
Chapter ⌛Sixth⌛

The plan wasn’t for me to work a night shift but here I was after five hours, trying to survive while listening to future plans Commander Janus wanted us to handle. I wasn’t in light of everything, and for some reason, no one else was either. Hariette already feels like Janus is crossing into her territory, and I’m not one to honestly give my opinion out loud but she’s right and Janus needs to be stopped. I’m not only saying that because I know he’s the reason why the system is turning corrupt.

Taurus complained to me about how much work we’ve been doing. It’s supposed to be an easy job but it really isn’t now that Janus believes that an engineering team put together for only machines and technology to go into space will be fine with making basic things that could be asked of from any other engineer.

“I’m so tired.” She put her head down on the table. “We just got the bikes up and running finally, and now there’s this.” She groaned and pointed at the blue print on the hologram.

I’ve just had my third cup of coffee, and if that’s not alarming enough for a person who is never actually calm, then I don’t know what can save me.

I looked out the glass to see someone in a red sundress and big white hat. I didn’t know why my attention was caught, it must’ve been the hat. I’ve seen... She looked familiar and it took me just a second to figure out who it was.

I dropped my coffee cup at the sight of Miss Ecilia walking on the open platform with two of her own guards. Coffee spilled all over my pants, and I jolted up out of my seat when I felt the hot liquid over me. I was just about to scream too but it came out as a struggled shriek as Taurus lifted her head up.


There was too much to think about right at the moment. What was more important, the burning pain I felt or the fact that the only reason Ecilia was here was to find someone? And why do I have this gut feeling like she’s looking for me?

“Are you okay?” Taurus tried helping me clean the mess but I could barely move.

“Considering that I can’t feel my legs-”

“Well why the hell would you drop a hot cup of coffee on yourself!-”

“I just need clean pants.” I freaked out. “You have an extra pair?-”

“You want my pants-”

“I can’t wear this in front of her.” I hissed. She turned quickly to look at Miss Ecilia through the glass. It’s not like she would know who Miss Ecilia was but that won’t take long to change.

Taurus rushed out of the room to get me an extra pair of her pants that I was praying would fit me. Already today is not a good day. How did this happen to me? Miss Ecilia is the only person that could make my hair stand on ends at just the sight of her. That’s not a good thing, at least to me.

When Taurus came back, I changed quickly as I complained about what happened with the coffee. If only I wasn’t so shocked. Thank goodness Taurus had something I could wear. Her pants fit, well they fit enough. It was just tight, and I’m not into tight clothes especially with how much people are noticing how I’ve gained weight. Even if I tuck my white shirt in, it’s still noticeable. And it doesn’t make it better that her pants were high waisted. The first thing anyone will notice are my hips.

I could spend all day worrying about how I looked but I had to scare Ecilia off before she made a huge scene.

I rushed over to her and I did my best to make it seem like I wasn’t worried but I was so worried. She waved away her guards so she could talk to me but there was no way I was going to talk politely and in front of all the people around.

“Miss Ecilia.” I had a fake smile on my face as I walked to her, taking her by the arm and bringing her somewhere where no one would see her walking around anymore. “What the hell are you doing here?” I hissed through my teeth as I looked around.

“Not happy to see me?” She smiled and cocked her head to the side. I was not in the mood to mess around with her.

“Commander Janus doesn’t work here.” I pointed out.

“You thought he was who I was looking for.” She laughed dryly and took off her glasses.

“I am in no position to be of service to you so unless you’re looking for Commander Hariette, you can’t be here.” I made myself clear.

“I actually really do need your help-”

“Miss Ecilia-”

“I wouldn’t have come all the way here if it wasn’t serious.” She said and looked around before leaning closer. “Other nations know about your rebellion problem, and they believe it will also be a problem for us as well.”

This isn’t something I can handle and she knows that. What does she expect from telling me this?

“We hear that Commander Janus might be a source to all this too, so Europe sent me to threaten you.”

“Where are you hearing this from?” I asked. Then the last part of her statement got to me, “Threaten me for what?” I asked her quickly. “I didn’t do anything, this isn’t my problem, and if you really want someone to talk to, the Department of International Affairs is always open.” I told her.

“If you can’t resume your place as Commander-”

My eyes widened when I heard her. Is everyone really threatening me to go back to a position that literally made my life hell?

“Do you not remember the war? Why would Europe want me back as Commander anyway?”

“Cause you handled the shit better than this guy is doing.” She snapped at me.

“That’s not my problem-”

“It is when every nation is threatening war to stop a dictator-”

“A dictator? Where?” I asked loudly because she was clearly blowing this out of proportion. “Where is there a dictator, Ecilia? Because last time I checked, no one had their rights infringed upon, and we sure as hell aren’t having rebellion problems either.”

I lied right to her face. I realized everything the moment I said it. But if she goes back and tells other nations that there’s something worse going on, then this could really spell out disaster. It’s been just about five years on this new planet and a second war is about to break out. So much for a Utopian society. It’s much worse than anyone could imagine.

Ecilia telling me this does not make me feel better and it shouldn’t be my job to keep other nations from snapping at us for what’s going on. Someone is spilling secrets about Commander Janus, some may be false and some may be true, but there’s someone out there waiting for this planet to crumble.

“Aurora, you have got to own up to this.”

Again, it’s not like I gave birth to whatever she wants me to take responsibility for.

“For an entire year, I have not had any problems.” I told her. “And now you want to drag me into a situation that doesn’t involve me? And you want to threaten me with war?” I asked.

This is the fastest way to make my anxiety worse on me. This is the fastest way to make me feel like I’ve already lost control. This shouldn’t happen to me. This isn’t my problem.

“Go ahead and start a war, Ecilia, but mind you those ships we used to create a field around Europe are still in space and you’d be a fool to think Janus won’t make use of them.” I said through my teeth and past by her.

I didn’t have the patience to talk to her about it further. I also didn’t have the patience to continue standing there letting her try to tell me what to do. As if her coming as a representative of Europe would really make me fight Janus to be Commander.

I know how bad the situation is here but someone will have it handled. Someone will stop Janus and everything will be fine. We don’t need to worry and I certainly don’t need to be threatened.

Today is not a good day.

I took a bit of time off to manage my anxiety because I was certainly feeling the stress after holding in my rage that would’ve made me start yelling. It was hard to deal with all this at once but I did my best to manage on my own for a little while.

I wasn’t in a good mood for the rest of the morning, and it was truly about to get worse.

It was my job to organize the finish models for the new motorcycles, and by the time I just finished, an entire group of armed soldiers walked into the open area without warning. Here I thought something serious was supposed to happen but that’s not the case, not when I saw Sirus coming towards me. I almost dropped my tablet on the floor from shock.

There will never be a time that it’s okay to have a place swarmed with soldiers just for fun.

My eyes stayed on Sirus as he came closer to me with the widest smile on his face. I know he just got back but there is no reason for this. And he thinks it’s fun, too, showing off his privileges because Janus doesn’t scare him.

“Are you insane?” I hissed at him. “You can’t just bring your entire sector of a hundred and fifty armed soldiers into an area like this, Sirus.” I don’t know why I was scolding him, but I couldn’t stop myself. I was just so annoyed that I was seconds away from yelling.

Hariette is going to come after me like it’s my fault.

Sirus smiled at me however, and it was the most evil thing I’ve seen in the past few days. He wasn’t going to go do his job. No. He was going to make me miserable.

He brought his finger up to his ear, still smiling at me with that terribly evil smile of his. “Sector one, make sure you extend your respect to your past Commander.”

I was tempted to hit Sirus. The blood rushed to my face quickly when I saw everyone stop to turn towards me, standing at attention like I was still their Commander and Head of Defense. And I couldn’t just make them stop it either. I glared at Sirus because this is humiliation at its finest. Everyone here could get in trouble because I am not their Commander.

“I hate you.” I said.

“That’s cute.” He pinched my cheek but that just made it worse. “Miss me?”

“Not really.” I smacked his hand away from my face rather roughly. “Leave if you have nothing to do.” I said.

“You’re here aren’t you?”

I give up. I give everything up. I am just so tired and it’s not like my morning was great and now Sirus wants to piss me off like I’m not having a bad day already. I give up. I just don’t need the stress anymore.

I stormed off without another word and I planned to go someplace where I can sit for five minutes to lose the edge.

Once I got down the hallway though, I felt a shove to my shoulder that pushed me against the wall. I just closed my eyes and tried to think happy thoughts because Sirus is going to make me snap.

“I’m just messin’ around, what’s got you so pissed off?” Sirus was curious.

I couldn’t move away with how he put his arm on the wall to block me from getting by. He isn’t that much taller than me anymore but he is stronger so if I try to move, he might just push me back.

“I’m not having a good morning, okay...just...” I didn’t have anything else to say. My frustration made it hard to speak. Next thing I know, I get incredibly anxious for something I should know how to do, like speaking.

“Well I’m here now, so why don’t know...”


“You didn’t even think about it.” He complained.

“Because I don’t want to have sex when I’m in a bad mood!” I hissed. “Is that all you think about? You’ve been with me way too long to still think that I’ll always want to have sex with you no matter where or when. And another thing-”

I stopped ranting when I saw he wasn’t listening. What’s the point if he doesn’t care? This is why Sirus aggravates me. Sometimes, I just want him to leave me alone, to believe that I don’t want to have sex every second of the day or when it’s convenient for him. I get that he has needs or whatever he wants to call it but I don’t feel the way he does most of the time so chances are I won’t do anything. I don’t want to do anything.

“No.” I repeated myself.

“Fine. Whatever. We won’t fuck, but can I-”

“Oral is still sex.” I cut him off. “And a hand-job doesn’t count either.” I pointed out. Apparently he had more suggestions which honestly should be frightening.

Sirus is so easy to read when he wants something from me.

And because I wanted him to shut up and leave me alone, I took him by the hand and dragged him to the nearest empty room I could find. As much as I wasn’t in the mood to get touchy, I wasn’t in the mood to yell either. I shouldn’t be letting him get off the hook for his comments but knowing him, he’d bug me for the rest of the day.

I need the peace. So this is the only way to get him to shut up.

I stood facing the wall as I undid the pants I wore. Sirus really didn’t wait long for me to get settled; his arms moved around me as I pushed my pants down to my thighs. It wasn’t even a second later that I felt Sirus’ cock between my thighs. For some reason, he just got more comfortable than he was supposed to.

“You’re so good to me.” He said in my ear as his hands began moving up inside my shirt.

“Am I? I didn’t notice.” I said sarcastically before moving my fingers in my mouth to get my skin wet.

“You seem tense.”


That’s just an understatement. I feel like I’m going to blow up. There’s nothing worse than what I’ve gone through in the past couple days. I’m just so tired that I want it to end right at this moment.

Sirus didn’t take his arms from under my shirt. He gripped me harder as I felt his hips grinding against me. His cock moved between my thighs, rubbing underneath mine as well while he moved. My fingers stroked our skin as he moved. I wasn’t surprised that he would be so clingy and hold on to me so tightly.

What I didn’t expect was when he moved his arms from around me, taking off my headband that kept my bangs back from my face, and put his hands on the wall to keep me cornered. That didn’t stop him from being more than just a little rough with me.

My arm moved back around so my hand could grip his hair. He was more than appreciative when I began cooperating with him.

“Getting a little touchy.” He said in my ear.

“That’s more than I can say about you.”

He laughed instead of saying something back. I was more focused on how I was getting turned on at the idea of him doing more, however, because of where we are I would prefer if he didn’t. Plus, he doesn’t get the full benefits today. This was more than enough and he knows that. I squeezed my thighs a little just for him and he moaned.

“Why do I always have to do something for you?” I asked quietly.

“Don’t act like you don’t need this.” He said.

I rolled my eyes.

My lack of a response was enough for him to think he had to prove me wrong. His hand moved off the wall to hold my waist but I was quick to grab him, hoping he doesn’t try anything funny. My thighs pressed harder and he tensed up behind me.

This was not how I planned my day to go.

My eyes closed and I took a breath. This was one of the easier days, but I shouldn’t jinx myself. Sirus knows how to turn things around and change the situation. Now shouldn’t be any different. He continued to touch me and kiss my skin as he moved. I pressed my thighs together again to rub against Sirus as he slowly kept thrusting between my legs.

I let go of his wrist and lifted my hand up onto the wall again to hold myself up. My fingers traced over Sirus’ slowly before he moved his hand over mine; his fingers intertwined between mine and he didn’t let go. He pressed my body closer to the wall and I felt his head rest on my shoulder as his other arm moved around my waist.

“Can know...” He was asking if we could do more than just intercrural. That was not the plan.

“We’ll never leave if you do.” I breathed out quietly.

“Do you want to?”

When he asked, his hand moved lower to touch me, his fingers stroking me slowly to the rhythm of his hips. My eyes closed and I honestly needed a second to think about this.

Seconds passed without me giving an answer. I felt Sirus’ lips press on my neck. When my thighs rubbed harder on him, he breathed roughly on my skin, giving me goosebumps. His hand continued to move with a rhythm I could no longer follow with my hips. My knees were beginning to shake and my shoulders remained tense.

I just kept my thighs pressed together, occasionally using a little more strength to feel him jolt and hear him moan in my ear.

If he were to do a little more, we really wouldn’t leave.

“Damn, if you keep doing that...”

He seemed to like it when my thighs did rub harder on him. His hand gripped tighter on mine as he tried to move with me. I had enough focus to listen to him, to figure out what else he liked and didn’t like so I could get him to finish faster. Turns out he wasn’t going to slow down with me either.

My breath hitched and I did my best to not jolt as the knot in my stomach tightened. I bit my lip to keep in my moans but it wasn’t helping. I was beginning to get lightheaded; Sirus was the only reason I was still standing up. The more his fingers rubbed over my skin, the closer I got to releasing.

Hopefully this might ease some of the tension I’ve been feeling, just enough that I won’t be bitter and angry anymore.

My thighs pressed tighter as I came. Sirus didn’t take a second longer to cum either. Maybe if I was a little gentler, he might’ve lasted longer. That’s not what I wanted.

I know he was agitated because he wanted to do more. Then again, cumming once doesn’t necessarily stop him.

My body continued to shake and twitch now again as I tried to get myself together. For some reason, I didn’t feel that much better.

My shoulders were still tense. This wasn’t stress relief at all, I feel like all that anger I have is still in me. I don’t have the time to do anything else about it right now. Sirus already took up enough of my time and people are going to notice that I’ve gone missing.

Somehow he still knew that I was bothered. His arms moved around me to keep me to him; he stayed close to me, hugging me to his body and not giving me the chance to fix my clothes so I could leave. He does know that I have his entire life between my thighs, right? If I just put a little more force into squeezing my thighs, I could make him do whatever I want, which includes letting me go.

“Were you okay by yourself?” he asked.

“I can take care of myself, Sirus.” I snapped.

“That’s not what I’m asking.”

I know exactly what he was asking and I wanted to avoid it. If he knew what I went through these past few days, nothing would change.

But the fact that he asked made me want to open up.

“I got threatened with war earlier this morning.” I said quietly. “If I don’t take my old job back, Europe plans to fight us because they think Janus is a dictator.”

“Who said that?”


“Oh.” Well he wasn’t surprised. “So what are you doing about it?”

“I’m really tired of people bugging me about a person I don’t know. I’m also tired of being asked to come back as Commander when I’m sure everyone thought I was incompetent.” I explained bitterly.

I don’t want people complaining to me. I don’t want to hear their problems. It does not involve me. It doesn’t have anything to do with me. The fact that the new Commander gives a sketchy vibe is not my problem. The fact that he does things differently is not my problem. The fact that he makes people uncomfortable is not my problem.

Sirus let go of me, giving me a chance to fix my clothes. I wasn’t sure how I should clean up the mess, although I didn’t have much on me. I pulled my pants up and tucked my shirt in before buttoning. I had to shrug Sirus off me just so I could fix my collar.

I moved down on the floor to search for my headband but I couldn’t feel where he dropped it.

“I’m just gonna put this out there.” Sirus said behind me. “Not one person has ever called you incompetent. No one ever really disliked you. If anything, you had shit handled. So I’m just trying to figure out why you pity yourself so much.”

I never explained any of this to Sirus so of course he didn’t understand how I was feeling. Then again, I have my moments of pitying myself. I’ve done things that weren’t right, I’ve made terrible decisions, I started a war, how could anyone want to go through that again? I couldn’t say anything to Sirus, as much as I wanted to talk about it, I couldn’t find my voice.

“So what now? You’re still gonna feel sorry for yourself?” He asked as I got off the floor.

I sighed. “No, Sirus, I’m not-”

“Then act like you won’t.” He said as he moved his hands in my hair.

He put something on me to keep my bangs back. It took me a second to realize he had my headband the entire time while I was searching on the floor.

I was more concerned with what he just said. I just really wanted to explain myself to him but I didn’t know how.

I turned around quickly when I thought he was about to leave. On impulse, I just took his wrist so he wouldn’t go, and I didn’t actually mean to. But...I wanted to tell him something and I hoped that he would listen.

“I...” I didn’t know how to...say it. “If I come to the decision’s okay for me to come back, I want to do it on my own terms. Being begged and threatened to come back doesn’t make me feel right.” I admitted.

I just...I want to believe that I’m not a rebound option, like they can’t find anyone better than Janus so they have no choice but to pick me again. Based on what Sirus said, I know that’s not the case, but it’s hard to change how I’ve been looking at things for a few days. I know it’s a cry for help from them, but I can’t fight for the position like they want me to do. The stress would eat me alive.

Sirus stared at me for a moment, not because he was stunned but because he thought I needed the second to find myself. I wasn’t embarrassed that I admitted how I felt, it was just...weird. It’s harder to put what I’m thinking into words. And I’m still in that mindset where I think Sirus won’t understand. That’s my fault though because I never really tell him anything.

“Okay.” he finally said.

There was a wave of relief I felt that finally calmed me down. Now I felt a little better than before. My hand let go of his wrist so he could leave.

“Is Ecilia really here?” he asked after another moment.

“No, you cannot go off to Spain.” I already knew where he was going with that. I know Ecilia and what she plans to do fits right in with what Sirus enjoys and that’s a terrible combination.

Knowing Sirus, he would say something along the lines of how I can’t control him anymore but he won’t go just because I said so. He’ll complain about it, but he won’t go.

I walked ahead of him as he continued to pester me about it and after a while, I stopped responding to him. He just tagged along behind me, listing all the good reasons why he should go away for a week or so, but the big excuse is to not do work. I know him. All he cares about is doing the absolute minimum he can get by with.

“Unless you have anything better to do, which does not include having sex with me, I think it would be best if you leave.” I said as politely as I could but I’m dealing with Sirus so I wasn’t that polite. My fingers were clenching around my tablet tightly as he wasted more of my time.

“The original plan was to come for the assignments for the-”

“Your sector isn’t schedule for that today.” I said over him.

He waited anyway, still wasting my time. Why is he like this? What did I do wrong to get this? Sirus can be so annoying sometimes and it drives me insane. Everyone is just so excited for the new motorcycles, and I would feel better if Janus actually went to the Department of Transportation for this, but no, apparently NASA has nothing better to do.

“Your number is two-thirty-six.”

“That’s cute.” he said plainly. “Were you waiting to tell me that?”

“Well it would be easier to remember instead of losing the most valuable bike in a group of thousands and having to start them all to figure out which one didn’t glow blue.” I said and added, “Please don’t tell anyone that I’m giving you special privileges, I would hate to lose this job, too-”

I stopped talking when Ecilia stood by me. We both stared at her because she quietly came over and I didn’t notice till she was standing right beside me. I thought she left already since her only purpose was to make me scared, though she failed at that miserably. She held her sunhat in her hands, her brunette hair over her shoulders.

It wasn’t my business to stay here.

The two of them together is a bad combination, so I was going to walk away like I don’t know what’s about to happen. I have work to do anyway, it would be better if I went and did it instead of pretending like there was nothing going on.

Taurus was waiting for me in the room we were hiding in before. From where she was, I’m sure she could see how I left Sirus and Ecilia to talk among themselves. I walked into the room quietly and shut the door before swiftly taking a seat next to her. There was a lot to tell her.

“I’m never going to get over you being able to fit in my pants.” Was the first thing she had to say. And I was hoping she wouldn’t.

“You wear a lot of high waisted stuff.”

“Because I look good. I didn’t expect you to look better.” She complained.

“Before we talk about that, let me tell you what happened.” I looked out the glass again, staring at Ecilia and Sirus having the time of their lives.

“When you walked off with Sirus?” Taurus asked.

I turned to her slowly. “No.” I answered. “Apparently, Spain -scratch that- Europe is threatening me to become Commander again.”

“Like full on threatening?”

“Like war threatening.”

She had a confused look on her face but that is literally the look I had before. She gets it. Why would they cause a war just because I’m not in power? I know that Janus is the problem, everyone else is just assuming he’s the problem. Honestly, I’m not going to cave.

“So, do you want to go back?” Taurus asked.

“Not really.” I answered but I sounded unsure of myself. “I think I don’t. I’m not interested anymore.” I explained myself but even that wasn’t reassuring enough.

Before Taurus could respond, she looked up as someone came in the room we were in. I turned halfway as Serberous took a seat right beside me. Did he really come all the way here just to see me?

“Hey, Serberous, it’s been a while.” Taurus said.

“I know. I heard you’ve been climbing the ranks.” He said as he slid a box to me.

I didn’t think he would finish so soon.

“I tell Hariette to slow down with all the promotions but she says I’m the only person she’d allow to take her place when she resigns.” Taurus explained.

“I’d take her place.” I said quickly. This is the first I’ve heard of Hariette planning to resign. I’ll take her position.

“She doesn’t want you to.” She laughed and covered her mouth. I figured that. Hariette still doesn’t like me enough. “What’s that?” Taurus pointed to the box.

“Just a thing.” I said casually.

“There’s seven pairs in there. I still have the rest of the contacts but I’d rather use those to improve the defects.” Serberous said.

“What’s it for?” Taurus brought her chair to the other side of me because we were ignoring her.

“Just some rebellion stuff.” Serberous answered for me.

Taurus has known me way too long so now she doesn’t get shocked when she hears something about me. She’ll mostly pretend but she expects something to happen.

“These contacts can only be used for three hours. After that, they will start to fuse with the eye and that’s not good.” Serberous said.

That sounds like a terrible defect. But three hours is more than enough time. I’m just happy he finished so quickly.

“I couldn’t find a way to shut off the lighting on them though.”

“It’s still blue?”

“The more I tampered with it, the brighter it got, so I stopped touching them.” He said.

I was about to go on about something else but I had this weird feeling Taurus was staring at me, and I was right. I looked back at her wondering what she wanted but she was looking at the both of us. I didn’t get what she wanted but by the expression on her face, she was misunderstanding something.

“It really has been a while.” She smiled. “Gonna give me a pair, Aurora?” She asked, hinting she would tell on me if I didn’t.

“I would prefer if...” I stopped talking when she began to pout. Serberous was laughing beside me, not because it was funny, but because he knew I would cave.

I opened the box and picked up one small container so I could give it to her.

“You can brief me on the situation later.” She said and got up before I could take the contacts back.

I sighed and put my head down on the table. This is not going well.

“Taurus will obviously be good to help.” Serberous said.

“Yeah, I know.”

“Well, I just wanted to give you the finished prototypes. They’re good to use until I figure out a way to make them more efficient.” He said and got up. I lifted my head up slowly to look at him.

“Thank you for helping me.” I said kindly.

“I actually owe you a lot of favors. This was just one of them.” He said. “Call me if you need me.” He said as he left the room.

I have six pairs left.

For now, that’s a lot. I knew who was going to get them to help. Hopefully, this will speed things along so we can find more people and fix their devices. I don’t expect it to be a large population of people so this won’t last long.

At the end of the day, I had to work up the nerves to actually want to give Sirus a pair of contacts. He will only consider this a toy and it pisses me off because he does that with everything. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to change the settings on his tablet to include the contacts.

But here I was, trying to make this easier on him because I needed his help.

If he didn’t have the most exposure to different areas to help him find more people with deactivated devices I wouldn’t have given him anything.

However, I do need his help and I have to admit that he would be able to get a lot done on his own.

I sat on the couch next to Sirus, trying to get him to focus but he really had other things planned instead of listening to what I have to say. He insisted on spending our free time on doing something dirty, which I have been telling him no for the past thirty minutes. We’ve had our fun earlier this afternoon, so I would appreciate it if he would focus because I had things to show him.

He was the one that told me he didn’t mind helping with the rebellion, but I wish he would act like he did care.

I curled up on the couch and pushed the sleeves to my sweater up to my arms. This technically isn’t my sweater, which is why it’s big but I don’t have a lot of clothes to wear when I’m staying with Sirus so I end up wearing his clothes. He kept tugging at the shorts I wore, wondering if I would take them off but I was incredibly adamant about getting him to stay focus on me.

“Sirus, please focus.” I said as I moved the white box on my knees. “I’m pretty sure you want to hear this or you’ll hate me later.” I warned him.


“These contacts should help with finding who has a deactivated device.” I held the white box with the contacts Serberous gave to me.

I synced the contacts’ program with my tablet so it would be able to recognize anything unusual. Anything the contacts find, I will be able to know about it.

I opened the small box and took a clear contact on the pad of my finger.

“Once you turn these on, you have only three hours to keep them on, okay.” I told him seriously; it’s very important that he listens to me about this. “If you keep them on longer than three hours, they could end up frying your cornea and I’m really sure you don’t want that.” I said as I put one of the contacts in for him.

“This isn’t safe then.” He said.

“It’s safe...for three hours.” I said and put the other contact on for him.

He blinked so they could set in properly. When they aren’t on, they’re clear so no one would tell that he would have contacts in.

“Here’s another thing. When you turn them on, they glow bright blue, so everyone will know you are wearing contacts.” I told him. They do not turn blue, they glow blue. Sirus better have this under control. “Do not show off cause I only have a few more pairs and they’re not just for anyone.”

“We’ll see about that.”

It wasn’t a suggestion!

I took his tablet that I put behind me on the couch and looked through the changed settings I put in. I turned on the pair of contacts he had in his eyes and they shined bright blue.

“Is it hard to see?” I asked when he squinted.


He blinked and looked around. The only information he should be able to see is mine. My tablet was on the coffee table so a bit of my data should come up. I haven’t tested the contacts myself. Serberous was there to do that for me. Apparently, it is a little difficult to see with them on, but they are just prototypes, it’s not like I had a perfected plan for them.

I turned off the contacts and the blue color began to fade.

“Only use this when you think you need them.” I said but apparently he wasn’t paying attention to me. I took his face between my hands so he would look at me. “Only use this when you think you need them.” I repeated myself again.

“Alright.” he groaned.

“They are not toys, I do not have replacements.”

“I get it.” he snapped.

“You always say you understand but something ends up happening anyway.” I sighed and got up off the couch, pushing the sleeves down to my hands so they would cover my fingers. “I don’t have replacements so don’t break those.”

“I don’t break things...on purpose...”

“Well don’t break it on accident either!” I turned back to yell at him.

He has no idea how much effort and trouble I went through just to program those small microchips to sync with my tablet. I wanted to yell at him to take this seriously but I didn’t have anymore strength for the day. I was tired and wanted to go to bed instead.

It’s been a long day. I think I deserve a little time off to rest and try to ease the tension that returned again.

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