Raven Tide

Chapter 15: Alpha🔥()

I found Chyani safe and sound, locked inside Venom Heart’s Alpha quarters.

“How did you do that?” I tapped the keypad to reset the kiande amedha stasis capsule after confirming the two serpents and the queen egg were safe.

“I saw a bird sitting on nothing when we were up in that tree,” Chyani explained as we returned to the bridge. “At first, I thought it was just a trick of the light since we were way up high but I kept thinking about it. I knew it had to be your ship. Then I got a bad feeling when that nut job started flinging grenades.”

Venom Heart’s corridors and med bay were filthier than before but the custodial and repair drones were hot on the task.

“The ship was cloaked but the cargo hold door was left ripped open,” Chyani continued. “Guessing he broke it intentionally to delay us in case we tried to escape but none of that mattered if he took off your head. So I decided to send you back up.”

“That was reckless,” I sighed as I sat down in the Alpha’s chair and began running several systems diagnostics.

“He wasn’t playing fair,” Chyani leaned on the armrest with a little harumph. “And it wasn’t like I was standing out in the open. Waking your friends from stasis wasn’t instantaneous. There was a timer. I couldn’t read it but I made sure to leave a trail of Gar’mol’s used bandages left over in med bay to lead them out the back door before hitting the initiation button and barricading myself in the bedroom. When I heard the scratching I relied on the translator and told them you needed their help.”

“They did not understand,” I glared at her. “They only followed the smell of Gar’mol’s blood.”

“I couldn’t just sit there and do nothing,” Chyani steered her chin away.

“I know,” I softened my voice and eventually she let me hold her hand. “It is done now, let’s focus on our next dilemma.”

Chyani squeezed my fingers and nodded, “Can we jump to your home planet now?”

“When repairs are complete, yes,” I paused for a moment to pull open several new vital view screens.

“But?” Chyani frowned.

“It appears Gar’mol tinkered with several key systems,” I pointed to the menus. “He sabotaged long-range communications and there’s something onboard transmitting our location to that large incoming object on the map.

“The Graven,” Chyani intoned.

“Yes,” I zoomed in on the blinking red dot. “It gets worse. It’s less than an hour away and picking up speed. The repairs are far enough along that I can get us into orbit but we won’t make it to a jump point fast enough.”

“Can you remove the tracker?”

I shook my head and began cycling through the launch protocols, “The security sensors aren’t picking up any anomalies on board. I can start searching manually but considering the source, it might not be anything composed of traditional hardware.”

Chyani stopped my hand mid-click, “What if we return to Storm Hound?”

“And...?” I narrowed my eyes.

“Can you program Venom Heart to fly off on her own in a different direction?” She moved my index finger over the star map. “Not wildly off, rather a believable course that we might run. Then we make a break for that razkur mine and send a message to your people. Or, if there’s a jump-capable ship available we arrange rendezvous coordinates or fly to a better defended planet. Though, I’m not sure what to do about your cargo if the Graven catches up to Venom Heart.”

“I could purge and cloak the capsule into orbit with a secure beacon,” my brain was starting to catch up with her plan. “The kiande amedha would be unharmed and it’d be simple enough to collect them later.”

It was a decent plan. Still precarious but it gave us more options.

“Then we should get moving while there’s still time,” Chyani hopped onto my lap.

I launched Venom Heart and parked next to Storm Hound then proceeded to give Chyani a quick lesson on what buttons to press once both ships were in orbit.

A few minutes later, I set new coordinates into Venom Heart’s navigation and manually released the stasis capsule loose into space.

If all went well, the serpents would be picked up in a matter of days.

“Ready?” Chyani called out from Storm Hounds comm.

“Venting in ten,” I activated the outer force shielding on my zed-suit.

I always hated how bulky these suits felt. I get that it requires a lot of tech to keep a yautja alive outside in the vacuum of space but there had to be something better than frumpy full body armor.

The airlock opened with a harsh suction burst of air while my grav boots kept me tethered in place.

“The door is open,” Chyani confirmed Storm Hound was ready to receive me.

I deactivated the grav-lock soles of my boots and then pushed off to float from one ship’s airlock to the other.

“Secure,” I landed in Storm Hounds airlock.

Chyani shut the door behind me and reinstated the tiny room’s environment.

A green light dinged and I removed my helm.

“Welcome back,” Chyani greeted me with a sly grin on the other side of the sliding hatch.

“Good to be back,” I eyed the interior of the decrepit old ship while I dumped the zed-suit and a satchel of gear harvested from Venom Heart. “I think...?”

“I kept it warm for you,” Chyani led the way to the Alpha’s chair then snuggled into the Beta’s chair at my right.

I brought up the menus and sent Venom Heart on her way then laid in a course for Wormpeak Depot.

“Can I see it?” Chyani crawled over the adjoining armrest and curled into my chair.

I unclipped Gar’mol skull from my belt and handed it over for her to admire.

Chyani’s scent shifted immediately.

I thrummed and set the engines just under max so as not to burn them out before we reached our destination.

With my prize looking up at us from her lap, Chyani settled on my legs and leaned on my chest while nibbling my neck, then she flicked the tip of her tongue down my chest.

I couldn’t monitor the Graven on the maps in this ship but if the plan succeeded it couldn’t track us either.

Chyani’s hand traveled over my biceps and down my torso.

According to the external sensors, my kiande amedha payload was drifting safely in space. The cloak was fully functional and the private Nexus beacon was operating within optimal margins.

Chyani placed the skull carefully on the armrest and then dragged her nails up the inside of my thigh.

I kneaded my free hand around her supple rear.

“Don’t mind me,” the wily human flashed me an impish smile.

“I will always mind your presence,” I inhaled her sweet amorous scent while desperately trying to focus on the protocols for initiating the autopilot.

Chyani chuckled and slid down between my legs. Her delicate hand slipped under my codpiece and loincloth. I unfurled in her hand and my brain felt like it had been dunked in c’ntlip.

Her small cool fingers stroked the base and underside of my shaft as she knelt before me, staring up at me with a serene predatory gaze.

Then to my shock and delight, Chyani hit the retract button on my thermo-veil and unsnapped the latch on my belt before tugging my lower armor away.

“Should I include this when I tell the tale of my victory?” I chittered.

“If you like,” Chyani smirked. “However, you may change your tune after I’m done with you.”

I growled and flashed my fangs and then gasped when my little bird licked me.

Her lips and that soft little muscle of hers wormed up and down, painting my ever-yearning nerve endings in ecstasy.

Chyani’s hand continued moving rhythmically, compelling me to purr and close my eyes.

The ship...

I blinked and shook my long quills, trying to redirect my concentration back to completing my task.

Chyani snickered and pulled her shirt off over her head then she wrapped her lips around my tip but left her thermo-veil in place.

I nearly suffocated on my own spit.

Her nipples were hard and poking out between the netting while her soft plush skin was pressed taut against the temperature-regulating strings.

I growled again and felt my girth thicken in her mouth.

So close...I was nearly done verifying our flight path.

Chyani tucked her hair behind her ear then reared up and opened wide.


Her bound ample breasts bounced against my red cock and fully engorged sac.

She could only fit the head inside but that was more than enough to make me clench my claws and saturate my vision in vivid lights.

Finally... I finished the course protocols but I had no desire to relocate.

“I was aware of this maneuver, it’s favored among razkurs,” I stroked her bulging cheek while watching her pink tongue peek out at the edges. “But I had no idea it could feel this good!”

Chyani hummed in satisfaction then she used her arm and half arm to squeeze my shaft between her tits.

The netting grated on my nodules but her warm plump skin puffed between the gaps had me rumbling for more.

I leaned back gripping the chair, utterly entranced by the sight of my rigid dick pistoning between the pressure of her slick cleavage.

Holy fuck.. was I drooling?

I didn’t care.

Chyani could make me cum from this alone.

I rolled my head and flexed my tusks then noticed Gar’mol’s empty skull watching us.

Did she do that on purpose?

My eyes wandered to the bandage lingering on her arm. She wasn’t free from danger yet but at least there was one fewer monster in the universe who sought to do her harm.

I reached out to move the trophy but Chyani’s hands touched my stomach.

“Mmm-mmm,” she chided and shook her head.

My eyebrow went up but I wasn’t stupid enough to defy her.

All of a sudden, Chyani sped up and sank deeper while clasping my sac with her left hand.

“Chyani,” I hissed and pinched my tusks.

Her tongue teased that tender little notch under my hood and something hot and internal began to unravel.

“Not yet, but..” I grunted under my breath. “Remove your mouth.. when I..” my claws squeaked against the metal. ”Pauk...!"

It felt like leaping off a cliff and plunging under freshly unearthed cold spring water. I wanted to swim all day but a feathery nudge lured me back to shore.

A splatter of blue coated Chyani’s lips and a larger streak was sprawled across her breasts. She had listened and I didn’t harm her jaw.

“It’s a good thing you don’t do this while on a hunt,” Chyani smeared her palm over the blue ooze flowing down all over me. “The way you zone out, you’re completely vulnerable.”

Then she ran her tongue up the underside to suck the residue off my crown.

“If only I had known sooner that this is how you savor victories,” I winced in pleasure.

“Or maybe,” Chyani climbed up my chest and mounted my lap. “I want one of my own.”

Wait... when did she remove the rest of her clothing?

She straddled me, wet and insatiably hungry while bumping the bottom of her warm naked ass onto my reinvigorated hard-on.

Chyani locked her eyes on mine as she fondled my mandibles.

I leaned forward to hug her but she shoved me down and lifted her hips to take me in.

“Shit, Chyani-” my lungs hitched as she swallowed all of me.

She retracted her thermo-veil and rode me slowly, circling her hips and staring down at me. I held her rump but that was all she allowed.

The glint in her eyes was primal. She arched her back and willed me to yield to her tyrannically measured tempo.

The bridge was quiet all but for our breathing and Chyani’s little heart pounding rapidly. She caressed my chest and traced dimpled lines with her nails into my skin.

I wanted to throw her off and pin her on her back but the quiet churn of her tender channel muzzled my instincts and kept me thoroughly captivated.

“You’ll run me ragged at this rate,” I rubbed her thighs and buttocks.

Chyani curled the side of her mouth then she pulled my hand to her lips and sucked on my finger.

I growled a bit when she tugged it loose with a few farewell licks but then I thrummed again when she guided me down toward her swaying breasts. She moaned and swung her head to the side when I pinched and teased the dark perky epicenter.

This was the path to Chyani’s pleasure.

She leaned back further and led my palm down her center. Coaxing me to massage her clit and revel as she clasped my thighs to pump up harder.

Chyani writhed on me, magnifying her graceful successive swirls and suckling my thickness to the brink of frenzy. It was like being swept up in the undercurrent of unseen carnal buildup on the verge of breaching a spectacular levee.

Gar’mol’s skull continued to stare at us. I had no idea why its presence was important but whatever Chyani desired I aimed to deliver.

My little bird dug her nails into my side, prompting my short quills to prickle and me to let out an involuntary noise.

Then she knotted my long quills in her fist and wrenched my face up to hers.

“Make me scream,” Chyani panted.

I was surprised but more than happy to oblige her orders.

In an instant, I was up and railing her upright against the wall. She squeezed my ass and cried out for more.

Her ravenous state was unnerving. I knew my conquest turned her on but this was unfamiliar territory. No amount of thrusting could satiate her. The closer I brought her to rapture the further I descended into a strange lust-filled haze.

“Right there,” Chyani gasped.

“Fill me,” she jabbed her heels into my back.

“Fuck me,” her slit was drenched.

“You feel so good!” Chyani’s pussy began to quiver.

A bizarre weightlessness fluttered within my chest and with the quickness of a rubber tether snapping loose, a blinding light eclipsed my vision.

I roared and let go, pounding everything at full speed. My lower half sank into her in a blur of raging static.

I flared my mandibles and opened my fangs wide and in full display.

Then somewhere in the ether, I heard Chyani scream.




My claws were stuck and indented into the metal wall. I pulled them out and uprooted my dick from Chyani’s warm folds.

Blue was everywhere and Chyani was secure in my other arm, nuzzling her nose into my neck.

My head drooped and my knees crumpled. I folded and flopped us both, me first, flat on the floor, and laid there breathing heavily with Chyani on my chest.

She nibbled on my ear and I eyed her warily. Then she sat up, turned around, and skimmed the tip of her tongue along my reptilian slit.

My groin ached and plumped back to life.

“Chyani,” I groaned, half deliriously. “We can take a breather and rest.”

“No, we can’t,” Chyani turned to me with a solemn smile. “Today might be our last chance.”

To be Continued... Ch 16: Wormpeak Depot (Chyani)



kiande amedha- xenomophs/Abura

c’ntlip= alcohol

pauk= fuck

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