Rebirth and Second Chances

Chapter 2: SYSTEM Choices

"Can you give me more information on the Techno-Magic Universe? I mean a general overview, planet conditions, races, monsters, gods?"

[There are a multitude of planets where life flourishes. Unlike your previous existence, these other worlds and civilizations have been discovered and visited. Worlds within that Universe are interconnected by a system of portals]

[For those segments of the Universe that have been explored and have reached a certain technological threshold, the opportunity to join the Interstellar community is given. They can link to and are part of a portal network]

[New worlds are frequently discovered and annexed into the portal system. Magic as much as technology allows for these new planets and civilizations to be discovered; a combination of astronomy, divination, and ritual]

[World governments are as myriad as the gods and demons that control them. Certain Pantheons, Greek, Asgard, Aztec, flourish and control multiple planets]

[As mentioned, humans are a minor species in these realities]

[During creation you will have the opportunity to select a species and a world and determine if you wish to begin life as an infant or assume the life of an individual that has recently died]


"I'll be assuming someone else's life?

"I won't be dead, will I? Some type of zombie or a vampire?"

[The young adults of each sentient species undergo a rite of passage. When they reach their majority, they are required to take part in a process that has come to be called 'The Rite of Ascension'. This is a Universal requirement for all sapient life-forms and completes a symbiotic partnership between the individual and the Universe]

[The Ascension process is a ritual that awakens and unlocks latent abilities, skills, and perks, and gives children full access to System resources and connections]

[The ceremony is like a vision quest Native Americans practiced from your former reality. But unlike those quests, it makes changes to the individuals DNA matrix, changes that allow the individual to connect fully with the System protocols. The DNA modification establishes and creates the neural network that allows for communication between a young adult and System.]

[System is a scaled-down version of SYSTEM. It is responsible for guiding individuals and helping them to level-up]

[But the process of Ascension is not without risks. Individuals that are not prepared, those that have not created the foundation required to implement System, die]

[You would assume the life of one of these young adults, a person who did not assimilate and who died during the Ascension process]

[That is if you choose not to begin life as an infant]

[I would create a new body. Enhanced and with the requisite foundation to survive. I would then funnel your soul into this new construct. Manifest the divine to give the new body life and magic. You would become the person who failed, stepping into his or her life]

"If I am replacing someone, can I make cosmetic changes? Or will how I look completely reflect the person I am becoming? Is my appearance pre-determined?

"And will I absorb that person's memories and personal history?"

[The creation process allows you to make minor body and facial sculpting changes. Changes on a limited scale]contemporary romance

[As for keeping the memories and experiences of the host body, that will not occur]

[This lack of memories could be problematic, but the evolution process is dangerous and intense. Occasionally, individuals are left with total and irreparable amnesia. Because of this phenomenon, newly ascended, those that have lost their memories, are treated like children]

[They are trained to understand and control the new abilities they've gained, and retrained, if necessary, to relearn old abilities and skills, as memories and forgotten experiences are re-established]

[Most individuals are blessed with an instinctive understanding and ability to control the gifts and knowledge gained during Ascension and require little training]

"You said there were Gods and Demons, so do I need to worry about them? Will they be able to recognize that I have assumed this person's life?"


[God's and Demons have the ability to create and destroy, but no matter how powerful they are, they are not omnipotent or omniscient. You may never gain the attention of a deity, but if you do, there is a chance, a chance that increases the more you interact with certain deities, that they can discover and pierce the veil that will be created to obfuscate your past life]

[Let me be clear]

[Once you begin your new life, it is a new life]

[You may remember the details of your previous life. Wisdom and experience may cross over. But that life will be like a dream or a novel you have read. Vague glimpses and shadows of a past that may help guide and influence your decisions]

[The longer you live, the more those memories will fade]


[This new life is all that you remember]

"You identified this Universe as one of techno-magic, does that mean technology and science are blended with magic and individuals have access to both? Are inventions and innovations able to be implemented and devices created that any may use?

"Would it be possible for me to create and build the technology that I am familiar with from Earth?"


[If you have the knowledge, power, and wealth to research and fund projects, there will be nothing to stop you from adapting existing technologies you are familiar with, to the current Universe]

[But you will find little need]

[The systems and infrastructure created by magic are tested, efficient, and capable of producing the same results as any technology you are familiar with]

I realized as SYSTEM finished answering my question that I was stalling. I'd already decided what realm to choose, but my past life had shown how cruel the nature of man could be. In this place of color and movement, I was safe. Safe from conflict, safe from pain, safe from rejection. But this feeling of safety was transient, I suspected that if I did not choose, a choice would be made for me, and I had had enough of being the victim. For once in my existence, I wanted to chart my own destiny.

Perhaps it was short-sighted not to ask about the other Universes, but the lure of magic was too strong.

"I choose the realm of techno-magic," I stated, determined to make my next life as wondrous and different from my past life as possible.

[Initializing character creation...]

[Universe - Techno-Magic Realm selected...]

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