Rebirth and Second Chances

Chapter 25: Return

As the portal closed behind me, the room, which at first had appeared empty, burst into activity. Sprites, Boggan, Wee Folk. A veritable army of the smallest most benign Sidhe began shouting and running from the room. I glanced at Cedric in confusion, not sure what was going on, or why there had been so many people hiding in the room.

"I'm not sure," Cedric said answering my unvoiced question. "It would make sense for there to be one or two people here to monitor and report back to Lord Kel. But this many?"

"Let me explain then," Majordomo Tulley said as he entered the room flanked by dozens of guards.

"Your sudden and unwilling departure six weeks ago managed to catch the attention of every Royal in the Seelie faction, as well as the Unseelie Monarchs.

"To have a Prince of the Sidhe, even a newly ascended Prince that was formally just a Commoner, taken from what should have been a secured location had repercussions. Not only that, but to have to deal with not one but two murder plots in the space of a single day resulted in a loss of trust in Lord Kel's abilities to protect those within his fief. His reputation has been seriously damaged by these incidents.

"Factions, sycophants, and third and fourth sons and daughters of established houses have flocked to the area in hopes of rescuing you, joining your court when you form one or taking advantage of the political turmoil to score points against Duke A'Daoine for placing such trust in Lord Kel.

"There has been a steady stream of people hoping to take advantage of the situation. Lord Kel has been forced to accommodate these individuals. So, when they expressed a desire to have their own staff monitor this room for activity, he agreed.

"As more people demanded the opportunity to patrol these rooms, some accommodations even from those that fostered ill-will towards Lord Kel was required.

"Only those Sidhe that can hide, were small, and were inconspicuous were allowed entry into the room itself. All others are stationed in passages and hallways throughout the Palace.

"It has been a headache that has destroyed all security protocols and destroyed any hopes of maintaining a schedule or order.

"I wonder how the news of what happened here managed to get out?" I mused. "I doubt Lord Kel would be so irresponsible as to broadcast events.

"And why would people believe that I plan on forming a court?"


[Any Ranked individual above the Knight rank, irrespective of land or property, may form a working court.]

[The term may be confusing for you. Don't think of a court as those political constructs that European monarchs or Chinese Dynasties created.]

[Here a working court would be comparable to the office staff of a Fortune Five-Hundred company. Intelligent and talented individuals that work for and with a CEO. The court's function is supportive in nature. They are advisors and counselors that work to expedite the Ranks goals.]

[The major difference is that here, you have the ability to ensure loyalty and trust to a certain degree. Oaths, Vassals, and Retainers can be bound and constrained by System.]

Forming a working court? Getting some guards that were completely devoted to me might not be such a bad idea. If I can find people that are trustworthy and talented.

[WORLD QUEST: Prince Mac De Belenos has chosen to establish a functioning court. He needs trusted and talented individuals. Approach Prince De Belenos and be considered for a position. Note: (all those accepted will be required to pledge fealty and loyalty)]

What the hell?

I can generate quests?

A World Quest?

How am I going to choose who to accept? How long will this quest last?

This world just keeps getting more complicated. Although it did make a strange kind of sense. If stats and leveling existed, there had to be a way to award quests, rewards, and experience.

I had a feeling the 102,000 gold I had on hand was not going to last long. I wasn't sure how many guards I would hire, but certain positions did need to be filled if I was going to set up my own court.

Based on what little I had experienced since I'd reincarnated, a Seneschal or Majordomo to help me understand the political landscape would be required. A treasurer and logistics operative to handle monies and purchase supplies. A guard commander to hire, train, equip, and structure any troops I acquired. And miscellaneous staff for daily quality of life chores like cooking and cleaning.

I also needed to find a new place to live. It seemed obvious that putting my trust in Lord Kel to protect me was foolish. He hadn't been able to protect me from his son, I was insane to believe that with Thom dealt with the threat was neutralized.

Plus, Thom's faction was at the top of my list for conspirators that were participating in the Olympian conspiracy.

And it seemed that Lord Kel had his hands busy trying to keep from being deposed. He should have little time to deal with or address my concerns. It might be best if I made a complete break now.

I wondered what a Prince did to earn money. I had no lands or estates, so taxes weren't an option.

"Cedric," I said deciding to delegate, "before investigating that matter, we discussed in the Summerlands, search the area for a suitable place for us to set up base. Somewhere defensible.

"A manor. A cave. A tent on a hilltop.

"I don't care what you find as long as we have exclusive ownership of the area for as long as we are camped there.

"And it is defensible.

"Once you've found a place, let me know, and we'll buy the gear we need."

[New Quest: You have offered Cedric a quest to seek suitable lodgings.]

[Cedric has accepted your quest.]

It seems now that my actions have generated a quest once, I would be able to do so again. I wondered how much experience and what rewards the system was offering for successfully completing these quests. Or was I supposed to come up with a reward?

"For now," I said directing the rest of my response to Majordomo Tulley, "is there a room I can use for the moment to meet with those individuals that have gathered and wish to meet with me?"

"My Lord," the Majordomo exclaimed, worry evident in his voice, "you can't seriously be considering leaving the protection of the Ambassador Palace."

"From my experience, the protection afforded here is subpar and questionable. If I'm going to have to deal with these continuing and escalating attempts on my life, then I will, at the very least, control location and opportunity."

"But the insult to Lord Kel," he began.

"From what you've mentioned, his inability to protect me has already sullied his reputation. I think it best that we remove ourselves and make plain that his responsibility to protect me, has been terminated.

"I'm sure he would appreciate not being forced to defend me when he appears to be dealing with a power struggle amongst his enemies.

We will decamp as soon as possible.

"If Lord Kel has any questions about my decision, feel free to have him discuss it with me," I continued ending the discussion and any further objections he may have.

"Now. If you would all excuse me?

"I'd like to shower and destroy these garments. The smell of blood is nauseating.

"Grandmaster Percival should have had time to complete my commission?" I asked.

"Yes, Your Highness," Tulley replied.

"He would like to discuss the Heraldic device he found and created for you. It seems there was a historical Belenos crest that you were entitled to claim.

"The garments have been placed in a bag of holding and stored in the wardrobe," Tulley explained as he moved to open the wardrobe and remove the bag he had mentioned.contemporary romance

"We will leave you to freshen up then, Your Highness," Tulley said as he bowed and motioned for those gathered to clear the room.

Bows from those gathered was quickly followed by a closed-door, as even Cedric, Gil, and Ril vacated the room.

The silence was stifling I discovered. I was alone with my thoughts now and forced to confront the fact that I had just killed. I didn't know if they had families, hopes, and dreams. And in the moment and heat of battle, I didn't care.

My survival was paramount at that moment. But I came from a civilization that espoused peace. That punished murder and killing. And that delivered sermons on compassion and turning the other cheek.

The vomiting and dry heaves took considerably longer to subside this time than they had when I'd accidentally killed Thom's guards.

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