Raven (Book One of the Dark Lycans Series)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Nine: Trapped

I watched as the wolf burned deeper into my skin, no doubt leaving a scar. My teeth began to hurt as I gritted them tighter against the pain.

"There, that should serve as a good reminder of us. What do you think?" Matthew smiled as he removed the branding iron.

My jaw clenched in anger, and I forced a smile. "It'll be a wonderful addition to my other battle scars," I sarcastically replied.

"There are more to come unless you answer my questions," he tilted his head and asked, his voice displaying false innocence.

"Depends on the question," I narrowed my eyes at the monster before me.

He chuckled slightly, "How do you have a mark, and whose is it?"

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Why do you want to know so bad?"

"It isn't possible for you to have a mark or a mate, so why do you have both? Besides, I'm having fun with this, I get to punish you for being your stubborn self." He grinned at me.

I went to punch him but my limbs were still being restrained by the four men around me. My head was slammed against the stone floor. I winced at the pain that shot through my skull.

Matthew's grin grew wider, until I was certain his face was going to split. He suddenly turned around and began digging through the chest.

My eyes grew very big when he turned around with a whip. He made a small motion to the men, and my chains were undone.

Before I could try to make a move, I was spun, and lifted up roughly to my knees. I was faced away from Matthew, and bent over slightly.

My arms were straightened behind me and the men pushed down, making it impossible for me to move upwards.

I watched the shadows on the ground become bigger as Matthew moved closer to my exposed back. The searing lash of the whip struck my back and I cried out in shock.

The barbed tip of the weapon ripped my bandages, and they fell of my body. My chest was bare and I growled at the men that were staring at me hungrily.

I watched as their eyes began to turn black at my half-naked body. Another mark was made as the whip struck my back a second time. I gasped when I felt blood run down from the gash.

"I will stop once you give me the answers I want," I heard Matthew say. My leg shot out and I kicked the legs out from under the man nearest me. His grip on my arm loosened as he fell to the ground.

I tried to stand and used my free arm to punch the man holding my other arm. I attempted to yank my arm free, but a sudden punch to my jaw caught me off guard.

I could taste blood start to fill my mouth. My arms were quickly grabbed once again, and I was thrown back onto my knees.

I looked up to see Matthew standing in front of me. He kneeled down and tsked at me, waving his finger.

"That was a very bad girl Raven. And bad girls get spanked, don't they?" He asked with a smirk on his face. I spat the blood from my mouth onto his face. It left a spray of red across his no longer smirking face.

He growled loudly, and moved behind me. I yelped when his hand suddenly came down across my butt. Then the pervert started to rub my ass, before spanking me again.

"You dick! Get off me!" I screamed, thrashing about furiously. He laughed before taking up his whip again.

Matthew lashed it across my back, that was starting to sting from the previous whippings.

The whip hit my bare back twenty more times before Matthew wiped the blood off it and flicked it at my face. My own blood spattered my face and I hung my head, I was becoming very tired from all of the torture.

"Are you giving up already? I was really looking forward to our next little game," his voice rang out, even more sadistic than before.

I glared up him, "Game? Is that what you think this is?" I could hear the anger in my voice as I growled at him. He seemed slightly shocked at my outburst.

"Isn't that what it was when you killed all those wolves?" He shot back, his voice growing louder.

I snorted. "It was called my job! I grew up learning how to kill others, and to keep myself alive. Killing is all I've ever known," I screamed at him. Matthew's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"You could've stopped, you didn't have to kill them," he growled.

"I started killing when I was nine years old. I have killed so many, I started to enjoy it. The same way you enjoy seeing me in pain." I glared at him.

His eyes widened in realization that he was in fact enjoying hurting me the same way I enjoy killing others.

"Its not the same, I'm just giving you what you deserve," he snarled.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"I think you would help me sleep at night," he said nodding to the men to let me stand. Matthew hands came up to stroke my waist.

"Let go of me!" I shouted at him, jerking my body away. He grinned and motioned for the men to follow him. I was dragged down a stone path, into an area I didn't recognize.

I saw a wooden door open, and I was dragged inside. It was my worst nightmare in the large room.

I could feel my lip start to tremble as the memories from my teenage years came rushing back. I squeezed my eyes shut, blocking my view of the room.

When I opened my eyes again, I was able to appear calm, while inside I was shaking with fear.

My body froze at the sight of the bed with restrainments at the posts, and the rack of sex toys against the wall. I bit my lip until it bled, but I couldn't feel the pain, as my whole being was numb.

The men dragged me to the bed, I was kicking and fighting but it was no use against four large men. My arms were tied to the bedposts by leather straps, along with my legs.

Matthew ordered his men out of the room before locking the door. He faced me with a horrible grin, and I felt myself gag at his expression.

He got onto the bed between my legs, and used his claws to rip my pants off. I could feel my anger boiling inside as I laid in front of him with only my panties to cover me.

My wolf was clawing desperately to take over, but I managed to push her to the back of my mind. I watched as Matthew's eyes turned black and his wolf took over. My panties were ripped off and he began to feel my body.

I squirmed violently under him as his hands roamed over my breasts. I could feel my eyes turning black as Matthew's hands moved down between my legs. I snarled viciously at him when we heard a loud crashing noise.

My head snapped towards the door that had been knocked down. My heart leaped at the sight.

Blake was standing in the doorframe, and his eyes met mine before he let out a roar that could only be described as murderous.

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