said Teri, gazing skyward.

Yak-Shur looked like a massive warzone. Dozens of starships had descended into the planet, firing at Galvorden. McKenzie was still maneuvering the UHAT while Nesha and Keith fired from their LP-14 turrets. But the battle came to a sudden end when Zar’kara connected his tribal armor’s built-in communication frequency to the same as the empire.

“Your coward of a leader is dead!” shouted Zar’kara. “It’s finished!” He raised Meftha’s head and flung it down the temple’s stairs. “I am ashamed of you all! Not one of you fight with honor, only fear!”

“Um, Zarry?” said Teri. “Can you speak a little lower?”

Zar’kara snorted. “I have known since the day I was birthed that I could crush humans anytime. We all know this to be a fact.”

“You tell ’em, Zar!” said McKenzie. “Oh, wait a minute…”

Keith laughed and said, “I like the way Zar thinks.”

“I’m just glad he’s on our side,” said Nesha.

“Seriously,” said McKenzie, sighing.

“What is honor?” continued Zar’kara. “To fight a foe who cannot dare challenge the might of our impenetrable empire? It has always been the will of the Yak-Shur to battle for glory, not only for the sake of killing but also for the sake of honor. Humans can’t give us that honor, nor can the fe’lorians who hide deep in the ocean of Fe’lora. Not even the calisians can dent our scales. So I declare, by the will of Yak-Shur, for us to battle against the one and only enemy who can challenge us: the Ahgraka!”

Most of the vel’pheasian starships started to land after Zar’kara mentioned the Ahgraka. Zar’kara waited patiently while they descended. Then the leader of each ship approached with several guards. Yet there was one who stood out from the others, leading the approaching army. His scales and tusks were ashen-colored and his eyes glimmered in a tawny tinge.

“Bek’lith, it is an honor to see you again,” said Zar’kara, raising his snout high.

“I own the honor,” said Bek’lith proudly. He paused for a moment, sighed, and then went on, “It seems that I am the only one left who has the power to rescind your banishment, for I was later deemed praetor upon Meftha’s demise. However, it has never been my desire to be praetor. I merely wish to fight alongside such a Paragon. Tell me, mighty Zar’kara, who is this Ahgraka you speak of if our religion has been forsaken since our Ascension?”

Zar’kara answered, “Nothing is to be forsaken, Bek’lith. Yak-Shur still lives within the Merge, and it was in the Merge where I truly witnessed the immense power of Shal’a-ka. She shall be the one who guides us all to the Ahgraka. And where the Ahgraka dwells, a glorious battle awaits.”

“Zar’kara,” began Bek’lith, “you’ve been gone for a very long time and have seen many different things in the galaxy. Perhaps you have listened too much to these primeval religions of humans. We have all accepted that there is no Shal’a-ka, and the only Ahgraka I wonder about is you.”

Zar’kara bared his teeth at Bek’lith and was about to retort, but then he noticed the tamed syvinthasaurus perched on Shiva’s vessel.

“Nesha,” called out Zar’kara, “look upon Galvorden and prove your glory!”

She was hesitant at first, but Keith nodded at her. She climbed out of the UHAT with him and then walked up the stairs. McKenzie followed them while aiming his MP-98 rifle at the other vel’pheasians. When they reached the very top, Nesha looked up as Zar’kara had requested and noticed the syvinthasaurus.

“Oh, it’s Driss,” she said. “He followed me?”

“Once the Shal’a-ka, always the Shal’a-ka,” said Zar’kara.

Nesha whistled and waved at the gargantuan syvinthasaurus. “Driss!” she called out. “You can come down! It’s safe!”

“Um, what’re ya doin’?” asked Teri.

“Oh my gosh, Teri!” said Nesha. “I’m so glad you’re safe.”

“We really missed your giggles,” said McKenzie.

“Yeah, you really had us worried,” said Keith.

Teri blushed and said, “I bet you all wer—whoa mama!” She had just spotted the syvinthasaurus.

“What?” asked McKenzie.

He suddenly saw the beast’s shadow and jittered for a moment, forgetting that Nesha had tamed it. Most of the vel’pheasians ran away when the beast descended. Bek’lith was one of the few who remained.

“Be a good boy, Driss,” said Nesha, petting it. “These are our friends now.” The syvinthasaurus bowed down to her. “That’s a good boy.”

“Impossible,” said Bek’lith.

“Not impossible, Bek’lith,” replied Zar’kara sternly. “It is as the legend says: Yak-Shur will one day choose the Shal’a-ka who shall fight the Ahgraka, protected by our once greatest challenge.”

Bek’lith suddenly prostrated before Nesha, as did every other vel’pheasian. That instant, Zar’kara also kneeled and prostrated before her.

“Glory to Shal’a-ka!” roared Zar’kara. “Glory to Shal’a-ka!” The vel’pheasians roared with him. “Glory to Shal’a-ka! Glory to Shal’a-ka! Glory to Shal’a-ka!”

“Woo-hoo!” cheered Teri. “And glory to Yak-Shur!”

“Does this mean we get to go home now?” asked McKenzie.

Keith glanced at him and laughed.

“Glory to Shal’a-ka!” continued the vel’pheasians in chorus.

Nesha kept listening to them as Keith patted her on the back. Then, high up in the distant sky of Yak-Shur, she saw a rainbow appear above the waterfalls. Nesha stared at the gleaming rainbow without thinking about it at first. Then it dawned on her.

“Enlightenment is like the reflection of a rainbow in the water,” said Nesha, pointing skyward. “The prism doesn’t become wet and the water is neither separated nor disturbed by such prismatic reflections. Isn’t that right, Keith?”

He looked over to where Nesha pointed and responded, “Do you think that rainbow is a sign from the doc?”

“Yeah,” said Nesha, smiling. “And she’s telling us that it’s time.”

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