Reaper: Dirty Sinners: A Mafia MC Romance

Reaper: Dirty Sinners: Chapter 6

I barely get his name out before his hands drive into my hair and my air supply cuts off.

I can’t do anything but kiss him back.

His grip on me is firm, yet far from punishing. The bite of pain at him controlling my movements is infuriating as it is a turn-on.

My fingers dig into the black material of his shirt. Fierce hunger drives me to suck his tongue deeper inside my mouth. Dios, this man. His body. He’s not my addiction. He’s my sin.

I’ve craved the feel of him under my hands for a long time.

His body looms over me, large, hot, and dominant. All that muscle I had pressed against me all those many months ago and the memory of how he felt thrusting into my body pours from my memory until my heart feels like it’s going to explode.

I moan, clinging to his muscled arms as he pulls me so tightly, that I can feel every single groove and dip of his hard abs. And then lower. We touch from top to bottom and the hard length of his arousal is all too evident pressing against my abdomen.

The scent of his cologne erases the stench of Clint’s sweat and replaces it with the crisp aroma of soap, mountain air, and a hint of motor oil.

Those fingers in my hair move beneath my skirt to grip my ass and I’m already opening my legs to wrap around his middle. Just like that night. No control. No care in the world beyond right this minute.

I groan when the ridge of his massive cock slips against my heated core. I grind and ride him dry but not for long. I can already feel the silkiness of my juices spilling to wet the confines of my panties.

What am I doing? I flick the tiny voice in my head away.

The rough skin of his palms slip around to the front and I realize too late his sinful intent.

I gasp into his mouth as he dips his thumb beneath the band of my panties, but doesn’t stop there. Coated with my sticky sweetness, he teases my entrance before slipping into my wet heat.

I fuck his thumb shamelessly. Juices slip out to run down the crease of my cheeks as his tongue plunges deeper into my mouth.

He tears away from my lips and we are both panting. “Arabelle. Fuck, woman. You’re just as hot and wet as I remember, baby.”

He rips down my scooping neckline to find greedy nipples straining back at him wanting the same treatment from him as last time.

But it’s not my nipples making him pause.

He fingers the chain around my neck and picks it up to make the ring hanging from the end glitter in the overheads. I always loved how the ruby caught the light.

“You took this from me without knowing what it means.” He says quietly and in complete contrast to the beast he was barging into my tiny space. It’s not much but the break room serves as my bedroom too. Affording two places isn’t in the budget at the moment.

“I did,” I admit. I mean, I am wearing the evidence. “But I left you something in return.”

A corner of his lips pulls up. “A ruby red kiss on my pillow.”

I think back to that morning and smile. “Seemed fair at the time.” I lift my shoulder in a tiny shrug that earns me a nip to my earlobe.

A tiny gasp escapes my lips. Sometimes I would lie awake at night fantasizing about him storming into my tiny city apartment. I pictured him kicking in my door, chasing me into my room, and then ravishing me all to find his ring. On more than one occasion I wished for it so deeply that I found myself clutching the ring in the mornings. I held it so tightly that the imprint of the skull would stay stamped into the palm of my hand for hours.

When it looks like he’s going to take the ring from me, I ball my fists and push at his chest. Surprise! The big lug doesn’t budge. Instead of tugging the gold chain from my neck and taking back his ring, he almost reverently slips it back into place over my heart.

Holding my gaze, he lowers his mouth to my exposed breasts. Warm lips suck on one tip and then move to the other. He pulls his thumb from my dripping pussy to stroke over my throbbing, hungry clit.

One. Twice. He takes the weight of my head in hand as my lashes fall over my cheeks.

On the third pass he presses in and my climax shatters my control and I break.

My eyes fly open to find him watching me intently as my orgasm rocks my core, my desperate pussy clenching and releasing.

Holy fucking shit that was fast and so good.

He pulls his thumb from between my legs and I look on as he sucks it clean of all my sticky wetness.

Right this second I will do anything this man wants. On the table, the sofa couch, I’d even risk carpet burn.

I moan eagerly for what I hope comes next, but when he leans in and presses his mouth to my ear he’s not biting and licking his way down to my nipples like I thought he would.

Instead, he growls, “What the fuck are you doing in my town, Arabelle? I tried to stay away. But there’s no stopping me now that I’ve had a taste of you on my lips again.”

Cold shivers fall over from head to toe.

“Why did you stay away?” I don’t know what I want to hear. But I don’t expect such brutal honesty.

“You have no business being with a man like me. You need to go the fuck home and leave this place behind.”

I jerk back as if slapped. “What did you say?”

“Go home. Leave Haven. My men will pack up this place and send everything back. And then I can get my head on straight.”

He sounds cold. Controlled. And highly pissed. Like I’m the one that forced him in here and placed his hands under my skirt.

I ball my fist up and slam it down on his chest. “You think you can storm in here and just tell me what to do? I grew up with an asshole stepdad who thought his word was law over my life. I’m not about to let another douche biker do the same now that I am old enough to fight back.”

There’s a light in his eyes that shifts from hot to furious at the mention of my stepdad.

All I see is bright red when I pull back and stare into his eyes. Reality pushes front and center in my brain and I don’t know if I want to knee him in the balls or kiss him harder. Maybe I should pick a fight so he can angry fuck me.

Could be fun. And then I could kick him out and tell him to keep his opinion to himself from now on. The woman inside me screams for me to ride out this fantasy. Literally. But the truth is, Reaper standing in my bookstore is not a good thing.

He has painted a target on my ass now. Clint knows I’m something to the Sinner’s president and I’m sure I’m going to catch hell for it.

But, I’m not a runner. And I’m not about to do as I’m told like I’m some good girl.

It happens before I really understand why I do it. Sharp prickles of his stubble burn across the skin of my palm as I rear back and swing.

He inhales sharply through gritted teeth and I stiffen in his arms ready for the fight that came when I did the same thing to my stepdad the day he called me a bitch for the last time.

Instead of hitting me back, Reaper grunts harshly. When fiery eyes land on me I grin.

I poke a finger into the slab of cement he has for a pec. “That was for assuming I wanted you to come in here like some fucking hell-raising knight to kiss me. You bikers are all the same. You take everything in your path. Well, guess what? I don’t belong to you or anyone else.”

“Your body says it wants me to fuck it. That’s what matters.” As if to prove a point he drags a finger through my wet slit and holds the evidence up in front of my face before licking it off.

I narrow my eyes at him so hard I hope he can feel the pain of daggers I wish I could stab him with.

“Fuck you, Reaper,” I grit between clenched teeth.

He laughs a deep rumbling sound that has my core clenching from the dark promises I hear.

A rumbling growl slips from smiling lips looking more like a hungry black-haired wolf than the reaper.

I swallow hard. Oh, shit.

His muscles coil beneath my palms. When I try to push my way out of them, his arms turn into vice grips.

I’m not going anywhere.

One of those hands gripping me is back in my loose hair. He tightens his fingers around the dark length. There’s no escaping the harsh crash of his lips over mine. His tongue drags ever so slowly and wetly over mine when he forces his way inside.

Tangy copper is all I taste at first and then it’s all Reaper. For the span of three heartbeats, I let myself get lost in the feel of our breath mingling, of his heat capturing mine.

I can feel his cock swell where it is pressed between my legs. I can’t fight the need to rock over him, to feel him a little hard, just slightly deeper. I haven’t had a man since…

“Reaper,” I groan, clinging to him. He finds a wall and pins me to it. His hands move fast. The hiss of a zipper and the feel of his cock spreading my tight entrance drives my hips down, forcing his massive thickness to the hilt in my slick, wet pussy.

My head thunks against the drywall. I scream and thrash in his arms.

He holds me tight and starts to fuck me with the same wildness I feel unleashing inside me.

“Oh fuck, Belle. I missed your scent. Missed your fucking tight pussy. Missed…you.”

His hand tightens on my hip as he thrusts deep. Coffee mugs and creamer fall off the shelves and spill all over the brand-new carpet.

And yet he drives in hellbent on destroying everything around us and me. My core tightens and holds him. He rocks into me, his mouth dropping to suck on my neck and then lower. Teeth sink into the flesh of my hard nipples and I cry out uncaring who might hear. Let them be jealous.

I clamp my thighs tighter around him and wrap my arms around his neck.

“Fuck me harder, Reaper. Por favor…please.”

“Just a little more, baby.” His cock slips impossibly deeper and thickens to the point my walls stretch so far I’m left gasping with the mix of pleasure and pain coursing through me.

The ball of his piercing strokes over nerve endings in new ways I don’t remember from our last time.

And I know why. This time, he’s taking me bareback. Silk-covered steel glides into me and I feel every glorious inch of his shaft pressing up against my velvety walls.

We’re wild, reckless and I’m loving it.

I raise my gaze to his. His eyes are not closed as I expect. They are open and on me.

I take fistfuls of my skirt and yank the material higher so we can both see how he’s stretching me wide over his shaft.

“So beautiful and wet. And all for me. You’re gonna get my milk, baby. Every last drop of it.”

“Fill me, Reaper. Let me feel you,” I beg.

No sooner do I get the words out does he sink fully inside me. He’s so deep it’s all I can do to remember to breathe and not get lost in the sensations of the pulses gripping my senses.

“Pet that pretty clit, baby. Work yourself for me. Just like that.”

Fingers dig into the flesh of my ass as he pulls out and thrusts back in. I do as he instructs and the jolt of my release is an instant fire in my veins. The last of the cups and coffee canisters crash to the floor around us.

And he keeps pumping until I think we’ll fuck a hole into the wall.

His cock jolts deep in me and, hand to God, I feel every drop of Reaper’s milk spill into my tight cum-virgin pussy just as he promised.

I cry out and ride my orgasm. He roars in a deep rumble of masculine pleasure as ecstasy grips us both. Hot cum jets into me, pulse after pulse.

His lips crash to mine and when he tears away, I see the blood of my slap across his face smeared over his bottom lip.

A side of his lip pulls up in an arrogant grin.

“Are you gonna slap me again, baby? Or should we test that flimsy thing of a sofa next?”

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