Reaper: Dirty Sinners: A Mafia MC Romance

Reaper: Dirty Sinners: Chapter 3

There are secrets and mysteries hidden behind those thick, black lashes and equally dark eyes. They hold me captive, force curiosity about him deep into my thoughts. Yet I seal them away and stay in the here and now.

It’s better to be held captive by his body caressing mine than the darkness surrounding this man’s soul.

Dimmed lights throw the entire club into vast shadows. Shades of neon colors pierce through the canopy of black to cast rays of pinks and greens to cut across our bodies as we move through the gyrating crowd.

Step after step I follow his lead, not giving myself time to regret following my lustful desires rather than my rational thinking. My thudding heart makes me strain to hear him over the music but I catch a few words that have me faltering in my step.

“I wish I could take you home with me. Tie you up, never let you go.”

I heard tie you up just fine. “Excuse me?” Sounded fun and scary. Just how close did he live?

“Haven, Tennessee.” Not even the cutting acid green of a nearby sign penetrates the shadow of regret overtaking his handsome face. It’s there one moment and then gone the next.

And then apparently he’s done talking.

His hard, muscular body feels amazing against mine as he leads me through two quick steps and a slow forward step. My feet follow his regardless of it being years since I last shared a dance. Firms hands hold me closer than what the rumba calls for and with every movement he makes I can feel I’m not the only one aroused. And I like it. For once I want to lose control and shed the responsible woman always following the rules. Even if he is a bad boy.

And with a man who is drop-dead gorgeous. He’s older than me by at least ten to twelve years. Dark tailored slacks highlight muscular legs and the way he moves with such graceful finesses you would think he was born to sweep women off their feet.

Around us, fellow patrons move to the edge of the dancefloor as we dominate the entire space. We glide, turn, dip and sway until he simply takes my breath away. With his powerful hands on me, the words between us now are spoken by our bodies.

I raise my eyes to find him watching me. “Are we really doing this?” I ask, hoping I’m reading his signals.

Lights dip lower and so does his voice. “As long as you’re okay with it.”

I am.

As if reading my thoughts, or maybe feeling how my body moves into his a little more he slides his warm lips over mine.

Hard meets soft.

He tastes of good tequila and off-the-charts sex. Whether this is a bad idea or good is irrelevant.

“Follow me,” he murmurs over my lips.

He laces his thick fingers through mine and I look back to find my friend smiling my way and nodding. There’s a tiny part of my brain that clicks on saying following a stranger to God knows where is the first rule of how to get hurt, but my inner danger-dar isn’t whirling. I can’t put my finger on it but I know this man means me nothing more than a shared night of passion.

We wind our way through the crowd toward the back where a hidden door opens into a wide hallway. Accent lighting illuminates an ascending staircase.

Once we are inside and the door closes, it’s just us.

No music. No patrons.

Just our body heat and the dark, sexual tension pulsing between us as if it has a heartbeat of its own.

Those strong callused hands of his grip my waist and I’m instantly pinned to the wall. The mountain of a man in front of me is the only thing I can see, feel…taste.

His thumb swipes over the pulse point on my throat and he tips my chin up. With no more than a few lines of conversation between us, he takes my mouth in a hard kiss.

Please, Lord. Don’t let me fall.

It happens then. I feel his hard length press against my starving folds and I groan wantonly. A hand moves to the small of my back. Then lower until his hands are beneath my skirt and digging into the plumpness of my ass cheeks.

I shut my eyes and let my head fall back. It feels so good. My heart races and I have to force myself to go at his pace and not tackle him to the floor and ride him bareback on the stairs. Without encouragement from me, my hips start to grind against the hard ridge of his cock.

A masculine curse curls over cool blasts of air from overhead vents. And the sound leaves whip lashes over my soul.

“Arabelle,” I murmur over his lips when I manage to break away for air. “Arabelle.”

His mouth roams up the side of my neck. “Beautiful,” he says and then fists my loose hair and drags my head to the side so he can nip and licks his way down the other side. The hardened length of his erection grows impossibly harder at what I can only assume is from learning my name.

“I’ll shout your beautiful name as I’m coming balls deep inside your exquisite body.”

A whimper falls from my lips as he jerks the sides of my halter top down and forces my breasts to spill over the top.

Plump, eager, and ready for his hot mouth, the hard tips jut out desperate to be ravaged by the force of his hunger.

He doesn’t disappoint. The burning sensation of stubble against tender skin makes me hiss in tortured pleasure. I cry out as his lips surround a nipple and he tugs it deep inside the wet confines of his mouth.

Possessive fingers clench the rounded curves of my ass and the slow, dry thrusts of his hips have the long length of his erection caressing me just right for me to lose all good sense.

I shut my eyes and swallow thickly. With only the thin material of my panties and his dress slacks between us, I can feel all too well he’s going to hurt when he finally slides into me. And I can’t wait.

Suddenly my feet are back on the floor and Reaper is on his knees. He throws one of my legs over his massive shoulder and those hands on my ass hold me in place for his hungry mouth.

Tearing cloth filters through the stairwell and I see my panties fall to the floor in the soft lighting a second later.

Ay Dios! Hot, sticky juices spill to wet my folds and thighs. He groans in appreciation when his lips seal over my bare seam. I won’t lie. My knees grow so fucking weak from the feel of his tongue sliding through my wetness I have to grip his shoulders of fear falling over.

I look down to see him watching me as he licks and sucks my clit and my juices covering his mouth.

For a second I forget where we are. But when I cast around with my hands for purchase to find a sleek handle, I realize anyone can come through the door to find me half naked and a man eating me out.

“Reaper,” I groan. With every shuddered breath I take my breasts quiver. He looks past my bunched skirt and his attention narrows on the pink, hard tips.

“Reaper… we need to move.”

He growls possessively. “Play with those pretty pink nipples, baby. Twist and tug ’em for me.”

He’s completely ignored my plea. I don’t care because my hands are already following his gruff order before I have a mind to stop them.

“Tastes like heaven,” he murmurs and dives back in for more.

His mouth moves against me as his fingers grip my ass hard enough to leave bruises. He pulls me into his mouth and holds me in place as my hips start to grind against his face. Hard stubble scratches against tender flesh and I only grind a little harder, a little faster. The burn meshes with the lust to create a twisted combination of pleasure and pain.

From the tips of my fingers to my toes, adrenaline laced with fiery lust prickles throughout my body. And then my orgasm slams into me. Robs me of my sanity and spills down his throat.

“Fuck, yes. Give me more.” I bury my fingers into his hair and ride the last waves as he flicks his tongue over my throbbing clit and cleans me of every last drop of my release.

Dios, mio. Que paso? What just happened?”

It’s like nothing else I have ever felt before. My hips push against his mouth and my mind completely checks out with the way his tongue drives deep inside my wet channel.

And then I’m weightless and falling to a large bed as he tumbles over me seconds later.

I cling to him, out of breath and my heart racing. Not because I’m scared but for the simple fact this is getting very real all too fast. Yet still not fast enough.

In a heart-stopping moment, we’ve climbed the set of stairs and are across the room before I have time to draw fresh hair into my lungs.

He falls over me and brings his lips down over mine. “Taste yourself, baby. Taste the sweetness.”

I groan and open my mouth as he plunges his tongue in deep. His fingers dig into my hair and hold me steady as he swipes his tongue over mine. When I taste myself the heat inside me roars into an inferno and rushes through me.

Diablos. I’m instantly hooked. My legs wrap around his thick waist and I lock him in place. Shameless and horny, I grind my pussy against his erection as he sucks on my tongue.

“Fucking you is going to be the highlight of my life, Belle.” His shortened version of my name sends chills over my body. Before this second, I have never let anyone call me anything other than my given name. There’s power in a name. But the nickname coming from his lips is close to the force of a sledgehammer cracking open the protective wall I’ve surrounded myself with.

Clothes and shoes fall away but I don’t miss the chance to see his glorious ripped body after he’s rid me of mine. The same accent lighting from the hallway is mimicked in the open-styled apartment. Coupled with the light of a full moon all those ridges, dips, and valleys are highlighted for my enjoyment.

I don’t know what is happening here. Should I slow down? Speed up? Run out the door?

I stop caring about being the only provider for my alcoholic mother. I stop caring about the scars hidden beneath my tattoos. I stop caring and just feel alive for myself. And it’s freeing.

I crook a finger at him and spread my legs wide so he can see what he is about to possess. Look at me being all wonton and carefree! I think I hear him hiss in a sharp breath.

I groan at the glorious sight of the man’s rippling muscles. Those tattooed fingers wrap around his massive shaft and my heart stops. He’s not just big, he’s a fucking monster. I blink several times. Holy crap. Am I seeing what I think I am seeing? Light catches on metal and I gasp at the Prince Albert piercing. Yep, that is very real and I think I just had a micro-orgasm. I’ve heard of peen getting cock piercings but, yeah, book nerd me has never actually seen one up close and personal.

And let me say it’s sexy as fuck, but scary too. I swipe my tongue across my bottom lip and his gaze catches it. He brushes the pad of his thumb through the moist trail left behind.

I want this man, this stranger. “Ven aquí, papi.

I hold my thighs open and pass my fingers through my sticky, slick folds. The fact my stomach flips and flips does not change how badly I want this. I twirl the wet tips around my nipples, tempting him closer.

“Belle,” he groans, moving his hand up and down his cock. He crosses to the bed and kneels on the edge. With every move he makes, he doesn’t stop stroking his heavily veined rod. With each movement upward more pre-cum wets all those pretty tattoos until he looks as sticky and wet as I am.

I suck in my lower lip and hold it tightly between my teeth. Juices spill from my center to wet the bed beneath me.

More hot pre-cum releases from the swollen head and when he widens my thighs with his own I reach out and pass the tip of my finger over the bead of his piercing, making his head fall back with a heavy groan.

Rapid beats of his heart are revealed in the erratic thump of the artery on the side of his neck. It’s empowering to see how affected he is by me. Those piercing dark eyes glitter with unspoken danger but his touches tell me the only thing I should fear is how hard he’ll make me orgasm.

He guides the head to stroke over my clit and damn, it’s beyond amazing. My lust-dimmed brain screams for him to take me already.

Swirling the smooth head around my throbbing clit, he uses his other hand to push a finger inside my tight channel. I dig my heels into the bed and grab his wrist. I buck wildly as he pushes in yet another. “Oh, God, Reaper. Yes!”

“Easy, baby. I don’t want to hurt this pretty pussy of yours,” he husks in a way that has my insides flaming. “Let me prepare you for my size. That’s it. Ride my fingers nice and easy.”

“Reaper,” I say breathlessly. The pleasurable ache of him stretching me has ignited a burn inside me and only the way he fills me can soothe the ache.

I wrap my hand around his still working his massive length. He grunts when I brush my thumb over the wet tip before tracing over the metal piercing his length.

I dig the heel of my feet into his bare ass impatiently. “What if I want fast?”

Black eyes meet mine. In those dark depths, I see the same need radiating in me shine right back. “Greedy baby. You’ll get it, you’ll get all of me.”

He pulls out a condom and snaps it into place. It has to be a damn strong one to go over the piercing, but I’m not worried. I’m on the pill.

He clasps his hands over my thighs and I cry out with surprise when he hauls me so close there’s no escaping. No going back.

“You make me crazy with need. I’ve never lost control but you have me wanting nothing between us.” A light sheen of sweat glimmers over all those hard lines and muscles from the way he’s holding himself in check.

And I won’t lie. I love seeing this alpha of a man succumb to his desire for me. It’s empowering.

He palms a breast, and strokes a thumb over the delicate tip as he places the head of his shaft at my entrance. My folds start to spread over his piercing and then his bulbous head. Fire and a delicious pain spiral throughout my body as my pussy stretches wide over his Prince Albert. Cool steel against heated skin sends my senses into a whirlwind ripe with euphoria.

He grips my waist and pushes another inch, and then another as we both look on. My tight entrance clamps around his invading cock and neither of us breathe. He stops halfway in leaving me panting and quivering for all of him.

“Reaper, don’t stop,” I beg. I need you all the way in. I can’t stop now. You can’t stop now.” Unwarranted fear of him pulling out and stepping away grips me until I can’t my heart feels like it wants to burst.

My breathing increases and my heart pounds so hard it feels like a beating drum inside my chest.

“I’m not, baby. Take a deep breath for me.”

I do and he keeps his promise. He surges so deep and hard inside me that the bed skids across the hardwood flooring and his balls bounce off my ass.

He stills and my heart hammers against my ribs at the sight of such a powerful man claiming my body.

I don’t remember telling my brain to reach for my nipples, but I do it anyway, and the cry of pleasure that comes out of me shocks us both.

“Fuck,” he groans with a pained expression. “You’re so tight.” He falls over me, balls deep in my pussy, and drags his lips over my nipples.

“Fuck, yes! Papi más, ¡por favor! Harder!

He fists my hair and forces my head to the side. I buck under his weight. Blunt teeth scrape over the tender flesh of my neck and almost as quickly as flipping a light on, the years of denying myself pleasures of the flesh come flooding into me. Scorching heat floods my core, grips my insides and deep-seated need drives my hips to ride over every hard inch of his cock.

With every movement I make he glides through my juices. Pulling and pushing we find a chaotic rhythm that has me flying dangerously close to coming for him again.

He pulls out, his other hand pinning me to the bed to where only he can control how deep and how fast he fucks me. When he rams back in there is not a red blood cell in my body that is not two thousand degrees and burning from the inside out.

With my legs wrapped around him and my fingernails clawing at his back I do what instinct dictates.

I beg for more. “Fuck me harder. Make me remember you. Make me never forget what it feels like to be taken by the Reaper.”

Teeth bite into the flesh of my shoulder and I finally get to feel what it’s like to have an orgasm dragged from me.

My tight pussy clamps over my lover’s cock and I spill hot, sticky juices all over both of us. Pulsations quiver through me pulling me from the dark depths. Hard lips find mine and the second I think I can finally take a breath he’s right there stealing it from me the second I break the surface

The intrusion of his tongue in my mouth, the way he holds my thighs open with his large body so he can do whatever he wants to do to my body robs me of thought.

“Mmm,” I moan into his mouth, my lashes falling briefly to place over my heated cheeks.

Before my orgasm has completely faded to a hum of energy, he pulls out, flips me over, and glides back in.

“Reaper, Dios mio. No. I can’t again.” I grip at the sheets. There’s not a part of my body not trembling from the force of my two releases. And he wants more? God, help me.

I’m pulled up from the bed and held against his chiseled body. A strong grip tightens in my hair and my head is turned so his hungry mouth can reclaim mine.

Kissing me deeply, he strokes my core over and over again.

He breaks the kiss and hovers his mouth next to my ear. I shiver when his hand snakes around to dip between my folds. Spreading my folds, my dark lover strokes a finger over my pulsating nub. Soft at first, but then like a man possessed.

“You can, and you will. My cock wants more of you. And I get what I want, baby.”

My heart hammers. I reach down and put a hand over his. I can barely balance myself as we both fall into oblivion.

Pure and raw. He pounds into me, the headboard and bed slamming against the wall. For every thrust into my pussy, I drive downward just as hard. Heavy balls slap against my body and then suddenly my vision turns back. I slam my eyes shut and I scream out just as he roars through his release.



My walls clamp around his cock and I feel every pulsating throb of his seed filling the confines of the condom. Our cries of lust and passion clash, mingle and twine in ways I won’t understand for years to come.

Panting like a wild woman we fall to the bed fully sated. For now.

I have a feeling one night isn’t going to be enough and therein lies the problem.

Moments after disposing of the condom and cleaning me with a warm rag we climb into the bed. He seems to not think I should leave and frankly I could use five minutes to gather my strength. Doubt I could walk right now anyway.

He drags my limp body into his arms and he cocoons me in his warmth. I feel his stirring length press against my ass but he only grunts when I sway my hips.

I wake hours later to find him on his stomach fully asleep.

Knots form in the pit of my stomach. I want to stay. It’s not like I have a lot to go back to. I could always send money back to support my mother. But…my heart breaks. I witnessed her get carried away with a man just like Reaper. Handsome, sinful, and bad to the core. All those tattoos on his fingers mean something and it’s not a steady job at nine-five. He’s deep into a life I have no business in. This was a one-night stand and I have to get back. Who else will keep my mother from slipping back into her depression and drinking herself to death?

I slip from the warmth of Reaper’s bed already laminating the loss of his skin against mine.

I silently dress and when I grab my bag, I pull out my lipstick and leave behind a reminder of our times together on his pillow.

Sunlight glints through the same window moonlight poured through only hours before, catching on the ruby of his ring left on the nightstand.

I grab it and leave behind a heart full of wishful thinking.

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