Raven (Book One of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Twenty- Weakness

I was a very good singer, but no one knew. I refused to sing for anyone, except Lisa. Singing, I found, was the only way to make her stop crying. And I almost always would sing the same song. It was the one I learned in a dream at a young age, I learned it from my mother. She sang it for me, and so I sang it for Lisa, starting softly, remembering the times before.

Listen my child you say to me,

I am the voice of your history,

Be not afraid come follow me,

Answer my call and I’ll set you free.” I stopped singing, Lisa had run over and hugged me, tears streaming down her face. I ran my hand through her hair and kissed her forehead.

“I missed you so much Raven! I hoped you would come back,” I stepped back so I could look at her face.

“Why did you want me to come back? I didn’t think you guys would miss me.” I was genuinely surprised that they were this happy to see me. Suddenly, Lisa’s face looked guilty, I raised my eyebrow at her.

“We wanted you to come back because we never told mom, what happened. We missed you and it was hard to talk about you without getting upset.” I looked from Max to Lisa, and only saw sadness and honesty in their eyes. I smiled sadly.

“Well, I’m here now. I would be happy to help you tell the story of what happened after the rogues attacked.” I looked at Lilliana who nodded.

“Come on, let’s go eat. You can tell dad and I the story after dinner, okay?” Lilliana said looking at her children. They nodded and pulled me over to the table. After much arguing, the two siblings agreed that I would sit between them. Lilli yelled up the stairs, for who I assume is her mate. A man came down, he had dark hair and blue eyes. He was well-built and very tall. Him and Max looked very much alike.

He walked over to the table and sat down next to Lilliana. Lilliana turned to me.

“Raven, this is my mate Daniel, and Daniel this is Raven.” I smiled and shook his hand. Daniel seemed a little confused as to who I was still.

“Hi, it is nice to meet you. I’m sorry I couldn’t meet you before, but I have been extremely busy since.”

“What do you mean, before?” He looked expectantly at Lilliana. She face palmed herself.

“Damn it, I just realized I never told you about that event. Well, five years ago, when you were dealing with the Alpha of the Green Mountain Pack, we were attacked by rogues. The kids and I were out collecting some beautiful flowers, and a large group of rogues came out of nowhere. Several attacked me, and I passed out from a particularly large blow to the head. When I woke up, the kids were gone.

I spent weeks trying to track them, but always came up empty. So I gave up after a month, the few scents I could find were gone, and I thought that they were dead. After all, kids that young wouldn’t be able to survive on their own, and I didn’t see any reason for the rogues to keep them.

I was on my way to the Green Mountain Pack, actually, when I finally found them. Well, I found Raven. I ran into her, and tried to attack her. I thought she was going to kill me, but she told me she knew where my children were. Turns out, she had taken care of them for the whole time.” She finished, smiling at me. I saw that Daniel’s eyes were wide, and his mouth was slightly opened. He looked like he wanted to say something, but was struggling.

“Wh-why, didn’t you tell me this?” He stuttered looking at Lilliana.

“Because I didn’t know how you’d take it. I was worried you would leave me for being such an irresponsible mother.” Daniel’s eyes softened.

“I would never leave you. I just wish you would’ve told me, that’s all. Will we get to find out what happened during the time that Raven took care of our children?” He asked looking at me.

“I would like to tell you, yes. But I believe we should wait until tomorrow, it is a very long story. And I have travelled very far, I do not think I have the energy to tell it tonight.” Lilliana and Daniel nodded in understanding. We ate our food, and I told them about my journey from the Silver Bloods Pack, to here. Once I was finished, I said goodnight to everyone and left to go to my room. I took a shower, and put on a T-shirt and shorts. I realized the T-shirt was Blake’s and groaned in frustration. How the hell did this get in here? I thought irritably. Now I won’t be able to stop thinking about him. Akira whined.

Why did we leave our mate? I miss him! I missed him too, but I knew that I would only cause him more pain.

I miss him too, but we can’t go back. We will only cause him more pain. And he has felt enough with the loss of his cousin, and that was my fault. I’m sorry Akira, I didn’t even know I had a wolf yet so it is all my fault. I’m so sorry, I thought, feeling sorry for my wolf that she got such a horrible person like me to be with her.

Do not worry Raven, I do not blame you. I just wish things could be different.

So do I Akira, so do I.

I layed down in the bed, it was soft, but also cold. Without Blake’s body besides mine, the bed was freezing, just like my heart. I was a bitch, and I knew it. I just wish I could be compassionate like my mother had been, I never knew her, and I wish I did. She could have made me become a better person, and learn how to be a great Luna. But she didn’t, so I was a cold-hearted killer, that didn’t deserve a mate. Blake would have realized it if I had stayed, so it is better that I leave before I cause any more pain.

I closed my eyes, and tried to sleep. Immediately, I was thrown into a flashback. It was of when I first met Lisa and Max.


Leaves drifted to the ground, littering the grass with specks of red and gold. A slight breeze blew, lifting the leaves and making them dance through the air. Everything was silent, not even my footsteps were heard. My cloak swished behind me, flowing in the wind. The sun was warm, and there were clouds in the sky, promising rain.

I was returning home after a particularly difficult assignment, it was early September. I was was in the middle of an extremely large forest, and heard a scream. It was faint, but still not too far away. It sounded like a child, a hurt child.

The wind whipped past me, as I ran towards the noise. Many screams followed the first one, and became louder as I got closer to the source. I stopped when the sounds were nearby, and crouched behind a bush. Looking around it, I saw a large group of rogues standing in a circle. The screams were coming from inside their circle, but the bodies of several men blocked my view.

I decided to scale the tree next to me, and get a look of where the screams were coming from. I settled on a thick branch 15 feet above the ground. Inside the circle of rogues, there was a boy and a girl. The boy was standing, and the younger girl was clutching his arm, both had tears running down their faces.

A man stepped forward, I assume their leader, and grinned down at the two children. It was an evil grin, one that held the promise of pain, and suffering. He pulled out a hand from behind his back, and something gleamed in the light. A knife.

Damn, children, my one weakness. I thought. I pulled out my katana, the blade of shining diamond. In a flash, I leapt out of the tree, into the center of the rogue circle. Facing the leader, I pushed the children behind me. I pointed the tip of my sword towards the rogue’s neck. He didn’t drop the knife, just laugh maniacally.

“Awww, how adorable. A little girl coming to save the kids. I doubt you even know how to use that,” he sneered, pointing to my sword. I raised an eyebrow.

“What makes you think that I don’t know how to use this?”

“You look to be thirteen, and you’re a girl,” he said in a ‘’duh’ tone. I cocked my left hand on my hip, pushing aside my cloak in the process. My movement revealed the other weapons that made themselves at home on my belt.

“Actually, I am fourteen. And I am not just any girl, I am a Hunter. The only female Hunter to ever exist.” I smirked. I was well known among werewolves, rogues and packs. I was known for my skills, because I was the best Hunter, and I got to the top at twelve years old.

I watched the rogues’ eyes widen in recognition. His face paled and he tried to cover it up with a smirk.

“You think I am afraid of you, Raven,” he spat. I shook my head.

“No, I don’t think you’re afraid of me. I know you are.” I smiled before taking a dagger with my left hand, and throwing it at his chest. It hit his heart, and his lifeless body slumped to the ground. I grinned and turned, looking around the circle.

“Who’s next?”

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