Reborn (Shadow Beast Shifters Book 3)

Reborn: Chapter 34

No one spoke as we climbed through the layers of Angel’s world to the surface. When we reached the top level, where the beautiful golden fields remained unchanged, Angel took a few minutes to ensure all of her securities were in place.

“Is there any danger to your family land with the loss of power?” I asked her.

She shook her head. “Not at all. I’ve taken a mere fraction of what I hold here. It’s too much power, really; power that should have been spread across many family members. But with all of them gone, the responsibility falls to me.” She patted the ground, sealing up the final cuts in its essence. “I can pull more from here if needed, even at a distance. It’s slower and not as effective as taking it in the manner I just did, but if we need it, there’s more power.”

That was good to know, even if I was praying we’d never need it.

Once she was satisfied with the securities, Angel followed us back to the library. Shadow was quiet, and I felt the brooding simmer of his energy. Our connection was new and hard to read, but I sensed that he was starting to mentally prepare himself for what was to come. Fighting against your mother was no easy task, but Dannie really hadn’t left us much choice.

I loved her too. She’d been more of a mother than my own.

A twinge in my chest reminded me that my “real” mom was dead. I’d spent weeks thinking she’d run away from Torma, when all of that time, she’d been buried in the pack lands. The loss felt somewhat raw and new, but it was still built on “what ifs” rather than true grief.

What if we’d gotten our shit together and tried to form a relationship? Or what if she’d stopped drinking and started caring? Truth be told, I’d never really known her as a proper mother, and I wondered if maybe all along it had been because she’d felt no real bond to me. The child who was only half shifter.

I’d been forced into her world through the machinations of a goddess. I’d hated my mother for a long time, but maybe all along, I should have cut her some slack. It was too late now to know if her drinking and hatred of me had been thanks to Dannie and my hybrid nature. But it didn’t stop the questions from crossing my mind.

“A few of the guys are back,” Shadow said, drawing me from my heavy thoughts. “They’re waiting in the lair.”

Angel’s lips twitched. “It’s actually cute how you’ve adopted her Meraisms. Maybe you two are true mates after all.”

Shadow shot a rumble of angry energy her way. “Nothing about me is cute, Angel.”

He deliberately emphasized her name, like he was reminding her that she was also using the moniker I’d given her. Another “Meraism,” as Angel had put it.

“Touché, my friend,” she said. “It grows on you, her refreshing way of addressing the world. Sometimes I almost forget how jaded I am.”

“You are both just super old,” I reminded them, hoping to lighten the mood. “Don’t be too hard on yourselves.”

Shadow had me in his arms so fast that my head spun. Or maybe that was just the result of being held by him like this.

“Your smart mouth is about to turn your ass red,” he murmured close to my ear, the hard length of his body pressing into mine as his power surrounded me.

“That would be quite the skill,” I managed to choke out.

“Not at all,” he replied easily. “Just count yourself lucky that right now, we have places to be.”

I pouted. “I don’t consider that lucky at all, thanks very much.”

Flames sprang to life in his eyes, and I could see the battle he fought. One day my ability to bring him to the brink of losing control would bite me on the ass. Only time would tell if I liked it or not.

“Come on,” Angel snapped, reminding us that we truly did have somewhere to be.

The library was bright and open, bustling with beings from all different worlds. “You brought it back to perfection,” I said to Shadow, my voice thick. “It’s exactly as it was.”

“Nothing can ever be exactly as it was,” he said, looking around, “and it’s going to take some time for the library to find its true power again, but I’ve set it on the path. Sometimes that’s the best you can do.”

His words struck a chord within me, and it took me a minute to work out why. It was how he’d talked about the library… like it was his child. He’d created and nurtured this offspring the best he could, giving it all the skills needed to grow and flourish in the world. Now it was time for it to find its own way forward, with Shadow there in the background as a support system.

Kind of made me think that part of the reason I loved this particular library so much, outside of a lifetime obsession with books, was because of its ties to Shadow. My mate.

Before I could get too mushy over all things Shadow, Inky swirled down from the ceiling above, spreading out before us. “Inky!” I exclaimed. “Did you figure out what was wrong with the library?”

The mist twirled around Shadow, and I could tell they were talking. Angel and I waited patiently… Well, at least she did. I started bouncing on the spot in anticipation of bad news.

“It’s Midnight.”

I lurched forward at those words. My heart was pattering like crazy because until this moment, I’d thought my mist was still stuck in the realm. But to hear it was in the library, and had been the entire time… I wasn’t prepared.

“What do you mean it’s Midnight?” I said in a rush. Inky wrapped around me, offering comfort, which did not bode well for the information coming my way.

“Midnight is the kink in the library,” Shadow said. “It’s infiltrated itself into the creation energy I used to bring this system to life and is causing the disruption.”

My heart hurt, a giant squeeze that was legitimately more painful than what I’d felt over my mother’s death. No doubt I needed therapy or some shit, but I couldn’t help that my mist was already more important to me than my birth mother. “How do I… I mean, what can I do to fix this situation? How do I free Midnight?”

Shadow pursed his lips, those sinful lips, but for the first time, I was too distraught to get distracted by him.

“From what Inky sensed, Midnight has integrated itself completely into the system, and the odds of easily untangling all of that energy are low. The only one who might have a shot is you. Can you reach Midnight through your bond? Convince it to release its hold on the library?”

Closing my eyes, I mentally followed the path of our bond. A path that had sat mostly dormant, even as my memories had returned. Midnight? Can you hear me?

A sharp vibration of energy shot back at me, not exactly hostile, but definitely not up for a friendly chat. I recoiled, unable to find a way to break through to my mist. At least I did know our connection remained, but it had been changed.

“It’s not up for a friendly exchange at this time,” I said sadly, opening my eyes and releasing my hold on the bond. “I mean, why did it even return here? Wouldn’t it have made more sense to stay in the realm it’s from, especially without memories of me?”

Shadow took a moment to converse with Inky before he passed the information on to me. “Inky believes that it was drawn back through the Solaris System looking for you. Only it didn’t remember you and ended up bonding to the shattered power of the library.”

I had to hold back my tears again, thinking about my poor Midnight just aimlessly searching for its bonded one, only to find the closest thing and settle. “Dannie has a fucking lot to answer for,” I growled huskily. “She managed to screw so much up, and it’s only by the grace of the damn gods we’ve come as far as we have after her manipulations.”

“Grace of no fucking gods,” Shadow shot back. “It was your stubborn ass. Now let’s head into the lair; Midnight will find its way to you. If there’s one thing I know for sure about Mera Callahan, it’s that she’s impossible to resist for long.”

He strode off, Inky wrapped around his shoulders, and I exchanged a look with Angel. “He just keeps using love words,” I whispered to her, “even if he won’t say the actual word itself.”

She smiled, tugging me against her side. For non-hugging beings, they’d certainly come around to the concept fast. “You should have known that he was going to love you from the first moment he didn’t murder you for smarting off at him. The Shadow you know is not the one most of us do. He never suffers fools or any form of disrespect. Not even from his friends, but with you… he almost encourages it.”

“It’s a lot like winning the damn lotto.”

Angel actually let out a chuckle. “Like winning it twice.”

Couldn’t argue with her there, and it was nice that I didn’t have to explain my colloquial sayings to Angel. Her years as a guardian angel on Earth had prepared her well for our friendship.

We hurried toward the lair portal to find Shadow had already stepped through. Just as I went to follow, I had a thought that jerked me to a halt. “You can’t go in there,” I said with urgency. “Wait here and I’ll tell Shadow he has to allow you entry.”

Her expression softened. “I appreciate you looking out for me, but Shadow and I have already reached an arrangement. For the time being, I’ll be allowed into the inner sanctum of Shadow’s life and power.”

“Really?” I blinked at her. “He’s usually very selective about who’s allowed into the lair.”

Angel let out a deep breath. “Yes. And it’s only because we both love you. That’s why he trusts me.”

The glow of her powered-up skin was near blinding as I pressed my face into her neck. “I love you too,” I murmured. “And even though Shadow won’t say the words, I’ve never felt so blessed to be loved by you guys.”

Her face softened. “Words are not worthy of the emotion, but I lived among humans long enough that I’ve never quite shaken the need to hear them. So thank you.”

Angel didn’t give me time to get caught up in my feelings, dragging me through the portal and into Shadow’s lair. As she’d predicted, there was no security trying to expel her; instead, she remained at my side as we strolled toward the firelit seating area, warmth washing over us as multiple sets of eyes turned our way.

We were the last to the party, and since the party was once again six powerful, sinfully sexy men, I was more than a little happy to have an extra set of tits on my side.

This merry band of psychos needed our perspective.

It was time for six to become eight.

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