Reclaimed (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 2)

Reclaimed: Chapter 9

Despite a few more arguments, Simone decided not to push her luck, and with reluctance, followed me into the library, knowing we were about to be parted again. Shadow and Lucien were waiting near the realm entrance, and once I’d moved past them, the black door drew all of my attention.

I actually loved the color, so rich and vibrant, filled with energy and life. It made the others look positively boring in comparison, and I wondered if it was the “shadow connection” in my soul that drew me to the color, or… I just liked black. Fuck, not everything had to have a deeper psychological meaning, and I had to stop trying to assign one to all aspects of my personality.

Lucien flashed his signature grin, the tapered points of his fangs barely visible. I knew those babies could extend when he fed or fueled up his power, but in normal times like this, they just looked like slightly sharper teeth.

Simone all but launched herself at him. “Are you a vampire?” she asked, exuberant in a way that might get her killed here if she didn’t learn to control it. “Why didn’t you show me those babies when we were in Torma? I’m a massive Twihard. Pretty sure I’m the perfect woman for you.”

Thankfully, Lucien, the master vampire who didn’t glitter in the sun, took her enthusiasm in his stride. “Once again,” he murmured, “I’m coming to the conclusion that humans are my new favorite beings in the Solaris System.” He all but ate up my gorgeous friend with his darker than normal green eyes, leaving Simone on the edge of panting.

Pushing between them, I forced the eye contact to break. Lucien glanced down and smiled at me. “Have a nice journey, ma petite.”

I jabbed him in the chest. “Listen up, smooth talker. While I do love the way you all use your Earth knowledge in conversation—it makes me feel right at home, despite French not being my native language—I’m only going to tell you this once… If a single hair on Simone’s head is damaged when I return, I will put a stake through your heart, laugh out loud, and then shove one through your dick as well.”

He blinked about a billion times before he slowly turned to Shadow. “Your woman is scary, brother. She’s going to laugh out loud as she stabs me.”

Simone looked like she was trying not to laugh herself, and I couldn’t see Shadow’s expression, but he did snake his arm out and pull me away from his friend, positioning me behind him almost… protectively.

“Heed her words,” was all he said to Lucien, and I had a brief heart-stopping moment where I wondered why he didn’t correct the “your woman” comment.

Lucien clenched his fist and dropped it on his chest. “I will protect Simone of the shifters with all I have. If I’m alive, she will be alive. That’s a promise I make, as a Master Vampire of Valdor.”

Simone looked a little like she was going to hyperventilate. Her interest in Lucien was concerning, since she had been known to get herself in over her head fast, and I wouldn’t be here to reel her back. I just had to hope we wouldn’t be gone too long, and in that time, Lucien would keep his promise.

And his dick to himself.

Midnight wrapped around me, comforting me near instantly just from its touch. I finally understood why Inky often drifted around Shadow. The bond between mist and person was one that offered much.

“Thank you,” I told Midnight out loud, still not comfortable with a mental connection. I wondered if it could read my thoughts anyway, but so far, I had no indication it could.

“Will you stay here and protect Simone?” I asked my mist.

Midnight reared up, and I knew I’d actually taken it by surprise. I was somewhat surprised myself, having said that without really thinking it through. The desire to keep my friend safe was the strongest I had.

I need to be in Shadow Realm with you.

I shook my head. “I’ll have Shadow, Angel, and Inky. Simone needs you.”

Midnight’s reluctance was strong, burning through our bond.

“Who is she talking to?” Simone whispered, no doubt concerned for my mental health.

Lucien answered her. “The black smoke entity is bonded to her.”

Simone just nodded. “Sure, I mean, makes sense.”

Midnight settled in somewhere near my shoulder, and I could feel a sense of resignation filter through our bond.

I’ll sense if you’re in trouble, it reminded me, and my palm tingled. So I will stay, for now, but if anything happens, I’ll come for you.

That was the best I’d get. “Thank you.”

Midnight swelled again, getting a little too close to Shadow. Inky zoomed in, putting itself between Shadow and me. It didn’t want its master to touch Midnight.

Shadow waved Inky away. “Unnecessary, old friend,” he said.

Before the battle of the smoke blobs could commence, Angel strode into view, and she was in warrior mode. In all honesty, this mode was my favorite, with her gold and bronze molded armor, multiple weapons, and don’t-fuck-with-me expression. Her wings were widespread, and anybody or thing standing nearby got the fuck out of her way in an instant.

“Holy damn hotness,” Simone whispered. “I choose her.”

It was no secret that my bestie liked to play both fields—she often said she didn’t love parts she loved hearts. In my experience, she was a sucker for super-hot beings in any form, and she was definitely going to have fun in this library, with the multitude of unique, beautiful, and powerful beings who visited.

“This is Angel,” I said when she reached us, her energy doing its typical thing of slamming everyone in the face. It didn’t burn like Shadow’s; instead, it felt like a warm summer breeze, powerful and enticing.

“This is your friend?” Simone gasped. “Are you only allowed to have hot friends here? Is that, like, a requirement?”

Lucien grinned broadly before he hastily hid the smile when I narrowed my eyes on him.

“Yeah, they’re definitely blessed in the genetics department. Especially Angel.” I stated the obvious. “And it’s not just her beautiful face, but she’s beyond powerful and badass, and I want to be her when I grow up.”

The badass herself didn’t seem to know what to do with my compliments, her face crumpling briefly, before she recovered enough to school her features. So rarely did she lose composure, that I had clearly struck a chord with her.

Before anyone else could speak, Simone squealed, and all but dove forward, wrapping her arms around Angel. “Thank you for keeping Mera safe,” she choked out. “Thank you so much.”

I was watching closely, wondering how this was going to play out. Angel’s face showed another brief moment of shock, which morphed into something softer, and before my eyes, her icy demeanor thawed. “You’re more than welcome.” She patted Simone on the back. “I care a great deal about Mera, and… her friends are mine.”

She’d fallen into her formal talk and was clearly out of her element, but it felt like less tension lingered after that.

Simone pulled away, wiping at her eyes. “Same for me. If you’re in my girl’s corner, then I’ve got your back.”

Angel nodded. “We will meet again, and upon this day, we will eat and laugh.”

She didn’t mean that literally, since she didn’t need to eat and hadn’t enjoyed her single taste of food. But the sentiment itself was what mattered. We’d made grounds that could spell a true long-lasting friendship between the three of us.

Simone was amused and overwhelmed, rubbing at her face. “I look forward to that day, Lady Warrior.”

“We need to leave,” Shadow rumbled, clearly sick of this “girly” bullshit. I elbowed him. It was subtle, but Lucien saw. The vampire’s face went a little ashen, and he darted toward me with an arm out, like he was going to save me from the beast.

Shadow blocked his friend, wrapping his arm around me, spinning my ass toward the door. Peering around Shadow, I saw the way the vampire paused, his gaze flicking between the two of us. He wore a new expression, and even though he’d joked before about me being Shadow’s “woman,” he was clearly surprised by what had just happened.

When my gaze met his, I shook my head. There’s nothing to overthink here, dude.

He replied to my silent statement with something like… What the fuck have you done with Shadow?

A shrug. He needs me to complete his vengeance. End of story. Once he’s done, I’ll be kicked to the curb.

Lucien’s emerging grin was very smirk-like, and I kind of wanted to slap it off his face. He shouldn’t have been stirring this pot; the beast and I had enough issues.

Shadow, once again, stole my attention by nudging me toward the door. When we stood right before it, he leaned over and picked up a backpack that I hadn’t even seen sitting there. “Since I’m going to be minimizing my energy use, I packed you some essentials. For your frailties.”

Ignoring the urge to elbow him again, I shrugged the reasonably heavy bag on my back. Shadow had one as well, and I wondered what was in his, since there were no “frailties” he needed to stress over.

Angel opened the door in one quick movement, and I knew all of us were anticipating some sort of attack. Holding my breath, I tried not to panic about what would emerge.

“I can’t see anything,” Simone said softly from behind us. “Should we see something?”

Lucien whispered to her, too low for me to hear, and I didn’t bother to chastise him again. All of my focus was on the mysterious Shadow Realm.

Simone’s comment was accurate—all I could see were swirls of darkness. Probably because the pathway was waiting for directions from the first being to step through. A skill Shadow and Angel had, but not me. “It smells sweet,” I whispered. “Like… nectar.”

Shadow closed his eyes for a brief second, and it was only because I was—once again—staring at him that I saw his throat move roughly as he pulled himself together. “Home,” he breathed.

In my own fear about what we’d find in the realm, it had slipped my mind that Shadow would finally step back into his world. A world that had been blocked from him for near two thousand years. His home.

I couldn’t help but wonder if on the other side, he’d finally get everything he’d been wanting… or would it spell his downfall?

A surge of protectiveness rose within me.

My fear about what lay beyond paled in comparison to my worry about Shadow’s new path.

I was in way too deep, but it seemed there was no other way to be. Sink or swim, I was in for the long haul.

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