Reborn Academy

Chapter 21: "Thanks for the fun"

I sat next to Daniel on the plane to Alaska. Bambi and Sasha sat a few seats away from us. Daniel heals Sasha energy back to normal and the little cuts over her. He also took care of Bambi with ease. The way he goes at it makes you think he done it his whole life.

“It’s weird how healing comes naturally to you,” I said to Daniel.

“It makes you wonder. Does it?” He asks me.

“Yeah, it’s weird, though. How all of this came about. If I never went to Reborn Academy in the first place you guys wouldn’t be in this mess.” I told him looking out the window.

“If you hadn’t come Sasha and I would still be in that fake relationship. We wouldn’t have found out that Reborn Academy is a fraud. I probably wouldn’t have known that I could heal. Anglia, we all choose to be in this mess and I bet none of us is thinking about backing out.”

“I know you guys won’t,” I told him with a smile.

“So, how do you know your dad is in Alaska?” Daniel question.

“Every summer break, when my dad was around, we went there. I remember always going out at night playing hid and seek with him. He always found me even in the darkest areas. Which probably didn’t matter how good I hide anyway. It was the last summer we went up there is when he told me”

“The day you need to come looking for me is the day you need to come back.”

I don’t know if my dad will actually be there, but it’s a chance I’m willing to take. Plus, my mom didn’t deny when I told her to meet me there.”

“Maybe because he’s not there,” Daniel suggested.

I lean my head against his shoulders with a sigh “Oh, he’s there.”

I feel asleep not too long after that. A light shake on my shoulder woke me up. I open my eyes slowly turning to look at Daniel, Bambi, and Sasha. They all look at me expectantly. I sat up moving my messy hair out my face, looking around the plane. It wasn’t moving so that means we reach Alaska, everyone but us was off the plane.

“Whats going own?” I ask them.

“Vampires! Sleepyhead.” Sasha said rolling her eyes.

“We need to get going, it’s getting dark,” Daniel said grabbing my bag.

“Where are they?” I ask springing up from my seat.

“Bambi spot a couple in the alleyway when she went to go scope out the area,” Sasha told me as we made our way out the plane.

“Ok, did they give off a killing vibe?” I ask Bambi.

“No, I felt like they gave off a happy vibe. Like they can’t wait to get their hands on us and hug is to death. What kind of question is that?” Bambi said sarcastically.

“I don’t know. Let’s just get out of here.”

“Does your vehicle connections run here Daniel?” Sasha ask him as we make our way through the airport.

“No. I don’t have family out here in the airport business.” He told us.

“What a bust. Does anyone know how to break into a car?” Bambi asks us.

“Luckily, I do,” Sasha said with a smirk.

“No surprise there,” I mumbled.

“There’s no need for that,” Daniel told us.

Daniel lead us down a hall towards the back of the airport. At least he knows somewhat of an airport layout. When we came upon the back doors the sign said rental cars. Moving out the doors we ran upon an attendant that works with renting the cars. We all look at each other before turning to Sasha.

“I don’t know how you’re more dangerous. I have to do everything.” She mumbled walking up to the girl.

In no time Sasha had the keys to a car. The girl let us in through the gates with a smile. I smile back feeling sorry that we had to compel her. Sasha lead us towards the back of the lot stopping in front of a black car. Hoping in randomly Sasha back out the parking space before speeding out the garage.

“Oh, shit,” Sasha said when we come upon someone standing in the middle of the driveway out the garage.

“Just ram him,” I told her from the back seat.

“Thanks, I was thinking we should stop the car and surrender.”

“Seriously! Can you guys stop that!” Bambi said giving us both a look.

Sasha rolled her eyes shifting gears before putting gas on the car. We roar towards the vampire at such speed, but he didn’t bother to move. I reach out putting on my seat belt motioning for Daniel to do the same thing. Instead of him moving and just letting us get away the vampire starts running towards the car. Sasha shift gears again accelerating the car to a different speed.

“Oh, shit!” She said when the guy jumps in the air about fifteen feet away from each other.

He landed right on the car stopping it immediately. We all stare up at him in shock as he just smiles down at us. Bambi was the first to react as a burst of wind knock him off the car towards a wall. Knowing that the car is total we all got out. The vampire didn’t even hesitate to attack catching me off guard.Throwing me across the garage into the wall hard like I weight nothing. I landed on the ground with a grunt.

“Anglia!” I heard Daniel yelled for the second time in two days.

I move to a stand but the vampire was already on top of me. Grabbing my neck he pushes me up against the wall. I reacted fast punching him in the face before kicking him in the stomach. He probably only stumbles an inch back before sending a punch to my face. He grabs my hair throwing me to the other side of the garage before I could land or hit anything he grabs me from the air slamming me to the ground. I felt blood on the back of my head my head spinning.

“I thought she was lying about you. This is fun!” He said in my ear before picking me up by my hair.

The email! He’s the guy that Headmistress Haven had been emailing. I push him off me throwing a punch towards his face. He caught it easily twisting my arm behind my back. I bend down flipping him behind my back to the ground. It’s start coming to hand to hand combat between us. I was probably getting hit more than I was gitting hits on him.

“I don’t know if I can bring you back to Askin alive. You’re getting to much fun to resist killing you.” He said using his speed to grab me from behind pushing me up against the wall.

“You thought this was going to be easy?” I ask him with a huff trying to push him off.

No use.

“Yeah.” He said with a smirk.

He pulls me from the wall slamming me back into it. My head starts spinning at the impact making my body slack a little. I tried getting an upper hand on him, but he intercalated it kneeing me in the stomach. He was going to kill me with little to no effort. He was stronger than me by a long run. I struggle in his grip fighting for my life. When his fangs graze my neck I knew it was over. Before he could sink his teeth into my neck a burst of wind came between us pushing him from me.

“Anglia!” A voice yelled causing me to turn my head.

A stake was flying towards me at a quick speed. I caught it effortlessly before driving it into his heart. He looks to me in shock in his eyes. A smile came to my lips before I pushing the stake into his heart. A scream left his lips as he falls to the ground. I stare down at him for a minute before bending down to pull out the stake.

“Thanks for the fun,” I told him before standing up.

I turn to find Bambi and Daniel standing with other vampire bodies around them. I counted five of them in my head as I walk over to them slowly.

“Thanks for the help,” I told them.

“We need to get out of here,” Bambi said going over to the car grabbing the bags.

“What about the bodies?” I ask them.

“The sun will disintegrate them before anybody comes down,” Daniel told me grabbing some of the bags from Bambi.

A car came down the ramp at top speed stopping right in front of us. Sasha rolled down the driver’s window motioning for us to get into the car. When we all got in she speeds off into the streets of Alaska.

“That vampire was the guy behind the emails with Haven. He worked for that Askin guy.” I told them.

“Right now we need to worry about getting somewhere safe,” Bambi said looking back to me.

“The lodge is not too far from here. Thirty miles off the next exit.” I told Sasha.

She nods her head getting over to the right lane.

I look to Daniel as he grabs my head silently. I felt the exhaustion leaving my body in seconds. I didn’t realize that Daniel was healing me untile he let go of my hand. The evidence that I got my ass handed to me was all gone.

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