Reborn (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 3)

Reborn: Chapter 56

My scream of rage burst from me, and everything went dark and red and broken. My fury and pain were relentless in their assault. The only thing that kept me from losing it completely was the knowledge that Angel had gifted me this power to save the world.

Her death could not be in vain.

Channeling my wrath, I focused one part of my attack on Dannie, sending her spiraling across the sky with a sharp strike. Another part of my energy went to the remaining members of my pack, blasting the lava army back into the depths of the chasm, and freeing the mists who’d fallen under their attack. I then repaired and rebuilt my pack’s broken bodies, washing away burns and fixing fractured energy bases. I could do all of that, fight the phoenix and drown in grief, because I was a woman.

We multitasked well.

Dannie came at me with full force, but her assault brushed off me like water droplets. Reaching out with my strength, I wrapped my power around her throat, and for the first time, she was helpless against me. The power I used was not the burning flames of the mists, but the ancient heavenly power of the meadows.

As I flew closer to her, weapons appeared in my hands, and as I stared down at the curved blades, my eyes burned. Angel’s favorite weapons. Her last assistance in this battle, and fuck, it was fitting that they would be what ended this once and for all.

“This is for Angel,” I rumbled at Dannie. “Angel, who sacrificed herself to save us and all the worlds.”

My blades swiped through her shields, moving as if extensions of my body. I only had to think of what I wanted to do and they were slicing with speed and grace.

“Mera, please,” Dannie said, and there was real fear in her birdy eyes.

“You will find no mercy here,” I told her, my voice vibrating and unfamiliar.

Dannie held her hands up, but I was done waiting. Slicing again, my blade landed deep in her chest. I knew where to hit, feeling the stone’s power, and the moment I opened her up, a bright light emerged, blinding the world with its intensity.

Len was at my side now, his Silver Magic wresting the sunburst stone from her chest. It came to him willingly, disappearing into a small silver container that went into his coat.

I jerked my blade free from the phoenix’s chest, and there was no sense of satisfaction or success.

Dannie’s eyes met mine, and there was a softness there that hadn’t been before. “I’m sorry, Mera,” she whispered, and for the first time, I felt she meant it. “So sorry.”

Those were her last words before she crumbled and plummeted, slamming hard against the ground. Feathers shot everywhere and by the time we landed beside her, there was nothing but a few stray feathers remaining of the Danamain.

“She’s gone,” Shadow said, his arms around me as he held on like I might disappear too.

Like Angel. My eyes filled with tears as I lost my wolf-phoenix, turning back into a chick who’d lost her best friend. A chick whose insides were tearing her apart.

Midnight wrapped around me, followed by Shadow, the pair keeping me together.

When I finally straightened, Shadow pressed a kiss to my forehead. “She went out as a warrior,” he murmured. “Don’t take that from her.”

I trembled, looking at the spot where Angel had fallen. There was nothing but her armor there now, and I had no idea where Honor Meadow beings went upon death. I’d find out when I was mentally able to handle it.

“I will return the stone to Faerie,” Len said, interrupting when he couldn’t wait any longer.

Shadow held up a hand to stop his friend before he disappeared. “Take Inky and Midnight with you.” His eyes briefly met mine. “If that’s okay with you, Mera? I’d just hate for anything to happen to Len or the stone until it’s locked away again.”

I nodded, unable to process my feelings, but knowing he was right. “Yes, that’s a good idea.”

Midnight dove closer to wrap around me. I’m sorry for your loss, Mera, it said, offering support and love. But I will protect the stone, so it never happens again.

I swallowed hard. Thank you, friend. It just hurts.

Midnight seemed to understand, as it lifted me off the ground for an extra strong hug. Inky joined in, the pair of them loving on me the only way they could. For a moment, it helped, and I brushed my hands through their sparking centers as they set me back on the ground.

By the time Len placed a kiss on my cheek and disappeared from the castle grounds with the two mists, I was once again trembling and on the verge of losing it. Grief was a never-ending torment on my soul.

“Sunshine.” Shadow drew my attention. “You need to release some of the power back into the Honor Meadows.”

I heard his words but didn’t move.

“If you continue to hold this level of energy,” he tried again, “it will corrupt you as the stone did with Dannie.”

And still, I couldn’t make myself release the last part of Angel still with me.

“Mera!” A snap of command. “Come back to me, Sunshine. Step away from the darkness and return to my side.”

Technically, I was at his side, but I knew what he meant.

A sob wracked through me as I dropped to my knees, my hands digging into the ground as a scream built. “It hurts,” I choked out. “It’s killing me, Shadow.”

He got down with me, wrapping his huge frame over the top of mine as he cradled my body. “I know,” he said huskily. “I feel your pain and my own, but you’re not alone. I will hold you together until such a time you can do it yourself. Fall into me, Sunshine. Fall. Into. Me.”

For once, I did exactly as I was told. The scream faded when I collapsed against my mate, and he drew me into his lap, rocking me back and forth until I could function again. Shadow was the strong one today because I just couldn’t do it for myself.

When my heartbeats had calmed and I was able to focus, Shadow helped me to properly return the energy into the Honor Meadows, both of us building layers until I was only in possession of my Nexus energy. Then he lifted me, cradling my body in his arms. “You saved us, Sunshine,” he said as he pressed his lips to my cheek, and lips, and shoulder. “You saved us and the worlds and your creatures. You’re the fucking hero today, and we will honor you and Angel’s sacrifice.”

“Angel deserves it,” I said listlessly. “She gave too much, as always, and it’s not fair.”

I waited for his usual Life isn’t fair, Sunshine, but he never said a word. He just held me closer, keeping me together as he’d promised.

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