Reborn in steel

Chapter 4

The Humphrey discovery

“Good afternoon, children.” “Good afternoon, General Humphrey, sir!” the children say. My name is Charles Humphrey, I’ve dedicated my soul to the United States Army. I trained to the core to get up to the higher ranks and was a cold stone killer! And now as years go by I am going on 106 years on this planet. I don’t plan to retire anytime soon, I will lead my troops until I drop to the floor!”

“Today, as the General of our very country, I wanted to give you smooth brained snot noses a history lesson! This base was made during the times I was only a soldier, we used this base for all kinds of things! Like weaponry armory and even a spot for all the troops to hang out and plan our next moves on the battlefield!” A little girl in pigtails raises her hand, “excuse me sir” “Yes darling” I reply. “Why did you join the military” she asked. “Well, Life comes with many challenges and some you got to have thick skin for! That’s what being a soldier is all about, to protect the country and the ones you love. Maybe one day one of you brats will take my role.” I pause in silence. “Hahaha, over my dead body!” I tell them. “Were you saggy and old too?” another kid says, “Hey! You better have some respect there, brat! I was still young and in my prime, then I would make every one of your grandfathers shaking in their boots!” “My grandpa died” Another kid says” “Yeah, yeah good for you enough chitter chatter, Let’s go see some history!”

I opened the gates and the first thing I see was broken up robots everywhere. I stand there in confusion on why robots are here in the first place, not only that but why do they look like they got caught up in a hurricane. Then a flashback struck me like lightning. Suddenly I remember the entire reason Why this place was never revisited. I quickly try to get everyone out of here and call personnel as quickly as possible. “Alright children uhh I have to cut your visit short today, everyone leave now!” I tell them. “But we didn’t even get to-” I quickly cut off the girl with the ping tails. “Go now or every one of your parents gets arrested!” The kids board back on the bus and drive off. I called up personnel to help me investigate. “I need all personnel down to the New Mexico military base IMMEDIATELY AND BRING ME THAT PSYCHOTIC SCIENTIST TOO!”

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