Reaper's Word

Chapter 35: Relieved

Clair stuck her head out of the vent looking. She saw a man with his back to her. A pillowcase on the floor he was looking
through it. One of his guns behind him on the floor. Clair held out her hand and it zoomed to her noiselessly. She put the strap
over her shoulder as she held herself there by her legs.
She climbed down to her little home and stored it there. Never know when one might come in handy. She went out the other
side. There had been no gun fire for some time now and she was starving. She couldn't remember when she ate last. She knew
that the fifteen minutes were well over. She just didn't know where Isaiah was or the hell hounds.
She wasn't really worried about getting shot. She went into the kitchen and made herself some food and downed it. She grabbed
the milk and was bobbing her head to a tune that only she could hear. She moved around the center island cleaning up her
mess. The black granite counter tops free of debris she leaned against the one counter and looked up.
She was staring at the pots and pans, and thought that it might be fun to draw them in some abstract way. Their shadows leaving
a very interesting design. She felt Isaiah then, he was moving through the house not far from her. He was a jumble of emotions
though none really out shining the others. He seemed rather worked up for some reason.
The hell hounds she could feel a cold joy running through them. She didn't think that the men in the house would have guns
much longer. Clair stayed where she was for a few more minutes, and then moved around the kitchen to leave. Isaiah popped up
in the doorway and she let out a sharp cry of surprise. He must have been moving very quickly through the house to just show
up here that fast. He just grabbed her lifting her up and moving back set her down on the large center island.
He moved very quickly pushing her farther back on the counter with a bit of force and came up after her. She didn't know what he
was doing. His eyes were solid black. She could feel relief coming from him so strongly it was infecting her, as was his desire. He
felt wild, something she hadn't felt from him before.
"You couldn't possibly know how glad I am to see you alive right now." He said, bringing his mouth to hers and forcing her down.
He tore at her clothes like a wild animal. Shredding it and his own, he had no care about anything right now. Just that Clair was
here and he could have her body. He could relieve the tension in him, he was more than high strung right now.
Isaiah, had remained frozen in place for a good amount of time. The second that he'd been freed he'd torn through the house.
Found one man, killed him to feed in a rather savage way. Then tore through the rest of the house to find Clair. Killing wasn't
going to completely relieve the tension in his body. It wasn't going to stop the surge from the drugs and potion they put in him to
reinstate the ritual.

He'd been so relieved to see her. He'd known that she wouldn't have been caught by them. There was still that small part that
wondered for sure. He couldn't know until he came upon her body. They'd killed Leanne mistaking her for Clair.
The hell hounds were looking for the men that had come into the house. He could hear the fighting and noise telling him they
found a few of them. Isaiah shut it out. He just wanted the woman before him. He didn't hesitate to take her either. This would be
the fastest he'd manage to calm himself. It would be a while before the drug ran its course but he'd be more in control.
He put both his hands in the thick mass of her hair on either side of her head. His body already moving in hers. Why did she feel
so damn good? What was it about Clair that no other woman seemed to have? Her body gripping his so perfectly. The soft moist
heat of her felt incredibly good every damn time. Like she was made for him. She fit him perfectly and he just couldn't help the
uncontrollable desire for her that seemed to grow worse every time.
Her sounds of pleasure just drove him on, desiring more, needing more. His hands dropped to the counter above her shoulders.
He felt his hands curve slightly, his nails digging into the granite. He had claws sharper than knives in his other form and right
now they'd sliced into the counter top. He moved one hand to her hip raising her slightly to take her deeper.
Isaiah felt her body contract around his, and she gave a deep moan. The cry caught in her throat. His mouth moved over the
front of her throat then. He however followed, his release quick and sharp. He pulled from her hopping down from the counter.
She moved, and seemed rather dazed at the moment. He just picked her up, taking her with him through the house. She gave a
cry of surprise as he picked her up.
He wasn't finished with her yet not by far. He didn't even speak to her as he tossed her in the bedroom he stopped at, pinning
her face down and forcing his body back into her. This was what he needed right now, and she would give him what he wanted.
He needed to control the darkness inside of him or go feral and Clair was the perfect one to use for this.
Clair moved through the library going over the books there. She was frustrated that they didn't seem to tell her much about
reapers. After the other day she needed to know more about this ritual. She wanted to know more about Isaiah. Just what made
him work, she had yet to run into one of the men who'd come in and killed off most of those here.
That had been two days ago. She was rather glad that Isaiah was normal again. Well as normal as he could get. She'd stayed
with him the past two nights. Though the second night she'd been surprised when he only wanted her presence and nothing

Gamma was downstairs laying on the floor. Beta was here as well but he was staring up at the large fireplace like he found the
design of the bricks very interesting. She'd wondered what hell hounds did with their free time. They tended to sleep or stare at
things. She was growing discouraged looking but something inside told her she was in the right area now. Her intuition telling her
Clair found a book that was very old and had a black leather cover. She flipped it open. It was in the occult section. She'd spent
yesterday and the better part of today looking for anything that would help her. The moment she flipped this open she knew that
she would have at least a little to work with. About time, she'd been in here for hours.
She moved down the stairs and sat down in a chair to read. Gamma didn't know a lot about reapers just that she knew that
Isaiah was one. She said that only reapers could tie a hell hound to them with a simple taste of blood. Hell hounds otherwise
could choose who they wanted as their master. She hadn't wanted to belong to a reaper.
Clair read through the book, it was hard to read as it was handwritten. Still she got a few bits of good information assuming that it
was true. Reapers it seemed were the personification of death. If brought to the human plane they would need to live off the
energy of the living to keep themselves sane and functional.
Reapers had many different talents. Able to hypnotize with a look and read the minds of others. Now Clair knew why she didn't
like to meet Isaiah's gaze. There was also a small note that once they made a promise they were bound by it until it was fulfilled.
Clair figured that was a big definite to say what he was.
She read on but it was confusing at parts. It looked like some of it might be how to summon a reaper. Clair would never want to
do such a thing. Why would you want to bring a creature that's sole purpose of living was to take lives?
Clair looked in the front to see if there was an author of the book. She noted one name scribbled in the corner of the inside cover.
Athena Greitio, she had written much about mythical creatures. A few she noted that she wasn't sure they existed.
There was a complex list of things that one would need to ensnare a reaper. It looked like either you called one yourself. Gave it
specific instructions so it could find no loophole to kill you. Or you went through a very complicated sacrifice and ritual. This
woman had seemed obsessed with them, clearly she'd been planning something.
Clair tapped her lower lip as she read. You'd have to trap them with the blood of their own line but not directly from them. The
blood offering wasn't enough. You'd also have to kill the sacrifice, with death you caught death. Who in their right mind would go
through all of this?

Clair closed the book. She didn't want to read the gory details of how one went about setting up the ritual. Or managed to get a
hold of the child of a reaper. Clair wondered just who they'd used to get Isaiah in here. It was no easy thing for a reaper to even
have a child in the human world it seemed. She'd looked at the description and it was long and specific. So much so she
wondered how Isaiah had even found a woman like that in the first place.
This woman had looked into a lot of different things. She was fascinated by them it seemed and she looked to know what she
was talking about. Most of it she could see in Isaiah. How aggressive and territorial they could be. The looking human but not
She read a little bit more then put the book back deciding to take a walk around the house. The hell hounds looked at her but
stayed where they were as she left the room. It wasn't so bad being here in a way. You didn't have to worry about work or money
or other trivial things. Just life, just how you were going to survive and she thought that she had a good while left at the moment.
Clair needed a bit of time to think about this book and find more. She was stuck here, and she needed knowledge. If things were
going to keep happening, or that family showed again, she needed to be ready for what they might do. She'd also have to avoid
being seen.

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