Reborn Through Fire

Chapter 1535

Chapter 1535
She cherished the memories of their carefree childhood, when the three of them were inseparable.
On balmy summer nights, they would gather in the courtyard, sipping drinks and playing games.
Jensen would assist her with her homework, and she would engage in playful banter with Gilbert.
Those days were simple, yet full of joy.
But now, everything had changed, and nothing was the same.
Fighting back tears, she tilted her head up, gazing at the night sky.
She yearned to return to those days, but she knew it was an impossible dream.
Jensen tapped the ash from his cigarette and suddenly asked, "Do you know why I claimed this mansion?"
Kisa stayed quiet.
He smiled.
"This house carries the weight of Grandma's adoration for Gilbert, and my father's efforts to win Peter's favor.I was envious, so I
took it for myself."
"But Gilbert and Peter don't care about this house, or any of the Kooper family's fortune."
Jensen laughed bitterly.
''You're right, they don't care.Yet the two people I cherished most fought tirelessly for them, leaving me as nothing more than a
despised pawn.From childhood, David declared I was a disgrace, an abomination that should never have existed.But did he ever
consider that if given the choice, I wouldn't have wanted to be born into this world?"
In the cold light, unshed tears shimmered in David's eyes as he sat motionless in his wheelchair.
Kisa glanced down at her swelling belly.

"Every mother wishes for her child to be born safely.So even though we've faced the scorn of other family members, at least at
the moment of our birth, we were anticipated and cherished by our mothers."
Jensen managed a strained smile.
"You probably don't know, but my mother gave birth to me solely to control David.No one anticipated my arrival.In her eyes, I was
merely a pawn, a way to secure her marriage to David.She overestimated my significance and underestimated David's love for
your mother.For a long time, I loathed your mother, thinking she was a repulsive homewrecker.But eventually, I learned the
Beneath the dim light, Kisa saw the overwhelming sadness in Jensen's eyes.
"I was just a product of my mother's manipulation of David.She took advantage of him while he was intoxicated, resulting in my
conception.At that time, your mother had just accepted David's declaration of love.So, David asked my mother to terminate the
pregnancy, but she secretly gave birth to me anyway.My existence barred David from marrying your mother openly, fearing she
would discover the truth about me and my mother.He sent your mother to the countryside during her pregnancy with Peter.He
thought he could handle my mother during that time, but he never expected to be outplayed by our grandma and forced out of
As a result, he despised me, my mother, and our grandma, blaming us for keeping him away from your mother.
But in truth, it was us who stood in their way.
I no longer resent your mother; after all, it was my mother who was the pitiful homewrecker, and I should never have existed."
Kisa wanted to offer comforting words, but she felt powerless.
The animosity and grievances of the previous generation were now their burden to bear.
They carried so much, yet there was nothing they could do.
She stood up and sighed.
"Don't dwell on it.Let's get some rest."
But suddenly, Jensen enveloped her in a tight embrace from behind.

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