
Chapter 3

Sonia woke up to a dark sky and strange surroundings. She was lying on a white couch, facing a glass wall. The moon was shining, casting a silver glow in the room.

A study, she concluded.

She sat up carefully, her head throbbing. She brought her hand to feel her injury, but found a bandage.

Someone had dressed my wound.

She stood, looking for her bag, but she couldn't find it anywhere. Then she saw it on the desk on her far right and a sigh of relief escaped her lips.

With shaky legs and hazy vision, she went to grab it. From the corner of her eye, she saw a movement. She turned and was met with her reflection on the glass. Frowning, she approached it. When she was close enough to see it clearly, she gasped. Her eyes widened, and instinctively her hand shot up to touch what used to be a white collar.


She backed away from the glass, looking in disbelief at her reflection. Now the blood was everywhere, on her hands, on her clothes... She was no longer in her work outfits. She was in her pyjamas. Her hair was dishevelled. Her eyes were bloodshot. She was hysterical, in her parents house.

"Mom! Mom!... nooo, please nooo."

She dropped to the ground. Her tears pooled around her mixed with the blood around her mother's unconscious body.

Breathing became difficult. She lowered her head between her knees, trying to inhale as much air as she could. Slowly, her breathing went back to normal, but she felt exhausted. Only then, she could hear the distant voice calling her name.

She opened her eyes briskly to find herself on the floor, in the middle of the study again.

It was only a memory. She exhaled.

The voice called her again. She lifted her head towards her kidnapper who was approaching with wide strides.

She said, her voice quivering and tears staining her cheeks. "Please let me go."

"I won't hurt you." Omar promised lowly.

"You drugged me. Why would you do that?"

"I didn't drug you, Sonia. What do you think we are? You collapsed and hit your head."

She couldn't believe the lies he was telling, but the pain in her head and the exhaustion she felt from her panic attack made it difficult for her to argue.

"Just let me go home."

"You can't," he said.

"What? Why?" She looked at him with desperation in her eyes.

"You have a concussion. You need to stay here under supervision for the next forty-eight hours," this time, a man she didn't see until now spoke. She narrowed her eyes at him. He added quickly, "I'm the pack doctor."

"Please let me help you. No one will hurt you here. Just stay for forty-eight hours, then you are free to go," Alpha Omar said, almost pleadingly.

She looked past him. The guards stood outside the room. His request wasn't a request after all. He was not willing to let her go for now, she was sure... or ever, she doubted.

Her shoulders sagged, defeated. She nodded without looking at him.

"Good choice. Please follow me. I’ll show you to your room."

At least he didn't say our room. Small blessings, she reminded herself.

Walking appeared to be difficult. She struggled to keep her balance. Thankfully, her designated room wasn't far. When he opened the door, she was met with a modern flat, not just a room, with a combined living-dining-kitchen space. By the files piled on the coffee table, she could tell it was definitely his. Her anger bubbled in her chest and then exploded at this realisation. "Is this a joke? What were you thinking bringing me to your room?"

She didn't know where this outburst came from. She could feel her emotions all over the place which confused her.

He looked at her for the longest time, his jaw set, then breathed heavily and said, "You need to rest. The concussion could cause the mood swings. I assure you that I'm not staying here. You are safe, Sonia. You have my word. I don't know what makes you this afraid, but I can protect you. Trust me."

She saw the sincerity in his eyes, which made her want to cry. She looked at him sadly. "Really? From what?"

"Whatever it is. I will protect you," he said confidently.

"You can't even protect yourself if you don't know what you are up against. I hope you realise that before it is too late." She whispered the last part, but he heard it and frowned.

"Make yourself at home. I will call one of our nurses to stay the night with you." With that, he left the room.

Sonia wanted to look around, but the pain in her head barely allowed her to reach the bedroom and collapse on the bed.

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