
Chapter ⌛Thirteenth⌛

Taurus rushed over to me at midnight right on the dot and stood in front of me, just about to throw her balled up hands in the air. She had the biggest smile on her face, too. I wasn’t worried, I just didn’t want to say anything to her.

She does this every single year and she will never stop as long as I’m around her. I didn’t want to entertain her happiness because I have been here for six hours and I was tired.

Taurus still kept her smile on her face despite me not wanting to show attention to it.

“Guess what today is.” She said, excited.


“April nineteenth.” She was more specific. I didn’t say anything as I waited for her to go for it. “Happy birthday.” She threw her arms up and hugged me.

She’s always loud about it so at this point I can’t say anything. Usually, I don’t want people to know but now it doesn’t matter. Birthdays don’t mean much anymore, all it says is that I’m getting older and that I’ve survived another year. Taurus, on the other hand, loves birthdays and I know she has something planned.

“You do this every year.” I sighed but took nicely to the gesture.

“I love birthdays.” She clapped her hands together. “Are we going out this year or are you planning to stay in?”

“Last year destroyed my image so I would prefer if we don’t go out to drink ever again.”

“You’re such a lightweight.” She laughed.

Well I can’t help that.

“What about Sirus’ birthday? Are you two celebrating together?”

I immediately wanted to avoid the question. Because our birthdays are two days apart, everyone assumes we’re going to do something if we’re together or something. So I have to politely tell people that we don’t do anything together.

“No.” I flat out answered. “Sirus does not like celebrating his birthday. The most he does is sleep and that’s it.” I said.

So on Friday, the most I can expect him to do is take the day off and stay in bed. He’s lazy so putting effort to actually doing something fun does not get to him. It’s not like I cared that much about it, but I never miss a beat to give him something considerably nice.

“Well, I hope you have a nice day today. You’ve been looking a little sad lately.” She sounded a bit worried for me.

It’s getting more difficult to deal with everything that’s happening but I’m doing my best to make it work as easily as possible. I’m getting everything under control, and it may be a slow process but I’m getting somewhere at least.

“I’m just really tired.” I sighed and looked around. “It’s hard to live without coffee,” I added since I gave that up once I started taking medication.

When I work nights and early mornings, it’s like a physical blow and it hurts.

“Your shift is over so you can rest for the day and have fun. We can go out this weekend.” She said and smiled at me.

I don’t know about going out but I don’t mind spending the day with her outside of work.

The one thing I couldn’t tell her was that I wasn’t actually going to rest.

Yesterday, I got a mild threat from Sirus. Now I’m a little bit worried about spending the night with him. If I had the chance, I would’ve packed some clothes and went home but that’s not how it’s going to work. I’m not that fortunate.

Some other part of me was slightly excited. But for the most part, I was a little nervous.

I have this habit of being confused and uncertain; it’s like settling whatever feelings I have is the hardest part of life. And I want to get over it because it’s not supposed to be a big deal but I’m suffering.

At one in the morning, I found that Sirus was waiting up for me, not that I’m shocked. He tends to be up late. I wonder what he thought was going to happen this year because last year I was dropped at his place after getting drunk to the point that I could barely move or speak. I don’t remember anything that happened. Sirus must have honestly enjoyed that, not that he would tell me. Tonight I was completely sober. Hopefully that doesn’t disappoint him. He sat calmly on the couch, playing around with his tablet.

I had Taurus’ small gift to him and unfortunately, my mom made enough cookies for the both of us. Sirus isn’t much for sweet things but he does like salted caramel cookies.

“You are so lucky that there are people out there that think you’re pleasant.” I said and sat next to him, handing him the small bag.

“I’m always pleasant. And nice. And respectful.” He said.

Neither of us believed that.

“That’s not true.” He muttered under his breath as he opened the wrapping. “Honestly, I’m misunderstood.”

“No, you’re not.” I laughed dryly. “You are always clear about your dislike of certain things and people. Not everyone likes you because you have something mean to say about them.” I clarified since he thought he was misunderstood.

“Not all the time.”

I swear Sirus always had something hateful, petty, or disrespectful to say about everyone he’s ever talked to. Absolutely everyone.

“You’re going to end up alone.” I warned him.

“You’re here.”

“I mean in the future.” I said.

“You’re annoying.” He said plainly. This is what I’m talking about. “You talk too much. It’s like this annoying nagging that will never stop.” He said.

Exactly what I’m talking about.

“One day, someone’s going to tell you to shut up so don’t act surprised when it happens.”

I won’t be. Sirus has always told me to keep my mouth shut, and it’s not like I listen. Apparently, I talk too much. This is why he’s going to end up alone. No one wants to deal with someone as mean as him.

He kept his eyes on me, waiting for my response. When I kept silent, he smiled. He loved that I wasn’t talking.

“Happy birthday.” He finally said.

“You’re terrible.” I frowned. “One day, someone will tell you how much of an asshole you are so don’t act surprised when it happens.” I turned away, ripping open the package for the cookies.

He moved his arm over my shoulders and leaned on me. I think he’s okay with being the overly violent, sarcastic, rude asshole he is. He’s toned it down a lot more recently, but deep down, he’s as petty as they come. I didn’t like how close he got to me after just getting me slightly more annoyed than I needed to be on my birthday.


“Yes!” I snapped.

“That’s okay.” He shrugged.

I thought he was going to make a move on me but he didn’t. He says everything is better when I’m angry. However, he didn’t try to feel me up. That was just weird.

“You’re not going to apologize?” I asked.

“You know I don’t do that even when I’m in the wrong.” He scoffed. “Did you think I was going to care about you being mad on your birthday?” He bit into one of his cookies. “Maybe I’m doing this on purpose. You’ll just never know.”

“If you want to have sex with me, just politely ask, and I will say yes.” I told him.

He has never once just asked.

“Here’s the deal.” He said and looked at me. “In the next minute, I’m going to pick you up and bring you into that room so I can fuck you. I will do it over and over again until you can’t feel any part of your body.” He said casually. “Then after a while, maybe in the shower, or on the table, or in the kitchen, or you know, everywhere.” He added.

I didn’t have anything to say. I should’ve known Sirus would act like this. He was never much for being nice. I bit the inside of my lip and fought the urge to emote anything on my face.

“So, no, I will not ask politely. That’s boring and you honestly don’t care.”

I don’t know where he got that from but apparently he thinks I don’t care whether he asks me or not. I would prefer not to be surprised, but at least this time he told me his elaborate plan.

For a second, it just went through my mind. We’ve...gotten around when it comes to doing things. It’s never my idea to be touched in places that isn’t a room. However...I may or may not enjoy it.

“You don’t have to pick me up.” I pointed out because I can clearly walk. “We’re also right here, so I don’t know why you would want to put in that extra effort.” I added.

That was just my way of saying that it was okay despite his terrible verbal explanation. Again, at least he told me instead of ambushing me.

I know I just awakened a monster, but after so many years, it doesn’t hurt when Sirus does anything. Well, not emotionally just physically. He pushed me down as he moved, too, getting over me so he could make his move.

Sometimes I think about what he would do to me. Or maybe what I could do for him.

By the look on his face, I could tell that this was going to be a long day. It doesn’t matter that it’s my birthday, he’s not going easy on me no matter what.

My eyes opened and I looked around the room. It’s been a few days that I was able to wake up without the feeling of being inevitably destroyed. I didn’t have a nightmare either.

I just...woke up.

I couldn’t move, not because of the physical pain that I felt from Sirus ruining me. His arm was around me, keeping me warm as if the blanket I was under wasn’t doing that for me. He wasn’t awake. If I move, he wouldn’t. I could feel his breathing on my neck, that’s how close he was to me.

It’s not uncommon.

I’d be fortunate to get mornings like this.

Unfortunately, I have to get ready for work.

I shuffled out of bed quietly, doing my best to ignore the soreness in my body. I needed a moment to get myself under control; my legs were slightly shaking, and there was a sharp pain at my hips that made me want to sit down. Those were just the big things to notice.

I took it lightly.

Once I got dressed for work, I went back to bed to sit down in front of Sirus. He was still asleep and I think he has the entire day to to stay like that. We got tired last night considering how we spent the day doing things that would make anyone tired.

I hadn’t realized till now that he kept me distracted for the entire day. No work, no rebellion, nothing that would send me spiraling. I hadn’t thought about any of that on my birthday.

Sirus has his own way of being nice to me. I guess I will admit that yesterday was one of the most stress free days I’ve had ever since this whole rebellion thing started. I have to give Sirus credit for knowing how to handle me.

My hand touched his neck, feeling his skin; my fingers traced up to his cheek. He doesn’t blush around his face easily. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen his cheeks turn red. I stared at his face and wondered what he was dreaming about.

He probably doesn’t get nightmares like I do. If he does, he hides it well. I would never be able to tell if there were something wrong.

I got into bed and moved under the blanket. I scooted closer so I could get right next to him; my hand moved back to his face so I could feel him. I was staring too. I have this tendency to stare while he’s sleeping. He never gives me the chance because he doesn’t like when I stare at him. I’ve been caught several times but that’s out of the many that I do this. He looks peaceful when he sleeps. It’s like he can easily get away from all his problems. I don’t get that luxury. But watching him was okay.

I was much closer than necessary though I didn’t mind. He has long eye lashes. I don’t notice or remember until I get close. My hand moved back to his neck, my fingers curling in his thick hair. He parts his hair to the right now but when he sleeps, it becomes a mess. My fingers continued to move in his hair because I had nothing better to do; I also like how his hair feels on my skin.

His eyes opened slowly. I hadn’t moved away when I saw that he was awake. He didn’t say anything about it like he usually would. Instead he moved, his hand coming up from under the blanket to touch me; his hand rested on my face, his thumb rubbing my cheek slowly. He didn’t look me in the eyes but I could tell what he was feeling.

And by how quiet he stayed I knew he was still tired from yesterday.

He does have to admit that yesterday was a little rough.

At least he doesn’t have anything better to do.

For a while we didn’t talk. He closed his eyes again before drifting back to sleep. I shouldn’t bother him any longer. I got out of bed once I was sure he wouldn’t wake up again.

Now I have to get to work and explain why I would rather sit down for the entire day instead of standing on my feet to do work. I was still tired from yesterday and haven’t recovered yet. Plus, I might not look my best today either. All I really wanted to do was cover up the marks on my skin.

Once I got to work, I found a room to sit in and kept the lights off. I made sure that most people knew not to bother me. I couldn’t have any caffeine to keep me pleasant for the day. I was just going to have to suffer through it.

Did I take my medication today?

I couldn’t remember if I did or not but I felt fine. Alara will find me if I don’t do what she ordered.

I stayed in the dark room and enjoyed the silence. I could feel my forehead throbbing already. Did I eat something earlier? Why am I forgetting to do things again? I sighed and tried to focus on work.

Someone came in the room and turned on the lights. I couldn’t glare at Taurus because it’s just her. She stared at my face after closing the door.

“You look terrible.” She said and came to sit down beside me.

I do look terrible. I couldn’t help being a mess. I knew what I was walking in to. I tried to do my hair but it just became a sloppy tie with random white strands everywhere. I didn’t get that much sleep and I’m sure she could see the proof under my eyes. And I had to admit that I was shaking a little too.

“Rough night?” She asked.

Oh, it was rough alright.

Coffee would be great right now but I’m still taking medication.

I had to cover my mouth because I was thinking explicit things. I have never been more ashamed in my life but I couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday. I was beginning to blush because I remembered a lot more than I should’ve.

I think I mentally snapped yesterday. And that was definitely embarrassing. It got to the point where I started to laugh, and nothing was funny, but I was laughing while...well, while I was with Sirus. Sure he says it was probably the hottest moment of the entire day, but I wasn’t sure what happened until after it happened. There was a moment when I blacked out too. I remember that, well before and after that.

There was a lot more that happened that wasn’t supposed to happen.

Even when we tried to take a break, it didn’t last very long. Sirus is insatiable. Nothing has changed about that. But he did vow to use as much energy as he could to keep up with me for the entire day. It’s more like I had to keep up with him.

Did I eat yesterday? I think I had a bite of something and that was it before Sirus swept me off my feet yet again.

My face was beginning to brighten up and Taurus was trying not to laugh. It’s not funny.

More thoughts ran through my mind. Taurus remained quiet beside me, but I saw the smile on her face. She knew something happened, and by that look, she knows it’s something interesting. Knowing Taurus, she could take a guess and be correct.

I didn’t want to tell her about how Sirus and I spent the day together, the entire day together.

How many ways did we...

This is not working.

“I’ll be right back.” I jumped out of my seat and ran out of the room.

I needed to not be around anyone while I cooled off.

The lights were beginning to hurt my eyes too. I barely slept so it wouldn’t be hard for me to stop everything I was doing and pass out on the floor. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I got a little bit of coffee, I probably wouldn’t drink enough to cause side effects with the medication I was taking.


As I walked, I noticed someone else coming towards me in a dark brown uniform. No one else was addressing him so I might as well distract myself with the Carrier for a while. He had a package under his arm that pressed against his waist. It wasn’t big but it was marked fragile all over the box.

“I’m looking for Aurora.” He said, glancing around.

“That’s me.”

“You can go ahead and sign for this.” He said and have me a small pad for me to give my finger print. “Whatever is in here must be top secret. We weren’t even allowed to scan it.” He said.

I narrowed my eyes and thought for a moment. Did Hoshi send me something? I know she likes to be extravagant and what not. I hope she didn’t send weapons. I would get in trouble if she did.

The box says fragile on it so maybe it’s not a weapon; it makes me wonder what kind of gentle gift it was and who it was from. I pressed my finger down and waited for the device to accept it. When it did, I happily took the box that was for me.

I wasn’t patient. I don’t usually get special gifts in boxes that have fragile written on it.

I took it with me but I began to open it up and try to dig inside anyway. My fingers pressed on something sort of cold but I still didn’t know what it was. I walked to a small table to set the box down and opened it so I could see inside.

It was just glass.

It was just a piece a piece of glass...

For a second, I didn’t get it, but when I lifted it up, I went into shock. I cursed out loud too and I wasn’t even sorry about it. The glass wasn’t heavy, it was thin enough that I could hold without it being a burden. I saw the small gold markings on the glass near the edges; a straight line of gold followed the shape of the rectangle. On the middle of one of the shorter sides there was a gold start symbol and I touched it. I’ve seen the logo pop up for starting devices so many times, but this time felt like the first.

The hologram changed colors as the initial settings continued to load. The glass actually glowed blue, even around the edges. The blue was neon and lit up brighter under the lights of the platform.

I just about started screaming. I set the glass tablet back in the box and picked it up, running back to Taurus where I left her because she’s never going to believe what I just got.

I have never been so surprised in my life.

I’ve gotten some cool gifts for my birthday, but this tops everything I’ve gotten and will get.

Taurus jumped in her seat when I came in yelling at her. She turned slowly because she wondered where I suddenly got my burst of energy from. Now I felt great and it’s because I got the most exclusive gift on the planet.

“Remember back during the first year where companies were advertising glass tablets like a new luxury and were planning to implement them for the majority?” I asked her quickly.

“Yeah.” She said slowly. “They did away with that because it took too much energy and resource to just make one.” She said.

That’s right. One was made.


“Check this out.” I set the box down on the table and opened it up, letting out the glowing hologram that lit up the room. I picked up the glass that was glowing blue.

“Oh my God.” She gasped. “They only made one, do you think that’s...”

Is this the first one they made? That would be an awesome question to have answered. I assumed someone extremely important would’ve gotten something this fancy to showcase how important and worthy they are.

“Who gave that to you?” She asked.

I dug around in the box to find a note or anything that might say. My fingers touched a small piece of paper that I grabbed within seconds to see.

I wasn’t expecting who it was from.


Where in the hell did Sirus get this? He didn’t hurt someone to get this did he? I mean, I wouldn’t say anything if he did.

But why would he get this for me? This has to be the most luxurious thing I’ve ever gotten. Why would he go the extra length just for me?

Taurus got me out of my sudden trance. “Well tell Sirus that I need to know who he knows cause I want one too.”

It’d be great to know how he got this, where, and from whom. This is a big deal, I would have to personally thank everyone involved with this amazing piece of work. This is on a different level, I can’t even take glass and make this myself because I don’t have access to those resources. I need to find the engineers that did this.

“I think I’m going to cry.” Taurus stared at it hard and so did I.

Some people honestly wouldn’t care, but others with luxury aesthetics would mostly give everything up for this. I never thought I needed this until I had it in my hands. Now I need this.

This is the one good thing that came out of this year.

“I have to sit down.” I slid into a seat.

I really hate to say it but my gift won’t be nearly as extravagant. Yeah, I made it from complete scratch and the program was also done starting from nothing, but I can’t compete with this.

I don’t know what to say. I don’t think anyone will ever be able to top this gift in the upcoming years. In fact, I don’t think I need anything else. My life is already set.

“I’m crying. This is beautiful.” Taurus held it up. “Aurora, this is amazing. You have no idea how lucky you are to have the only glass tablet in your possession.”

“I should engrave it, shouldn’t I?”

“If someone stole this and your name wasn’t on it, I’m sure they would keep it.” She started pulling up different settings and features. “I’d keep it.” She muttered under her breath.


“I’m crying on the inside.” She sighed and sat down. “I hope they make another one.”

The fact that there’s only one makes it incredibly more valuable. I still can’t believe Sirus went out of his way to find out who had this and got it for me. There are just some things that shouldn’t happen, but this...this is amazing.

I sat in shock.

Now I have a second device to play with. Technically we aren’t supposed to have two. It’s either a phone or a tablet, not that they’re different except for size and work purposes. But I planned to keep both. I wanted to keep both. Now I could make my original tablet a backup system. And I can carry around the luxurious piece of glass and show off to everyone.

“Today’s a good day.” I said quietly.

It’s a very good day.

“Sure is.” Taurus held up my tablet to the light so she could see the gold pieces. “It sure is.” She agreed dryly, her jealousy showing. “What’d you get Sirus for his birthday?” She asked.


“Why won’t you tell me?”

“You love birthdays too much. And you’re sort of...His friend?” Is that the right word? Maybe acquaintance. Taurus shrugged. “You talk to him and I don’t want you to tell him.”

“I don’t tell secrets.” She said quickly.

We all tell secrets.

I’ve just reached that point where everyone will know about everything.

I just looked at Taurus because I’m not discussing Sirus’ gift with her. She knew that. She was satisfied with trying to get answers; she just gave me a look then went back to staring at my gift.

Now I had a couple of hours to think of a way to thank Sirus. It’s simply not enough to say it, I had to do something to show my gratitude. Sure my gift to him should suffice but I didn’t want that to be a response to his gift to me. Maybe I shouldn’t over think it. Sirus would be okay with a simple thank you, wouldn’t he? He should be.

Then again, that’s not enough for him.

I know him and that’s definitely not enough.

There are definitely ways to show my gratitude but when the time comes, I’ll get to it. I still have a few hours to think about it.

I was slow to walk inside. I wonder if Sirus was expecting a reaction out of me; if he really cared to see me freak out, he would’ve given the gift to me himself. I wanted to hope that he wasn’t expecting anything in return because we’ve been down that route before. Not that I particularly enjoy it but sometimes, it doesn’t bother me as much as I think it should. Sirus barely gave me his attention when I walked by. He’s never busy even when he should be. Unlike me, he looked well rested and nourished. I was still tired and found it hard to stand on my own two feet.

“So I got the gift today.” I said as I walked around, trying to find a good place to put it.

I also have to hide my other tablet too. I don’t need Human Resources coming after me. I set the glass tablet down on the kitchen counter and went to hide the other somewhere in Sirus’ room. I might still need it at some point.

“I’m not going to ask how you got that or from whom so...” I sat down next to him on the couch.

“It was actually incredibly difficult to get.” He said, having his focus elsewhere. “I almost went to war with the Department of Human Affairs for it.”

Knowing him, that’s not an exaggeration. He would threaten absolutely everyone that worked there and I know he showed off with his sector behind him. The scare tactic seems to work for him. He did end up getting it.

And I was still thankful despite him threatening people.

“Thank you.” I was sincere.

It was hard to explain how I felt but happiness was somewhere in there. This isn’t the first time Sirus has tried to get on my good side. Usually he fails. For the past two days though, he hasn’t. I should give him credit for the effort because it must’ve taken a lot.

So I didn’t mind showing just how appreciative I truly was.

I didn’t over step my bounds when I moved closer to kiss him. He wasn’t necessarily surprised but I could tell that he wasn’t expecting me to go for it. That wasn’t the only thing I actually had planned.

There’s usually only one way to get to Sirus. He’s lucky that today I’m in a good mood.

My hand pressed down on his crotch, feeling for his belt and undoing it for him. He started to laugh and as much as he did try to hold back, it barely worked. I don’t have to do this if he doesn’t want me too. I sighed and pulled away, just about to get up and leave.

“Okay, okay ” He held my hand and brought it back to where it was before. “Usually, you aren’t the one to do this on your own.” He was still laughing.

“I don’t have to, Sirus.” I said.

“I would actually appreciate it if you did.”

I know he would. I rolled my eyes, not even surprised by his behavior. His hand pressed harder on mine and I could tell he was seconds away from getting hard.

I got his hand off me and moved as I undid his pants.

If Sirus decides to do whatever he wants, I will have no problem just stopping and making him suffer. He knows I’ll do it too so he better not cross my thin line.

I had my head down on his lap, my fingers wrapped around his cock, already feeling him go erect. It would be better if he put his attention elsewhere so I don’t have to worry about what he’s doing. For now he had his hands to himself but I give it five minutes. My tongue traced his skin slowly, my thumb rubbing the tip of his cock while I did it.

I got more comfortable, moving closer and getting enthusiastic.

And just when I was okay with what I was doing, I felt Sirus’ hand in my hair, pulling my hair tie out to let my hair down. I looked up to his face, almost glaring at him because he knows I don’t like it when he touches me.

The past few incidents of me doing this are my reasons why.

I pulled his cock out of my mouth without looking away from him so I could talk.

“I didn’t say you could touch me.” I said.

He rolled his eyes and groaned, “Oh my God,” as he leaned his head back. “Why are you talking?" He asked.

“Move your hand from the back of my head or I’ll-”

“You won’t do anything.” His hand gripped my hair harder but he didn’t move me. I glared at him, waiting to see if he would back down but he didn’t.

I opened my mouth slowly while watching him, feeling his cock jerk against my lips. I was going to ignore how he was touching me for now and hopefully he’ll let go of me. I always prefer to do this without his aid but for some reason, Sirus has to always put his hands on me no matter what. His hand loosened it’s grip in my hair so I decided it was okay to go a little further.

My hand stroked his length faster as I sucked on the tip if his cock. My tongue flicked over his skin just the way he liked it; he would’ve bothered me if I didn’t do it the right way. It’s not often that I do this for him, but I have to admit that he is very grateful when it happens. His hand finally loosened in my hair and strands fell over my face. I didn’t push it back. I continued like I wasn’t bothered.

He didn’t care either.

I could feel him staring. He does that a lot too. He watches me do it. If I look enthusiastic, will he enjoy it more? If I pretend I like doing this, will he finish faster? Surely he knows that I’m not too fond of giving him head; he’s too touchy and sometimes forceful. I don’t know whether he’ll try to choke me or not. This is definitely why I wanted his hand out of my hair.

I should keep my guard up. He could do anything in this situation. In fact, I should just stop this now.

However, I kept my mouth open anyway, and my tongue didn’t stop moving. The taste wasn’t bothersome because I was used to him. I’ve only done this with him so I didn’t care.

“Yeah...” He moaned. “Just like that.” When I glanced up, I saw him lean his head back on the couch.

His hand let go of my hair and moved to my neck, his fingers just barely under my chin. I closed my eyes as I sucked on his skin. My hand lifted in his shirt, tracing his skin softly with my fingers and feeling his ragged breathing. Sirus is always very clear on what he wants so I know what to do, how to touch him and where, what he likes and doesn’t. And as gentle as I want to be, I know he can handle a little roughness. I lifted myself up enough that I could hold more of his cock in my mouth.

I was careful to not get ahead of myself. Just one triggering movement and Sirus will have his hand on the back of my head to force me down. It’s not that I can’t take it, I just don’t want to.

When I could handle it, I moved to take in more of his cock in my mouth. He definitely liked that. I did my best to keep going but I know my limits. I let my tongue do the rest of the work when I couldn’t fill my mouth anymore.

I pulled back to so I could breathe. I always have to remind myself to not take it all in at once. That’s a habit I should be ignoring. I gasped for air when I was free to; while I breathed heavily, I stared at his skin that was throbbing in front of me and wondered if I should try to go down again or not. Sirus’ hand moved back in my hair but he didn’t force me to do anything. He was focused on what I was doing for him.

My lips pressed on his skin, my tongue tracing the tip of his cock. It took me a second to work up the courage to want bring him back into my mouth again. Occasionally, I would glance up to see what he looked like, to see if he was enjoying himself or not; I could say that he actually was at the moment. Sirus would never fake anything with me. And by the way his cock twitched on my tongue, I knew he was close to finishing.

I had enough time to decide if I wanted to just stop right here and let him suffer or keep going. I’m supposed to be showing my gratitude so I didn’t stop. Then I had to decide what I was going to do when he did finish.

My tongue licked up his skin before I let my fingers wrapped around; my thumb rubbed on the head, hoping he would cum in the next second or two. It might take a little more effort but I didn’t mind giving it to him. He was beginning to shift around and move. I had to stop his leg from shaking because it was bothering me.

His hand tightened in my hair when he thought I was going to move away and just stroke him instead to get him to cum. And I planned on moving too. He didn’t let me go and that bothered me.

I pulled away to tell him to let go but it was already too late. His cum spilled on my face; I felt it on my cheeks and around my nose. It was on my lips too. It was warmth and thick and my feelings about his cum on me has not changed. This is always the part I don’t like when we do anything sexual.

But I shouldn’t be surprised.

I bet that was the part he was waiting for, just to get it on my face and see what I would look like. Is that what he enjoys or what? I’m never going to understand what’s the enjoyment to that.

My head rested on his lap and I glared up at him. I was lucky he wasn’t forcing me down since that has happened before. Today was one of the better days, and I should be appreciative. Though, I was still pissed about him cumming on my face. He knows that.

“Thanks.” He laughed. I was bitter because he was laughing at me.

Just so he knows, chances are I will never do this for him again.

His fingers moved to my face to wipe some of his cum off my cheek, only to try to get me to lick it off his skin. I don’t know what kind of twisted fantasy he has about me but he needs to stop it.

I did open my mouth, but I bit his finger the second he thought he was getting away with trying to “feed” me his cum. I’m not like how he thinks I am and hopefully the pain makes him stop thinking like that.

“I really can’t stand doing this.” I sighed and moved my hand to my face, my fingers touching what was still left on my skin.

I looked at my hand when I had enough of it on my fingers. I complain a lot about him cumming on me. There’s just something so annoying about it. I licked my first finger and tasted the immediate bitterness that usually makes me cringe. My lips mashed together so I wouldn’t complain out loud like I usually do.

“That’s hot.” Sirus was still watching me. For some reason, I forgot.

“Thank you for reminding me why I don’t like doing anything for you.” I got off him and used the sleeve of my white shirt to wipe my face.

Well that wasn’t enough for me to get this awkward feeling away. My face was still hot. I desperately needed to cool off. Clearly if I didn’t separate myself from whatever that was close to happening, I would’ve definitely done more than just...all that.

“You’re welcome for the gift.” He called out as I left to go to his room.

I had to admit that I was grateful. But I did my part for the day.

“Bye.” I just ignored his comment as I shut the door behind me.

These past two days have been the least problematic days I’ve had in weeks and I have Sirus to thank for that. Thank goodness he’s not the type to rub things like that in my face. There was a lot I had to be appreciative for. I got a break for a little while and that’s honestly a great gift to give me as well.

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