Reborn (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 3)

Reborn: Chapter 58

Our group was quiet as we made our way back to the library, following Shadow through his Solaris System pathways. There was a lot that had to be done in the Shadow Realm still, but all of us were exhausted, needing some rest before we stepped back to ensure that world finally had a chance to reach its full potential.

I, for one, needed sex, sleep, and sustenance. In that order.

I was banking on the fact that I would still need to eat food after my rebirth, because that was a soul deep bond too… right?

Shadow was first through the doorway into the library, and I was second, both of us grinding to a halt. “What in the hell?” I muttered.

Beings were everywhere, standing no more than a few feet from the door, filling the space between the shelves and even pushed right back into the middle of the library.

As our pack crowded in behind us, equally as confused, I was about to start stressing that something else had gone wrong in our absence. Until the room burst into loud applause, everyone shouting and calling to us.

“Thank you!”

“Long live the gods!”

“Our saviors.”

The many beings from all the different worlds heaped praise on us as their cheers continued.

“How did they know?” Angel asked, close behind me.

Gaster pushed his way to the front then, wanting to be the first to greet us personally. “The entire Solaris System knew that our fate hung in the balance,” he said, nodding his head respectfully to us. “The Great Council arrived to prepare us for what might be left if you all didn’t win.”

I’d never heard of the Great Council, but it sounded fancy.

“We’ve been waiting for you to walk through the door,” someone shouted from back in the group. The rumble told me it was a Brolder inhabitant. “And if you didn’t, we knew that all hope was lost.”

Cheers rose up again, and it was clear that they were settling in for a night of revelry to celebrate our victory.

Shadow held his hands up, and I was pretty sure he was the only being who could have shut them up so quickly. “We’ll have a grand feast in the dining hall later tonight,” he called loud enough for all to hear. “Bring your friends and families, for we have much to celebrate.”

“The balance remains,” Reece added.

This time, the noise was deafening, allowing none of us to get a word in, but my spirits lifted with it. As Gaster hugged me tightly, there was even more joy in my heart, and it was maybe at that moment I finally recognized that we’d won.

We had beat the freaking Nexus Goddess. I hadn’t let that sink in until now, as I’d been too filled with grief and pain. But with Angel back at my side, I could allow the joy to take hold.

This was finally the life I’d always dreamed of, not that bullshit in Torma Dannie had tried to sell me. Speaking of…

“We need to deal with Torma,” I said to Shadow, deciding that I was ready to let that part of my life go for good. “Before we can celebrate, that’s the final thorn in my side.”

His lips met mine, and it felt like the first kiss all over again. Power and life and sex filled the energy, and I wanted him so badly, my legs trembled as my panties tried not to drown.

“Later.” I growled against his lips. “Torin has already had too long to sow the seeds of his destruction. It’s time to reap that fucking bastard.”

I think my words only worked to arouse the beast further, as his chest rumbled, and he deepened our kiss. When we managed to pull apart—with great difficulty—I turned to where Angel waited, looking somewhat amused.

“You’re going to Earth?” she said.

I nodded. “Yeah, I have a pack to deal with and friends to ensure are okay. Do you want to come with us?” I was having a Shadow possessive moment, not wanting to let her out of my sight.

She shook her head. “I think I should head to the Honor Meadows and finalize a few pieces of unfinished business.”

As much as it hurt me to let her go, Angel was a grown-ass warrior who definitely didn’t need a babysitter. “Okay, friend,” I said, wrapping my arms around her. “We’ll meet you back here for the big celebration dinner, right?”

She smiled, and it was more real and more content than any smile I’d ever seen from her. “I wouldn’t miss it for anything.” A secret twinkle hit her eye, but before I could press her to reveal her thoughts, the rest of our friends pushed closer.

“We’ll keep the system running until you get back,” Reece said, slapping his hand on Shadow’s shoulder in a manly gesture of friendship before he leaned down and kissed my cheek. Lucien, Alistair, and Galleli all did the same before each of them disappeared into the library.

When it was just Shadow and I, he led us through the bowing and cheering crowds. No one touched us, of course, as they still feared the beast in charge, so we had a clear—and noisy—run toward the hallway to Earth.

“Do you think Len and the mists are okay?” I asked, worried that they weren’t here waiting for us.

“They’re fine,” he assured me. “Inky got a message through saying they’re staying a little longer until all the securities were in place.”

“Oh, fuck,” I said quickly, the word “message” reminding me that I’d lost the parchment I was supposed to use to communicate with Simone. Not to mention the stone Len had given me to protect my mind.

When I told Shadow, he just laughed. “You died, Sunshine. You were lucky to keep your life. Don’t worry about the other parts.” He pressed lingering kisses to my cheeks and down my face, and I forgot everything but the taste of my mate.

Somehow when his lips hit mine, the world went silent and cool, and I knew we’d entered the white hallway. Finally alone after being surrounded for so long by others. “I missed you,” I said stupidly, since we’d never really been apart.

Outside of that dying thing.

“You’ll never need to miss me again,” he promised. “We’ve paved the path to our future, and it’s bright, Sunshine.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, I caught that cute play on words.”

Shadow grumbled before he dragged me along the hallway. “Just like old times,” I said with a sigh.

He didn’t bother to reply, but he did throw me over his shoulder, sending my heart into a racing pace. He was recreating our first memory together. The moment my life had changed.

Through Shadow, I had found a true mate, and a true pack in Angel, Simone, and the rest of our merry band of assholes.

“I almost feel bad that I’m heading into Torma to strip the pack away from their lands,” I said to Shadow, resting against him and enjoying the sensation of my body jolting against his. “Torin’s rejection is what set this all in motion, giving me the best fucking life, while he’s still a sad sack of dog balls.”

“My vote is to kill him,” Shadow said with a shrug, lifting me higher. “But out of respect to you, and your right to enact punishment over them, I’ll accept whatever decision you make.”

Leaning back, I wrapped my arms around his neck in an awkward hug. “You’re so sweet, mate. And while some of them deserve death, it just feels so limited. They’d suffer for a minute, maybe less. What a waste.”

Shadow’s shoulder lifted again as he chuckled. “Oh, sweet Mera. I can show you ways to drag their suffering out for as long as you need to.”

I joined him in laughter, wondering if we might not both be a little psychotic these days. In truth, when had either of us ever been normal? Normal was overrated, and while I might not hold the same bloodthirsty streak as Shadow, I also wasn’t letting Torma get away with their sins any longer.

“I think I’ve decided,” I said softly, and like a true mate, he didn’t ask me what it was, just accepted that when the time came, he’d be at my side to inflict this punishment.

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