Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chatper 298

Chapter 298 No Fun If You Die So Quickly
The curriculum at Pillere Art Academy was far from easy. Eileen led a monotonous life every day, filled with eating, sleeping, and
attending classes.
Seizing the rare opportunity for exchange and learning, Eileen dedicated most of her time to her studies.
Every afternoon after school, Eileen would call Jasper to chat about everyday matters.
Gideon took his students to participate in an international painting competition. Apart from meal times, they rarely saw each
As soon as Eileen returned to the hotel, she retreated to her room, occasionally keeping up with the news from back home.
As she was about to put down her phone, a push notification caught her eye. It was news about Caerulus Corporation.
She clicked on the news and immediately noticed the prominent headline: Caerulus Corporation Merges with Smith Corporation
The feast hosted by the acting CEO of Caerulus Corporation ended with his dismissal due to improper management. Currently,
Clifford Quayle, the director of the planning department of Smith Corporation, has taken over Caerulus Corporation.
According to an internal interview from Smith Corporation, the primary reason for the
merger with Caerulus Corporation was the former CEO, Eric, failing to complete the project development on time.
The consequences could cost Caerulus Corporation hundreds of millions in compensation, and there’s also a risk that the legal
representative might end up in jail.
In order to ensure the project started on time, Caerulus Corporation had no choice but to merge with Smith Corporation...
Hulbury News reports and continues to monitor this issue.
After considering the text, Eileen came to one conclusion-Eric had been sidelined. If he resigned, it would mean that he would no
longer have any influence over Caerulus. Corporation. Caerulus Corporation would still be a Swan family business.
Suddenly, Eileen felt clear-headed. Eric was the successor her father had nurtured and the one he valued the most.

This incident must have been a huge blow to her father.
To avoid any contact, Eileen turned off her phone immediately after reading the news.
With Eric’s capabilities, even without Caerulus Corporation, he would find other ways. However, this was also good, as it could
delay the time Eric used to wreak havoc on the Swan family.
At this moment, the dealer was indeed getting in touch with Eileen, but the person reaching out to her was not Eric but Elsie.
Eileen spent a restless night, her heart filled with unease. Today, Delilah was preparing for a competition. Recently, she rarely
came home, leaving Eileen alone most of the time.
That day was the weekend, so there was no need to go to school.
At eight in the morning, there was a knock on Eileen’s door. She had just finished freshening up and went to answer it.
Grayson’s expression was serious as he held a plane ticket in his hand. “Eileen, why didn’t you answer your phone? It seems
like something has happened at your home.”
Upon hearing the news, Eileen was’ momentarily taken aback. “What... What did
you say?”
Grayson replied, “Yesterday, a person named Elsie called Professor Combs’ mobile phone, saying that your father suddenly fell
ill and was taken to the hospital. Upon hearing this news, Professor Combs immediately arranged a flight for you at noon.
There’s still time, so you should quickly pack up. I’ll drive you to the airport.”
Eileen didn’t pack anything. In a hurry, she hopped into Grayson’s car, and they left.
She turned off her phone last night, which was why she didn’t receive Elsie’s call.

She never expected that last night’s unease was a harbinger of things to come.
The weather today was far from good, with rain falling and the sky gloomy, mirroring her inner state. It was as if her heart was
shrouded by a layer of dark clouds that just wouldn’t disperse.
On the road, Grayson also tried to comfort her. “Don’t worry, Eileen. Nothing bad will happen. Professor Combs has already
arranged your leave.”
Eileen hummed in response.
Why would Father fall ill at this time?
According to the timeline, it should have been after my university graduation. Could it be that Eric
accelerated his actions, which is why it happened earlier?
In his previous life, Will’s death came without any warning. He passed away suddenly one night.
It was the day she was preparing to marry Eric.
The traffic was rather heavy on the road. An hour and a half later, Grayson dropped her off at the airport and then left.
Eileen didn’t wait long at the airport before she boarded the plane ahead of schedule.
The flight to Hulbury would take over eight hours.
She should be able to reach the hospital by around nine o’clock in the evening at the earliest.
At the same time, Eric also received news of Eileen’s return to the country.
Serene Hospital.
Will lay unconscious on the hospital bed, a breathing mask covering his face. The heart rate) monitor showed normal readings,
yet there was no sign of him waking up.

In the exclusive VIP ward, Zachary was the one receiving treatment this time.
In an unspoken understanding between the two, Zachary calmly discussed Will’s current situation.
As Zachary was writing his report, he scoffed without lifting his head. “You really went all out just to get her back. You’ll stop at
nothing to achieve your goal. I really underestimated you before.”
Eric asked, “How long until he wakes up?”
Zachary put down his pen with a smile, crossed his legs, and said, “That’s up to you. What do you want him to become? After all,
I owe you a favor.”
Eric turned around, his inscrutable gaze carrying a hint of scrutiny. A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. “So, you’re willing
to do anything for my sake, and my plans against the Swan family just happen to align with your interests? Are you also thinking
of using my methods to deal with the Swan family? But as far as I know, the Swans had no prior involvement with you.”
Both of them were testing each other; both were as cunning as foxes. It was as if they were playing some twisted game.
The two men grabbed into each other’s weaknesses. In another sense, Zachary was indeed on
the same line as Eric, being in the same boat.
A hint of curiosity flickered in Zachary’s eyes. “Tsk, don’t give me that look. I’m not Eileen.” He approached Eric, his gaze fixed
on the view beyond the floor-to-ceiling window. “I don’t owe you any favors. Once I’ve repaid you, we’re even. Next time you
need my help, it won’t be as simple.”
“Whether we hold a grudge or not, there’s one thing you must remember-as long as you destroy the Swan family, I will always
support you. Otherwise... I wouldn’t have dedicated so many years to studying medicine. Regardless of the reason, even if you
investigate, you won’t find anything. It has been many years, and everything has already been destroyed and erased by him.”
He had promised her that he wouldn’t take any action against the Swan family.
However, he never promised not to seek assistance from others.

This was simply the consequence that Will himself had brought upon.
“He should regain consciousness in approximately two days. The medication he received earlier is not lethal, but upon waking
up, he may exhibit signs of having suffered a stroke. If you want him to maintain his current condition, administer the medication
once every three days. Overdosing him would result in a quick death due to poisoning, and that wouldn’t be enjoyable at all.”
That would be letting him off too easily.
Around nine o’clock, Eileen disembarked from the airplane.
In her hasty departure, she forgot to inform Jasper.
He still remained unaware of her return to her homeland.
I think I’ll plan a surprise for him.
Eileen stepped out of the airport terminal. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the pick-up area, her eyes immediately caught sight of
Eric, who was staring right at her.
Eileen couldn’t help but feel like she was being observed by a predator. She knew that returning to her home country was a trap,
but she had no choice. After all, Will was her father, and he was ill... She had to come back eventually.

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