
Chapter ⌛Sixteenth⌛

I barely made it one step inside before I heard someone say my name behind me. I stopped walking and turned around slowly, only to find that Serberous was here to see me. That quickly changed my mood, in fact I began to smile just a little too widely. I didn’t think I would see him so soon.

He had a small black box in his hand and when I saw it, that’s when he moved his hands behind his back as if it was some surprise.

“Hey,” he smiled at me.

“What’s in the box?” I wanted to peak to find it but he took a step back. If he wasn’t so tall, I wouldn’t have difficulty.

“Your birthday was last week.” He said. “And...I’m pretty late with the gift but...” He held out the black box for me to take. “Here’s the glasses you were bugging me for.”

“You actually finished?” I didn’t think he would get it done so soon. “Does it even work properly?” I asked.

Just a week after the first contact prototypes were made, I asked him to get glasses done for me instead because there was no way I would put my own eyes in danger. I didn’t think Serberous would be able to get it done that quickly.

“They do work. As far as I’m concerned. There aren’t any restrictions.” He said then added, “as far as I’m concerned.”

I opened up the box to find the glasses that I picked out for him to work on. It looks like a regular pair of glasses. I just couldn’t wait to turn them on. The lenses might be a little big but the glasses still fit on my face.

“Seen Sirus around? I have his gift too.” He said.

“He comes back from his mission in two hours.” I said.

“He’s always doing something.” He said.

And for a moment there was a second of silence between us. After that, we both started laughing rather hard. Sirus is never doing anything. That’s what made it so funny. Who knows what he’s not doing? That is an important question.

“But anyway...” Serberous pointed to my new tablet. “That looks like you can’t get that anywhere.”

He knew what it was and this very item cannot be found anywhere. At all. Ever. This is the only one. I kept my tablet in my hands as I smiled widely. This is honestly the best gift I’ve received. And I’ve never been happier.

“Sirus got it for me.” I said and lifted up the glass that refracted the sunlight.

“That’s nice of him.” Serberous was confused. That’s how I was when I let it really sink in. “Getting spoiled must be nice-”

“Stop right there.” I held my hand up. “No one is spoiling me, and I would prefer if you wouldn’t give Sirus more credit than he deserves.”

“You’ve changed so much. I’m actually not surprised considering everything you’ve gone through.” He said.

I forgot he always did this. It took him months to actually be right and know a lot more about me than he should. I have my own mechanisms to cover how I feel about situations and people. Pretending like I don’t care and denying everything are definitely two things I do. If Serberous weren’t friends with both of us, he wouldn’t know a thing.

“Sometimes you make me uncomfortable.” I turned completely to face him and held my hands down with my tablet between my fingers. “I’m really upset that you actually have critical thinking skills.”

He started to laugh and rolled his eyes, not even shocked at my statement.

“I can’t believe you’re leader of the rebellion-”

“Serberous, please do not spread that around.” I looked around to make sure no one heard that. “I have pending charges.”

“Damn. Already?”

“Commander Janus can’t wait to put me in handcuffs.” I sighed to myself. My fingers held on to my tablet and my new glasses box.

“Still edgy as fuck.”

“People have to stop saying that-”

“You’re organizing forces that aren’t yours with access you no longer have to handle a situation that may or may not get you imprisoned for the rest of your life.”

I don’t need to be reminded. This is what gives me anxiety.

“Edgy.” Serberous said again.

“I’ll talk to you some other time, Serberous.” I turned away to go inside. As I walked away I could hear him laughing behind me.

I wanted today to be quiet. I wanted today to give me no stress. It should just be another day where I don’t panic, where I don’t feel like screaming, where I don’t want to hit a wall. Not a lot of people were here today so my work load might be a little heavier but it will be quiet so I don’t care.

Taurus wasn’t here today unfortunately. Another shift leader was scheduled and I had to pretend like I wanted to do something. I can’t go complain to Hariette since she’ll point out that I’m working on a secret project that most engineers here would love to be a part of. This is my consequence.

“Hi, Aurora,” Mars came by. “I haven’t seen you in a couple weeks.” She sat down beside me.

“I usually tend to take shifts with Taurus because I do this thing where I talk a lot.” I started and she began laughing. “I’m just really tired lately so I’m trying to figure out a way to put in minimal effort without society noticing.”

“Good luck with that.” It sounded like she tried and it hasn’t worked for her.

“I wonder what if I did something else.” I put my hands down on the table. “I could learn to play the piano.”

“And do what?”

“Become a performer?” I wasn’t sure.

“Think it’s going to be easier than what you’re doing now?” She asked. I looked at her. “Doesn’t matter what you do, you’re going to be tired and stressed.” She said.

“Were you always this negative?” I asked, just curious to know.

Mars considers herself a realist. And that’s fine by me. She’s easy to talk to and doesn’t get my hopes up.

She laughed some more, shaking her head as she spun around in her chair. Her dyed blue hair waved around her face, reaching down to her chin, and moving as she moved. When she laughs, her nose scrunches up but doesn’t hide the septum piercing she thinks she’s hiding.

“So what are you working on?” She asked, pointing to my blue print.

“Just the upgrades for the uniform programs.” I sighed. There was nothing more frustrating than working on something that has nothing to do with why I came to work here. “I think Janus is mocking me. I could be programming the satellites or the whole gravitational defense system Hariette thinks she’ll get away with.”

Janus wants to keep me at bay. He’s giving Hariette all this nonsense to give to me. And while that’s happening, Hariette thinks she can use this as a distraction to get her satellite programs done because every single one of the engineers knows that she loves her satellites. If Janus wasn’t piling more work on to me, I would have more time to do jobs I want to do. Maybe if he didn’t hate me, he wouldn’t be torturing me.

“Someone has to do all the stuff the majority doesn’t want to do.” Mars said, hinting that there was more. “You were head of that project anyway, its only right that you upgrade your own program.”

I’m sure.

I rolled my eyes as I shut down the hologram.

“Like I said, someone has to do the things the majority doesn’t want to do.” She handed me a folder.

I opened it to see information about satellites and other nonsense that I didn’t care about. There was only one statement I read and it was at the bottom. Someone needs to explain how the new satellites and how their programs are beneficial to the Department of Defense. This is something Hariette should be discussing, not me.

Then I realized she was the one that signed off on someone else doing the task for her, as if doing it herself was too much of a big deal.

“Why me?” I dropped the folder on the table. “I didn’t work on the new programs so I don’t know about it.”

Mars gave me a knowing look, as if I couldn’t lie to her. I might know enough about the updates but not to tell the entire department about it. This should be done by someone who was on the team for the satellites. It’s not helpful when everything is left for me to do.

“It’s like a really big favor.” Mars folded her hands together on her lap and spun in her chair again. “Hariette said she needs you to distract the other half while she does some work.”

“What work?”

“She didn’t say.” Mars shrugged.

Rebellion work? Does it have to do with the signalling device we’re trying to come up with? Does Janus know? This is definitely not good at all.

I got up out of my seat and took the folder abruptly. I grabbed my jacket and ran out of the room.

Unfortunately, I feel inclined to speak with Haroldo and Libra even if they’re not here. I know Hariette wants me to buy time but me talking with Janus could possibly ruin the situation. I need a lot more people around to keep me in check.

I rushed over to the Capitol building, my fingers clenching the folder tightly. The first person I saw was Nova at her desk and she was waving me over frantically.

When I went over to her she looked around before leaning over the desk.

“You’ve got a problem.” She whispered. “I don’t know what you know, but there are certain sectors that are on Janus’ side.” she seemed frightened by that.

But we all knew Janus would have control over some of the sectors. It’s not like I expected a full hundred percent. I wasn’t surprised although she was.

“Okay, and-”

“There’s been a few people being moved around.” She said and looked me in the eyes.

I was supposed to understand that...

I put my arms down on the desk and sighed. I know exactly who’s being moved around and it’s not a good thing. My theory was confirmed when I heard yelling not too far off. It wasn’t just one loud voice but two.

Sirus does not like being moved around last minute. He doesn’t like when he has to change plans on short notice. Janus was prepared to fight him on the issue but knowing Sirus’ behavior, it’s not going to matter. He will disobey until he gets what he wants.

“Aurora,” Nova got my attention again, “sector one has been covering everyone’s ass. Being paired off with a sector that’s loyal to Janus complicates things-”

“I can hear him, Nova.” I groaned.

Why am I always responsible when Sirus misbehaves? It’s bad enough that Sirus is yelling at his boss, but the fact that he’s so angry that Janus is yelling back is not good.

“Janus probably knows about the collusion.”

“Oh, he knows.” I was sure of it. Janus wouldn’t randomly put Sirus with another sector for the fun of it.

He’s watching.


“I’ll handle it.” I assured her.

I knew all the yelling far too well. More than I actually should. When I turned around I saw the two of them yelling at each other and it didn’t even attract that much attention. Everyone was used to it. I sighed again and tried to ignore it. I’m not here to get Sirus under control.

I planned to walk by and go to the elevator without anyone else spotting me, especially Janus. I almost started running to be honest. Once the doors opened, I got in and pressed the button for the doors to close multiple times. Rapidly. Frantically. I just wanted the silver doors to close.

However, I didn’t get out peacefully or quietly.

Sirus was the only one to force his way in, his hands clenched into fists and his eyes burning with a rage I haven’t seen in years. I just quietly held on to my folder, and hoped he would calm down. Then again, Sirus stays angry for a long while.

His temper is really bad. Lately he hasn’t been that angry but today is just one of those days.

“Janus being a pain again?” I asked.

I figure the best way to actually get over it is ranting. The again, its not like catharsis actually helps, considering that venting makes him more violent.

He didn’t answer.

He’s so angry that he won’t even talk. Well he obviously got in the elevator because I was in here cause I know he wouldn’t want to be around people.

When he stayed quiet, I pressed the red button to stop the elevator for a moment.

“What’s he doing?” I asked.

“I’m supposed to be controlling the rebellion tonight with another sector.” He said. That’s not why he’s mad. “I don’t like being watched.”

I know that.

“And it’s worse when it’s one of his ass kissers that’s doing it.”

“You don’t have to be angry.” I casually said. I thought he was going to cut me off and rant some more but he didn’t. “I can handle the complication.” I told him.

“Yeah, whatever.”

“Don’t trust me?”

He looked at me slowly, his attitude no better than before. He does not like the test of loyalty and trust. He doesn’t tell me a lot, but I figure he would follow regardless. I just want him to know that I’ll have this handled.

“How about I come with you tonight?” I suggested but he scoffed without giving an answer. “I mean, I’ll hide in with sector one so I don’t get found out-”

“Bad idea-”

“I can handle myself, Sirus-”

“No.” He cut me off. “You’re not doing anything.” He stopped me. “I am so tired of you asserting yourself and trying to make everyone think you can handle everything.” He complained.


He thought I was patronizing him.

“You’re not trained-”

“Whatever, I’m not going to hold any guns or anything.” I assured him. It doesn’t matter that I’m not “trained” to do anything, I can handle myself.

Sirus remained quiet. It stresses him out when I want to involve myself more than I need to. He goes quiet when he’s anxious or nervous. I shouldn’t add anything or he’ll just get even more nervous.

He moved forward, pressing the red button again so the elevator would move.

“I appreciate you caring for me, Sirus.” I said and looked at him to find him rolling his eyes. “I’m not going to get hurt or whatever you think will happen to me.”

He didn’t respond and I didn’t expect him to.

The elevator doors opened and I walked out first, only to find Orion and Lunar waiting to get on.

“What are you two doing tonight?” I asked them.

“I’m about to go on a mission up in Canada.” Lunar said.

“I’m on standby.” Orion said.

“I need you to watch the other sector working with sector one tonight.” I told Orion as I walked by him.

He laughed dryly. “No. This is my only night off in two weeks.”

I stopped walking and turned around to face all three of them. Right now, I need them to understand that there is no time to say no to me. I am not playing around.

“I need you to watch the sector that’s working with sector one tonight.” I repeated myself so he would understand.


“You’re always bugging me about coming back and being Commander but it seems like you won’t even listen to me if that’s the case.” I was annoyed that they don’t want to listen.

Just Orion telling me no made me snap.

“Fine. I’ll do it.” He gave up and walked in the elevator after Lunar.


I turned and walked away as I heard Orion’s murmurs. He is not happy. Neither am I so he can suck it up and deal with it. Sirus followed behind me as I walked.

I found someone I haven’t seen in a while, well talked to in a while.

Hoshi was the only one here at the moment; it was quiet with just the three of us here. I saw that she was armed, not sure why, but I saw the gun she had in her hand. Behind me, I heard Sirus moving too, like he was about to take something to use on her.

“Please, don’t, Hoshi.” I warned her. “Whatever Sirus did can be overlooked.” I said.

It didn’t seem that way to her.

She smiled though as I walked over to her. She was careful when she glanced at Sirus. I don’t know what happened but I do know the two of them don’t get along and that’s because Sirus does not care about anyone. Hoshi didn’t say anything about whatever assault Sirus did.

“I’m mostly protecting myself against Janus.” She sighed. “And...some other nations’ officials.” She added.

“I thought everyone didn’t like Janus either.”

“All of the Asian countries are indifferent. We don’t care about your problems.” She said bluntly.

“Is the rebellion-”

“We’ll handle our problems and you’ll handle yours.” She shrugged. Well why can’t other people understand that? “Most of the European countries are okay with Janus, but you already know what that says.” She rolled her eyes and moved her gun around.

“Spain isn’t.”

“France isn’t either.”

“How’s Russia?”

“About to self destruct.” She laughed. “There’s disagreement everywhere. And sure it’s not supposed to be funny but...” She laughed anyway.

“So why are you here?” I asked.

Was it to kill Janus herself? She already said Europe was okay with him for the most part. She’ll just start a war if she assassinates our Head of Defense.

She looked passed me and glared at Sirus bitterly. “Apparently, he has no regards for foreign laws.”

Well everyone knows that.

Even Sirus admitted to being guilty of that. He doesn’t care. That’s why I would always be careful about sending him other places not within our borders. In fact, he doesn’t care about our laws either. Sirus is as reckless as they come. However, he does his job when he needs to and he does it right. Whatever Hoshi wants revenge for can be overlooked.

She started to speak Japanese just so Sirus wouldn’t understand but that would only provoke him to really defend himself against what she might do.

I responded to her comment about him causing a lot of damage and casualties and on his behalf, I did apologize sincerely because she definitely was not going to get it out of him.

“Hoshi, you can’t kill him.” I whispered.

“Just a shot in the arm and I’ll be okay.” She aimed.

I couldn’t let her do that. I took a step back and moved in front of Sirus, blocking her shot. As much as I agree that Sirus needs to be taught a lesson, right now is not the time because I need him. Hoshi can be very vengeful and I know she comes as a representative of her nation so they’re expecting a little blood and pain.

She wouldn’t shoot me.

I stayed in front of Sirus so she would get the picture.

“Because you are my friend, I will back off.” Hoshi said and put her arm down by her side. “Just this once.” She added and walked by slowly, keeping her eyes on Sirus.

They’ve never gotten along. Honestly, I would say they were more alike than anything. Impulsive, violent, vengeful, angry all the time. They should be best friends.

“Stop making a mess.” I hissed at him.

“It’s nice to know you would take a hit for me.” He smiled.

“No, Sirus, I wouldn’t. If for a second I thought she would’ve actually shot you, I definitely would’ve moved aside.”

“Harsh much?”

“For the past five years, I’ve been dealing with your bullshit and how you’ve treated me, and I say one little thing about you being taught a lesson and now I’m harsh?” I didn’t understand how it made sense.

“Why are you so bitter, huh? What have I ever done to you to make you so angry?” He asked.

I know he did that to provoke me and it worked.

My eyes widened at his questions. We are not going there! If he wants to hear me yell, that’s fine, but we aren’t discussing the immense list of crap I’ve dealt with because of him. He’s lucky that I always stick around for him.

“I’m tired of you.”

“Like you could ever leave me.” He scoffed.

“Don’t try me.” I warned him.

I just wanted to get this part of my job over with and it doesn’t help when he’s bothering me. When he put his arm around my shoulder, I shrugged him away. Sirus is so bothersome at times.

Would I really ever leave him? I don’t know. I don’t think about it. But I’ve stuck with him for five years so I guess that says something about us.

I didn’t say anything as we walked into the large conference hall. I only needed to give the report about the new satellites and I’ll be done.

Most of the one hundred and fifty sector leaders were here; there were a few exceptions, and I could figure out who they were. They were all familiar faces. I might not know all their names, but I remember that I’ve met all of them at least once. The second they saw me, there was an uproar. I could hear my name coming up in random conversations and I could guess what they were talking about. Right now is not the time.

When a few of them raised their hands, I knew I had to respond to their questions.

“No.” I flat out said because I already knew what they were going to ask. “I am not here to stay, I am also not replacing Janus.” I confirmed for them just so rumors wouldn’t start.

“What about in the near future?” Someone asked from the top row.

“No, not in the future either.” I said. This would be an incredible time to address the loyalty issue. “I have my hands full with the rebellion, and unfortunately a few of you are choosing to side with Janus.” I pointed out. “I’m not here to chastise you for prioritizing your lives and making sure you’re safe first, I’m just letting you know that I do not want a conflict of interest.” I made sure they understood.

Sectors are not going to fight with each other. The Department of Defense is the last department that should have internal conflict. We would crumble as a nation if that happens. So to settle the violence issue I’m putting it out there that there should be none of it.

More people raised their hands to ask questions.

“This is not a Q and A session. I’m here to talk about the satellites.” I told them.

“We don’t care.”

“Neither do I.” I added. “But I like my job and I would like to keep it so I’m doing what I’m supposed to.” I said.

“Let’s just say you briefed us on the satellites and call it a day.”

“What’s it going to take for you to come back?”

“Nothing.” I responded quickly. “I don’t want to be back. I would prefer to live stress free.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

Sirus said that. I turned to find him up on the fifth row, sitting next to Alya; they, like a few others, snickered at the comment. I, on the other hand, did not find it funny. I am not here to go through this. He knows my situation, there’s no reason to provoke the rest of them.

“After the rebellion issue is solved, you probably will never hear from me again.” I informed the rest of them when I turned back around. “Please leave it like that. The next Commander you get should be treated with respect.” I shouldn’t have to tell them this.

And it was no surprise when they thought I was making a suggestion. I wasn’t. They need to be more respectful to whoever is in charge. They were taking the issue lightly, and until they get what they want, they won’t change their attitudes.

I can’t help them.

“When are you coming back?” A loud female voice came from the top row. “We need you.”

“You’re capable of working without me.” I pointed out.

They did fine with Janus for an entire year before this entire mess got brought to my attention.

“We’ll be nicer if you stay.” Someone called out.

I just rolled my eyes and turned away to leave the room. At this point they weren’t going to listen. I know what they want and I won’t give it to them. I’m busy with the rebellion, and Janus will not give up his position for me. He’s the type to go down fighting. It will be a fight and when people are persistent, I get tired.

I had other things to worry about today.

Sirus and Alya were following behind me, as if they have nothing to do. Sirus is going to have a busy night so he might as well get ready. Alya really didn’t want to do work, and I don’t have the authority to assign something for her to do.

“Aurora.” She came up beside me and whined. “I’m bored. Let me come along with you guys.” She continued to whine.

“We don’t need another sector-”

“Just me then.” She said quickly.

I stopped walking and faced her. I can’t tell her yes or no, but by the expression on my face, she took that as a yes. I hope she knows this isn’t going to be fun. It’s everything she’s been doing for the past month. She’s only going to be more bored.

I went to find Orion. Sirus and Alya were still following behind me and I wish they would stop. They have things to do.

“I’m going to pretend you two have things to do so you can stop following me.” I gave them a hint that I want them to stop following me.

They didn’t say anything to me. Yet. But the silence did not make me feel too good. I continued walking down the hall till I got to a room I knew Orion would be in. His entire sector would be here, just picking out weapons to use as if my constant begging and pleading for a nonviolent environment meant nothing. I was already prepared to yell at him about it.

I walked in the room, immediately getting Orion’s sector’s attention.

“We’re not doing this.” I told them. “Put it all back.”


“I don’t want any issues tonight.” I said over Orion.

I’m not surprised that he was holding on to the biggest gun he could find, already taking it apart so he could pack it with everything else he was going to bring.

“Sector thirty-three has orders to be completely armed.” Orion said anyway.

Janus is terrible. Fear is not a good tactic to get people to behave.

Now I really can’t tell Orion no. The only reason I want his sector around is to make sure sector thirty-three doesn’t get out of control and do something they shouldn’t. If they’re armed, Orion’s sector needs to be too.

I turned back to look at Sirus. I thought for a second before telling him, “sector one stays unarmed.”

“Fuck that.” He responded. “Don’t tell me how to do my job, Aurora. If sector thirty-three wants to fight, I’ll fight them.” He wasn’t going to listen to me.

I sighed and leaned on the white table. I need a moment where someone wants to listen to me. There’s going to be too much tension tonight. I had to think through this.

Maybe it’s a good idea that they’re all armed. If sector thirty-three does something, they’ll be able to fight them off.

But I don’t want to scare civilians that are protesting tonight. We need them as calm as possible so we can get to them as quick as we can.

“Okay, fine.” I said as I rubbed my face. “Split your sector in thirds. One third helps with the civilians, two thirds pretends to be working.”

“My sector will watch from a different area.” Orion said.

“Do not shoot any of those guns, Orion.” I warned him.

“Relax, Aurora.” He groaned. “Now you’re getting me all stressed. My blood pressure is about to sky rocket.” He put his bag on the table. “Honestly, we’ll have this covered. But if I get the chance to shoot Rigel, I will.”

I said I wanted no conflict.

“You need to calm down.” Orion continued, reminding me that my blood pressure was already high.

“It’s all good, Aurora. We promise.” Alya picked out something for herself and strapped the gun to her leg.

I don’t like to trust their promises. As much as they can get their jobs done, they do it in a way that’s ruthless. I don’t know what I want anymore.

Orion followed Alya out of the room while Sirus took a few weapons for himself. There were a lot more than he actually needed. I don’t understand why he would do this. He knows I would prefer if there was no temptation to hurt anyone, including Rigel’s sector. I don’t care that Rigel will do what Janus says, he’s just doing his own job. But I don’t want other sectors causing a problem.

“Please behave.” I told Sirus.

“Whatever.” He said loud enough for me to hear him. “You always have a stick up your ass. You really just need to calm down once in a while.” he continued to complain.

I didn’t say anything as I watched him walk around the room, collecting all the parts he needed. I wanted to calm down but it’s not helpful when he’s looking for things he can use to fight sector thirty-three with. Orion’s sector was definitely going to be prepared with the way they cleared the shelves. And honestly, they’re only dealing with sector thirty-three, not an entire army.

“Do you enjoy this?” I asked him. “The whole, ‘I can fight whoever I want’ thing, cause you’re getting old, and you can’t fight everyone.” I said plainly.

He glanced back towards me and made a face. And I didn’t mean to get on his bad side but there are just some things that need to change about Sirus at some point. However, he’s always going to enjoy the power. The way he scrunched up his face led me to believe that he didn’t like my question.

“It’s that kind of mentality that will get you nowhere.” he pointed out but I just rolled my eyes.

I am so tired and so nervous. Tonight can go in so many different ways and I’m not ready. I’m sure Sirus can tell that this is not what I want to deal with at the moment.

I am not excited for any of this.

I left the room so I could find armored clothes that I could change into because I have a feeling I might need protection. I’m being promised that nothing will happen tonight, and as much as I want to believe nothing will happen, I have this feeling that something will. It’s like this eerie feeling that I want to stop. My anxiety was beginning to get the best of me. I had to stay by myself for a little while to get myself under control.

Once I wasn’t having a panic attack and thinking I was going to die, I changed my clothes and tied up my hair. I’m not worried about being found out tonight, but others were. Its not like I stick out, but everyone knows me. It’s going to be a bit difficult if I try to hide. I tugged at my black turtleneck and constantly paced around to think of solutions and good tactics so we don’t get caught.

Once it was time to leave, I have thought of enough to get by. Sirus and I were the last to leave. Both of us stopped when we saw Magnolia but she wanted to come along too since she heard about what was about to go on. I couldn’t stop her, she wanted to be a part of the protest. She can help lead others away towards the direction of help.

So now we have it all figured out.

“Can you tell your sector-” Sirus didn’t let me finish my question.

“You can tell them yourself can’t you?” He asked. “Why do I always have to do everything for you? I am so tired of-”

I held my hand up to stop him. I didn’t care about his problems or what he was tired of. He shouldn’t complain to me either. I don’t have time for his rants and him going off on me letting him have control of his sector will be time consuming. Sirus, however, didn’t like how I stopped him and it looked like he might’ve broken my hand.

I turned away to go to the first smaller group of his sector. Since Sirus didn’t want to talk, I have to do it for him.

It was about fifteen of them that closed in on me quickly when they saw me walking to them. I wasn’t really worried until they got touchy. Like usual. Some leaned on me, had their arm around me, got too close to me. They were about to bully me, that’s why.

“Nice to see you back.” The taller one that had his arm propped up on my shoulder said.

“Anyway,” I took a breath. “You’ll be responsible for helping anyone who needs their device reactivated.” I told them. “Don’t go and find them, they’ll come to you. With sector thirty-three here, I don’t want them saying anything about seeing you guys running around.” I explained.

“That’s not bad.”

“No shooting any weapons. If sector thirty-three threatens you, let Orion’s sector handle it.” I warned them.

Sector one is too close to people and it wouldn’t be a good idea for them to engage in violence.

“Do I make myself clear?” I asked to be sure.

“Yes sir.”

Now we’re good. We can move in and solve this as quickly as possible so everyone can go home safely.

The other two groups from sector one were playing compliant for now.

We should have this handled for the night. We’ll stay however long the civilians want to protest. After that, we can clear them from the area without sector thirty-three going off on Janus’ orders.

It was just about midnight as I stood around with Sirus. We watched quietly from a different area. The progression of the situation has been slow but it’s not getting out of hand. I decided to try and test out my new glasses and they’ve been working fine. From where I stood I could read everyone’s status as well. If I had control over whose contacts I could shut off, that would be even better.

“It’s really hard to get any work done with another sector here.” Sirus was aggravated that this couldn’t go by any quicker.

There were a lot of people that needed help tonight and were planning to have their voices heard so there’s not much we can do about that.

“That’s why I’m taking care of it.” I assured him. All three sectors have been behaving. “You can turn off your contacts.” His eyes have been glowing bright blue for two and a half hours. He needs to turn those off.

He shrugged when I told him what to do.

“Sirus, please understand...”

I stopped talking when I heard yelling not too far off. For how the night was going, that was actually slightly alarming. I wasn’t really hesitant to go towards the sound that was getting louder. Sirus also wasn’t hesitant to stop me from going anywhere. He held his hand out to keep me back. And I wanted to stop him.

“Stay put.” Sirus told me. Does he think I’m going to let him go without me?

“Magnolia is somewhere nearby-”

“Stay put.” Sirus said again, and he wasn’t happy to say it.

He can’t just keep me from checking what’s going on. Even the others around us were moving towards the sound of yelling and uproar. I bet it’s angry protesters being provoked by sector thirty-three. Magnolia is somewhere around here and I have to make sure nothing happens to her.

I couldn’t get passed Sirus no matter how hard I fought against him. “Sirus, if you don’t let me go-”

He did exactly the opposite. As I tried to move by him, he put his arm around my waist and he lifted me up over his shoulder so he could carry me somewhere else. And I did fight back, hitting his back and kicking around, hoping I would get him in the face.

He can’t do this to me!

If he knows something is happening, he has to do something. And carrying me away is not doing something.

“Put me down!” I just about shouted but knew I couldn’t bring any attention to myself.

He didn’t try to do anything as he walked away with me over him. I stopped trying to fight when I realized he didn’t care. The first thing Sirus would do is get me away from the situation because he’s scared I would do some irreversible damage to save a few people. I want to help! He needs to understand he can’t stop me.

After getting far away enough, he put me down, almost letting me fall on the ground. When I was about to run passed him, he shoved me back as a warning, and if I were to move again, it won’t just be a shove. Not even a second later did he pull out his guns and aimed them at the lights around us to shoot them out. The only light left was the glow from his contacts.

“Stop trying to get yourself in trouble.” He hissed at me. “If Rigel knows you’re here-”

I get it, I know, I’m supposed to not over step my boundaries, I’m supposed to be smart and protect myself. But I wasn’t listening.

“I just need to make sure-”

“No. No you don’t.” He cut me off, getting more irritated by the second. “You don’t need to be there when there’s something going on-”

“Magnolia is down there-”

“Aurora!” He stopped me, yelling over me. “I don’t care about her! I am not responsible for her! You’re the only one I need to keep from getting killed right now.” He made sure I understood him.

And I know he doesn’t care about anyone else right now. I thought it was okay to just tag along and join because I wanted to help. He hates that. So the only thing he can focus on is me.

Unlike him, I care for more than just one person.

I had to beg him to help anyone else or just make sure no one gets hurt. “Please just-”

There were shots. I heard shooting. I could see flashing lights and hear shots going off. I followed the sound and got worried that it was happening too close to protesters. Sirus had his arm out to stop me from running back over to where I heard more shouting. I know he wanted to push me to the ground and keep me there but he didn’t, and that’s what made me want to fight harder because he will reach that point where he’ll want to.

“Sirus, why is there shots-”

“Aurora, stop-”

“No one should be using violence to solve this problem!” I shouted at him.

“It sure as hell isn’t my sector-”

“We agreed that nothing would happen-”

“No. My sector agreed with you. If it’s Rigel and his sector, you know Orion is going to do something about it.” He said over me.

This isn’t supposed to happen. No one is supposed to get hurt! I had a feeling that it was just too close, and someone was going to misfire, and then it gets worse from here. I wanted to push passed Sirus but he kept me back and I didn’t have enough control to try and stop him.

“You can’t go down there-”

“Stop trying to keep me here and do your job!-”

“I am doing my job, Aurora.” He yelled back at me. “The first thing I have to do is assess the situation. And guess what? I did that! You can’t go down there just because you want to.”

I couldn’t fight him. I don’t know why but I just stopped everything. I was panicking so much that I barely had control over everything that I just stopped moving. It felt like I was drowning, like I couldn’t breathe. I wanted to have control over the situation but I don’t, and that’s what made me feel out of place.

Sirus let go of me when he saw I stopped resisting. If I beg him will he at least stop what’s going on?

“Stay put and calm the fuck down. I’ll be right back.” He told me as he backed away slowly, still watching me. I didn’t move.

My heart was beating hard in my chest. It wouldn’t slow down. And my hands were getting hot.

Why does everyone think it’s better for me to stay on the sidelines when something actually happens? Magnolia is down there trying to help some of her friends. Being surrounded by three different sectors aren’t going to make people feel good. If I could talk to her maybe she could settle the immediate issue.

We haven’t even had a chance to help everyone who needed it. It was enough to be in the midst of a protest but to hear that it might be getting more violent than I had hoped gets me scared.

I turned on the ear piece I had in my ear. I knew damn well something was going to happen, and I’d need to talk to Orion. Clearly the situation got out of hand and now I need to know what’s happening.

“Hey, Orion, what’s going on?” I asked as I paced around.

“Sector thirty-three found us, and they don’t like that we’re here.” He said, his voice hoarse and tired. “They’ve sent warning shots for us to back off, but we’re fighting back.”

“Both sectors are a potential threat to civilians if you continue to fight each other-”

“No one has gotten hurt, Aurora.” He assured me. “If thirty-three backs off, we will too. And it’s a nice distraction for sector one cause they can do what they need to as long as we’re stalling.” He seemed happy with how it’s turning out.

I had to find Magnolia.

So despite everything Sirus told me not to do, I went ahead and did it. I had to find her, I had to help her resolve whatever might be happening, I need to make sure she was okay.

“Whatever it is you’re thinking, Aurora, don’t do it.” Orion warned me.

“Do your job.” I said and turned off the device, pulling it out of my ear and shoving it in my pocket.

I was scared out of my mind so I had to go see what was happening. Magnolia just wanted to help her friends and I told her that everything would be okay tonight. The last thing that’s going to happen is her getting hurt.

I followed the sounds of shouting and yelling when I could hear over my own heart beat. My chest was starting to hurt but I ignored the pain. I recognized a few people from sector one based on the blue glow coming from their eyes. I walked right passed them and they let me, meaning Sirus hasn’t told anyone to make sure I’m not around yet. That gives me time to find Magnolia before I’m dragged back against my will.

“Aurora!” I turned towards the sound of my name behind me. Magnolia rushed over to me, the others she was with stayed behind. There was still yelling and shouting but no shooting.

And as much as I wanted to calm down, I couldn’t. I should be relieved, but I wasn’t.

I was having another panic attack.

Magnolia looked up at me, and when I couldn’t talk, she moved her hands to my face. Then at my neck. Then my chest.

It hurt.

My chest was on fire.

“Oh my God.” Magnolia gasped as she grabbed me by my arms, getting me to sit down on the ground. That wasn’t helping. The pain in my chest was getting worse. I felt like my lungs were on fire and that my heart was about to burst.

Then there was that fear that I was going to die.

That everyone was going to die.

“Keep breathing, Aurora.” she told me as she looked around. “Help! I need help over here!” she shouted.

Why would she...

“Can you hear me, Aurora?” She lifted my head back to see my eyes.

“I c-can’t breathe...-”

I couldn’t focus. My vision was blurring. I couldn’t breathe. I felt her hands over my chest as she laid me down on the ground. None of this was helping. All I could notice was the rapid beating of my heart.

“You’re having a...-”

I couldn’t hear her.

I passed out.

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