Realm of Wings

Chapter Chapter Thirty - Clouded minds

Jade, focusing her mental awareness for other manipulative people:

We had been flying over different coloured lands, seen creatures in strange shapes and went through a soft autumn rainfall before reaching our destination. And all the while we had been silently following the still straight formation of Aether Fae militia, I had kept my mind just as straight to make sure I would notice every single change of air between Ren and Echo.

Yesterday, when Echo had come to talk to me for a brief moment, he had told me to be wary, to follow my instincts at whether or not I could trust anyone. And clearly, if I am following my instincts, this Ren was far from trustworthy, hence the reason I'm keeping a close eye on how his characteristics work and maybe he will even show some weakness too.

But other than telling me to be careful, he also mentioned for me to be open-minded. So, in contradiction to being wary, I should also be looking for things that seem strange in the first place and somehow be accepting towards it? I'm not sure how I should be taking this information, but I'll just wait for this ‘strange’ thing to occur and then figure out what to do with it, I suppose.

By now we were reaching a large mountain with a steep wall overflowing by a wide waterfall. The front of our little flying caravan was guiding the rest of us to fly upwards and reach for the top of the apparent river above the ridge. Clouds that hung high above us at first, came closer as we lifted higher, and the air became a bit denser as well. I held Poseidon's neck and looked down to see how high we actually were flying and due to the upcoming dark of the evening, the ground was no longer to be seen. Only gentle lights from either campfires or houses that must be in the dark now, were vaguely showing and getting smaller as we climbed further up in the air.

Ivory, floating lanterns lit our path in the air, guiding us over the edge and showing flattened planes with indeed a river coursing through the grassy lands. The Pegasi kept flying low, touching the water of the river with their hooves, splashing some water up against their bellies but never showing any discomfort of their hide getting wet.

But even though no words were spoken, no sounds were heard, besides the splashing water every now and then, the air was heavy with anticipation. Where is this river guiding us? What kind of people will we meet next?

Poseidon's head bobbed, shaking me out of thoughts and making me focus on the sight in front of us, which was clear to be seen even though darkness would soon engulf all the view. And as if cliché couldn't get any worse, a white ivory palace, lit with hundreds of those same white lanterns we saw earlier at the rise of the waterfall, came into view.

“Alash’Shanow is beautiful around this time of year, don’t you think?” I suddenly heard Ren say as we got closer to the building.

Pristinely cut edges around the white oak bannisters, turquoise rooftops adorning the separate buildings, bridges just wide enough to let two people walk beside each other, white roots of flourishing trees crawled up aside the walls, and so on. This was the most idyllic elegance, but most of all arrogance that was displayed here.

Even the people were dressed like royalty and every single one of them made sure to show off their magic as if that is the sign of wealth here. Fae flew and walked around, openly showing the abundance of magic that is present, either naively not knowing that there are places on this planet that have no magic at all, or as I'm assuming, they do know but they just simply don't care. This is what you could call, the epitome of elite assholes.

I don't know which is better, living on this side of the rift where there is plenty of magic but also plenty of politics, or living on the other side where the Fae are kind to each other but hardly have any magic to provide the lands with enough energy.

Is this why Kallan's father doesn't want to throw the rift down, because of the separation between rich and poor? I don't know yet, but I'm curious to find out.

In the meantime, the Pegasi were guided towards what seems to be the courtyard in between the armoury and the stables, where they gently landed on the cobblestones and flared out their nostrils in a sign of delight. They had been flying two days, one to reach us and then another to take us back here, so they must have been tired by now.

Immediately, more of those well-tailored Fae came to guide the Pegasi to their respective boxes and all of Ren's warriors were dispatched back to other duties.

“Please, follow me.” He said after taking off his white helmet, showing a tall brown braid, while showing the way with his outstretched arm.

The six of us did as asked, where I doubt that Echo would have needed the guidance as I'm assuming he would know where we are going to right now. In fact, his steady but quick paces took him in the lead in not acknowledging Ren's guidance and went ahead of him. Ren hummed disapprovingly but didn't say anything about it.

Stairs after stairs, hallway after hallway, Ren and Echo ‘fought’ for dominance as their walks continuously exceeded each other, as if they are two little children aching for their turn to play with a toy. But after a little while, Echo smartly handed the reins over to Ren, not wanting to play this stupid game any further.

“You wouldn't know the way after this turn anyway, Echo.” Ren sneered and took the lead back again.

“Why wouldn't he?” I asked curiously.

“Because I'm not allowed to go there, nor are the others. This is where you go in alone, with Ren that is.” Echo replied.

Zeph snorted curtly and I raised my brows because of it. But before I got the chance to read his mind, Echo almost unnoticedly shook his head, signalling for me to not ask about it now.

“That is true. I still don't know who allowed you to get through the rift for all these years, but you are certainly no Etunadain.” Ren shot with splinted eyes, not giving me any room for questioning either.

What the hell is an Etunadain? Is that what Echo meant by being important? Questions keep rising and I'm getting fed up with not getting my answers. How am I going to be allowed to get through these hallways then? Am I an Etunadain?

“I'm not leaving her alone!” Kallan said, stepping forward as he did.

“Try if you will, but you won't surpass the door even if you used all the magic in the world. Only the Etunadain can get through it, no one else.” Ren shook his head and turned himself around to get to the other side of the hallway we were standing in. He was chuckling softly but didn't pay any attention to any of us anymore.

“It's alright, I can handle it.” I said to Kallan and turned around as well, to follow Ren. Kallan however stopped me in my track by taking hold of my hand. I turned back again and looked him in the eyes. “Please, don't worry Kallan. I'm here for a reason and faith has brought me here because of it. I'm not going to back down now.” I said.

“I know.” He whispered. “I just don't like the fact you're going there alone.”

“Just take care of the others, I'll be back soon.” I said sternly and made my way over to Ren.

Ren's arrogance took hold of a smile on his face. “Is your puppy in love?” He childishly asked.

“Ren, you don't know what I'm truly capable of yet, but I'd be happy to show you if you'd like. So, either shut up or I'll find some creative way to wipe that smirk of your face, is that clear?” I said while stepping closer to him and looking up to his scarless, pristine, pale face.

For a split second there I thought he flinched for what I said, but he just chuckled lightly and pushed the heavy-hinged, white oak door to the inside.

“After you, Princess.” He spat.

A wall of what seemed like water, which looked pretty much the same as the portals from the blue-winged Fae, appeared in place of where the white door just had been pushed away from. The door itself was no longer in view, only the watery doorway was there to take us to who knows where.

Alright, I guess that Ren, and also Echo, assume that I’m one of these Etunadain, so I took a step forward and felt my body being sucked in by the water. The last time I went through one, I ended up in a bubble on the other side, but I’m hoping that I won’t have to adjust to any more unexpected things this time.

Luckily, my feet landed on the ground on the other side and I could freely breathe again and didn’t feel any overflowing intake of magic or pain.

I looked around but the room I was in was strange to witness. There were no walls, no significantly clear view of how big it was or could be, no windows and no furniture besides a small table and two chairs. Everything was just blurry or clouded and it made me feel like I was on a high from mushrooms.

“Oh, what a nice surprise!” An older looking Fae with wrinkles on his face came forward from his seat and greeted me by taking my hand and kissing the top of it. If Kallan's father is around eight hundred years old and doesn’t show any form of ageing, how old must this guy be then?

“This room is real, I am real, and you have nothing to worry about here, dear.” He kindly said. But even though he told me not to worry, how could I not? Everything Echo had told me and how Ren was acting, made me abundantly clear to actually do worry about everything!

“But Echo also told you to keep an open mind, didn’t he?” He asked while rubbing over his blue gown to straighten it out.

“Well, yes. But he never told me about what... – Wait! Can you read my mind?” I asked him out loud, shaking off his touching hands and taking a step backwards. “No one has been able to read me, so how can you?” I was still stunned to have been mentally invaded, and now I was instantly wary again. “And where is Ren? He was supposed to come in right after me.”

“Oh, as I said, don’t worry in here. Ren might be an Etunadain, but I still decide where the Fae go when they enter my portal. And between you and me, his negativity makes my clouds here shrimp into cotton balls as soon as he enters, so I took him to one of my old stone sanctuaries.” He chuckled after faking a form of shiver all over his body as soon as he spoke about Ren.

I had to chuckle now too and felt a little relieved to not have to watch my tongue anymore. This man can read my mind and Ren is not here to hear what my thoughts are, should this guy decide to say them out loud. Besides, somehow this guy gives off good vibes, so I don’t think I need to worry about him.

“Oh, I’m such a terrible host, you don’t even know who I am! I’m the Etunadain Oracle and this is my living room. Come take a seat and we will discuss all sorts of things because I’m sure you have a lot to ask me, am I right?” He asked me, completing my thoughts on calling him ‘man’ or ‘guy’. At least I can give a name to the face.

“Exactly!” He replied again and pointed for me to sit on one of the chairs in the room. His way of walking was a bit wobbly but he still tried to keep a straight composure even though his body wouldn’t completely comply to the owner's wishes.

A small cloud drifted by and turned pink as soon as it nearly touched my skin. I wanted to push it away but the Oracle kept my hand down and shook his head. “She likes you, be gentle.” He said, and when I turned around to look at ‘her' I suddenly saw two big eyes open up which stared brightly in my direction.

“Is she a Miragou?”

“Yes, just a baby. She hatched this morning and still has to learn about the winds and flow of air. Hence the reason she floated uncontrollably towards you, she didn’t do it on purpose.”

I could have asked him a few more questions about Miragous and the fact that she ‘hatched' even though she is not a bird but a cloud, but that’s not why I’m here. I have to have some clearance from all the things I have witnessed, experienced or felt, and I’m hoping that this Oracle could help me with that.

“I can read your mind because I am the leader of all Etunadain. We have been here ever since our world was created and we will probably still be here after all the Fae have forgotten about us. There are plenty of ledgers that I could make you read about us, but there simply is not enough time for you to go through even half of one. What’s most important is that you are one, Jade, and that you have to complete yourself in order to fulfil your destiny as an Etunadain.” He started to explain.

“The grey orb.”

“Yes, the grey orb.” He smiled, but it still didn’t answer my questions.

“But what is my destiny? How did I become an Etunadain? Why wasn’t I taught about it by, let’s say, my parents or other relatives?”

“The Etunadain gene runs in the family, but it is only known for a person to be one as soon as you show the markings, and even then not everyone knows about us as our race is a dying one. So, it isn’t that strange that you haven’t been thought our ways. Furthermore, the tattoo on your wrist will show you what you can do, what your skill and talent will be-

“Tattoos.” I corrected him.

“Sorry?” He asked quizzing.

“Tattoos, as in plural. I’ve got four of them.” I said while pulling up my sleeve and showing them to him by sizzling my magic through my fingers and making them reappear again.

“Heavens...” He whispered. He looked me in the eyes, searching my soul for whatever information he was seeking. He furrowed his brows, however, by either not finding what he wanted to find or because he was astounded about what kind of information he did find.

“You don’t know who you are, do you?” He asked me after stammering a bit and with sadness in his voice.

“Well, I’m supposed to be the true heir of Kyalthemar, because Kallan's father told him I was. And this is based on the fact that no one can read my mind and I have these tattoos and a marble. But other than that, no. I don’t know how my parents looked like, I don’t know where I came from or why I was taken to Earth and raised there as well. But why do you ask me this? You can read my mind, you know I don’t know any of these things, right?” I asked him a bit confused now.

He has been answering my thoughts ever since I came in here and now he doesn’t know about my multiple tattoos or the fact that I’m missing some important information about my past?

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