
Chapter CHAPTER 30

Chapter 30

“What I’m trying to say is that I regret what happened” My heart contracts because this is where it ends. He’s going to break up with me for certain. But then he continues. “Because 1 should have lifted that sheet from your beautiful face, told you off for pretending to be a sex doll, and asked you if you wanted to be with me for real. I should have kissed you, like this” Suddenly his lips are on mine, kissing me deeply, hungrily return his kiss, my arms snaking up around his neck, drinking in his masculine scent. It feels so hot, and so right, to finally kiss the man I’ve been physically intimate with twice now. Too soon. Brad pulls away and looks deep into my eyes. Those blue eyes flash with lust, but also with something else. Could it be intimacy?

As if reading my mind, the handsome man nods.

“Chrissy Kingham.” he growls in a low voice. “I’ve started falling for you, and I want to make a go of this.” My heart pounds happily in my chest and I can’t help but grin in delight. “Would you be interested? Please say yes.

For the first time, I realize that Brad’s nervous too. There’s a high flush along his cheeks, and the pulse in his throat pounds.

“1. um.” I stammer, almost unable to speak from giddiness, “I’ve started falling for you, too.”

“So, you’ll stay? At least for now?” he presses eagerly.

“Yes,” I breathe, wanting to remain with Brad with all my heart. “Absolutely. I want to see where this can go, Brad.”

“Good” he grins. “Because I’ll make it worth it for you, baby. But first, there’s something we need to do.”

“What?” I ask curiously, but from the look on his face, and his eyes which are now roving my curves, I already know what he’s thinking. And I want the same. He kisses me deep and hard, his tongue caressing mine, as he pushes me onto the bare mattress of my bed. Sighing with lust and happiness, I pull his hard, muscular frame onto mine and allow Brad to take me, deep and slow, openly making love as a man and woman for the first time. After all, who knew this would happen? We’ve already overcome incredible challenges: from his relationship with my mom, to our age gap, to the fact that I used to pretend to be one of his plastic friends. But now, we’re going to give things a real go and I can’t wait to explore for real.

Phone Sex…

The phone is ringing, as I grab it, I flop over onto the bed…”Hello?

A deep, s**y voice on the other end of the line says “Hello Jackie this is Michael.”

“Ohhhh my!” I say. Thinking, Oh my G**d he has such a deep, wonderful voice. And I can feel my p**y contract, already becoming wet. “Hello Michael! My goodness, this is the first time we’ve talked.”

“Yes, it is. I just wanted to hear your voice. I’ve wondered with you’d sound like. Michael purred.

And for the next few minutes we talked, laughed and got comfortable with each others voices. Michael and I have “corresponded” online for awhile now. And Michael has sent me some very hot and s**y stories that he wrote for me. We are both very curious about BDSM and D/s and have been sort of exploring each others limits and needs. We seem to have very similar tastes, needs, desires. I find his stories extremely erotic.

As I listen to his deep, dark, rich, voice I begin to become aroused. We discuss the erotic stories he’s sent me and past experiences we’ve had and as we talk… I get hotter and wetter.

When Michael says that he is laying on the couch and stroking lus c**k, that’s all I can take. I reach for my dolphin, that I keep on the night table beside my bed, and turning it on, ease it between my p**y lips and against my c**t.




15:53 Tue, Jul 23 BG.

Chapter 30

As I do this, I tell Michael what I’m doing and I’m sure he can tell, by the gasps and catches in my voice as the dolphin goes to work on my already swelling c**t.

“Michael, imagine… I’m naked, sitting across from you in a chair. I throw my legs over the arms of the chair and as you lay there, on the couch, stroking your c**k, I rub my ** with my dolphin. We’re going to watch each other m**te.” I say to


“Jackie, I want to fist you. I want to fist your a**! I want to grease my hand and arm and shove it up inside your hot little a*” Michael moans. Ummm… seems he has other ideas!!!

Oh G*! The thought of that drives me crazy. I need more. “Michael, I’m getting up onto my knees, my legs are spread wide. I have my favorite toy, a vibrating, double d**do that I call Big Jim.” I’m going to use it to f**k my p**y AND my **, while you tell me about fi**g me.”

And as I say this, I lube up both shafts of the d**do and prepare to ram it into my c**t and ass. All the while, the dolphin is humming away on my clit, I can’t help but squirm and thrust my hips as the dolphin works my **t to a swollen, throbbing


Michael is saying to me “I’ve got oil all over my hand and arm. I’m working my fingers into your sweet a**. Stroking them in and out, f**g your a** with my fingers. Now I have four fingers up inside of you. G**d, Jackie, you’re so hot and wet already

By now I’m on my knees and my head is down on the bed. I have the d**do pressed against my a** and am working it around, but not pushing it in yet. Not till Michael rams his fist in I’m so f**g hot and needy, I’m moaning and gasping. Talking nasty to Michael and urging him on. I want it, I want more. I’m pinching my nipples with the other hand, pulling them and moaning from the pain/pleasure of it.

Michael is saying “I now have my fingers and my thumb pumping in and out of your *a*Jackie. Feel it? Feel how tight it is. Your a** is so hot. Now I’m pushing, working the knuckles into your a**Jackie. Holding you with the other hand, I wiggle and twist my hand, working it til the knuckles pop into your **

Michael gives a grunt, just as if he were shoving his fist into my hot, hungry, needy a**And as he does, I ram the d**do up inside of me. Deep, hard, fast it goes… to the hilt.

As I do, nearly screaming from the rush of sensations, groaning and panting, I say to Michael “Oh G**d Michael, I just rammed both shafts of the d**do up inside me. It’s buried all the way in my a** and p**y. Come on Michael, ram your fist up in me, f**k me, f**k me hard. Please Michael, I need it. Hurt me, f****pound me with your fist. Do anything you want. Give it all to me. F**k me d**it!”

15:54 Tue, Jul

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