Reclaimed (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 2)

Reclaimed: Chapter 41

Shadow set me on my feet eventually, and I was a little sad to see him return to his regular height. There was a commanding and captivating presence about him when he really let loose with his power.

Ixana appeared much happier when we were apart, as she sidled toward him, and I had to look away because I apparently wasn’t quite ready to handle that sight. Not when I was a tiny bit in love with my devilish beast.

My creatures perked up when we reached the start of an incline, the first real elevation in The Grey Lands so far. It appeared the Nexus was at the top of a small hill, but due to the color of the landscape, none of us knew that until we were basically right on top of it.

I wondered if there used to be mountains and valleys and other unique landscape here before the royals had sapped this land of its energy. What else had been lost due to the royal’s greed?

As we ascended toward the stone arches, the connection circling between my creatures and me increased. It was a fascinating view, looking back down the massive line of gangly, burly, occasionally scary creatures. There was no way this many of them would fit on the top of the hill, unless the size of the Nexus was also deceptive from where we stood, but they were going to get as close as possible.

“Feel that original magic,” Ixana said, shaking her hair out. It whirled around her, and I remembered my own doing something similar when I’d first shifted. Had that been my connection to this land coming through even then?

Shadow’s skin was dancing with flames, and I knew it was a response to the magic. I felt the whoosh of energy coat me as well, my own flames that matched his, rising across my body.

Angel grinned broadly. “You look like an immortal goddess,” she said, her eyes locked on me. “It’s the most powerful form I’ve ever seen you take.”

She hadn’t seen me on Earth, but somehow I already knew that here, I was more.

Shadow reached out and brushed his hand along my side, our flames dancing and twining together, like lovers, and I had to close my eyes at the sensation of him stroking more than my skin.

“Darkor!” Ixana said. “What are you doing? Why does she have your power?” Her words were angry, but the tone was not. It was odd. But it almost felt like she wasn’t actually surprised by this.

Shadow ignored her. He was going to kiss me, and as much as I wanted him to, I knew it would lead to drama we didn’t have time for.

I pulled away. “We’re out of time,” I rumbled, sounding like the female version of my grumbly beast.

He chuckled. “You can’t escape me for long, Sunshine.”

“I don’t want to, Shadow.”

Shadowshine. We were going to rock that couple name… if we ever sorted our shit out.

Ixana let out a low scoff, sending icy power surging up between us. Unfortunately for her, our fire was beyond the reach of her snowy spell. She didn’t even dent our flames, but again, choosing not to deal with the Shadow and Ixana thing, I made the choice to walk away. My speed picked up as I headed toward the red-arched entrance I’d seen from afar.

Midnight floated ahead, keeping an eye out for any dangers. All clear so far.

Excellent news.

Angel also took the opportunity to fly ahead, and I wished I could call her back to my side, where I felt she was safer. No doubt that would be insulting to the formidable warrior; she didn’t take well to anyone fussing over her like a worried mom.

Even if it was my instinct to try.

When I reached the arch, I only had a few of the abervoqs by my side; the rest were scattered down the hill. They’d be fine there, so I decided to step inside and see what exactly this Nexus was. What had been calling me for days, dragging me across the desolate Grey Lands.

“Wait!” Shadow called, but it was too late for me to do that.

A wash of frigid power sent bumps over my skin as I crossed the threshold into a land of red and gold. Shadow’s colors. The color of the mists in their rawest form. It made sense, since Shadow had been born to do what no other could in the realm.

Nothing else happened as I took another step forward, tilting my head back to take it all in. Power trailed along my spine, and it wasn’t until I turned that I noticed that no one else had made it through the archway.

Something was holding them out.


Thankfully Midnight could still communicate with me. We’re being blocked for some reason. They want you in there without the rest of us. Be careful.

I didn’t even have the time to contemplate that before another being walked into view. At first, the burst of light that followed their path was too bright for me to make out who it was, and even though it would have been smarter to run back to Shadow, I didn’t.

I stepped forward, into the light.

As it engulfed me, I was surprised by the sense of familiarity dotted throughout the energy. The land was familiar too, this pocket of paradise with waterholes and nature—mostly of the gold and red variety— scattered about.

But my main focus was on the figure.

Like she hadn’t wanted me to see her until the absolute last moment, we were mere feet apart when the light finally eased. I stared into beautiful and familiar eyes.

My heart slammed against my chest as I tried to figure out if I was hallucinating.

Could this place cause you to hallucinate? To see loved ones?

“Dannie?” I whispered.

She didn’t look exactly the same as she had on Earth. This version was a little taller and slimmer, a lot younger, with a mass of messy blonde curls trailing down her spine. She wore brilliant red robes that both blended in and contrasted with the Nexus.

Here she was, looking like a sun goddess. A very alive goddess, right down to the scolding look on her face. “My little Mera. You had no idea if I was friend or foe, and you just walked right into my orbit.”

My lips trembled, my throat tight as my eyes burned. “How?” I said hoarsely. “How are you here?”

She took my hand, and the tears I’d been trying desperately to keep at bay broke through their barrier. “We have a lot to discuss, Mera.” Her voice was calm and warm. “I just wanted a moment to see you first before I allowed the others in.”

I swallowed hard, painfully, my desire to curl up and bawl my eyes out so strong even as I fought against it. “Please let them in,” I choked out, “and promise not to disappear on me again.”

“I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart.”

Tears slipped free, and she brushed a hand over my cheek before she crossed to the archway. She did something to the energy barrier, and as it dropped, Shadow—furious and covered in flames—stormed through. He didn’t give Dannie a second look, his focus all on me. “Are you okay?” he demanded.

I nodded, lifting my face toward him, the moisture I hadn’t bothered to wipe away still on my cheeks. “They’re happy tears.”

This finally seemed to penetrate his worry, and I had a feeling we’d been minutes from seeing him all Anubis-a-fied again. Sweeping me closer to him, he positioned himself in front of me as he finally turned to acknowledge Dannie.

She was walking toward us, her long, red robes trailing behind her. He tensed further, and I was confused. “It’s Dannie,” I said, pressing my hand to his back.

I felt a spark of his power, but it didn’t hurt me, so that was not a warning. Shadow was reacting to something else. Dannie’s face softened as she stared at him, and I hated not knowing what the fuck was going on here.

“Your energy did not feel like this on Earth,” Shadow rasped, and I had never heard him sound so… sad. “I felt flashes of the realm and the royals. I figured you were from one of the kingdoms. I didn’t know it was you.”

She reached up toward him, and just as I was about to warn her of the dangers of touching him without his permission, he met her hand with his own, wrapping that huge palm around her much smaller one.

“I have missed you,” she said.

Just as I was about to freak the fuck out and start demanding answers, Shadow replied. “I missed you too, Mother. So fucking much.”


The world spun and for a brief moment, I wondered if I was about to embarrass myself and faint. Dannie was Shadow’s mother?

Who and how and why and what the fuck was happening here?

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