Rebirth of the Wife in Despair by Tess Munoz

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Her Going Missing Might Be A Good Thing
Sharon said, “Yes. The driver went to pick her up after school, but she never came out. I called all the classes she was supposed
to go to as well, and they all said she never showed up. I’ve just made a police. report. Do you think anything could’ve happened
to her?”
spun the steering wheel with his other hand. “Probably not. She called me just now, but I didn’t pick up. How about... I’ll go
looking around the places she usually goes to, and call you back if I find
“Yes, of course!”
Sharon hung up the phone. Vera had heard the call, and knew what happened. “Why would Eileen go missing all of a sudden?
Did something happen to her?”
“She’s probably just hiding somewhere. Don’t worry, she’ll be fine.”
“I can go looking for her with you, Eric!”
Eric shook his head, turning Vera down at once. “That’s alright. I might just know where she is.”
Eileen was stuck-up and stubborn, and had always been a selfish person. She might just be throwing a
She had done this enough times for Eric to be sick of it, but would go looking for her still. Eric was not too worried about this. He
even felt like her going missing might be a good thing. He stopped the car in front of Vera’s apartment building, crossing around
to open the door for her.
Vera stood under the streetlights in her blue floral dress, her long hair falling over her shoulders. “You should get going, and find
Eileen! I’ll be fine going upstairs on my own.”
Eric handed her the shopping bags from just now. They weren’t very heavy, all of them containing the year’s newest branded

“Alright. You get some rest, don’t wait up for me.”
“I know, I know.”
“Go on, then. I’ll watch
you leave.”
Vera blushed, turning around under Eric’s gaze. Her heart was racing, and the wind did little to cool down her burning face.
For some reason, ever since coming back from healing abroad she had been hanging out with Eric like a normal couple save for
They ate together, and said goodnight to each other before they went to bed. Eric would even pick her up and send her home...
Her and Eric...
Vera did not dare to think about it too much. Eileen was still very much present in her and Eric’s lives, and Vera would never be
together with Eric as long as Eileen was around.
Vera did not know if she had feelings for Eric, or was simply dependent on him...
Eric had always been the only family Vera had known.
They had gotten through the toughest of times together, from begging on the streets to getting into. fights with other beggars and
If... if she did have feelings for Eric.
What did Eric feel?
Did he like her back, too?
Vera sped up her footsteps, as if terrified of being called out to by the man behind her. She had never been able to hide anything
from him, and they knew each other too well.
Eric waited until the lights in the living room upstairs were turned on before getting into the car, calling Eileen again.

He called her over and over again, until he lost his patience and sent her a text message in a rage.
Are you done? Call me back, I don’t have time for your games!
Pick up the phone, Eileen!
We can talk about it in person if there’s anything, don’t make us worry like this!
What are you even mad about, Eileen?
messages were sent over one by one, but there was no reply. Eric’s gaze hardened as he continued
Eileen used to respond within two or three messages he sent, but this was different.
What was she playing at?

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