
Chapter Pointing Fingers

The discovery of Rose’s body brought more uneasiness than when the first dead student was found in the hallway. This was because the first victim looked like he died peacefully with no signs of injury brutally inflicted on him. Rose’s case, on the other hand, had every marking of an attempt to hide a nefarious crime. It was a confirmation that someone within the school walls was a coldblooded murderer.

I noticed the change in atmosphere as I walked through the academy hallways with echoes of anxious whispers filling the previously silent place. I felt the pressure. Two deaths plus an attempted kidnapping, and still I had nothing conclusive pointing me to who or what was doing this.

“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you,” said Salamander when I passed by him on my way to the classroom.

“And why not?” I stopped and asked.

“They think you did it.”

“Ridiculous. I have my alibi straightened out. Even the professor knows that.”

“That won’t matter. Wild rumours spread faster than truth.”

I shrugged. “You know what? Why not? I’d love to have the whole class fear me.” I walked in the classroom anyway.

The moment I entered, all eyes were on me. Sure, I like attention sometimes, but it was unnerving to receive everyone’s piercing gazes that were clearly more accusatory than friendly. Slowly and cautiously, I made my way towards my seat without meeting anybody’s eyes. There, Rose’s perpetually empty seat waited for me to remind me that the red-haired girl will never return.

Of course, Leslie was the first to confront me angrily. “Isn’t it suspicious that you’re the one who found the body and reported it?”

I took a deep breath, annoyed that I had to deal with this at the start of my day. “So if you were the one who found it and reported it, you’d suspect yourself too, right?”

“No, of course not. I know I didn’t do it.”

“Well, I know I didn’t do it either.”

“As if I believe you!”

“I wouldn’t believe you either.”

Toad couldn’t hold it in anymore and started laughing.

“Toad!” Leslie angrily slapped him on the arm.

I bent forward and lowered my voice to threaten her. “Leslie, you were probably the last person who saw Rose alive. If you were directly involved in this, no amount of false accusations will save you from your crime.”

I actually did suspect Leslie and Arabella because they claimed that Rose told them she was leaving somewhere and wasn’t sure when she’d be back. The only thing making me question this idea was the way Rose spoke about Leslie, indicating a good relationship between them. What reason would they have to murder their own friend? The motive just wasn’t there.

Leslie did not respond to me. Thankfully, I didn’t have to deal with any more of that. Prof. Ariston went inside the classroom, prompting everyone to return to their seats and pay attention.

The professor began, “If anyone has information pertaining to the recent crime, please come see me at my office after class.” He glanced at me for a moment before moving to his lesson.

During lunchtime, I sat alone at a table, quietly finishing up my meal. Elliot told me he was helping Prof. Philomela with some errands, so he wouldn’t be able to join me for lunch. I wished he was with me instead because Cy was seated at the exact same place staring at me creepily again.

What’s this guy’s problem?

I flinched when he stood up from his seat and walked towards me. Without asking, he sat down on the seat in front of me.

“I didn’t invite you here,” I said coldly.

He smiled. “Come on, Remina. Aren’t we friends? I just want to ask some questions.”

“Make it quick.”

“I’m just curious about something.”

I sighed. “Is this about how I discovered Rose’s body?”

“No, no. Something else. Your necklace. Where did you get it?” He pointed at my Focus, which was completely visible.

I raised a brow. “My necklace? I just found it and picked it up.”

He nodded. “Huh. Fascinating.”

“Why are you asking about my necklace?”

“That is no doubt a Blackthorn family item, judging by its design. And I can tell that you’re no Blackthorn.”

“Is that all you wanted to ask?”

“That is all. Thank you for satisfying my curiosity.”

“I have to go to the library, so I’m afraid I must leave you here. Goodbye, Cy.” I stood up and left, not wanting to give him any more of my time. Something about him just made me feel uneasy.

I took refuge in the library where I found a quiet corner to study. I barely spent a minute there and Bartholomew already caught sight of me. The next thing I knew, the horned librarian was standing right next to me. I really just wanted to be left alone today, but apparently I couldn’t enjoy my solitude.

“Come with me. I have something I must show you,” he spoke softly then led me to a separate room where new books were prepared to be added to the library’s collection. He closed the door to give us more privacy.

“What do you want to show me?” I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

“I found this at the scene of the crime, the place where the body was buried.” He showed me a small silver T-shaped object with a droplet shaped loop on top. “It’s a symbol from an ancient civilisation of the old world. They called it an ankh, said to represent life. Quite ironic to find it at a murder scene.”

I examined the metal object. “Why are you sharing this piece of evidence with me?”

“Because if there’s anyone who will go through such lengths to find the truth, it’s you, Ms. Ravenfire. I just want to see what you’ll do with this piece of evidence. See where it leads you.”

I folded my arms. “You do know you’re acting very suspicious, right? How do I know you’re not trying to frame someone?”

He remained calm. “You’d do well to suspect everyone. If you’d like certainty, Prof. Ariston can vouch for the legitimacy of that piece of evidence. Afterall, he was with me when we found it.”

“Are you sure you’d want him to know that you’ve been giving important evidence to students? You might lose your job.”

“I’m a gatekeeper of the Endless Library. They won’t risk losing access to their precious archive,” he reasoned proudly. Probably why he didn’t hesitate to send us on a wine-stealing mission.

“A place like that is rather dangerous for a school library, wouldn’t you think?”

“If you’re referring to your last experience, Ms. Ravenfire, I can assure you that your case is a rarity. You were simply unlucky." His expression was a constant unreadable poker face. “Now, run along and solve mysteries, little miss detective. For you and everyone’s sake.”

I left the library, unsure whether to be grateful or worried that I’ve caught the library demon’s attention. A lead is a lead. I shouldn’t really complain.

I felt the metal ankh in my pocket. Whoever was involved in Rose’s death was probably associated with this symbol. Life.

The Unmending lords over bodily state. The Unending masters time and fate.

Could it be related to the horned serpent’s gifts?

I made my way towards the greenhouse, the only other place where I felt somewhat safe, although obviously it was a false sense of security. I was surprised to find Emma there casting spells on plants to improve their health. I was almost certain she would stay away from the place where she was abducted.

“Revitalising the flowers?” I asked.

“Yes. They were looking a bit down today,” replied Emma. Once she was done, she sat on one of the stools facing me. “There are rumours spreading about you, Remina. I hate that they pin the blame on you just because you dug up the body.”

“Do tell. I’d love to hear them.”

I might as well hear them if they’re going to stay circulating for a while.

“One of them is that you’re a psychopath and that you use poison from the greenhouse to kill your victims.”

I let out a short laugh. “That actually sounds believable. Go on.”

“They say you were granted powers by Bartholomew and used the library tentacles to hypnotise Rose.”

I started laughing uncontrollably. “The library tentacles? How does that even work?”

“Is this just entertainment to you?” Emma looked worried.

“Frankly, yes.”

“It gets wilder. They also say you’re able to turn into a black phantom at will and suck your victims’ souls.”

Black phantom? Like the one that attacked me at the Endless Library?

I suddenly turned serious. “Where did you hear that from?”

“Some student claimed he saw you transform into some grim reaper or something. It’s absurd.” Emma smiled, believing it to be ludicrous.

“Do you remember who that student is?” I leaned forward and pressed her for information.

Emma shook her head. “Unfortunately, it’s difficult to trace the origins of a rumour. Why are you so concerned about this one, Remina?”

Telling her the truth would mean I’d have to admit that I broke school rules, so I chose to conceal it. “It just seemed interesting and rather concerning in itself. Wouldn’t you agree?”

She thought about it. “I suppose.”

The greenhouse doors opened. Elliot entered carrying a potted plant with pink flowers in bloom. He carefully avoided holding the flowers near his face.

“Remina, I have something that you might like,” Elliot said with a gentle smile.

“Oleander.” I nodded in approval as I examined the plant. “Good choice. It makes a fine poison.”

“Prof. Hermia gave me some Oleander from the Spring house garden as thanks for helping her with gathering herbs. I’m not really comfortable dealing with poisonous plants, so I’d be glad if you’d take them.”

“Don’t mind if I do. Thanks, Elliot.” I received the pot and placed it among my collection of poisonous plants.

Emma’s eyes were fixed on the beautiful but poisonous flowers, her mind wandering elsewhere. I sensed apprehension in her eyes.

“Emma, are you alright?” I asked.

She snapped out of it. “Yes. Sorry. Oleander just brings back some bad memories.”

She tried to smile, but her hands trembled a little. Even in her eyes, the anxiety was evident. She was pretending to be fine. I was sure of it. Whatever she experienced, it was probably traumatic.

“What happened?” I asked out of curiosity.

“It’s just a bad experience. I don’t really want to talk about it. I’m sorry, Remina.” She stood up and tried to stay busy so I wouldn’t bother her with any more questions.

It looked like Emma Sweetblossom had some secrets of her own.

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