Reaper's Word

Chapter 23: Your Body or Your Life

Clair passed out with Isaiah's words ringing in her head. Why was he being so harsh with them? Where had he taken her? She
woke sometime later, looking up. It appeared that the sun was about to set. Her head was a little sore but otherwise she felt
Everything that happened came back to her, well most of it. She recalled Isaiah taking her to a bathroom. That he'd told her not
to leave this room. She sat up feeling a bit chilled and realized she had no clothes. She pulled the covers from the large bed and
wrapped herself in them. She didn't want to go looking in here for clothes.
The bedroom area had a large four poster bed in it. Which was against one wall. The end facing the sliding wooden doors and
the rest of the room. In here were two doors. One that went to a bathroom and the other a closet. The room past the bedroom
area had a huge fireplace and a very long sofa in the center. The ceiling was mainly windows, and to her left was a door. The
only one in the stone walls and to the right was a round alcove with window seats.
Clair moved over to them and sat down pulling her feet up and the blanket closer to her. This room felt like Isaiah. It was where
he stayed when nowhere else in the house. She knew without a doubt that this part of the house would act for him, not her.
When she'd looked at the door, the oppressive feeling that hit her felt like a crushing weight. She knew she would regret trying to
even touch the door. This part of the house was not her friend.
She looked at the darkening grounds from her seat. From here the entire yard was visible toward the gravel road that brought
people to their death. The mountains a backdrop. She thought to try and leave again. Inside she knew that if she did it would
cause something far worse then she would face shortly. She'd rather face it head on, not like a coward. Besides, what was she
waiting for anyways? Living a couple more days until he caught her again? Right now she didn't want to feel like this anymore or
trying. She wasn't sure if it was all her, the drug or a mix.
She heard the door open a short bit later as she was lost in her thoughts. She kept looking out the window. A helplessness
settling in her. She didn't think that she was going to be leaving this room alive. She closed her eyes for a moment pushing back
the tears and anguish.
She'd done so well and to now lose because someone had gotten a stupid idea in his head. It all just felt hopeless at that
moment. No reason to prolong it she guessed so she hadn't tried to run this time. Maybe it also had to do with whatever she'd
been stuck with, but not completely she knew it.
Clair finally turned her head and looked over to where Isaiah was standing. Near the end of the sofa farthest from her. He was
watching her, from here she couldn't tell if his eyes had color or not, but he didn't feel upset or angry. More relieved, excited.

"Come here Clair." He spoke after a moment and she looked up at him.
"If I say no?"
"It's your choice as to how I deal with you." Clair kept the blanket around her and stood, moving over to him. She stayed about
five feet from him and looked at him. He pointed for her to move up the steps to the bedroom area and she turned, figuring she'd
rather walk than be dragged.
He followed behind her removing his shirt and dropping it. The top of his pants were undone but he didn't take them off yet. Clair
turned looking at him, her gaze taking him in. Even if he'd been human she'd have had no hope of even trying to fight him. He
was solid muscle, his arms chest and stomach defined by it. It was deceptive when he wore clothes as he looked to be more
slender than he was.
"I have a proposition for you Clair."
"It's going to be the last one isn't it?" She asked not wanting to be played with. Not wanting any false hope no matter if it would
make her feel better.
"I guess to be fair. I already told you that this one has never been truly fulfilled. I've yet to meet one here that even comes close."
Isaiah looked at her, she looked small and terrified with the blanket wrapped around her hiding her body from view. He let her
have the small moment to feel an illusion of safety. As it was clear she was ready to face her end.
"Then what is it you'd have of me?" She asked and he stepped forward and took hold of her chin, forcing her face up to look at
him. She didn't flinch away and she looked at him. There was this real deeper excitement he felt at how her gaze met his. She
didn't look truly afraid in that moment. Maybe anxious nor did she flinch from his touch. She was something.
"I want you Clair. I could have you without giving you anything but I feel that an incentive makes it better. Drop the blanket Clair."
She hesitated for a moment and let go of it. This allowed him to step closer to her, and there was panic in her eyes then but also
a cold determination. He lowered his head his cheek brushing hers as he moved his mouth next to her ear. He inhaled just for a
moment to take her scent in.
"If you can fully satisfy me Clair I will give you one week free of me and mine. Immunity from any real harm we might cause you.
You would be free to go anywhere in the house that you please. Take or do anything you please from it."
"So much for one thing." She said with an unsteady voice. "And all I have to do is give myself to you. Let you do to me as you
please to my body?" She didn't know what she could possibly do differently than any other before her, but there wasn't much of a

choice. Either she took it, or she didn't have a chance no matter how slim. Obviously they were talking sex. She was not
experienced in it, she had no idea what he was expecting.
"Yes." He felt the anticipation build in his body. He didn't doubt that she would do a very good job in pleasing him, just not
completely. She would let him do what he wanted, or what he told her. He was sure of it. That other part of him, what he really
was, was impossible to satisfy it seemed. It just didn't like any of the females. It had found Athena pleasing, but she fit the bill
perfectly. Clair felt very similar yet different. So his inhuman side was paying attention.
"Okay." She said feeling tears choking her. She was going to let him use her so she could live. So she could have a few
moments of peace. God how she wished to be anywhere but here. Anywhere but this moment in time where she felt that she
had finally sunk to her lowest. She never thought she'd say yes to a man like this, that was for sure.
He turned his head slightly bringing his mouth closer to her lips. He removed his pants stepping from them. His mouth moving to
hers and tasting the sweet tang of it. He lifted his mouth looking at her, she met his gaze briefly. He slid his hands up her sides
for a moment feeling the smooth curve before back more to her hips.
Isaiah lifted her, dropping her to the bed and coming over her. She scooted back and he followed over her. His gaze moved over
her body. He gripped her left hip, stopping her from moving anymore. He brought his gaze back up to hers. His desire to have
her was so strong he honestly didn’t know why her.
She took a deep breath for a second. He saw that it affected her as well. Good, the more willing she was, the better it was for
both of them. He couldn’t honestly remember ever feeling so aroused by another. No thought to it, and it was so very exciting to
Clair felt his desire, she pulled it to her so she would have something to hold onto. To focus on and make her body respond. She
was very glad for her talent to sense what others were feeling. She let it affect her this time. It was strong, his want, need, and
arousal. It was shocking in its intensity enough that her own body responded to it. She didn't expect him to feel that excited or
aroused by her. She wasn't special and it wasn't like he couldn't do this to anyone. She was sure he wasn't deprived, probably
did this to a good number of women. That this was just another game to him, but the feel around him said otherwise.
She didn't know what to expect from him. He wouldn't really care what she was feeling inside or how her body did. Just that it
was her he was taking. He brought his mouth close to hers. Clair met his gaze this time because it was something he wanted.
Whatever he wanted, silent or not, she was going to do she decided. She had to satisfy his fantasy, not hers. It help to arouse
her body pulling his need into her.

"Spread your legs for me." He said so she did as he asked. He crushed his mouth to hers as he slammed his body into hers.
Clair cried out into his mouth in pain. She hadn't expected such a sharp slicing and burning pain. It hurt horribly. He was a large
man and she wasn't exactly one hundred percent aroused. More scared than anything else. He was clearly a zero to sixty kind of
person and there was a slight groan into her mouth from him.
However she forced herself to relax. Forced her body to respond. She tried to push that pain to the side. It was hard, but she
again focused on his desire and used that to make her body relax. Nothing that he did not want and she kept her senses feeling
what he desired. He reached a hand between them touching her near where they were joined and she jumped. An unexpected
moan coming from her. She felt his joy from that, along with her own body's reaction which she was glad for. Fighting it would
just make it worse.
Isaiah pulled his body from hers slowly. His mouth moving over hers like he was starved for the taste of her. He brought his body
back into hers rather forcefully but not as harshly as the first time. Clair couldn't help but gasp as he did this. He'd moved his
body from hers again slowly and slammed back into her. Her muscles gripping him tightly. She closed her eyes for a moment
trying to ignore the pain that was still there. Trying to change the feelings in her. She felt herself tensing again so she relaxed
which helped a bit.
He raised his head looking down at her his eyes black. He wanted to watch her. So she didn't look away from him. His body
moving faster in hers. She felt the need to touch him suddenly. She was aware that just laying there wasn't going to satisfy him
the way he probably wanted. Clair moved slightly, bending one leg holding it against his side. She took his one hand and moved
it down to the side of her thigh. Her mouth moving over the front of his neck softly. Not needy or desire filled. Just feather light to
the side of his neck.
His fingers dug into her thigh immediately holding her to him instead of the other way around then. His grip was harsh, and just
added to the thick hard feel of him inside of her, using her. She let out a very soft moan. Her hand moved up his chest to the side
of his neck opposite of where her mouth skimmed. She slid her tongue up the side of his neck just like he'd done to her so long
ago. He clearly liked it with the response she got. The bite of his nails and the way he started to move his body in hers again.
She could feel how tight the muscles in his shoulders were. His body slid against hers holding her tighter to him. She bit her lip
slightly for a second. He was so forceful and intense, but a twisted part of her was starting to take pleasure from it. Her body
really was starting to respond now. Her breathing odd and the harder feel of his body against her brought an awareness into her
that she hadn't had before. She felt a thick wet rush and she was so happy for it. It let this feel better for her, let him slide even
more into her.

Clair's mouth moved to the side of his neck again. Her tongue lightly swirling over the steady pulse in his throat. He drove into
her harder pinning her hips down. A dark sound deep in his throat. Clair lightly bit the side of his neck. She didn't know if she did
right or wrong, but his hands came up and slammed her down to the mattress. She just did what she felt she should, what she
felt he'd want. It was what she was to do right? She stared up at him, her already fast beating heart slamming against her ribs
now at his look.
He pulled out of her and gripped her hips with both of his hands. Clair dug her nails into his shoulder as he took her body again
with deep hard strokes. Really deep, it felt like he was in the back of her throat. She gave a cry as her body responded of its own
gripping him.
He lowered his head and his mouth moved over her neck this time. The scrape of his teeth made her body react. Her body felt
like a tight coil, and her womb clenching. What scared her most was that if she didn't feel the initial pain there she would enjoy
this. She'd really enjoy this. The pain was starting to be easier to ignore. The feel of his stronger body along hers was stimulating
and felt good.
Isaiah wanted to taste her so bad. He couldn't drink from one he'd made a promise with unless they said it was okay as it was
direct harm. Her body was so tight. It gripped him hard, milking him as he rode her. She moved her hips encouraging him on.
She felt so damn good. So right below him like she fit there, and he enjoyed it immensely. Her slick hot channel just grew more
so. Growing wet and clearly bagging him to use her. This was what he'd been craving.
The rest of her was soft like a woman should be. He couldn't help the way that he gripped her. Didn't feel like he could move fast
enough nor get deep enough and it was maddening. Her body was a perfect haven to slam his into. Her sweet little gasps or
moans were music to his ears. He could tell by the way she started to relax, how she spread her legs just a bit more she was
enjoying this.
His teeth scraped across her neck. Her moan caused his gut to clench. His body just swelled a bit more. She made the softest
sounds, each time he entered her forcing her to take all of him. It was pleasing to hear and her body was so sweet. His own felt
like it was nearly in pain it was so aroused.
He was really close to releasing in her. He bit lightly at her throat, but didn't break the skin. There was a sharp anger in him. How
he wanted, how he should be able to. He wanted every goddamn part of Clair, hated that he couldn’t. One hand dug into her and
the other up by her head nearly tearing into the bed.
"Isaiah," She gasped out. "Taste me." She gasped and for a moment he couldn't believe his ears. He didn't think that he'd heard
her right. The fact that she seemed to know surprised him slightly, but what did it really matter? She was giving a yes.

"Do it, take what you want from me. I belong to you don't I?" It sounded like tears in her voice but at the same time pleasure. He
brought one hand over, tipping her head back. His hand cupped behind her neck and his thumb moving over the pulse on the
other side of her throat from his mouth.
"Every part of you Clair." He said breathlessly to her.
He bit into her and he felt her tense but she didn't complain or pull away. In fact she held his head to her with one hand. Hot
blood filled his mouth, and she cried out arching against him. He moved an arm to hold her body like that, pressed tightly to him.
Her reaction was incredibly satisfying. He loved the feel of her body pressed up along his. Her hips pressed harshly to his and
her soft breasts against his chest. She was a perfect little female in his opinion. Her body gripping his like tight silk just added to
it. He wanted more and he wasn't even finished with her yet.
Isaiah felt her body ripple around him as she came. Her tight slick heat already wet and gripping him so nicely grew more so.
Nearly painfully tight, and he felt the first wave of his orgasm. His human side was sated by her coming for him. But he was still
hard. Still in need but his movements slowed slightly. She really did feel amazing to him, more so than any other had.
He raised his head because he couldn't take anymore of her rich sweet blood than he had without crossing a line yet. He felt the
need to stop. That he wouldn't get much more from her. He was so used to this being where it ended and no matter what he did
or tried he'd be left with the hard on. Besides, the thought of taking the rest of her life into him made him feel like he just might tip
over the edge again. So maybe draining her of life would. If just once he could have it. He'd take it any way he could get it. He
slowed his movements nearly stopping.
"No." Clair said rather forcefully. She gripped his hair tightly nearly painfully. Her mouth was near his ear and he let out a low
warning sound. He'd never had one suddenly do that, or be aggressive with him. It caused a sharp anger in him. Like she had a
say or was in control. She was here to do what he wanted. She clearly needed to be reminded of her place.
"I'm not satisfied. Stop and we both know it's you not me." Her voice was haughty and his nails sliced into the bed. He wasn't the
one who was supposed to please, she was. Clair wanted to learn a lesson did she? He took hold of her hip lifting her. Moving a
little faster again at her voice. He didn't like the tone she used. She didn't decide what he did or how. She'd please him how he
saw fit.
"It doesn't matter what you want. You are here to please me." He hissed his words. He felt wound far to tight and she felt so
amazing below him. He wondered just how hard he could take her. Use her without breaking her. The thought made his body
painful and the craving just got worse.

"So? I don't think you can truly make me scream with pleasure. I haven't yet." Clair kept her tone flat like she could care less.
Like what he did didn't matter. Inside though she was torn. She felt like she was up on the highest high. Her body was in pain
and pleasure at the same time. Felt like another knot was forming low in her stomach.
He was being very aggressive now. He felt more than she could take to be honest. She felt less than whole at the moment but if
he stopped it was over. She felt the part of him that was far different at the surface. That was the part she knew she needed to
please. He took hold of her hair and pulled her head back to stare at her. His head was just above hers, his eyes like black glass.
"You'll scream, be it pleasure or pain." He wasn't nice about taking her. Not that he'd been before but even less so now. The tips
of his nails dug into her. Holding her there so he could take her fully each time like a mad man. Demanding didn't describe the
way he brought his body into hers.
Clair felt her body building in pleasure, yet torn with the pain of it. He was rough, she reached behind her to take hold of one
wrung on the head board as she nearly slid into it. Clair really did cry out this time from her orgasm. She didn't think you could be
in this kind of pleasure and pain at the same time. He lowered his head to her ear.
"Louder." He demanded and her stomach clenched. She moaned slightly, feeling tears.
"I can't... I can't even breathe." She couldn't, not with the way he brought them together. He was marking her in a way she hadn't
been before. She'd never forget the feeling of him against her or in her she knew it.
"Louder!" He snapped in her ear and he lifted her lower body from the mattress. She tipped her head back coming again she felt
hot tears run down her face but she called out. Crying out his name. He'd grabbed the wrung she held just above her hand and
he gripped it so hard that it snapped.
He fully buried himself in her and she felt him come again. There was a tightness to his body. After a moment a slight shiver
going down his spine. His muscles relaxing a bit. He was breathing harshly and so was she. He dropped his head slightly and
brought one hand to her hair gripping it for a second painfully, while burying his face in it with what sounded like a growl. After a
moment he gave a slight almost laugh and raised his head.
"You have yet to disappoint me Clair." She closed her eyes at the words. They were a relief to hear yet made her feel depressed
at the same time. He moved so he was fully over her.
"Look at me." He said darkly and she opened her eyes slowly.

Isaiah had never felt so good in his life. Not even with Athena the only other woman to fully sate him, and she had been very
good. Athena had been well versed in how to please a man. Clair was in a league of her own to him though. His body was in a
state of pure bliss. There was just something about Clair. Something inside of her that clearly spoke to him. He was going to
keep her for some time so long as she continued to serve him so well.
"Have I earned my life?" She asked almost sadly.
"Yes you have." He said looking at the bright red mark on her neck a slight bruise to it. He didn't want to release her just yet
though. No, not now that he realized what she could do. He had a lot of ideas in his head.
"Give me another hour with you and I'll give you two weeks." He could see that she was torn, and it looked like she might
decline. If she asked to go he would have to let her right now. He found that her hesitancy made him crave her even more.
"I don't..."
"Three weeks." He cut her off, and she closed her mouth. She was silent for a moment.
"Okay." She said and he lowered his head to trace his tongue over the salty tears that stained her cheeks. He leaned up and
pulled his body from hers. His hands moving a little lower to rest on her hip. He moved his gaze studying her. The shape of her
and the marks that he left. He couldn't pick any other word but satisfied. It was how he felt looking at her, utterly and completely.
He brushed his fingers over the slope of her breast and then slowly down her stomach. She felt a shiver go through her as he did
"Tell me Clair, how many have used your body?" He asked. He felt a darkness shift inside him. In his opinion one was to many.
She belonged to him. He'd have to wipe the traces of them from her. He'd more than enjoy doing it too. How many she had use
her would tell him just how many times she needed to be marked or taught a lesson.
She flushed and looked away from him. That didn't bode well he thought, and the knowledge just made him more angry. He
didn't care if it happened before here. His inhumane side saw what was his. Which meant that was always how it should have
"How many have you let fuck you Clair?" He asked moving back over her, a hand on the side of her throat. His thumb moving
over the front of it nearly pressing down. He felt her swallow and steady herself to answer him.
"I've..." She started and sounded a bit angry but then her voice dropped to a soft whisper. "I've never let anyone have my body
before." And she never wanted to again, it hurt so bad. Now that the pleasure was gone. She just wanted to curl up and lay

there. Yet she'd said yes, she was going to let him do it again.
He made a deep satisfied sound. His mouth brushing the corner of hers. Isaiah looked down at her, and the sheets of the bed
were black. Still he could now smell the blood and it was no small amount. To be honest he hadn't paid attention at all, why
would he? Obviously he wasn't exactly the nicest or most caring creature. He shifted a bit lower to really look at her.
There was some blood on her legs, but he'd been rather rough with her. Which could cause it too. Not just because she hadn't.
She would be in pain right now and the fact that she wasn't saying anything or complaining, that she'd pleased him through it.
He'd give her something in return. Though it was slightly selfish as well he guessed.
Isaiah reached down and touched her, two of his fingers sliding into her. She bit her lip and a few silent tears slid down. He didn't
think she would be able to please him in the next hour if she was in pain. So he eased it and she gasped suddenly.
Clair felt something like ice touching her. She jumped but he held her where she was. It grew colder and she felt his fingers
moving slightly. After a minute or so he withdrew them. The cold feeling leaving her, but it had felt good and soothing at the same
time. Enough that it made her bite her lip because it had started to feel arousing, and her body reacted. He had a darker kind of
smile too knowing that she'd started to respond. She just looked away from him.
"You are going to be sore but not intolerably so." He moved from the bed and opened a drawer of the dresser. He pulled out a
shirt there. Long sleeved and came over to her. He twisted it up and she moved watching him.
"Put your wrist together." She did as he asked and he tied them tight and then to the post of the head board.
"I don't trust you not to run off. I will return shortly for my hour."
"I won't leave." She promised as she was kneeling there. He gripped her hair and brought his mouth close enough to brush her
"I like the thought of you tied to my bed. You will remain so until I deem it unnecessary." One of his hands slid between her legs
as he kissed her touching her. She gave a sharp inhale and tensed for a moment. He let go of her and put on a pair of pants and
nothing else.
"You are a beautiful woman Clair." He said looking at her. She had a bit of that fire in her eyes again. He liked seeing it. So much
better than some mindless drone, or hollow shell.
"Thank you. I guess that adds to my value." Her tone a bit darker and sarcastic.

"It helps." He answered. "I will return shortly." He said and left her tied there to his bed, waiting for him to come back. She
needed a moment, before he had her again. The hell hounds told him that they had caught the prey he'd told them to find. A
quick distraction and he'd come right back here to enjoy her.

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